RE: The ignorance of liberals (Full Version)

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Kirata -> RE: The ignorance of liberals (7/10/2014 10:34:30 PM)


ORIGINAL: njlauren

a gun that is a semi automatic version of an AK47 or an AR15 that can shoot a hundred rounds a minute, and can carry large capacity clips and be reloaded quickly is not a dressed up rifle, it is an assault weapon

Any semi-automatic rifle is ready to fire again as soon as the action cycles. AR-form rifles are no different in this regard. And unless you enjoy sounding like an ignorant idiot, I would advise you to stop referring to a magazine as a "clip" and to semi-automatic rifles as "assault weapons".


lovmuffin -> RE: The ignorance of liberals (7/10/2014 10:39:52 PM)




ORIGINAL: njlauren




ORIGINAL: cloudboy

I don't know much about guns. I have a hard time imaging the rational reasons for owning an assault weapon, etc. Maybe you could explain it to me.

I would also like to hear a great reason for owning an assault weapon.

In my experience, there are two factors:
1)These guns look cool, and a bunch of men (and women) get their rocks off on looking like a bad ass navy seal or something by owning and shooting them (see one Lanza, Nancy)

2)With those guns, they are going to be able to take on the black helicopters and the government troops who are coming to force them into gay marriages and using unisex toilets (see militias, right wing)

Thanks for giving me a chuckle.

That's not funny. I'll defend my rights fighting black helicopters not to use unisex toilets to my last cold breath[8D]

BitYakin -> RE: The ignorance of liberals (7/10/2014 11:01:28 PM)


ORIGINAL: lovmuffin


ORIGINAL: njlauren

......a gun that is a semi automatic version of an AK47 or an AR15 that can shoot a hundred rounds a minute,......

.....a weapon that even in semi automatic mode can fire a hundred rounds a minute or more....

The bullshit gets even stupider. Does anyone really believe that crap ? I would like to see this demonstrated. However close to a minute you can manage to get, loading 3 more 30 round magazines firing a total of 100 rounds, I'd be interested to see how many of those rounds can hit 100 different targets.

The fact is, if someone is intent on committing mass murder with a gun, at a place where everyone is unarmed, it doesn't freakin matter what type of firearm you have. Most any type of weapon outside of the semi automatic class will suffice and create as much or more carnage.

I'd take that a step further, I doubt many, with the exception of trained and well practice people could start with a 30 round clip, fire ONE SHOT, remove it, insert a 2nd 30 round clip, fire ONE SHOT, remove it, insert a 3rd 30 round clip, (90 rounds so far) fire ONE SHOT, remove that clip and insert the 4th clip to get to the aforementioned 100 rounds in ONE MINUTE

with 20 round clips you'd need 5 to get to 100 (most common for these types of guns)

hell I don't even care if you HIT ANYTHING, just get a round off and change clips

yes I KNOWWWW there are PROs out there that could, but I doubt I COULD

and yesss I know, magazines not clips, but clips is easier to type heheh

LetstalkboutRAP3 -> RE: The ignorance of liberals (7/10/2014 11:43:48 PM)

The reason that the government wants to confiscate .223 and 7.62mm civilian variant firearms is because of their relatively light weight and low recoil. This allows WOMEN to effectively utilize those weapons in a combat situation while minimizing the likelihood of fatigue and injury. Removing them from the equation severly reduces the capacity of over half the population to serve in an infantry role during any sort of invasion or takeover from without or within.

The term "assult rife" is very misleading, it SOUNDS much, much scarier than "rifle". In reality, common "assault rifles" could more accurately be described as "sub-rifles". Full auto military issue firearms fall into three basic categories: machine guns (fully automatic rifles), submachine guns (fully automatic pistols), and assault rifles (fully automatic firearms which are more compact and fire rounds with a smaller powder charge than their larger cousins). Tactically, rifles work well best at long range, pistols at short range, and assault rifles at medium range. There is some overlap.

In the case of the Aurora Massacre, it is almost certain that the body count would have been higher had the assailant used the shotgun and pistol he had, rather than the semi-automatic ar-15. The number of wounded would likely have been less due to reduced firing capacity, but the shots he could have gotten off with a shotgun/pistol combo would have been far more lethal at the range in question. Additionally, the high capacity drum magazine probably caused the weapon to jam. Had he used multiple standard capacity magazines his weapon would have been far less likely to jam. Drum magazines are a toy for the shooting range, not a sound option in a real combat situation.

