RE: Does self defense allow you to beat someone to death"? (Full Version)

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joether -> RE: Does self defense allow you to beat someone to death"? (5/21/2014 12:27:48 PM)


Someone (they oppose the use of firearms for self defense) in another thread argues that if self defense allows you to shoot and kill someone it allows you to (when unarmed) to continue beating a helpless attacker until the are dead. Does anyone else see hypocrisy in this.

Just wish to you to clarify something for me. Are we talking self defense:

A ) In the Home/Residence?
B ) In one's place of business/work?
C ) Out in the public eye (i.e. parks, roadways, places with lots of people, etc.)?
D ) All the above?

And self defense from what, exactly?

A ) Intent to threaten/intimidate?
B ) Intent to injure?
C ) Intent to kill?

I know it might sound silly, but humor me. I've heard of little league baseball games were the adults are getting so out of hand after a call is played by an umpire. That two or more adults become enraged, shouting at the top of their lungs, threatening each other with bodily harm, and even acting upon it. Scores of examples of one or both sides being sent to the hospital for injures inflicted. We as Americans have been fortunate (to my knowledge) that one or both sides did not erupt with firearm in hand, blind rage in mind, and a determination to 'settle a score' by deadly means. Where does self defense come into play here?

I don't argue when someone breaches the home, and those within use firearms for self defense (or any other weapon on hand). That's the castle doctrine. But if you leave your front door open, at night, in an area riddled with crime; Is it self defense or just plain stupidity?

The problem in the USA, is there exists so many variants to the concept of 'self defense', that were in your area my 'definition' of self defense 'would not work/is illegal/to light' and vise versa. Some states have the 'Castle Doctrine' others, 'Stand Your Ground', while still further other states of a hodge-podging of different ideas. Which of the many definitions of 'self defense' are we using in this discussion? And do we all agree on that definition?

I hope you understand, that I'm not posting this to slam your viewpoints or creation of the thread. Just trying to get definitions and concepts understood ahead of time, so we can have the real 'meat' of the discussion take place.

BamaD -> RE: Does self defense allow you to beat someone to death"? (5/21/2014 12:40:03 PM)


ORIGINAL: joether


Someone (they oppose the use of firearms for self defense) in another thread argues that if self defense allows you to shoot and kill someone it allows you to (when unarmed) to continue beating a helpless attacker until the are dead. Does anyone else see hypocrisy in this.

Just wish to you to clarify something for me. Are we talking self defense:

A ) In the Home/Residence?
B ) In one's place of business/work?
C ) Out in the public eye (i.e. parks, roadways, places with lots of people, etc.)?
D ) All the above?

And self defense from what, exactly?

A ) Intent to threaten/intimidate?
B ) Intent to injure?
C ) Intent to kill?

I know it might sound silly, but humor me. I've heard of little league baseball games were the adults are getting so out of hand after a call is played by an umpire. That two or more adults become enraged, shouting at the top of their lungs, threatening each other with bodily harm, and even acting upon it. Scores of examples of one or both sides being sent to the hospital for injures inflicted. We as Americans have been fortunate (to my knowledge) that one or both sides did not erupt with firearm in hand, blind rage in mind, and a determination to 'settle a score' by deadly means. Where does self defense come into play here?

I don't argue when someone breaches the home, and those within use firearms for self defense (or any other weapon on hand). That's the castle doctrine. But if you leave your front door open, at night, in an area riddled with crime; Is it self defense or just plain stupidity?

The problem in the USA, is there exists so many variants to the concept of 'self defense', that were in your area my 'definition' of self defense 'would not work/is illegal/to light' and vise versa. Some states have the 'Castle Doctrine' others, 'Stand Your Ground', while still further other states of a hodge-podging of different ideas. Which of the many definitions of 'self defense' are we using in this discussion? And do we all agree on that definition?

I hope you understand, that I'm not posting this to slam your viewpoints or creation of the thread. Just trying to get definitions and concepts understood ahead of time, so we can have the real 'meat' of the discussion take place.

