RE: For you younger girls who like older men... (Full Version)

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DerangedUnit -> RE: For you younger girls who like older men... (11/16/2014 12:47:51 AM)



It would be very interesting to see if I would revert to like younger men when I'm older.

The thing is, base on physical appearance, most men I know always physically look better older. I guess because I am into big guys, so usually they put on weight with age. When I see their young photos, they are like skinny and yucky.

Yeah back when I made a lot of money I tried just having my token young booty call... it drove me crazy. So I think I'll stick to the hitachi when I get old.

Daddy shrunk I think, he used to have more muscle in his younger years, but his son is my age so I have a view of what that would have been like and I can honestly say I wouldn't have been able to stand him in his twenties.... his feet are the length of my thighs and his fist the size of my head, I don't see shrinking as ever causing a problem

shiftyw -> RE: For you younger girls who like older men... (11/16/2014 6:31:30 AM)

Deranged- you've really not met women in happy relationships but yourself?

Greta75 -> RE: For you younger girls who like older men... (11/16/2014 7:47:30 AM)


ORIGINAL: DerangedUnit
his feet are the length of my thighs and his fist the size of my head, I don't see shrinking as ever causing a problem

If that is him in the picture, his head looks like the same size as yours. His fist cannot be the size of his own head haha.
How tall are you?

DerangedUnit -> RE: For you younger girls who like older men... (11/16/2014 8:55:58 PM)

Im sitting in front of him im 5'5-5'6 about. And the three wigs probably help with the illusion. Was trying to find a pic in my texts that he sent me with him holding my head.... then I remembered "new phone" so I put a hand pic on public settings here:

Assuming links are allowed

seekingOwnertoo -> RE: For you younger girls who like older men... (11/16/2014 9:11:53 PM)


ORIGINAL: DarkSteven

OP, your answer is geared toward relationships. I tried relationships with much younger women twice and they both failed early because we could not relate to each other. If the young lady keeps in contact with her age-peers, I am not aware of what's happening in the worlds of 20somethings.

That said, as far as casual nonsexual play at parties goes (bondage, spanking, etc.), I find that my age is an advantage. Young women feel that my age and experience is a plus when playing, and women my age and older feel much more comfortable with a geezer like me. Life is good. [:)]

This is a great description from an older mans point of view.

Honestly, I have tried younger Ladies too. One became a surrogate daughter instead of a lover.

The good news, she is now working in a skilled and licensed occupation ... and out of my life, except for Thanksgiving and Christmas. LOL

Ability to relate is key ... and my experience with younger women is it becomes a Mentor/student relationship ...

DerangedUnit -> RE: For you younger girls who like older men... (11/16/2014 9:14:15 PM)


ORIGINAL: shiftyw

Deranged- you've really not met women in happy relationships but yourself?

I've had notoriously bad luck when it comes to finding any females: role models, friends... whatever

If I go through every woman who has approached me outside of work over the last 2 years it looks like this:

Girl at coffee shop says hi.... her owner noticed my collar and told her she had to talk to me.

Girl in bar wants to fuck me

Girls in bar hate my dress

Girl in bar wants me to fuck her friends

Girl pretends to be my friend, I hang out at her place.... it was all staged so her boyfriend could try to....

Girl and guy approach me sleeping outside my work on Christmas morning and give me presents and offer me drugs and to come live with them

Girl offers me a job.... I go to the interview, it's her husband running a pyramid scheme

Girl starts talking to me the day my sister took me to church tells me about what her daddy did to her and starts crying in my lap... before I get a word in

Bum asks me for money

I gave up after that, I just have to admit I'm weird and attract weird people.

sexyred1 -> RE: For you younger girls who like older men... (11/16/2014 10:01:54 PM)

Deranged, that is just sad to me. Men are great, but there is nothing like great female friends.

They are hard to find and I have been hurt and disappointed many times with women, but hopefully that will change for you.

One bit of advice that helped me is don't tell anyone you first meet too much about yourself, especially about sex or kink.

I know said you wear a collar in public, which is your right, but people are judgemental, so may want to keep a bit of mystery about your personal life till you established trust in a friendship.

It also sounds like so many of your interactions with people involve them focusing on you for sex.

You should look at how you are presenting and what you are projecting.

And then again, you may just have crap luck meeting cool women. There are many women on these boards that I would love to meet in real life because they are smart, witty, supportive, in your face and cool as fuck.

shiftyw -> RE: For you younger girls who like older men... (11/16/2014 10:06:05 PM)

^ everything red said.

