Seizure disorder questions (Full Version)

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goodsubinCO -> Seizure disorder questions (5/7/2014 10:49:26 AM)

I have a couple of maybe odd questions.... First of all I have a seizure disorder that i must take medications for. That being said, i thought i had read somewhere that ppl with seizure disorders should never be gagged, has anyone else heard anything about this? And secondly has anyone else had problems achieving an orgasm while taking anti-seizure medications? Thanks, Sheryl

Bucephalus -> RE: Seizure disorder questions (5/7/2014 10:58:17 AM)

I have not heard anything about that, but I am interested in knowing as well. I've not used a gag on my submissive yet, and if it's going to cause her issues with her condition, I would rather avoid it.

goodsubinCO -> RE: Seizure disorder questions (5/7/2014 11:33:03 AM)

If I remember correctly i read that being gagged could cause a seizure and even death... so i until i hear otherwise that is a hard limit for me... Seizures leave me unconcious and confused as heck for a couple of weeks. Does your sub take meds for her disorder? And have you noticed that she has difficulty achieving an orgasm? My doctor told me that an O is a mini seizure, and my meds stop those so no O's..

Bucephalus -> RE: Seizure disorder questions (5/7/2014 12:43:17 PM)


ORIGINAL: goodsubinCO

If I remember correctly i read that being gagged could cause a seizure and even death... so i until i hear otherwise that is a hard limit for me... Seizures leave me unconcious and confused as heck for a couple of weeks. Does your sub take meds for her disorder? And have you noticed that she has difficulty achieving an orgasm? My doctor told me that an O is a mini seizure, and my meds stop those so no O's..

She does have the capability of reaching orgasm, and those don't seem to exacerbate her condition. I do believe she does take medication to prevent her seizures, I am not sure exactly what meds she is on exactly though. When she does have an episode, she is usually left very weak and drained, sometimes dizzy. Whenever she has them it does worry me. She does seem to have interest in being gagged as well, but I will not do that to her if it's going to effect her health negatively.

sirmstrpatrick -> RE: Seizure disorder questions (5/7/2014 2:43:52 PM)

I have seizures and take seizure medication but never exp.a seizure during being a slave even being gagged.

DesFIP -> RE: Seizure disorder questions (5/7/2014 5:11:07 PM)

The anti-convulsants like Lamictal can interfere with libido and the ability to orgasm.
The risk of gags comes not from the medication but if you had a seizure while gagged. You could suffer from asphyxia if unable to clear the mouth.

I suggest you talk honestly with your doctor. They won't pass judgment on you, and they do want to make sure you're safe. They are the best people to talk to about how to do this as safely as possible.

NiceButMeanGirl -> RE: Seizure disorder questions (5/7/2014 10:00:48 PM)

I take two meds classified as anti-seizure meds, but use them off-label for mood-stabilizing my bipolar. I have absolutely zero problems orgasming & I've taken both those meds for several years so far.


goodsubinCO -> RE: Seizure disorder questions (5/8/2014 4:21:16 AM)

Ok, now I am just wondering which of my Dr.s do I ask this question to? As my health has gone down they keep sending to more and more specialists. I would at first thought mention it to my Neurologist. But as I am on an anti-seizure drug that keeps me from having a single seizure in over a decade, I would hate to say something and be taken off of it and start having seizures all the time once again. I am phenobarbital. It's an old medication that as far I as I can tell is very safe other than making me bruise easily. That particular side effect I have finally gotten used to.. And I have been on most of the newer meds before they tried this one, so maybe you can understand why I am a bit afraid to mention this. In addition if I start having seizures again, the state will yank my drivers license in a New York Second.. And I live in the middle of no where so that is a problem as well since I have to drive almost an hour just to see my Gen. Practicioner. And almost 300 miles to see the Neurologist. And I know this is going to sound stupid but I embarrass easily and I don't know how to bring up the issue of lack of Orgasms... Compared to having seizures that seems like a minor issue. I am open to any suggestions... and ideas... Please feel free to send me a message. I only started this thread because I figured that I wasn't the only one wondering about this. I spoke to an EMT friend of mine after I started that thread and was told again that gags were a NO GO. but it was nice to get some professional advice. I had thought I had read about it. But after trying to locate an article about it on the internet I had come up with nothing, yet I was almost 100% sure that a gag was a bad idea. And since I have a TBI <Traumatic Brain Injury> with the Asyphicaxition.. most likely I misspelled that word... but another post listed it correctly.