The reason that WOMEN want to ban and confiscate "assault weapons" is because Alpha Daddy Biggov told them that Good Girls support bans on "assault weapons". They are just looking to please their alpha! Can't really blame them for that, it's how God made them after all.

This thread is an excellent example of why women's suffrage and a free society cannot coexist. We can't outvote them anymore guys, if the votes are even actually tallied at this point. I have a feeling this is going to end badly.

Tkman117 -> RE: The ignorance of liberals (7/11/2014 4:25:43 AM)


This thread is an excellent example of why women's suffrage and a free society cannot coexist.

And the stupid continue to come to roost [:D]

Sanity -> RE: The ignorance of liberals (7/11/2014 5:26:02 AM)


ORIGINAL: lovmuffin

The bullshit gets even stupider. Does anyone really believe that crap ? I would like to see this demonstrated. However close to a minute you can manage to get, loading 3 more 30 round magazines firing a total of 100 rounds, I'd be interested to see how many of those rounds can hit 100 different targets.

The fact is, if someone is intent on committing mass murder with a gun, at a place where everyone is unarmed, it doesn't freakin matter what type of firearm you have. Most any type of weapon outside of the semi automatic class will suffice and create as much or more carnage.

Or just use a car or a truck as a weapon, or gasoline or propane, or swords, or derail a train...

Lucylastic -> RE: The ignorance of liberals (7/11/2014 5:42:36 AM)

no really???? or poison the water supply or hijack a tank, or fly a plane into a building, or make a pipe bomb.....or stab with a spork, or use poison gas on a subway, or a home made bomb at a stadium
are we having a game on how to kill multiple people???
I doubt you need viagra now boys

BamaD -> RE: The ignorance of liberals (7/11/2014 5:44:49 AM)




ORIGINAL: lovmuffin

The bullshit gets even stupider. Does anyone really believe that crap ? I would like to see this demonstrated. However close to a minute you can manage to get, loading 3 more 30 round magazines firing a total of 100 rounds, I'd be interested to see how many of those rounds can hit 100 different targets.

The fact is, if someone is intent on committing mass murder with a gun, at a place where everyone is unarmed, it doesn't freakin matter what type of firearm you have. Most any type of weapon outside of the semi automatic class will suffice and create as much or more carnage.

Or just use a car or a truck as a weapon, or gasoline or propane, or swords, or derail a train...

or fertilizer

PeonForHer -> RE: The ignorance of liberals (7/11/2014 5:57:21 AM)


ORIGINAL: Lucylastic

no really???? or poison the water supply or hijack a tank, or fly a plane into a building, or make a pipe bomb.....or stab with a spork, or use poison gas on a subway, or a home made bomb at a stadium
are we having a game on how to kill multiple people???
I doubt you need viagra now boys

Or just trick them into reading another gun thread on here so they die of boredom. ;-)

Lucylastic -> RE: The ignorance of liberals (7/11/2014 6:03:54 AM)




ORIGINAL: Lucylastic

no really???? or poison the water supply or hijack a tank, or fly a plane into a building, or make a pipe bomb.....or stab with a spork, or use poison gas on a subway, or a home made bomb at a stadium
are we having a game on how to kill multiple people???
I doubt you need viagra now boys

Or just trick them into reading another gun thread on here so they die of boredom. ;-)

LOL I would but its not nice to torment the afflicted
even with consent:)

Lucylastic -> RE: The ignorance of liberals (7/11/2014 7:21:01 AM)

In post 43 I mentioned the texas deaths of 6 members of a family, including 4 kids, which has been roundly ignored(what a surprise) well there's more information.
His wife had a restraining order, from a year ago, he shot her sister and the family because they wouldnt tell him where the ex wife was.
the 15 year old that survived despite being shot in the head, called the police because the dumbfuck big man with the gun was on the way to the grandparents house.

Why was he allowed a gun with a restraining order against him? how many innocent people have to die at the hands of disgruntled people armed with a gun????

Texas Massacre Survivor's Courage Saved Grandparents' Lives

cloudboy -> RE: The ignorance of liberals (7/11/2014 7:28:19 AM)

It's crucial the OP put forth ideas for reducing gun violence; that drawer's empty right now. It's hard to give him any kind of teaching certificate for how this thread has gone.

