penis plug (Full Version)

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master4sub81 -> penis plug (4/8/2014 5:15:14 AM)

A penis plug how long can you leave one in without it causing problems

thishereboi -> RE: penis plug (4/8/2014 5:56:02 AM)

I have never heard of a penis plug but I am going to guess that it goes in the urethra and plugs the penis. And since you are going to have to take it out every time you have to pee I am not seeing a real problem with how long it's in. Just make sure everything is sterile so you don't cause an infection and come up with a really good cover story in case it gets stuck and you have to explain it to an er doc.

Marc2b -> RE: penis plug (4/8/2014 6:08:19 AM)


I have never heard of a penis plug but I am going to guess that it goes in the urethra and plugs the penis. And since you are going to have to take it out every time you have to pee I am not seeing a real problem with how long it's in. Just make sure everything is sterile so you don't cause an infection and come up with a really good cover story in case it gets stuck and you have to explain it to an er doc.

I have tried to avoid hearing about penis plugs but . . . to late . . . that which has been seen cannot be unseen. Alas, due to lack of experience (I am a "to each his own" kind of guy but let me say . . . thank god I lack the experience) I am afraid that I am unable to answer the OP's question.

Does this put me on the Awareness shit list?

CynthiaWVirginia -> RE: penis plug (4/8/2014 7:18:00 AM)

We have experience with them. All good. Most have a tube down the middle so that someone can pee while wearing them, and a ring that slides over the head or...if there's a piercing hole on the underside (Prince Albert, I believe), some have a small screw that goes through the piercing hole and into the plug.

These cannot be lost up inside the penis. Unless you remove the ball, ring, or whatever, and try real hard to do something (tries to think of a nice word for stupid and can't, lol).

The feeling of fullness and of being invaded is lovely. Same for when I took the Hitachi over the tip and on the underside; it was orgasmic. Easy does it or you can scratch the urethra (I had him go pee afterward if/when this happens). We used water soluble lube to insert it instead of just having him slide it in while taking a shower. Cleanup was easy; clean and disinfect it by putting it through the dishwasher.

I don't know how long these can be left in. It's been our experience that snug underwear and/or snug jeans, etc., will make someone get sore/uncomfortable. Be careful about length and get something of high quality, with no sharp edges. It's supposed to feel great, not hurt. I would advise sticking with two to two and a half inch long penis plugs. Go easy on the girth.

My boy says that he usually wore them for a full day. The one that fit through the Prince Albert piercing he wore for three days at a time. He loves the one that's three inches long with bumps in it...but it took us half a year to work up to the girth of that one. (He says he LOVES the feel of it inside of him.)

Marc2b -> RE: penis plug (4/8/2014 8:49:53 AM)


These cannot be lost up inside the penis.

Oh dear god. Can you imagine having to explain that one to the ER staff?

DoYouLikePain -> RE: penis plug (4/12/2014 3:36:36 PM)


Good overall information & advice.

Other things to consider:
The LONGER it is, the more potential for pushing germs farther in ... luckily, unless a guy is hung like a peanut ... the male urethra is a decent defense against random bacteria, but the longer it is ... the shorter the distance the bugs gotta go to get to the bladder ... and party time.

So, yep, clean procedure precautions are smart (it is impossible to be "sterile" in this procedure).
Don't use one that is long ... 1.5" is safer than 3" long, ok?
Don't use it for protracted durations. Many get away with it for 24hrs or more ... but ... the more you extend the duration, the greater your chance for a UTI.
Do whatever else you can to make life hard on the bugs ... drink lots of cranberry juice ... such as at least a quart a day (if diabetic, then you have to calculate that into your sugar intake).
Vitamin C (as in plain ol' ascorbic acid), 500 mg twice a day or 1000 mg daily might be a good number ... it spills acid in the urine which the beasties don't like.

