Transgender Teen's Suicide (Full Version)

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smileforme50 -> Transgender Teen's Suicide (1/1/2015 11:23:10 AM)

A 17 year-old boy in Ohio committed suicide earlier this week. This is a part of what was written in the suicide note:

""Please don't be sad, it's for the better. The life I would've lived isn't worth living in... because I'm transgender," the note said. "I could go into detail explaining why I feel that way, but this note is probably going to be lengthy enough as it is. To put it simply, I feel like a girl trapped in a boy's body, and I've felt that way ever since I was 4. I never knew there was a word for that feeling, nor was it possible for a boy to become a girl, so I never told anyone and I just continued to do traditionally 'boyish' things to try to fit in."

I will admit that even now in the 21st century, I am still not fully "embracing" the concepts of transgender, transsexual ...or transvestite for that matter. Ok....I admit me close-minded or whatever you want. I'm not saying I hate these people or that I don't think they shouldn't be given the same rights as everyone else. I'm just saying that I'm uncomfortable with them and I don't actively seek interactions with them.

But I have to ask....maybe someone here can explain it to me.....what does it mean to "feel" like a girl? Or "feel" like a boy? Can't a person just "feel" like the person they are?

I can't say that I "feel" like I girl.....I don't know what that "feels" like. I just feel like.....ME!

GoddessManko -> RE: Transgender Teen's Suicide (1/1/2015 11:47:04 AM)


ORIGINAL: smileforme50

A 17 year-old boy in Ohio committed suicide earlier this week. This is a part of what was written in the suicide note:

""Please don't be sad, it's for the better. The life I would've lived isn't worth living in... because I'm transgender," the note said. "I could go into detail explaining why I feel that way, but this note is probably going to be lengthy enough as it is. To put it simply, I feel like a girl trapped in a boy's body, and I've felt that way ever since I was 4. I never knew there was a word for that feeling, nor was it possible for a boy to become a girl, so I never told anyone and I just continued to do traditionally 'boyish' things to try to fit in."

I will admit that even now in the 21st century, I am still not fully "embracing" the concepts of transgender, transsexual ...or transvestite for that matter. Ok....I admit me close-minded or whatever you want. I'm not saying I hate these people or that I don't think they shouldn't be given the same rights as everyone else. I'm just saying that I'm uncomfortable with them and I don't actively seek interactions with them.

But I have to ask....maybe someone here can explain it to me.....what does it mean to "feel" like a girl? Or "feel" like a boy? Can't a person just "feel" like the person they are?

I can't say that I "feel" like I girl.....I don't know what that "feels" like. I just feel like.....ME!

It's fine you feel that way, at least you have the guts to admit it. I had never seen openly gay activities until I was 16 and for me that was a shocker, coming from a highly conservative background. I think those most able to understand/accept/respect/embrace the "unknown" are those most open to change and receptive to differences in other people. Those are people I favor the most in personal experience. I have taken the position of the activist before but I realize that change is something done internally even when all external factors indicate it is necessary. I disagree with suicide as being an answer but clearly this kid thought the tragedy would bring about change and hopefully she's right. It will be another generational mind block to overcome status quo in this regard. Meaning the kids being smarter than their parents, and fight for their rights of personal expression/feelings and opinions.
It's simply not enough to desire change and then to think desired change is fruitless without doing one tiny thing in the direction of enabling it.

smileforme50 -> RE: Transgender Teen's Suicide (1/1/2015 11:57:32 AM)

Understood......but how would you answer my question?

What does it mean to "feel" like a girl or what does it mean to "feel" like a boy?

SinFix -> RE: Transgender Teen's Suicide (1/1/2015 12:04:08 PM)

Well, I will say that most associate certain things with each gender...

such as frilly clothes being feminine
make up to look pretty
feeling pretty

But " to me" what the teen was most likely saying was that they wanted those types of things that are associated with being female..

But yeah, when I feel "girly" is when I embrace my femininity and wear dresses with heels. Stocking and garters. Or just plain ole made up to the nines...

The power I can wield over men... that to me is feeling girly

obviously the answers are going to vary greatly according to age, experience, culture and so on....