Nothing in your post struck me as an attack.
The argument that inspired this thread was that since self defense can be claimed when someone kills
a person with a gun, there is no need to stop a beating before the attacker is dead.
That since one bullet can kill there is no legal or moral reason to stop a beating before the attacker stops breathing.
The specific situation where it came up was where the guy shot a "floater" in MO.
And where the beating would be administered by four people one of whom was an x ranger

joether -> RE: Does self defense allow you to beat someone to death"? (5/21/2014 12:45:22 PM)


ORIGINAL: TheHeretic

My point is that this would still lead to manslaughter charges.
The person who inspired this thread insisted that there would, and should be no legal reproductions.

Even the cleanest and most justifiable use of deadly force in self-defense gets a legal review, and that is exactly as it should be. That can include charges being filed, and a trial before the jury. Or it could be an investigator looking at the evidence, and saying, "nice shooting, ma'am. Will your grandkids be picking you up to spend the rest of the night at their house?"

But that's just it, Heretic, even the "...cleanest and most justifiable use of deadly force..." is not reviewed often to see if the matter was 'self defense' or not. Its rare to find a court case in which the self defense argument is used, and it was clean and justified. Much more often than not, facts are not present, people say conflicting things, and the scene of the crime is just a jumble of problems. The Zimmerman case is one good example of this. We have a thread on this here forum all about it. And that 'un-moderated' thread only got started because any number of us started over a dozen different threads and the Moderators got tired of policing each one. Political agendas aside, Heretic, that case was not one of 'clean and justifiable'. But serves as an example of the sort of cases in many courts across the nation that are not as well publicized, but equally hard to determine fault.

We all have different views on self defense, but I believe we can come to some agreement on common viewpoints, right?

BamaD -> RE: Does self defense allow you to beat someone to death"? (5/21/2014 1:05:03 PM)


ORIGINAL: joether


ORIGINAL: TheHeretic

My point is that this would still lead to manslaughter charges.
The person who inspired this thread insisted that there would, and should be no legal reproductions.

Even the cleanest and most justifiable use of deadly force in self-defense gets a legal review, and that is exactly as it should be. That can include charges being filed, and a trial before the jury. Or it could be an investigator looking at the evidence, and saying, "nice shooting, ma'am. Will your grandkids be picking you up to spend the rest of the night at their house?"

But that's just it, Heretic, even the "...cleanest and most justifiable use of deadly force..." is not reviewed often to see if the matter was 'self defense' or not. Its rare to find a court case in which the self defense argument is used, and it was clean and justified. Much more often than not, facts are not present, people say conflicting things, and the scene of the crime is just a jumble of problems. The Zimmerman case is one good example of this. We have a thread on this here forum all about it. And that 'un-moderated' thread only got started because any number of us started over a dozen different threads and the Moderators got tired of policing each one. Political agendas aside, Heretic, that case was not one of 'clean and justifiable'. But serves as an example of the sort of cases in many courts across the nation that are not as well publicized, but equally hard to determine fault.

We all have different views on self defense, but I believe we can come to some agreement on common viewpoints, right?

Reality isn't neat and clean.

Musicmystery -> RE: Does self defense allow you to beat someone to death"? (5/21/2014 1:09:45 PM)


That since one bullet can kill there is no legal or moral reason to stop a beating before the attacker stops breathing.

Seems to me that someone interested in skill with a firearm could choose to wound without much difficulty.

Shooting instead to kill becomes a choice.

BamaD -> RE: Does self defense allow you to beat someone to death"? (5/21/2014 1:14:01 PM)


ORIGINAL: joether


ORIGINAL: TheHeretic

My point is that this would still lead to manslaughter charges.
The person who inspired this thread insisted that there would, and should be no legal reproductions.

Even the cleanest and most justifiable use of deadly force in self-defense gets a legal review, and that is exactly as it should be. That can include charges being filed, and a trial before the jury. Or it could be an investigator looking at the evidence, and saying, "nice shooting, ma'am. Will your grandkids be picking you up to spend the rest of the night at their house?"

