Do we really need men? (Full Version)

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Lashra -> Do we really need men? (7/10/2006 7:14:21 AM)

Let me start by saying I am having a bad day, so this is not a happy thread. I do not feel well, my arthritic back is acting up very badly, my gallbladder hurts and yes, it needs to be removed. I am also PMSing and yes, I own a gun   and no this has nothing to do with BDSM, it is just a frustrated Mistress letting off a bit of steam.

I made the mistake of listening to the news and it put me in an even worse state of mind then I was already in. The news story was about the rape of an Iraqi girl by American soldiers. Now I am not looking for political debate, an ethical debate or a religious one, or anything of that nature. I am not looking to flame or be flamed. I just want to bitch. I love men, so please do not think I am a man hater, for I am nothing of the kind. I have a male sub that I love with all my being.

It is just; when you as a woman look at the world today can you truly say that men have done a wonderful job in their so-called leadership roles? Am I the only one who some days wants to beat the living shit out of  nearly every alpha male she see's and not in a fun way?

Do you ever get sick and tired of hearing how women are supposed to be submissive to men and to let them rule things, when most of them cannot even rule a pet hamster?
Do you ever want to scream stop raping and killing us (and our children) because you believe that it is your God given right to do so, or just because your physically stronger/bigger (not always) that you can get away with it?
Do you ever want to physically bash some guy who has beaten and or abused his wife/girlfriend in some fashion, then justifies it by saying that the bible (or whatever religion/philosophy) says its ok?
Do you ever feel the urge to choke the life out of a proven child molester when you see them on the news?
Do you seethe when you hear that women do not need equal rights or control of their own bodies IE abortion?
Do you ever get angry with other women who seemingly blindly follow anything the patriarchal system instructs her too?

Do you ever feel that all the men should be gathered up and put into cages and only let out for breeding purposes and drone work?


LaTigresse -> RE: Do we really need men? (7/10/2006 7:50:54 AM)

Smiling but with all serious..........Oh Yes I Do! I often think and feel all of those things. I get frustrated, sickened, emotionally exhausted.....then I realise that there are many other women that are feeling the same things. That knowledge and the awareness of the strength we share, gives me some hope.

edited because my first reply was not enough to satisfy me.

LadyHugs -> RE: Do we really need men? (7/10/2006 8:20:30 AM)

Dear Lashra, Ladies and Gentlemen;
I do agree that what you posted is a source of frustration indeed.
Men in my eyes are judged on an individual basis.  And, certainly the men feel that they are entitled by birth to have dominion over women.  However, men of biblical times do not have the same moral fiber as they do today.  So, in my eyes the men loose their etitlement long ago and way before my time.
Certainly, women as a whole have put up with more rubbish than any human has had to endure.  Women still are short changed in so many different ways.  I doubt if most men could ever endure the rubbish women have had to contend with. 
It is easy for conflicts to start.  It is harder to have them come to a conclusion.  Ever notice the women throughout history have brought peace.  Perhaps why we will not see women as a majority--gives men nothing to do except taking up knitting.
Respectfully submitted with a bit of wit,
Lady Hugs

LotusSong -> RE: Do we really need men? (7/10/2006 8:32:09 AM)


Well said.  But we do need them to open pickle jars on occasion :)

Actually, I think we need to have the WOMAN's surname be passed to the child to identify lineage. Somebody ALWAYS know who the mother is.  (except in case of abandonment on a doorstep)


Jasmyn -> RE: Do we really need men? (7/10/2006 8:44:04 AM)

(fast reply)

Am learning to enjoy history, and found it quite interesting when I learned that the term 'virgin' originally implied a 'woman not under the control of a man'...the status of the 'man' was not relevant .. father, brother, priest, husband, uncle, other male (tongue in cheek) they just call us whores or frigid :P

Lotus, I agree... am pleased to say my son has my name, by circumstances not design, and my nephew choose to take his mother's maiden name in his early teens after his father disappeared from his life in his early years.  I think it would make for interesting stats, how many children today, by circumstances or design, have their mother's surname. 