GoddessManko -> RE: Transgender Teen's Suicide (1/1/2015 12:11:32 PM)

I wouldn't know the answer to that, only the status quo answers. I think the odds that chromosomes fucked up is likely, that happens. Pregnancy is a very "unknown" time for both mom and baby and gender/health are both on the table. Some might argue it's a genetic issue, some might argue mental illness. But there is an affluent doctor who his entire life desired amputation and doctors couldn't"fix him". His wife of umpteen years granted his wish. He knew his desires were wrong and abnormal but he still desired it nonetheless.
If this kid felt strongly he is a girl, then yes, he is a girl, accept and move on is what should have been done. He looks extremely androgynous to me.
If I take into account my Arawak ancestry and label myself as such despite only being 25% then that's who I am. No one can tell anyone else who or what they are if all within their mind and heart rejects it. This is where the danger lies in demanding others to conform to our expectations. If a man enjoyed doing things deemed as "feminine traits" and identified as female it's his right. It will complicate things in the prison system but that's another debate entirely. Pretty much why I feel they should be recognized but certain lines have to be drawn and yes, it will become complicated if you go into doing things on paper.

NookieNotes -> RE: Transgender Teen's Suicide (1/1/2015 12:19:37 PM)

From those of my friends that are TG, here is what I understand. I could be wrong, because although I am a tomboy and I've not usually understood most women, I am very comfortable in my skin.

From those who are male-bodied, but feel female:
I should not have a penis. It doesn't belong there.
I don't understand why I don't have breasts.
I've always loved long hair.
I never did like trucks and sports. I always enjoyed dolls.

From those who are female-bodied, but feel male:
I feel like I am missing something between my legs.
Breasts just get in the way, I'd like to just cut them off and be done with it.
You (meaning me) sometimes act like one of the guys. I AM one of the guys, but no one can tell.

From various:
My body feels like an itchy sweater. It just doesn't fit right in all the sex places.
How do you know you love someone? It's like that. I know I'm not the body I was born in.

Not sure if that helps. From what I get from conversations like this is that you and I, we KNOW ourselves and fit in our bodies. But TGs do not. They know who they are, but their body feels foreign to them their entire lives, until they do something about it. They feel they were shipped in the wrong package, so to speak.

smileforme50 -> RE: Transgender Teen's Suicide (1/1/2015 12:38:29 PM)


See...I'm 48 years old and to me, I have always identified myself as a girl and I have never EVER had the thought cross my mind that I may have been meant to be a boy or want to be a boy. BUT....
-- I live in jeans and sneakers....I have always hated wearing dresses and heels and only do it when I absolutely have to (Hell....I never even wore the heels....I do flats)
-- I never wear any saves me a hell of a lot of money
-- I don't have pierced ears and don't wear earrings....I tried it for awhile but it wasn't meant to be
-- I just RECENTLY started wearing ONE ring on my hand for the first time....and that is in tribute to my mother who passed away 6 months ago. It is her "mother" ring that has the birthstones of her children
-- I just recently started wearing professionally applied false nails that I get filed and painted every few weeks....and the only reason I started to do that is because I have always bitten my nails all my life and I finally want to stop, and I'm hoping this does the trick.
-- I never had the desire to have children and I don't regret not having any

I guess that's where my question comes from, because when I ask "what does it mean to 'feel' like a girl?" I'm expecting answers like what you said. But if that's the case....then I have never felt like a girl.....Just like this kid has never felt like a boy. But I still never felt the need to change my name and start calling myself a boy.

smileforme50 -> RE: Transgender Teen's Suicide (1/1/2015 12:42:58 PM)


ORIGINAL: NookieNotes

From those of my friends that are TG, here is what I understand. I could be wrong, because although I am a tomboy and I've not usually understood most women, I am very comfortable in my skin.

From those who are male-bodied, but feel female:
I should not have a penis. It doesn't belong there.
I don't understand why I don't have breasts.
I've always loved long hair.
I never did like trucks and sports. I always enjoyed dolls.