But that's just it, Heretic, even the "...cleanest and most justifiable use of deadly force..." is not reviewed often to see if the matter was 'self defense' or not. Its rare to find a court case in which the self defense argument is used, and it was clean and justified. Much more often than not, facts are not present, people say conflicting things, and the scene of the crime is just a jumble of problems. The Zimmerman case is one good example of this. We have a thread on this here forum all about it. And that 'un-moderated' thread only got started because any number of us started over a dozen different threads and the Moderators got tired of policing each one. Political agendas aside, Heretic, that case was not one of 'clean and justifiable'. But serves as an example of the sort of cases in many courts across the nation that are not as well publicized, but equally hard to determine fault.

We all have different views on self defense, but I believe we can come to some agreement on common viewpoints, right?

We have a couple of people who insist that if you aren't injured and can't prove they shot first it isn't self defense. I think that reasonable people can agree that that is too strict an interpretation.
I think we can also agree that you can't shoot someone because of a general feeling that they could be a threat.

joether -> RE: Does self defense allow you to beat someone to death"? (5/21/2014 1:34:19 PM)



ORIGINAL: joether

ORIGINAL: TheHeretic

My point is that this would still lead to manslaughter charges.
The person who inspired this thread insisted that there would, and should be no legal reproductions.

Even the cleanest and most justifiable use of deadly force in self-defense gets a legal review, and that is exactly as it should be. That can include charges being filed, and a trial before the jury. Or it could be an investigator looking at the evidence, and saying, "nice shooting, ma'am. Will your grandkids be picking you up to spend the rest of the night at their house?"

But that's just it, Heretic, even the "...cleanest and most justifiable use of deadly force..." is not reviewed often to see if the matter was 'self defense' or not. Its rare to find a court case in which the self defense argument is used, and it was clean and justified. Much more often than not, facts are not present, people say conflicting things, and the scene of the crime is just a jumble of problems. The Zimmerman case is one good example of this. We have a thread on this here forum all about it. And that 'un-moderated' thread only got started because any number of us started over a dozen different threads and the Moderators got tired of policing each one. Political agendas aside, Heretic, that case was not one of 'clean and justifiable'. But serves as an example of the sort of cases in many courts across the nation that are not as well publicized, but equally hard to determine fault.

We all have different views on self defense, but I believe we can come to some agreement on common viewpoints, right?

We have a couple of people who insist that if you aren't injured and can't prove they shot first it isn't self defense. I think that reasonable people can agree that that is too strict an interpretation.
I think we can also agree that you can't shoot someone because of a general feeling that they could be a threat.

I agree one should not be allowed to shot and/or injure someone else (be it with arm/leg/foot/hand/head or other object in melee combat), by feeling threaten by another person. There has to be a defining point when 'threat' becomes 'violent'. How does a society establish that 'moment' of time between 'self defense' and 'acting out in a criminal fashion'? Since that would allow for general warfare at any political event. The OWS crowd stumbling into the Tea Party Rally would end in a blood bath that makes the Boston Massacre look timid in comparison. Which in my view is the fallacy with the 'Stand Your Ground' laws in existence. Opens a door that allows this behavior to erupt; were as a more restricted view helps a self defense argument in a court case. Rather than vague and widely open to interpretation on 'self defense', the rules of self defense are pretty well established. Hence, my original post on this thread seeking clarification and definition. The US Military has 'rules of engagement' that are pretty well defined. Its set up to cover problem situations that in the past posed problems for the military and/or the nation (and we learned from those past mistakes).

I may or may not be disagreeing with you in one thing, BamaD.....I *DONT* want the National Rifle Association (NRA) nor the Brady Against Gun Violence, to be defining self defense for the nation. Such laws and definitions would need to be agreed upon by the majority of Americans, not just the special interest groups. Through laws and or a specific additional amendment.

BamaD -> RE: Does self defense allow you to beat someone to death"? (5/21/2014 2:32:41 PM)


ORIGINAL: joether



ORIGINAL: joether

ORIGINAL: TheHeretic

My point is that this would still lead to manslaughter charges.
The person who inspired this thread insisted that there would, and should be no legal reproductions.