Lucylastic -> RE: The ignorance of liberals (7/11/2014 7:43:52 AM)

ideas? nah he wasnt looking for that...thats not wax his ears are full of

Musicmystery -> RE: The ignorance of liberals (7/11/2014 7:50:59 AM)


ORIGINAL: LetstalkboutRAP3

The reason that the government wants to confiscate .223 and 7.62mm civilian variant firearms is because of their relatively light weight and low recoil. This allows WOMEN to effectively utilize those weapons in a combat situation while minimizing the likelihood of fatigue and injury. Removing them from the equation severly reduces the capacity of over half the population to serve in an infantry role during any sort of invasion or takeover from without or within.

Oh dear God.

So whose sock are you?

Mouth4Mistress -> RE: The ignorance of liberals (7/11/2014 8:10:58 AM)


ORIGINAL: LetstalkboutRAP3
The reason that the government wants to confiscate .223 and 7.62mm civilian variant firearms is because of their relatively light weight and low recoil. This allows WOMEN to effectively utilize those weapons in a combat situation while minimizing the likelihood of fatigue and injury. Removing them from the equation severly reduces the capacity of over half the population to serve in an infantry role during any sort of invasion or takeover from without or within.

EXACTLY. A handgun has less accuracy than a rifle, a shotgun has a much shorter range. The very reason that the AR-15 design is so popular is that women, teenagers, and elderly people can use it easily, especially for home-defense situations where every shot counts.


The term "assult rife" is very misleading, it SOUNDS much, much scarier than "rifle". In reality, common "assault rifles" could more accurately be described as "sub-rifles". Full auto military issue firearms fall into three basic categories: machine guns (fully automatic rifles), submachine guns (fully automatic pistols), and assault rifles (fully automatic firearms which are more compact and fire rounds with a smaller powder charge than their larger cousins). Tactically, rifles work well best at long range, pistols at short range, and assault rifles at medium range. There is some overlap.

Also 100% correct. From this blog article:

So where does this ridiculous term come from? The only solid historical reference points to the German-developed Maschinenpistole 44 (Machine Pistol, 1944), which Hitler referred to as a “Sturmgewehr”, literally “Stormweapon” (“storm” as in “storm a fortress”, not the weather phenomenon).

The only reason it got a separate name was because it was a weird hybrid – an automatic rifle that did not use rifle-caliber ammunition nor pistol-caliber ammo, but instead a Mittelpatrone (“middle-cartridge”), an in-between “cross-over” cartridge.

Notice the pattern here?

A cartridge that’s “in the middle” between a rifle and a pistol is a “middle-cartridge”.
A weapon designed for infantry to quickly fire busts of inexpensive ammo, as in when storming an objective, is a “stormweapon”.

Ever heard the term “flak”? As in “anti-aircraft fire”?
An anti-aircraft cannon was a “FlaK” – Flugabwehrkanone, literally “aircraft defense cannon”.
The same cannon, mounted on a tank, would become a “KwK” – Kampfwagenkanone, “war vehicle cannon”.
Take it off the tank, mount it on a pintle, and it becomes a “PaK” – Panzerabwehrkanone, “armor defense cannon”.

It’s just a name. It’s the same exact weapon – in the German weapons naming scheme, what mattered was how it was going to be used.
There’s nothing “assault” about a machine pistol / automatic rifle, other than the intent of the human beings holding it.

Mouth4Mistress -> RE: The ignorance of liberals (7/11/2014 8:20:08 AM)


ORIGINAL: Musicmystery

ORIGINAL: LetstalkboutRAP3
The reason that the government wants to confiscate .223 and 7.62mm civilian variant firearms is because of their relatively light weight and low recoil. This allows WOMEN to effectively utilize those weapons in a combat situation while minimizing the likelihood of fatigue and injury. Removing them from the equation severly reduces the capacity of over half the population to serve in an infantry role during any sort of invasion or takeover from without or within.

Oh dear God.
So whose sock are you?

Where is he wrong?