From those who are female-bodied, but feel male:
I feel like I am missing something between my legs.
Breasts just get in the way, I'd like to just cut them off and be done with it.
You (meaning me) sometimes act like one of the guys. I AM one of the guys, but no one can tell.

From various:
My body feels like an itchy sweater. It just doesn't fit right in all the sex places.
How do you know you love someone? It's like that. I know I'm not the body I was born in.

Not sure if that helps. From what I get from conversations like this is that you and I, we KNOW ourselves and fit in our bodies. But TGs do not. They know who they are, but their body feels foreign to them their entire lives, until they do something about it. They feel they were shipped in the wrong package, so to speak.

Well....I don't have any desire to have anything more between my legs than what is already there, but I wouldn't mind not having would save me the cost and discomfort of bras. (that does NOT mean I am looking to have a mastectomy for cosmetic or health reasons!)

ETA....I guess what I'm saying is that while I never had the desire to be a boy....I also never identified with all the frilly trappings and stereotypes of "being a girl". To doesn't matter whether you're a boy or a girl. If you like playing with with dolls! If you want to have long hair....have long hair! (that not a problem with a lot of guys) If you want to play with power tools and with power tools and trucks! Why are any of these things so arbitrarily assigned to be "girl" or "boy"? They are what they are and if someone likes or dislikes them.....that shouldn't have anything to do with gender.

SinFix -> RE: Transgender Teen's Suicide (1/1/2015 12:57:18 PM)


Oh, don't get me wrong, most people would not put me too firmly in the girly camp
As a kid I was the only girl in the boys baseball league...
I go from long to short hair in a fail swoop..
I have never had a manicure, though I have gotten a few pedicures
And don't dress up often, though when the weather is warm I do prefer dresses/skirts over wearing shorts...
I just discovered at a early age the power of being female.. and at times I do enjoy embracing that power..

LadyXandreia -> RE: Transgender Teen's Suicide (1/1/2015 1:16:03 PM)

You know yourself to be a woman. Everywhere you go, people support that knowledge. But imagine if the opposite happened. If you headed into a women's bathroom and someone said, "Hey, buddy, what the hell do you think you're doing?" If you were shopping for women's clothing and held a dress up to yourself, and people eyed you as if you were crazy and maybe pulled their kids away from you. If you went to order a coffee and the person behind the counter said, "Here you go, sir." If that sort of thing happened day in and day out, and you expressed your frustration to someone and they told you that you were trying to be something you're not, and going against God besides. I think that if that happened to you, you'd know exactly what it meant to feel like a girl. You'd be painfully aware at all times that what you are is not what everyone else sees when they look at you.

NookieNotes -> RE: Transgender Teen's Suicide (1/1/2015 1:25:09 PM)


ORIGINAL: smileforme50


ORIGINAL: NookieNotes

From those of my friends that are TG, here is what I understand. I could be wrong, because although I am a tomboy and I've not usually understood most women, I am very comfortable in my skin.

From those who are male-bodied, but feel female:
I should not have a penis. It doesn't belong there.
I don't understand why I don't have breasts.
I've always loved long hair.
I never did like trucks and sports. I always enjoyed dolls.

From those who are female-bodied, but feel male:
I feel like I am missing something between my legs.
Breasts just get in the way, I'd like to just cut them off and be done with it.
You (meaning me) sometimes act like one of the guys. I AM one of the guys, but no one can tell.

From various:
My body feels like an itchy sweater. It just doesn't fit right in all the sex places.
How do you know you love someone? It's like that. I know I'm not the body I was born in.

Not sure if that helps. From what I get from conversations like this is that you and I, we KNOW ourselves and fit in our bodies. But TGs do not. They know who they are, but their body feels foreign to them their entire lives, until they do something about it. They feel they were shipped in the wrong package, so to speak.

Well....I don't have any desire to have anything more between my legs than what is already there, but I wouldn't mind not having would save me the cost and discomfort of bras. (that does NOT mean I am looking to have a mastectomy for cosmetic or health reasons!)