BEWARE of using over-sized jewelry (penis plugs) because if it's too large in diameter for your urethra, then the stretching can cause a tear, or, with prolonged usage, can cause a pressure erosion within the urethra which, can potentially cause a stricture ... and you will get to know your friendly urologist & his collection of steel sounds & catheters to stretch out the strictures. That being said ... repeated use of the same penis plug, will help to stretch the urethra & thereby prevent such strictures.

There are also penis plugs that do NOT have a borehole down the center ... so you have to take it out to pee ... which is a pretty good situation. (And I highly recommend, again, cranberry juice when putting a penis plug in, and have a load IN YOU before you pull it out, so that when you pee, you'll blast the bugs w/ very acid pee. Clear enough?)

Be aware that some penis plugs are 1) longer (see above), and 2) are of synthetic materials ... silicone, etc. The problem w/ silicone is that it'll invariably have a "seam" or joint w/ other materials ... and this is a point where 1) lotsa bacteria can hide & make a forward-staging area for the final race to the bladder, or 2) the seam acts as a sharp rasping edge inside the urethra ... smooth stainless is, on the whole, more comfortable. With that said, IF your stainless penis plug has a niche or scratch in it that you can feel with your finger, you can bet your urethra will feel it ... don't use it till the scratch is gone ... and I mean ... shiny, mirror smooth ... not just the sharp edges smoothed with a file.

Whether a penis plug is knobby or not is a matter of personal preference ... but diameter is a big matter in comfortable insertion, and length is a matter of safety for long term use.

IF it burns to pee when you pull it out, you have either scratched or stretched or torn the urethral lining, or left it in too long & caused a pressure sore ... and the only real cure is to pee, pee, pee. Again ... if you have filled up on cranberry juice BEFORE you pull it out, then the pee will have some cleansing properties. It's HARDEST to pee AFTER the plug is out ... it's EASIEST to pee IF you are so full that you pee WHILE you are pulling it out. IF, you've already pulled it out, and it burns too much to pee ... drink some more cranberry juice, and keep trying. One drop at a time, you can eventually get past the burning. Just hitch up your big boy jockey shorts & accept the pain ... and give it another try. Your doctor has no magical cure ... at very least you are gonna get a catheter, which will definitely push bacteria into your bladder. And your ER visit will cost you more than $1000.00.

The guaranteed way to get an infection, by the way, is to have vaginal or anal sex (on someone else) with the penis plug in your urethra. Just don't. And IF you have someone blow you while you have the penis plug in ... that's equally bad. The only possible work-around ... is 1 quart of cranberry juice BEFORE you have the sex ... take out the plug immediately afterwards ... and do another quart or 2 of cranberry juice immediately after. But ... advice is: just don't.

IF your dick swells up, changes colors, you can't pee at all ... etc ... that's when you get to do the walk of shame into ER. And, don't worry, your story won't matter ... they'll know what you've been up to & point & chuckle.

What nobody has mentioned it that a stainless penis plug is also good for 1 pole connection for electrical play BUT ... it's bound to be the smaller surface area than the other pole ... and the pole w/ the smallest skin surface area determines how high the settings can be. You can't crank up the penis plug voltage up to what you like on your butt plug or "the Juicer" on your female companion.

I hope that beats penis plugs to death. I can't think of anything else to add.

Since someone will wonder if I wear one ... never for more than an hour or 2 ... and I still drink cranberry juice before & after.

CynthiaWVirginia -> RE: penis plug (4/15/2014 12:49:23 PM)

If someone can't stand drinking cranberry juice, go to Walmart near the condoms and tampons area, look for AZO cranberry pills.

Btw, the last play party we hosted...some little evilratbastard stole two of them. Went through drawers inside the closet in our primary dungeon room to find them. (Makes me wish I had gone to some STD clinic and paid some infected person to dose them with the clap.) Anyway, the ones that disappeared weren't as scary...straight ones in a beginners' sized length and girth.

Our favorites have come from Penis Plugs Ablaze. I didn't know that other companies made them from anything other than stainless steel, so thanks for the heads' up. I've heard of hospitals having a "wall of weird" for stuff they've pulled out of rectums but I hadn't heard of stuff pulled from urethras. [:D]

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