Even the cleanest and most justifiable use of deadly force in self-defense gets a legal review, and that is exactly as it should be. That can include charges being filed, and a trial before the jury. Or it could be an investigator looking at the evidence, and saying, "nice shooting, ma'am. Will your grandkids be picking you up to spend the rest of the night at their house?"

But that's just it, Heretic, even the "...cleanest and most justifiable use of deadly force..." is not reviewed often to see if the matter was 'self defense' or not. Its rare to find a court case in which the self defense argument is used, and it was clean and justified. Much more often than not, facts are not present, people say conflicting things, and the scene of the crime is just a jumble of problems. The Zimmerman case is one good example of this. We have a thread on this here forum all about it. And that 'un-moderated' thread only got started because any number of us started over a dozen different threads and the Moderators got tired of policing each one. Political agendas aside, Heretic, that case was not one of 'clean and justifiable'. But serves as an example of the sort of cases in many courts across the nation that are not as well publicized, but equally hard to determine fault.

We all have different views on self defense, but I believe we can come to some agreement on common viewpoints, right?

We have a couple of people who insist that if you aren't injured and can't prove they shot first it isn't self defense. I think that reasonable people can agree that that is too strict an interpretation.
I think we can also agree that you can't shoot someone because of a general feeling that they could be a threat.

I agree one should not be allowed to shot and/or injure someone else (be it with arm/leg/foot/hand/head or other object in melee combat), by feeling threaten by another person. There has to be a defining point when 'threat' becomes 'violent'. How does a society establish that 'moment' of time between 'self defense' and 'acting out in a criminal fashion'? Since that would allow for general warfare at any political event. The OWS crowd stumbling into the Tea Party Rally would end in a blood bath that makes the Boston Massacre look timid in comparison. Which in my view is the fallacy with the 'Stand Your Ground' laws in existence. Opens a door that allows this behavior to erupt; were as a more restricted view helps a self defense argument in a court case. Rather than vague and widely open to interpretation on 'self defense', the rules of self defense are pretty well established. Hence, my original post on this thread seeking clarification and definition. The US Military has 'rules of engagement' that are pretty well defined. Its set up to cover problem situations that in the past posed problems for the military and/or the nation (and we learned from those past mistakes).

I may or may not be disagreeing with you in one thing, BamaD.....I *DONT* want the National Rifle Association (NRA) nor the Brady Against Gun Violence, to be defining self defense for the nation. Such laws and definitions would need to be agreed upon by the majority of Americans, not just the special interest groups. Through laws and or a specific additional amendment.

In the 80's a group of left-wing groups held a death to the klan march in NC.
They didn't understand that the klan wouldn't take this as a figure of speech, and they didn't believe
in guns.
They went prepared for a fight, with baseball bats and 2 by 4s.
Two lessons
1 Know the enemy
2 Don't go to gun fight with a baseball fact.

Many people see SYG as a blank check to shoot people. It is not, it just says you don't have to prove
that you tried to run away. Other than that the standard rules of self defense apply.
When people have tried to use SYG as an excuse to shoot someone who was annoying or vaguely threatening they have consistently ended up in jail.

DomKen -> RE: Does self defense allow you to beat someone to death"? (5/21/2014 2:56:52 PM)



Someone (they oppose the use of firearms for self defense) in another thread argues that if self defense allows you to shoot and kill someone it allows you to (when unarmed) to continue beating a helpless attacker until the are dead. Does anyone else see hypocrisy in this.

You are a fucking liar.
I do not oppose using a weapon in defense of myself or others. I just find most of the cases that make the news to be crap. Shooting old men wandering around in the dark is not self defense.

PeonForHer -> RE: Does self defense allow you to beat someone to death"? (5/21/2014 3:00:45 PM)


You are a fucking liar.
I do not oppose using a weapon in defense of myself or others. I just find most of the cases that make the news to be crap. Shooting old men wandering around in the dark is not self defense.

It's OK, Ken. Only a demented looney would believe you'd made the argument just as it was presented in the OP. Apparently most people here believe likewise.