Jasmyn -> RE: Do we really need men? (7/10/2006 8:59:59 AM)


Do you ever get sick and tired of hearing how women are supposed to be submissive to men and to let them rule things, when most of them cannot even rule a pet hamster?

lmao! a dom in my early days of explore B&D, S&M, could probably dom a pet hamster, but he did struggle with power and control outside the bedroom.  Me, I just take it as it's a given.  I'm in charge of him and if he happens to have a pet hamster, well damnit, I'm in control of that too!


Do you ever want to scream stop raping and killing us (and our children) because you believe that it is your God given right to do so, or just because your physically stronger/bigger (not always) that you can get away with it?

A woman is more likely to be killed, raped, or beaten by someone known to her than she is likely to be set upon by a stranger in the street yet a woman is told to fear the man on the street and not the men closest to her.

Women also fail to fathom just how much a man can hate her.  All too often women who have suffered horrific abuse at the hands of their partner/s have no idea just how much hatred he has for her (and possibly women in general) is behind his venom.


Do you ever want to physically bash some guy who has beaten and or abused his wife/girlfriend in some fashion, then justifies it by saying that the bible (or whatever religion/philosophy) says its ok?

Yes...with said bible.  A recent case in NZ, known community standards advocate, spent years speaking out about the children and how we need to protect the children from such abhorrent things as homosexuals and people whose main aim in life was to usurp the 'family' and traditional family currently serving prison time for raping, not one, but 4 girls as young as 8.  From his prison cell, an email was sent, and made it's way into the media, where he was quoted as saying, "how can it be rape when they wanted me too" (paraphrase).   Attitudes like this have gotta do ya head in.


Do you ever feel the urge to choke the life out of a proven child molester when you see them on the news?

I've have joked with a member of parliament for the Ministry of Justice here in NZ to give me five minutes with one, he declined *grr*.


Do you seethe when you hear that women do not need equal rights or control of their own bodies IE abortion?

My answer to the latter has always been, yes it is unfortunate for men that they largely do not get a say over what a woman does with her womb...but until the male pill is in common use in society and men have the ability to control whether or not they want offspring at that time, a woman's right to abortion over a man's desire for a live birth is one of life's unfortunate realities.

Women who claim women don't need equal rights need their head read.


Do you ever get angry with other women who seemingly blindly follow anything the patriarchal system instructs her too?

Yes! Wake up and smell the roses..


Do you ever feel that all the men should be gathered up and put into cages and only let out for breeding purposes and drone work?

Hahaha yes, often.

Caretakr -> RE: Do we really need men? (7/10/2006 9:09:13 AM)

It's not about sex-it's about evil.
and none of us are immune to that.

Noah -> RE: Do we really need men? (7/10/2006 10:12:38 AM)



Let me start by saying I am having a bad day, so this is not a happy thread. I do not feel well, my arthritic back is acting up very badly, my gallbladder hurts and yes, it needs to be removed. I am also PMSing and yes, I own a gun   and no this has nothing to do with BDSM, it is just a frustrated Mistress letting off a bit of steam.

I made the mistake of listening to the news and it put me in an even worse state of mind then I was already in. The news story was about the rape of an Iraqi girl by American soldiers. Now I am not looking for political debate, an ethical debate or a religious one, or anything of that nature. I am not looking to flame or be flamed. I just want to bitch. I love men, so please do not think I am a man hater, for I am nothing of the kind. I have a male sub that I love with all my being.

It is just; when you as a woman look at the world today can you truly say that men have done a wonderful job in their so-called leadership roles? Am I the only one who some days wants to beat the living shit out of  nearly every alpha male she see's and not in a fun way?