Thank you for any and all advice and assistance provided.



librasub24and7 -> RE: Seizure disorder questions (5/8/2014 4:40:03 AM)

Hello. i completely agree with DesFIP. talk to the doctor managing your seizure medication. gagging can be dangerous for anyone if not done properly. the potential connection to seizures would be lack of oxygen to the brain which can lead to seizures, coma and death. regarding orgasm issues it is possible a different anticonvulsant may not have this effect on you. is again a concern to discuss with your doctor to see what options you have. never forget you have the right to a second opinion if not satisfied with the care you are getting.

librasub24and7 -> RE: Seizure disorder questions (5/8/2014 4:49:18 AM)

are you sure it's the phenobarbital? have you had the orgasm issues the full ten years of treatment or has it developed over time? am wondering because of your comment re health going down and more and more specialists. maybe multiple factors are at play? don't be embarrassed to talk about any and all of your concerns with your doctor...believe me most health care providers have heard it all. their concern is keeping you healthy in all aspects of your life.

goodsubinCO -> RE: Seizure disorder questions (5/8/2014 7:00:14 AM)

I am 99.9% sure it's my seizure medication that is the issue... Before I started having seizures I could have orgasms now not so much. And if my only choice is an orgasm or seizure control, i will take seizure control. lol.. The only other issues are pain issues and other than controlling the pain I am pretty healthy. I was in a freak horse training accident in 1997 that almost took my life that started the seizures when I almost died, spent three weeks in a coma on a vent and then had to re-learn everything but I was able to have an orgasm before I was put on this medication. Thanks for your advice and I will ask my neurologist when I see him I think in October. Where I live I only have One Neurologist that my health insurance will cover.. And that has changed each year for the past three years. So each year I get to go thru all the tests again... Not sure what I hate more the MRI's or the EEG's lol.. smh...


angelikaJ -> RE: Seizure disorder questions (5/8/2014 7:05:21 AM)

According to this:
Phenobarbital does have sexual side effects.

Ultimatetragedy -> RE: Seizure disorder questions (5/8/2014 5:02:31 PM)

Please dont trust an EMT for medical advice.....a few months of training at a local community college doesnt qualify them to make any sort of diagnosis or treatment plan--even though they would like to think they are well versed. Speak to a qualified neurologist and relay your concerns

Lynnxz -> RE: Seizure disorder questions (5/8/2014 11:19:38 PM)

The only problem I see with the gag, is if you were to have a seizure while wearing it. There's always the possibility of chomping it in half then sucking it down your windpipe. I'd avoid them if you have poorly controlled seizures.

I would discuss the orgasm question with a neurologist. I know you said it's far, and you're embarrassed, but they've probably had way stranger questions asked of them anyway.

mars0is0bright -> RE: Seizure disorder questions (5/9/2014 11:53:02 AM)

Hey. I don't know how relevant this is (since I never connected it to the seizure medication) but I've never been able to orgasm. I was put on fludrocortisone when I was in eighth grade to help with a seizure disorder--orthostatic intolerance--but I haven't taken the meds for a couple of years, and I still don't orgasm. Might it be a side effect of the seizure disorder itself, not the meds?

Don't know about the gags... I only have partial-body seizures--shoulders down--so it hasn't been a concern of mine. It would be interesting to know, though.

DesFIP -> RE: Seizure disorder questions (5/9/2014 1:50:22 PM)

Medications that affect the brain when taken at a time the brain is still developing can leave permanent changes to the brain. Whether this is what's going on with you, I cannot speculate. You do need to ask your neurologist.

goodsubinCO -> RE: Seizure disorder questions (5/16/2014 6:54:24 AM)

Well, apparently I am able to have an Orgasm let's just say I was shocked speechless... But it still took a very long time to get to that state.


BecomingV -> RE: Seizure disorder questions (5/16/2014 7:22:04 AM)

Hi goodsubinCO

Have you looked on FetLife? There's a group there that lists kink-friendly professionals: doctors, lawyers, therapists, etc...

That's a place where you can find someone who is educated in both physical medicine and kink. If they are listed there, be assured that you aren't the first person to ask them these questions.

angelikaJ -> RE: Seizure disorder questions (5/16/2014 7:41:51 AM)


ORIGINAL: mars0is0bright

Hey. I don't know how relevant this is (since I never connected it to the seizure medication) but I've never been able to orgasm. I was put on fludrocortisone when I was in eighth grade to help with a seizure disorder--orthostatic intolerance--but I haven't taken the meds for a couple of years, and I still don't orgasm. Might it be a side effect of the seizure disorder itself, not the meds?

Don't know about the gags... I only have partial-body seizures--shoulders down--so it hasn't been a concern of mine. It would be interesting to know, though.

It may just be that you haven't learned how to orgasm yet.
There are many women who discover what is their specific stimulation for orgasm in their 30s or later.

goodsubinCO -> RE: Seizure disorder questions (5/19/2014 11:23:04 PM)

Oh goodness, I have to learn how to orgasm?

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