From "Shotguns vs. rifles for home defense:


...Obviously, the rifle has a huge edge in capacity, since it holds 30 rounds. However, the 12 gauge pump action shotgun is the most destructive individual weapon system out there, and is the only gun that can accurately have the term “stopping power” applied to it. 00 buckshot from a 12 gauge creates massive destruction on the target and has an excellent reputation for stopping fights. [...] However, despite the massive power of the shotgun, the edge in the firepower goes to the rifle. 30 rounds is a lot more than 9, and even more importantly it’s a lot easier to get hits with a rifle than it is a shotgun. Contrary to movies, shotguns do not spray a magical cone of death that blows badguys into a red mist.

Winner: Rifle



This goes hand in hand with the firepower category, because having all the ammo in the world doesn’t do you any good if you can’t get hits. I won’t waste too much time on this one, because the answer is simple: rifles are easier to accurately than shotguns. They usually have better sights, better triggers, and a less complex manual of arms.

Winner: Rifle


Ease of use

[long breakdown of reloading process comparison]

The reloading process for the rifle is also much simpler as it consists of “put another magazine in the gun”, while the shotgun requires you to manually thumb more rounds into the tube. Additionally, if either guns are carried “cruiser ready” (loaded magazine, empty chamber, safety off) the AR still gets the edge because all you have to do is yank the charging handle, which is easier than pumping a shotgun.

Winner: Rifle

There are only 2 advantages of shotguns for home defense: the psychological factor of the slide racking sound (instant "OH SHIT!" in the mind of the intruder/s), and the safety factor of the buckshot not penetrating walls, as opposed to a rifle bullet, which will go through a standard sheetrock wall like it's nothing. However, if the house isn't full of people, i.e. "single defender vs group of attackers", the overpenetration factor is irrelevant.

So, if you were "Oh, God"ding regarding the 1st part of that paragraph, here's info that proves you conclusively wrong.

If you're "Oh, God'ding about the 2nd half, do you have any actual arguments to counter that, or just emotional bullshit?

njlauren -> RE: The ignorance of liberals (7/11/2014 8:22:43 AM)


ORIGINAL: joether


ORIGINAL: Mouth4Mistress
That is completely and blatantly false. There is a licensing system in EVERY state. It is impossible to procure a gun in a LEGAL manner in the United States, without going through some form of a check. ALL licensed dealers are required to run a background check - there goes 40-50% of the sales, and 40-50% of that argument. Even for private sales, you're required to either bring the sale to a licensed dealer (some states), or contact the state authorities with a request to approve the sale. In NO state are you allowed to knowingly sell to a convicted felon, or to a person with a court-ordered psychiatric treatment/commitment history.

And is that system uniform across all the states?

Or are some just more strict than others?

And that in itself is one of many of the problems encountered with this issue.

While dealers are not the problem, private sales are. That those can take place, off the radar, away from the beaten path, and STILL be considered legal in some states, should be worrying to anyone following the rules in good faith.

And while you are right, in that people can not knowing sell a firearm to a felon; how many are totally scrupulous? Even 1% of unscrupulous Americans is bad enough. While its fortunate that number is low (hopefully speaking), 'one bad apple can destroy the barrel' sort of mentality here. Demands for tighter security and processes come, as a result of it.


ORIGINAL: Mouth4Mistress
The "gun show loophole" argument, which is repeated in the media over and over again, is simply bullshit. Here's one of many articles that explains it:

Washington Times: The Gun-Show Loophole Myth

'Gun Grabbers'? I find articles like this generally insulting and childish. Displays a real lack for being a professional writer. Be it as a report, editor, or op-piece. The article displays a sweeping number of fears and ignorances while at the same time attacking others for doing the exact same thing. The author had a chance of explaining the issue in a mature and honest manner, but resorted to name calling like a child. That's what I got out of the article. Was I suppose to learn something beyond being insulted?

To fix the problems, educating the public without the political slant is the first order of business. As all sides in this debate live on some fantasies mixed in with the evidence/facts. Explaining the nature of the problems is all together different from the history of how those problems came into the American culture. Deciding how to fix problems, improve systems, while allowing firearm ownership in a legal and safe manner, is a very hard task for this nation to perform successfully. It is entirely possible, if we, the citizens, wanted to.


ORIGINAL: Mouth4Mistress

...the loose gun laws in many states have led to tragedy, whether it was the crazy Korean kid in Virginia, or the 70% of guns pulled off the streets of NYC that were bought, legally, in a couple of states with notoriously lax laws.