CobaltRose -> RE: Does self defense allow you to beat someone to death"? (5/21/2014 3:04:54 PM)

Shooting someone in self defense, once, just to incapacitate (which may have the unintended side effect of death) is the same as punching out someone (which depending on where and how hard you punch can cause death) who was beating on you. Its so you can get the hell out of there. Beating someone to death even though they no longer pose a threat to you is the same as repeatedly shooting a guy whom you shoot in the legs even though he no longer poses a threat.

DomKen -> RE: Does self defense allow you to beat someone to death"? (5/21/2014 3:09:29 PM)


ORIGINAL: Musicmystery


That since one bullet can kill there is no legal or moral reason to stop a beating before the attacker stops breathing.

Seems to me that someone interested in skill with a firearm could choose to wound without much difficulty.

Shooting instead to kill becomes a choice.

That is not true. Almost any gunshot wound can kill. And the ones that don't are also next to useless for stopping a person from attacking you. If you shoot someone you aim for center mass and you shoot to kill.

thompsonx -> RE: Does self defense allow you to beat someone to death"? (5/21/2014 3:09:32 PM)



ORIGINAL: Musicmystery



Someone (they oppose the use of firearms for self defense) in another thread argues that if self defense allows you to shoot and kill someone it allows you to (when unarmed) to continue beating a helpless attacker until the are dead. Does anyone else see hypocrisy in this.

No. I do see you missing the point that comparison presents.

I am not the least bit surprised that you found this to be a brilliant comparison.
It is self defense if your first blow breaks their neck.

When has this ever happened?

It is not self defense if you stomp him when he is helpless.
If you kill an attacker with a gun that is self defense.

I have listened to just about every punkassmotherfucker who thinks he is rambo run off at the mouth about their skill with a gun. Yet these same punkassmotherfuckers do not posses the talent to shot someone in a non fatal maner. Your foot is a pretty big target and I can fucking god damn guarentee you that if I shot someone in the foot they are going to change their name to "hopalong" I shoot them in the other foot and they will call them "crawl along". Oh yes their attitude becomes instantly more docile...pleeding if you will. Do a little fucking research and find out how many people went to jail for killing their"boogy man" vs. how many went to jail for intentionally inflicting a less than fatal wound.If there is no need to kill them why do it?
It is not self defense if you stand over him and continue firing when he is helpless.

Killing someone is not self defense if you could stop them with less than lethal force.

I expected you to see that there is a point after which the law has to say a person has gone to far.

The problem with your moronic analogy is that the guy with the gun is given the lethal option up front.

PeonForHer -> RE: Does self defense allow you to beat someone to death"? (5/21/2014 3:14:58 PM)




ORIGINAL: Musicmystery


That since one bullet can kill there is no legal or moral reason to stop a beating before the attacker stops breathing.

Seems to me that someone interested in skill with a firearm could choose to wound without much difficulty.

Shooting instead to kill becomes a choice.

That is not true. Almost any gunshot wound can kill. And the ones that don't are also next to useless for stopping a person from attacking you. If you shoot someone you aim for center mass and you shoot to kill.

Again, that's what licensed police gun users are told here in the UK, too.

thompsonx -> RE: Does self defense allow you to beat someone to death"? (5/21/2014 3:23:56 PM)

ORIGINAL: TheHeretic

I don't see any hypocrisy in it at all. If an innocent person is attacked, and forced to defend themselves, God only knows what weird thing may happen in the mind when fight/flight kicks on the afterburners. The right of self defense is about what that individual perceives and believes at the moment.

That fella from missouri said that and the jury said they did not believe it would appear that your opinion is full of shit.

Let's say a Darwin Award candidate with rape on his mind grabs that woman who went nuts at the McDonald's drive thru . If she guts him like a trout with a nearby knife, stabs him 140 times with a broken beer bottle, or crushes his larynx in her hands and stares into his eyes while the soul leaves, it's still his bad. So sad.

Perhaps thee and she might correspond while she is in prison? Because that scenario is called murder.