Do you ever get sick and tired of hearing how women are supposed to be submissive to men and to let them rule things, when most of them cannot even rule a pet hamster?
Do you ever want to scream stop raping and killing us (and our children) because you believe that it is your God given right to do so, or just because your physically stronger/bigger (not always) that you can get away with it?
Do you ever want to physically bash some guy who has beaten and or abused his wife/girlfriend in some fashion, then justifies it by saying that the bible (or whatever religion/philosophy) says its ok?
Do you ever feel the urge to choke the life out of a proven child molester when you see them on the news?
Do you seethe when you hear that women do not need equal rights or control of their own bodies IE abortion?
Do you ever get angry with other women who seemingly blindly follow anything the patriarchal system instructs her too?

Do you ever feel that all the men should be gathered up and put into cages and only let out for breeding purposes and drone work?


Okay. Female=good. Male=bad.

Oh I mean not bad exactly, good and wonderful and fitted for nothing more than internment for breeding and slavery, and beatings if they show signs of leadership ability.

And thanks for your incisive generalization about "most" doms, almost all of whom you've never met and have never heard or read a single word about.


Now can you tell us how to feel about other groups of billions of individuals, say, negroes? orientals? caucasians? Jews? Moslems? atheists? aboriginals of every color? the handicapped? the elderly?

Please explain which of those groups also get imprisoned and oppressed in order to create your utopia.

Would it be unfair of me to characterize porous thinking like that as typical of women generally? I think it would; and thank goodness.

Now please excuse me while I do some research. I want to learn more about how, for instance, peace raged across Europe whenever women occupied the thrones, and how tribal warriors with their Earth-centered religions in matrilineal North America exchanged nothing but recipes before Queen Isabella sent Columbus here to pillage

(Please note that this was after the kings of England, Portugal and France turned Columbus down. Am I suggesting that they were nobler than Isabella? No. She and Ferdinand may have been cleverer than those other monarchs. For you to suggest that Isabella--or Maggie Thatcher for that matter--was one iota more noble than them based on her chromosomes is absurd)

There are issues worth dealing with in what you have said, Lashra. Wrapping them thickly in a fancifully false and self-serving reading of history and layers of preposterous rhetoric does nothing to advance what is good and right.

Let me end by saying that like a lot of other men and women I don't ask to be excused for my behaviors based upon the presence or absence of some stage of a menstrual cycle.

ArtimisBlack -> RE: Do we really need men? (7/10/2006 10:22:35 AM)

Yes, I do. Well everything except the last part anyway. Then again, I also have the frequent urge to choke/shake people who do stupid things (rant alert) like this one guy who walked across the highway yesterday with a baby in a stroller and, to make it worse, he did it in an area that had a blind curve so people driving on the highway (50mph plus) couldn't see him until it was too late. Thankfully (for the child’s sake) he crossed without incident. But OMG I just wanted to put my hands around his neck, shake him silly and scream at him! Your brain does more then control your bodily functions! It can be used to think as well-why don't you try using it? Grrrrrr (sorry) ok, to be fair, women do stupid things too.

LaTigresse -> RE: Do we really need men? (7/10/2006 10:33:14 AM)

I was just waiting for one of those. Thank goodness my expatations were not let down.

Fortunately, or perhaps unfortunately, it only emphasizes the original idea of the thread.

janiceleeinsc -> RE: Do we really need men? (7/10/2006 10:56:05 AM)

I think we deserve a chance to fix these problems they have created.  You certainly cannot blame us for it.
I was in the Military in the 80s before the war.   I know a little about what they are going through over there, but that event you are speaking of was plain out evil.  We need to be out of it.
My personal opinion is and always will be, we were better off with Hilary running things.
BTW:  I have a male slave and love him, but as a whole, I can certainly do without a man.

Respectfully,  Mistress_Jan

MrrPete -> RE: Do we really need men? (7/10/2006 11:59:22 AM)

And women leave their babies in hot cars.