I'm really sorry you've had such poor luck with girls.
I have such good friends who I wouldn't get by without, I hope you find some good friends.

sexyred1 -> RE: For you younger girls who like older men... (11/16/2014 10:07:45 PM)

See, shiftyw is one of those cool girls! Xxxx

DerangedUnit -> RE: For you younger girls who like older men... (11/16/2014 10:33:14 PM)

I would never be able to hide who I am, my personality is too ingrained in me. I'm inappropriate and in your face and not scared of looking bad for the sake of humor. Many pf those cases where when I was trying to be socially acceptable.... in which cases I come across as shy and easily duped because I'm focussing so hard on not saying anything about myself. Normal me gets the scornful responce by people outside the lifestyle and girls within are always placed in a position beneath me... It's hard to be friends with someone qhen you are their drill sergeant. I don't go outside by myself without covering myself head to toe, or work uniforms which are similar... and I tried not having sex for years to see if that did anything, it didn't...

It's something I've put considerable thought into and I agree... I'm too open, women tend to find that abrasive where as men are more likely to find it funny. But since I don't want to change that(and pretty sure I couldn't)I'm fine not having girlfriends, someday I might stumble across another me. Until then I'll make up more personalities and talk to myself :P

sexyred1 -> RE: For you younger girls who like older men... (11/16/2014 10:49:26 PM)

You are young, be open to who you may become and don't think you won't ever change.

Life itself forces you to change whether you like it or not.

And this doesn't mean you are not fine as you are.

When I was your age I was fine as I was, but could never have handled what I am handling now if I had stayed the same.

DerangedUnit -> RE: For you younger girls who like older men... (11/16/2014 10:55:36 PM)

Oh I know the happy days will end but I like having the break, I'll be happy and bouncy, cover my ears whenever someone says something I don't like and let someone else handle everything for me... before I have to go back to eating peoples still beating hearts.

sexyred1 -> RE: For you younger girls who like older men... (11/16/2014 10:58:18 PM)

Uh...ok. Perhaps I am not "getting" you, but I was trying to be helpful about finding friends.

I think we derailed the thread enough.

DerangedUnit -> RE: For you younger girls who like older men... (11/16/2014 11:11:59 PM)

This entire thread has been off topic... so I'll go back to the beginning to bring it full circle


ORIGINAL: DerangedUnit

I don't really think about age, it just always turns out that the people I like something about are older. I've never met anyone close to my age that I didn't feel like I was babysitting. I'm willing to wait until they are past playing little emotional games and are secure enough in themselves to be happy without me having to drive their emotional state. That happens at different ages, often never.... but I've found around fifty is most likely to work for me.

FieryOpal -> RE: For you younger girls who like older men... (11/17/2014 12:53:41 AM)


ORIGINAL: DerangedUnit

I would never be able to hide who I am, my personality is too ingrained in me. I'm inappropriate and in your face and not scared of looking bad for the sake of humor. Many pf those cases where when I was trying to be socially acceptable.... in which cases I come across as shy and easily duped because I'm focussing so hard on not saying anything about myself. Normal me gets the scornful responce by people outside the lifestyle and girls within are always placed in a position beneath me... It's hard to be friends with someone qhen you are their drill sergeant. I don't go outside by myself without covering myself head to toe, or work uniforms which are similar... and I tried not having sex for years to see if that did anything, it didn't...

It's something I've put considerable thought into and I agree... I'm too open, women tend to find that abrasive where as men are more likely to find it funny. But since I don't want to change that(and pretty sure I couldn't)I'm fine not having girlfriends, someday I might stumble across another me. Until then I'll make up more personalities and talk to myself :P

Let me just add my 2 cents' worth. Since I was a teenager, I've always had to work at maintaining friendships with my girlfriends. I get along better with males, always have, and I have more male friends than female.

I've never been a girly girl. Feminine enough, but not into a lot of things that other females are into. (Most of my interests are not things that not men get into either.) I don't get into overly primping or the latest fashion fad, I'm not a shopaholic (I approach shopping like a hunting mission.); but the main thing is, regardless of my friendships, I rarely get into superficial exchanges with people and would rather keep to myself. After all, like you, I'm not out to win any popularity contests. I don't give insincere compliments, and unfortunately, many women bond with one another this way - which isn't to say that their compliments are insincere - but I'm not going to feed someone's ego by gushing all over them. Pf-ft. I'm not stingy with compliments and praise either. For example, I had a best girlfriend for many years who would say things like, You look like you lost weight. Since I'd just seen her 2 days earlier, how would it be possible for her to detect any weight loss? To me, this isn't a compliment. Her asking me for a recipe for a dish I know she's never going to make, isn't a compliment. Anyway, you get the gist.

You're young and other women can feel threatened by a couple of things. Not wanting you anywhere near their man, and your happiness and/or success. Many women are far too competitive with one another. Hopefully, as time goes by, you'll meet women who will offer you their friendship without having any ulterior motives. It'll happen.

Greta75 -> RE: For you younger girls who like older men... (11/17/2014 3:05:36 AM)

I got 2 brothers as playmate growing up, all my cousins are male, I grew up playing with my brothers friends, so I grew up doing everything boys did. I never played with girls growing up, and I never did any girlie stuffs. All the things I love are quite masculine I'd have to say. I mean, my x-dom bought a raptor and I flipped it 360, that's the kinda shit I love. I love trucks and tanks.