ETA....I guess what I'm saying is that while I never had the desire to be a boy....I also never identified with all the frilly trappings and stereotypes of "being a girl". To doesn't matter whether you're a boy or a girl. If you like playing with with dolls! If you want to have long hair....have long hair! (that not a problem with a lot of guys) If you want to play with power tools and with power tools and trucks! Why are any of these things so arbitrarily assigned to be "girl" or "boy"? They are what they are and if someone likes or dislikes them.....that shouldn't have anything to do with gender.

I really think you are missing the point. It's not just about the dolls or trucks. The rest of the stuff is important.

Not to be mean, but you are typifying privilege right now. By saying since you have never felt that way, you can't comprehend that others do.

I have never felt it, either, but I do try to understand that when someone says they feel they are in the wrong body, or that it doesn't fit in the right places. I will never KNOW that feeling. I just accept that they do.

LadyXandreia said it much better than I can.

LiveSpark -> RE: Transgender Teen's Suicide (1/1/2015 1:26:56 PM)


ORIGINAL: smileforme50

Understood......but how would you answer my question?

What does it mean to "feel" like a girl or what does it mean to "feel" like a boy?

From what I gather from talking with TG people (also MTF) it isn't so much a question of feeling like a girl or boy. The best I've heard it described is: imagine you wake up in the morning and you still feel and think like you only you have the body of a man. Imagine how you would feel.

ExiledTyrant -> RE: Transgender Teen's Suicide (1/1/2015 1:49:20 PM)


Some people are comfortable and secure in their identity and sometimes actually stumble across a label the gives a great baseline on how they resonate. You were not born with "submissive" stamped on the bottom of your foot, but now that you have discovered WIITWD, and clearly you have or you would not be here, you've identified as a submissive because that is the particular starting point that "begins" you but does not quantify you. Trying to wrap your head around being a D is most likely just as confusing and alien as it was to this girl every time she looked in the mirror and saw a boy but knew she was a girl.

I was a stay at home mom. Not a stay at home dad, I was more mom+; I did all the mom stuff and the dad stuff too. So when it comes to raising ums and loving them, I was a total chick about it and only chicks understood what I felt for my ums. Dads would just shake their heads because to them it was a cat barking. I'm all guy, always have felt like a guy, do everything that guys do... I can build it, fix it, make it, etc. BUT I process most things emotionally first, intellectually second... yep, like the average chickadee, but from a Primal place.

Now you are making assertions that you are "uncomfortable" with "them", but if you were blind, you wouldn't know the girl in this article wasn't a girl. Just like if you met Bear on the street you wouldn't know he was gay, or, or, or, ad infinitum. You're making judgments here on inside knowledge. Would it change the way you feel about someone you've known your entire life if they suddenly admitted to a gender identity issue?

MsWickedPig -> RE: Transgender Teen's Suicide (1/1/2015 4:14:28 PM)

I wish there was something like a "Like" button on the forum side.. I'm still hung over from NYE, but love all the input.. I'll try to gather the capacity to throw my input into play... Really, this topic is my type of jelly :)

Happy 2015 everyone!

smileforme50 -> RE: Transgender Teen's Suicide (1/1/2015 5:52:19 PM)


ORIGINAL: NookieNotes


ORIGINAL: smileforme50


ORIGINAL: NookieNotes

From those of my friends that are TG, here is what I understand. I could be wrong, because although I am a tomboy and I've not usually understood most women, I am very comfortable in my skin.

From those who are male-bodied, but feel female:
I should not have a penis. It doesn't belong there.
I don't understand why I don't have breasts.
I've always loved long hair.
I never did like trucks and sports. I always enjoyed dolls.

From those who are female-bodied, but feel male:
I feel like I am missing something between my legs.
Breasts just get in the way, I'd like to just cut them off and be done with it.
You (meaning me) sometimes act like one of the guys. I AM one of the guys, but no one can tell.

From various:
My body feels like an itchy sweater. It just doesn't fit right in all the sex places.
How do you know you love someone? It's like that. I know I'm not the body I was born in.

Not sure if that helps. From what I get from conversations like this is that you and I, we KNOW ourselves and fit in our bodies. But TGs do not. They know who they are, but their body feels foreign to them their entire lives, until they do something about it. They feel they were shipped in the wrong package, so to speak.