I don't know what to be more upset about. The guy that rapes and kills a child - the judge that let him back on the street -
or the people that elected the judge in the first place.

ladies the way to lower the pregnancy rate is keep your !@#$% knees together. Take responsibility for your own actions
in getting pregnant in the first place. You're the only one that can GET pregnant so it is your PRIMARY responsibility for prevention.
Most men won't. It's a rare man indeed that can step up after the fact let alone before.

yes, I know there are mitigating circumstances in some situations but that's a separate topic for another day.

I haven't been capable of getting a woman pregnant for over 20 years and I think any man 40 and over should have a vassectomy.
hey guys it's an office visit and isn't very expensive . Do it on Friday back to work on Mon.

michaelGA2 -> RE: Do we really need men? (7/10/2006 12:06:01 PM)

i applaud You on a fine forum and am one man that wishes that men would step aside and let the women run things for a change. how long has this country (USA) or other "male dominated" countries let the men have the last word?

it's time for the women to rule (personal note: as is their right)

so, let the men stay at home with their ball games and their booze and let the true leaders rule


marieToo -> RE: Do we really need men? (7/10/2006 12:30:44 PM)

General reply:

Yes, Of course we need men.  I appreciate men, I love men.  Men are just *so* neccessary.  And in many ways, they have it harder than women.  Starting with the fact that they put up with women so well.  Who else could put up with women like men do?  Certainly not women.  Scheesh. 

Lashra -> RE: Do we really need men? (7/10/2006 12:32:13 PM)





Let me start by saying I am having a bad day, so this is not a happy thread. I do not feel well, my arthritic back is acting up very badly, my gallbladder hurts and yes, it needs to be removed. I am also PMSing and yes, I own a gun   and no this has nothing to do with BDSM, it is just a frustrated Mistress letting off a bit of steam.

I made the mistake of listening to the news and it put me in an even worse state of mind then I was already in. The news story was about the rape of an Iraqi girl by American soldiers. Now I am not looking for political debate, an ethical debate or a religious one, or anything of that nature. I am not looking to flame or be flamed. I just want to bitch. I love men, so please do not think I am a man hater, for I am nothing of the kind. I have a male sub that I love with all my being.

It is just; when you as a woman look at the world today can you truly say that men have done a wonderful job in their so-called leadership roles? Am I the only one who some days wants to beat the living shit out of  nearly every alpha male she see's and not in a fun way?

Do you ever get sick and tired of hearing how women are supposed to be submissive to men and to let them rule things, when most of them cannot even rule a pet hamster?
Do you ever want to scream stop raping and killing us (and our children) because you believe that it is your God given right to do so, or just because your physically stronger/bigger (not always) that you can get away with it?
Do you ever want to physically bash some guy who has beaten and or abused his wife/girlfriend in some fashion, then justifies it by saying that the bible (or whatever religion/philosophy) says its ok?
Do you ever feel the urge to choke the life out of a proven child molester when you see them on the news?
Do you seethe when you hear that women do not need equal rights or control of their own bodies IE abortion?
Do you ever get angry with other women who seemingly blindly follow anything the patriarchal system instructs her too?

Do you ever feel that all the men should be gathered up and put into cages and only let out for breeding purposes and drone work?


Okay. Female=good. Male=bad.
I never said that you read that into the post yourself, anyone who knows me or has ever read my posts knows that I am a very equal opportunity oriented person.

Oh I mean not bad exactly, good and wonderful and fitted for nothing more than internment for breeding and slavery, and beatings if they show signs of leadership ability.
Women have endured this for centuries an even been put to death for refusing to go along with it. Various religions/philsophies advocate our being breeders, slaves and vessels for man's use, or haven't you noticed this? 

And thanks for your incisive generalization about "most" doms, almost all of whom you've never met and have never heard or read a single word about.
I never once mentioned a dom, perhaps you should purchase some reading glasses? I realise all men aren't bad and I even mentioned that I am NOT a man hater.

You haven't gotten anything except all worked up because a woman dared to speak what was on her mind. Oh how that burns the ego.