That "crazy Korean kid" obtained his guns illegally. As in, he broke the law. So did Adam Lanza. Please explain how more laws would stop someone who intends on breaking or circumventing them anyway.

The Korean Kid obtained his arms legally. How he used them was also legal. Wait for the explanation....

Adam Lansa obtain the firearm he used in a legal manner as well. Ready?

In order for something to has to be...found...illegal. Meaning, one has to be found in a court of law to be guilty of misusing a firearm in order for it to be illegal. Since in our form of government, all suspects are considered innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. While neither should have had the ability to obtain the firearms, that would take two very different sets of laws to prevent (they are different characteristics in both episodes). Adam Lansa's mother, should NEVER, have been allowed a firearm, given the condition her child was in! And she paid a very heavy penalty for that foolish decision.


ORIGINAL: Mouth4Mistress

The same model IMO should be applied to guns. I think that people have the right to own guns, but there is also a strong case for regulation. You buy a gun and try selling it in the black market and it gets traced back to you, you are dead meat, and none of this "oh, I lost it" or "Oh, it was stolen bullshit"...if you didn't report it missing or stolen, then you are assumed to be liable.

Again, in many states, you ARE legally liable to report your firearm stolen to the police. States with mandatory loss/theft reporting requirements:

District of Columbia
New Jersey
New York
Rhode Island

Besides legal requirements, there are also civil penalties. As in, if your gun is lost or stolen, and you don't report it, and it's used in a crime, the victim's family can sue the hell out of you.

Hats off for answering this part in a factual and informative manner.

I feel it should be a requirement in all the states, not just those listed above. It makes one even more tempted to be unscrupulous when money is tight. This sort of attitude and action, cost legitimate and honest gun owners much in the way of credibility. That this might be adding to the 'gun show loop-hole' viewpoint that was not really addressed in that article you presented.


ORIGINAL: Mouth4Mistress

the position of the nutjobs at the NRA that guns should be without burdens is ludicrous, to say the least

It would be ludicrous if that was true. NRA Executive VP WayneLaPierre has REPEATEDLY said, in press and TV interviews, that the current system needs to be fixed rather than more laws being added to the already-unenforceable cluster****, and that the government REALLY needs to focus on mental health, which they seem to be completely ignoring at the present time.

The NRA really has created more problems than its solved to date. By being the lobbying arm of the Gun Industry, the only people they fool are the same folks that by memberships. In order to 'revamp' the system as Mr. LaPierre states, WOULD BE, adding laws onto the books. Again, this is how our form of government operates. For a law to be updated with new language, requires a new law to be passed that removes the old language and gives the updated language. There are a number of laws that could be updated to help things run more efficient. There are some laws that just don't work, and might be best in removing. And there are some ideas that could improve things, but would requiring adding those into law. As you might understand, both sides of this debate want their views to become 'the law of the land' over anyone else's.


ORIGINAL: Mouth4Mistress
"We have a mental health system in this country that has completely and totally collapsed. We have no national database of these lunatics." - LaPierre on NBC's "Meet The Press", shortly after the Navy Yard shooting.

Mr. LaPierre, like the grand majority of Americans, really has no understanding of the mental and emotional health of Americans. There is no way to detect suicidal depression except through careful observation by someone trained to handle that sort of diagnosis. Most adults, that have depression, for example, may not even realize the illness is the true reason why life is sucking in their viewpoint(s). So obtaining treatment never comes up. Sadly, only after some moment, the person 'snaps', that most people 'understood' the warning signs. And that's only after the tragedy has taken place. There is no simple test, or pill, or even pray that will fix mental and/or emotional problems. It takes time, under the care of a trained professional, maybe with medication, to help an individual recover from depression.

One question that is often asked of depression suffers is "Do you access to firearms"? They are not asking because they are liberal and want to remove the guns; but to keep the patient safe. Most people that do not have depression, or a direct caregiving understand how depression affects the mind. While there are many ways one could kill themselves, firearms prove (sadly speaking) to be the most efficient manner. If a firearm is used, the person is 90% likely to succeed verse about 9-14% with all other methods.

Ever talk down someone with a loaded firearm, the intense desire to just...end it....and not understanding why they are in this state. It is not easy. While removing them from the gun is a good thing, in the greater picture, its only a tiny part of the full recovery.