Well....I don't have any desire to have anything more between my legs than what is already there, but I wouldn't mind not having would save me the cost and discomfort of bras. (that does NOT mean I am looking to have a mastectomy for cosmetic or health reasons!)

ETA....I guess what I'm saying is that while I never had the desire to be a boy....I also never identified with all the frilly trappings and stereotypes of "being a girl". To doesn't matter whether you're a boy or a girl. If you like playing with with dolls! If you want to have long hair....have long hair! (that not a problem with a lot of guys) If you want to play with power tools and with power tools and trucks! Why are any of these things so arbitrarily assigned to be "girl" or "boy"? They are what they are and if someone likes or dislikes them.....that shouldn't have anything to do with gender.

I really think you are missing the point. It's not just about the dolls or trucks. The rest of the stuff is important.

Not to be mean, but you are typifying privilege right now. By saying since you have never felt that way, you can't comprehend that others do.

I have never felt it, either, but I do try to understand that when someone says they feel they are in the wrong body, or that it doesn't fit in the right places. I will never KNOW that feeling. I just accept that they do.

LadyXandreia said it much better than I can.

Are you saying that you don't "feel like a girl"?

smileforme50 -> RE: Transgender Teen's Suicide (1/1/2015 5:53:26 PM)


ORIGINAL: smileforme50


ORIGINAL: NookieNotes


ORIGINAL: smileforme50


ORIGINAL: NookieNotes

From those of my friends that are TG, here is what I understand. I could be wrong, because although I am a tomboy and I've not usually understood most women, I am very comfortable in my skin.

From those who are male-bodied, but feel female:
I should not have a penis. It doesn't belong there.
I don't understand why I don't have breasts.
I've always loved long hair.
I never did like trucks and sports. I always enjoyed dolls.

From those who are female-bodied, but feel male:
I feel like I am missing something between my legs.
Breasts just get in the way, I'd like to just cut them off and be done with it.
You (meaning me) sometimes act like one of the guys. I AM one of the guys, but no one can tell.

From various:
My body feels like an itchy sweater. It just doesn't fit right in all the sex places.
How do you know you love someone? It's like that. I know I'm not the body I was born in.

Not sure if that helps. From what I get from conversations like this is that you and I, we KNOW ourselves and fit in our bodies. But TGs do not. They know who they are, but their body feels foreign to them their entire lives, until they do something about it. They feel they were shipped in the wrong package, so to speak.

Well....I don't have any desire to have anything more between my legs than what is already there, but I wouldn't mind not having would save me the cost and discomfort of bras. (that does NOT mean I am looking to have a mastectomy for cosmetic or health reasons!)

ETA....I guess what I'm saying is that while I never had the desire to be a boy....I also never identified with all the frilly trappings and stereotypes of "being a girl". To doesn't matter whether you're a boy or a girl. If you like playing with with dolls! If you want to have long hair....have long hair! (that not a problem with a lot of guys) If you want to play with power tools and with power tools and trucks! Why are any of these things so arbitrarily assigned to be "girl" or "boy"? They are what they are and if someone likes or dislikes them.....that shouldn't have anything to do with gender.

I really think you are missing the point. It's not just about the dolls or trucks. The rest of the stuff is important.

Not to be mean, but you are typifying privilege right now. By saying since you have never felt that way, you can't comprehend that others do.

I have never felt it, either, but I do try to understand that when someone says they feel they are in the wrong body, or that it doesn't fit in the right places. I will never KNOW that feeling. I just accept that they do.

LadyXandreia said it much better than I can.

Are you saying that you don't "feel like a girl"?

I'm just trying to figure out what he meant by "feel like a girl?" What does it mean to "feel like a girl?" or "feel like a boy?"

smileforme50 -> RE: Transgender Teen's Suicide (1/1/2015 5:58:39 PM)




ORIGINAL: smileforme50

Understood......but how would you answer my question?

What does it mean to "feel" like a girl or what does it mean to "feel" like a boy?