I think it is probably better left to the juries in such cases, rather than statute, but, "I snapped, and seemed to be standing outside myself while I kicked in the skull of the man who attacked me for no good reason," ought to be a legitimate defense argument to present to such a jury.

Probably not for you since your personal feelings on the matter are a matte of public record[8|]

I think it would be very similar to the Kaarma case. Very poor choice of intended victim.

The gun is just one very good tool for the job of self-defense, but in hot blood, and with a righteous berserker rage on, there are endless ways to get it done.

That would be the ignorant unsubstantiated opinion of someone who has yet to attend his first bar-b-q. The facts are that righteous berserker rage not only spoils your aim but obscures your judgement making you an easy victim/target for someone who does this sort of shit for a living.

thompsonx -> RE: Does self defense allow you to beat someone to death"? (5/21/2014 3:34:49 PM)



ORIGINAL: Musicmystery


That since one bullet can kill there is no legal or moral reason to stop a beating before the attacker stops breathing.

Seems to me that someone interested in skill with a firearm could choose to wound without much difficulty.

Shooting instead to kill becomes a choice.

That is not true. Almost any gunshot wound can kill.

That is a sorry fucking play on the word "can". No one here buys that shit so why trot it out?

And the ones that don't are also next to useless for stopping a person from attacking you.

Let someone shoot you in the foot and see if your attitude changes to "ouchx10...n.

If you shoot someone you aim for center mass and you shoot to kill.

Why is that? Did you see that in a movie? Do you think that when you pull the trigger you know all the relevant facts? If you cannot hit what you aim at you have no business owning a firearm. If you can then there is no reason to kill anyone unless you just want to so that you can cross that off of your "bucket list".

thompsonx -> RE: Does self defense allow you to beat someone to death"? (5/21/2014 3:37:14 PM)

ORIGINAL: DaddySatyr

I would most assuredly beat them until I no longer believed them to be a threat. If they happened to die from their injuries, I wouldn't lose a wink of sleep

That could get you free room and board at taxpayers expense just like that "god ol boy" from missouri.

thompsonx -> RE: Does self defense allow you to beat someone to death"? (5/21/2014 3:42:10 PM)

ORIGINAL: Phydeaux


Gang banger who has a bunch of buddies. He comes into your house alone. You're probably dead sooner or later anyway.
But you are probably safer if you kill him than if you leave him alive.

Its self defense if wounding him does not erase a reasonable fear for your life.


Didn't the king and parliment lable adams,jefferson,franklin et al as a bunch of gang bangers and issued a execute on sight order. Is that the sort of thing you are seeking?

Musicmystery -> RE: Does self defense allow you to beat someone to death"? (5/21/2014 3:56:43 PM)




ORIGINAL: Musicmystery


That since one bullet can kill there is no legal or moral reason to stop a beating before the attacker stops breathing.

Seems to me that someone interested in skill with a firearm could choose to wound without much difficulty.

Shooting instead to kill becomes a choice.

That is not true. Almost any gunshot wound can kill. And the ones that don't are also next to useless for stopping a person from attacking you. If you shoot someone you aim for center mass and you shoot to kill.

Oh hell an infected paper cut can kill.

That's not the point. But you've illustrated mine--the choice is to kill.

That it's not possible to incapacitate an attacker by wounding them is nonsense. Like saying you can't stop someone with a beating unless you kill them. It's a choice.

And in the "right" circumstances, maybe even a good choice, or at least an understandable one made in a difficult situation. But a choice.

BamaD -> RE: Does self defense allow you to beat someone to death"? (5/21/2014 3:58:55 PM)




ORIGINAL: Musicmystery


That since one bullet can kill there is no legal or moral reason to stop a beating before the attacker stops breathing.

Seems to me that someone interested in skill with a firearm could choose to wound without much difficulty.

Shooting instead to kill becomes a choice.

That is not true. Almost any gunshot wound can kill. And the ones that don't are also next to useless for stopping a person from attacking you. If you shoot someone you aim for center mass and you shoot to kill.

And yet the vast majority of gunshot victims survive.

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