And throughout my life, all my closest bestfriend are males. They become like my girlfriends. I mean, they are like girlfriends, even though they are straight men with girlfriends. When I was 5 yr old to 12 yr old, my male bestfriend was someone I spend every single day with, everyday after school, I go into his home and hang out with him in his room or his home, or he comes to mine. Because I only got brothers to play with, so I just fitted in with him as I can play all the male stuffs. My male best friend when I was 13 to 18 yr old, we could talk like 5 hours a day over the phone yakking non-stop, and I tell him everything, including complaining about my period, sore breasts, all my boyfriend troubles, everything. And we can just chill and hang out all day talking non stop. We even have many sleep overs with each other, although nothing sexual happened, as he was genuinely my platonic best friend. He has his girls that he dates, and I have my men that I date.

My current best friend, is male, and it's kinda the same, we can't stop yakking to each other. His probably shaking his head whenever he hears me bitch about my period problems, but he listens and then try to make my day better. His an awesome BFF. And his not gay.

But with females, it's always more difficult because I am barely into any women stuffs, unless they are very athletic like I am, and love dangerous sports and outdoors and loads of casual sex, I really got nothing in common with them., so when I hang out with a female, it's hard to find things mutually happy to do together for fun. Don't like painting nails, don't like make up, don't like shopping, don't like clothes, I rather be just naked all my life if I had a choice, don't like jewellery, don't like handbags or shoes, etc. That's why I enjoy the whole micro-management on appearance, as I like dressing to please my man, because I don't have an opinion on it. If I had to get doll up, I need specifications on exactly what he wants to see. So it would be very helpful if a man can be very specific to what colour my nails should be and what make up colour palette I should used, etc etc. And I honestly don't even know how to put make up. Never learnt.

But it doesn't really bother me. Most importantly is, you find people you connect with, does not matter male or female.

sexyred1 -> RE: For you younger girls who like older men... (11/17/2014 3:46:01 AM)

My newest best friend is a doctor who is very shy, lin a wheelchair with MS since age 22, has a daughter and has no interest in any girly stuff.

I am the opposite. I love all girly stuff, I am straight, no kids, am totally outgoing and glam.

If you saw us together you would say what??

Yet, she is the kindest, sweetest, most loyal and supportive person I know. And, we talk about everything from sex to politics, to movies, theater, music, books, food, DC. She has no interest at all in girly stuff, yet will listen to me complain about my hair, will compliment me on my glitter nails and make up and we laugh all the time.

We also talk about our mutual health issues and life and death. Even though I have no kids I adore her daughter and give her the mist honest advice.

We like each other because of and despite our differences.

I am blessed to have met her.

MojoDaddyMarine -> RE: For you younger girls who like older men... (11/17/2014 7:06:46 AM)


ORIGINAL: sexyred1

I really don't care about age, I just hate hypocrisy about why they want such young ones.

My recent ex is 12 years younger than me and I would never say, oh I picked him to nurture him through this world.

No, he was fucking hot and awesome in bed and he just appeared in my life.

My problem was that he was not intellectually stimulating to me and we were not compatible at all except for in the sheets.

Someone asked for opinions. Evidently You have issues that make you predisposition to not appreciate mine. I met my sub, not online, not through a dating site. I met her through everyday life, where she learned of my experience in the lifestyle, she initiated a discussion with me about her curiosity and we moved forward from there. I have had older submissives, and am here to share my point of view on the subject as to how the differences in their ages had an influence on me. Stop being so NEGATIVE towards an opinion because of your own insecurities.

ExiledTyrant -> RE: For you younger girls who like older men... (11/17/2014 7:18:00 AM)


ORIGINAL: MojoDaddyMarine


ORIGINAL: sexyred1

I really don't care about age, I just hate hypocrisy about why they want such young ones.

My recent ex is 12 years younger than me and I would never say, oh I picked him to nurture him through this world.

No, he was fucking hot and awesome in bed and he just appeared in my life.

My problem was that he was not intellectually stimulating to me and we were not compatible at all except for in the sheets.

Someone asked for opinions. - REDACTED -

She wasn't talking to you.

In the bottom right corner of a post you will see (in reply to:__). Some people use FR (fast reply) as a statement on topic and not directed at anyone.

If you have the option to edit, do so.

littleladybug -> RE: For you younger girls who like older men... (11/17/2014 8:05:51 AM)



It would be very interesting to see if I would revert to like younger men when I'm older.

The thing is, base on physical appearance, most men I know always physically look better older. I guess because I am into big guys, so usually they put on weight with age. When I see their young photos, they are like skinny and yucky.

I can relate to this one.

IMO, my prior Dom got much better with age. As I was going through his old pictures, I was amazed at how much he had changed. (There were actually a couple that were only identifiable as him through his tattoos. [:)] ). Even in the time we were together, I thought he became much more handsome....of course, the beard he had in the last two years was just icing on the cake...

Hands down...I much preferred his look later in life.

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