Troubling here, is that while mass shooters have taken place by individuals suffering from one or more mental/emotional problems. Many others were not performed by someone with such impairments. Since healthy, normal (normal from a psychological point of view) people do kill each other is common. It would be logically to ask what sort of things are causing people to use firearms in this manner. As has been seen, someone wielding a knife can not cause as much destruction then if they had a firearm in the same time period.

So trying to weigh 'safety of the individual' with 'safety of the community' is not an easy problem to solve. Nor is it simple to understand.


ORIGINAL: Mouth4Mistress
"We think it's reasonable to provide mandatory instant criminal background checks for every sale at every gun show" - LaPierre to House Judiciary Subcommittee on Crime, in 1999.

etc, etc.

There's the media bullshit stance that the NRA is a bunch of slavering lunatics, and there are the FACTS.

Mr. LaPierre once stated that, is true. He doesn't state that in 2014. The stance he had in 1999 is about as different, as the Republican Party's stances on a wide range of issues right now.

There are lunatics on all sides. Making the ability of improving this concept, all the harder. There are lunatics in the NRA just as there are some in the 'Brady against Gun Violence' group. Some are prominent members of both organizations; most are not. That this nation is can not move forward because of the extreme views is a primary problem. That Gun Owners, and Concern Citizens can not get together, fix the problems, and move forward as a whole, is troubling. Those two groups out number the 'Gun Nuts' and 'Gun Controllers' nearly four to one!

Sadly, I think we as a nation will experience many more horrible moments in which firearms are used to maim and kill, before, we as a nation come to terms with things and try to make the nation better.

Nicely put. My take on guns is basically the same take I have on alcohol, that banning them is both not effective and not solution, but rather having rational laws on the use of them, much as we do alcohol, and that includes those selling guns. If you run a bar and serve someone who is noticeably drunk, and they drive and kill someone, you can be held liable, as a bar owner or liquor store owner you have regulations on who you can sell to, what you can sell and so forth, and that is what we need with guns as well. Likewise, if you have a party at your house, and someone is drunk out of their mind, and you let them drive, you can be in deep shit. The real problem is we don't have a system of accountability, and it is what causes all kinds of problems. 75% of thr guns pulled off the streets of big cities from criminals were purchased legally in a handful of states, and one of the reasons is that any Tom, Dick and Harry that passes a background check can go into a store, fill up their car with guns, and sell them, and face no consequences. If states like Georgia, Virginia and Florida had the same regulation the 10 or so states (of 50!) mentioned had, it would cut down a lot of the traffic. The problem with the NRA is they advocate for the loony right who took them over, the type that thinks the second amendment means buying guns like you can buy a pound of nails and that they should be allowed to buy any gun they want, any amount, no matter what, and it is idiotic, we have more strict laws with things that are a lot less lethal.

Mouth4Mistress -> RE: The ignorance of liberals (7/11/2014 8:24:15 AM)


ORIGINAL: Lucylastic
Why was he allowed a gun with a restraining order against him? how many innocent people have to die at the hands of disgruntled people armed with a gun????

1.) A restraining order prohibits a person from coming into contact with a certain other person or persons.
It has nothing to do with licences or permits to carry firearms.

2.) If the criminal has already decided to violate one law (restraining order), what makes you think he'd suddenly grow a conscience and respect another law (atempted/murder)?

mnottertail -> RE: The ignorance of liberals (7/11/2014 8:27:23 AM)

Nope. To the whole works. Nobody is especially trying to forbid nato rounds or the civilian guns that shoot them. An assault rifle is a rapid fire, magazine fed, automatic rifle designed for infantry use. A machine pistol would be an assault pistol.

For civilian possession, all machineguns must have been manufactured and registered with the ATF prior to May 19, 1986 to be transferable between citizens. So only those AR-15s made and registered between 1957 and 1968 could be owned in the first place.

Look alike semi-automatic rifles, and look alike semi-automatic pistols are not 'assault'. Flak having a german etymology has nothing more to do with nothing, as the old norse etymology of knee does here having nothing to do with nothing here.

All words come from somewhere. They are made according to perceived need to describe something.

Mouth4Mistress -> RE: The ignorance of liberals (7/11/2014 8:28:54 AM)

Oh, and for all those "guns don't have defensive uses" arguments, watch this:

YouTube: Susan Gratia, Massacre Survivor

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