Now can you tell us how to feel about other groups of billions of individuals, say, negroes? orientals? caucasians? Jews? Moslems? atheists? aboriginals of every color? the handicapped? the elderly?
I believe everyone has a place on this Earth and that we are all equal regardless of gender, color, or religion and that is spelled Muslims btw.

Please explain which of those groups also get imprisoned and oppressed in order to create your utopia.

You evidently never heard of sarcasm, you should get out more and pick up a sense of humor while your at it.

Would it be unfair of me to characterize porous thinking like that as typical of women generally? I think it would; and thank goodness.
You may characterize however you wish afterall if you live in the US, its a free country. You are entitled to your opinion as I am mine.

Now please excuse me while I do some research. I want to learn more about how, for instance, peace raged across Europe whenever women occupied the thrones, and how tribal warriors with their Earth-centered religions in matrilineal North America exchanged nothing but recipes before Queen Isabella sent Columbus here to pillage
Yes pillage, rape and take land that wasn't their's to take. You can bet I don't support what they did, particulary since my Grandfather is a full blood Cherokee indian. As for the Earth based centered religions, I belong to one of those and we are quite happy.

(Please note that this was after the kings of England, Portugal and France turned Columbus down. Am I suggesting that they were nobler than Isabella? No. She and Ferdinand may have been cleverer than those other monarchs. For you to suggest that Isabella--or Maggie Thatcher for that matter--was one iota more noble than them based on her chromosomes is absurd)
I never suggested anything of the sort. Wow this thread really must have hit a sore spot with you. Perhaps you should write one of your own to release some of that built up tension? Better yet, blog it.

There are issues worth dealing
with in what you have said, Lashra. Wrapping them thickly in a fancifully false and self-serving reading of history and layers of preposterous rhetoric does nothing to advance what is good and right.

Let me end by saying that like a lot of other men and women I don't ask to be excused for my behaviors based upon the presence or absence of some stage of a menstrual cycle.
I wasn't asking for your acceptance or your advice and no we can blame your PMSing type of behavior on something that runs very rampant...ignorance and denial.
Have a nice day.

thetammyjo -> RE: Do we really need men? (7/10/2006 1:37:40 PM)

Oh, yeah, Lashra, I feel this way a lot of the time.

But the people I get most angry with are the mothers and fathers who raise sons like this and with women who "stand by their men" when they behave in this fashion. If women didn't teach and didn't support these negative behaviors (as you have recounted) then men and boys would not behave this way.

I know because I have two men who do not behave this way because they were raised to be good men who value others as much if not more than themselves.

Just my opinion and feeling of course.

thetammyjo -> RE: Do we really need men? (7/10/2006 1:39:28 PM)




Well said. But we do need them to open pickle jars on occasion :)

Actually, I think we need to have the WOMAN's surname be passed to the child to identify lineage. Somebody ALWAYS know who the mother is. (except in case of abandonment on a doorstep)


In the vast majority of states of the USA, you could do this now. Just as a woman does not need to take the man's surname upon marriage, neither does his name need to be passed onto the child in most states.

LaTigresse -> RE: Do we really need men? (7/10/2006 2:44:20 PM)


ORIGINAL: thetammyjo

Oh, yeah, Lashra, I feel this way a lot of the time.

But the people I get most angry with are the mothers and fathers who raise sons like this and with women who "stand by their men" when they behave in this fashion. If women didn't teach and didn't support these negative behaviors (as you have recounted) then men and boys would not behave this way.

I know because I have two men who do not behave this way because they were raised to be good men who value others as much if not more than themselves.

Just my opinion and feeling of course.

Excellent point TammyJo. It is why I have not lost all hope.

Bossandrew -> RE: Do we really need men? (7/10/2006 2:54:07 PM)

Cutting to the chase - to the first 6 questions the answer is clearly yes, to the seventh clearly no

gooddogbenji -> RE: Do we really need men? (7/10/2006 2:58:57 PM)

No, we do not need men.  We need man - me.



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