Non-latex condoms - are they really a rarity? (Full Version)

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RockaRolla -> Non-latex condoms - are they really a rarity? (9/11/2014 3:42:43 PM)

I have a mild allergy to latex. Not enough to break into hives at the mere sight of a standard condom, but enough to make things uncomfortable down below in the middle of sex if the wrong protection is used.

This usually isn't a setback. Non-latex condoms are readily available in most drugstores and big box stores, though I've only ever seen one brand sold. Plenty more are available online, in the same sex shops and sites where other condoms are sold. I usually have a supply of my own to avoid last-minute confusion similar to the following:

But when I bring up my allergy to potential partners, I'm often met with confusion. "How do you handle that? Does this mean I don't have to use condoms? I mean, what else is there?" Now, I have a tendency to give people the benefit of the doubt, especially when it's someone close enough to me that I'm considering sleeping with them. And with most of these guys I'll make an assumption on good faith that they honestly didn't know that this was an option. There were a few who were likely trying to weasel out of using a condom. I didn't bang those guys.

My question is, are non-latex condoms such a rarity that many people don't know they exist? Or are they not seeing them because they don't typically need to seek them out? Or is my intuition really fucked and every male is desperately trying to get some raw sex?

ExiledTyrant -> RE: Non-latex condoms - are they really a rarity? (9/11/2014 4:30:04 PM)

I think you may have an inverted hard-on for bare back riders.

In my neck of the woods we have an M.D. and nurse mills, so non-latex options for all appendages are readily available.

Jus sayin

quizzicalkitten -> RE: Non-latex condoms - are they really a rarity? (9/11/2014 4:33:54 PM)

Unless the guy has the allergy, they really might not know that its a thing, I know no guy Ive met has known what a female condom was or why I preferred them to male condoms. I prefer to not use condoms as regardless of material they bother me. I make it known that my preference after 9 months that we start to go condom-less, but only of he is only sexually active with me.

Also men might have used non latex condoms but not know it because it was just a brand the woman they were with preferred. You also have the belief that non latex condoms are not as affective and safe as latex condoms.

AthenaSurrenders -> RE: Non-latex condoms - are they really a rarity? (9/12/2014 1:14:24 AM)


Non-latex condoms were part of our sex ed classes, so I'd like to think that most guys my age and my area would know what they were. That said, I only developed sensitivity to latex after I was married so I haven't tested that theory.

Like quizzical said, it's also possible they've used them but didn't realise since I imagine most women who need a specific type make sure to always have their own in stock.

DesFIP -> RE: Non-latex condoms - are they really a rarity? (9/12/2014 2:59:56 AM)

If they don't have a latex allergy, and haven't had to look for a non latex condom, then this confusion is understandable. But really, why aren't you carrying the non latex ones, which will solve your issues. You give him the brand that doesn't cause you a reaction, and presumably when he goes to buy more, he'll then know to look for that brand name.

RockaRolla -> RE: Non-latex condoms - are they really a rarity? (9/12/2014 8:32:19 AM)



If they don't have a latex allergy, and haven't had to look for a non latex condom, then this confusion is understandable. But really, why aren't you carrying the non latex ones, which will solve your issues. You give him the brand that doesn't cause you a reaction, and presumably when he goes to buy more, he'll then know to look for that brand name.

I do recall writing in the OP that I carry my own.

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