From what I gather from talking with TG people (also MTF) it isn't so much a question of feeling like a girl or boy. The best I've heard it described is: imagine you wake up in the morning and you still feel and think like you only you have the body of a man. Imagine how you would feel.

I guess suddenly feeling a penis between my legs would be weird and I would have to decide if I wanted to shave my face (although that might be a nice trade off....having to shave only one part of my body instead of three). But....I would still wear jeans and sneakers every day (but my dates would be the ones expected to dress up...not me!) And hell.....maybe with the different hormone balance and muscle mass I wouldn't have as much trouble losing weight..... hhmmm.....

LiveSpark -> RE: Transgender Teen's Suicide (1/1/2015 6:24:53 PM)


ORIGINAL: smileforme50




ORIGINAL: smileforme50

Understood......but how would you answer my question?

What does it mean to "feel" like a girl or what does it mean to "feel" like a boy?

From what I gather from talking with TG people (also MTF) it isn't so much a question of feeling like a girl or boy. The best I've heard it described is: imagine you wake up in the morning and you still feel and think like you only you have the body of a man. Imagine how you would feel.

I guess suddenly feeling a penis between my legs would be weird and I would have to decide if I wanted to shave my face (although that might be a nice trade off....having to shave only one part of my body instead of three). But....I would still wear jeans and sneakers every day (but my dates would be the ones expected to dress up...not me!) And hell.....maybe with the different hormone balance and muscle mass I wouldn't have as much trouble losing weight..... hhmmm.....

That's not my POINT. My point is it would feel wrong. Because your identity is as a female so having the wrong equipment would feel wrong. Wouldn't you want to correct that? To balance the gender you identify with and the outside packaging?

smileforme50 -> RE: Transgender Teen's Suicide (1/1/2015 7:06:22 PM)


ORIGINAL: ExiledTyrant


Some people are comfortable and secure in their identity and sometimes actually stumble across a label the gives a great baseline on how they resonate. You were not born with "submissive" stamped on the bottom of your foot, but now that you have discovered WIITWD, and clearly you have or you would not be here, you've identified as a submissive because that is the particular starting point that "begins" you but does not quantify you. Trying to wrap your head around being a D is most likely just as confusing and alien as it was to this girl every time she looked in the mirror and saw a boy but knew she was a girl.

Similar to this boy (and I will call him a "boy" because as far as I'm concerned, his chromosomes say "XY" not "XX" and that is what makes him a boy) I knew I was submissive from a very young age (about 6), but didn't know that it actually had a name and that there were others like me until I was about 10. But it's also something that I learned a long time ago that I can live without. I wouldn't want to be a Domme in a D/s relationship, but I can and have been the more dominant partner in a vanilla relationship several wasn't a big's just was what it was.


I was a stay at home mom. Not a stay at home dad, I was more mom+; I did all the mom stuff and the dad stuff too. So when it comes to raising ums and loving them, I was a total chick about it and only chicks understood what I felt for my ums. Dads would just shake their heads because to them it was a cat barking. I'm all guy, always have felt like a guy, do everything that guys do... I can build it, fix it, make it, etc. BUT I process most things emotionally first, intellectually second... yep, like the average chickadee, but from a Primal place.

I have to admit that I have always been very bothered by the differentiation between mothers and fathers. I don't think there should be. There shouldn't be "mom things" and "dad things". I would have never called you a "stay at home mom" or "stay at home dad".....what you were was a "stay at home PARENT". One of my BIGGEST pet peeves in modern advertising is how they put so much on "mothers". "Choosy mothers choose JIF!" What? There are no "choosy fathers?" Why isn't is "choosy parents"? Or do fathers not give a rat's ass about what their kids eat?

I've also always been very offended by something else you mentioned (don't take this personally because I know a lot of people say this). This claim that women process things more emotionally and men more intellectually is such total crap it isn't even funny. I've always been a very logical person. Most of my family and friends tell me I'm not emotional enough. My one sister is a bit more emotional, but my other sister is more like me. My brother? He's a total a good way. When my mom passed away, he was definitely the one of us 4 who was the most outwardly emotional about it. He's also been the most outwardly emotional when past relationships ended.
Plus....anybody who says that men process things more intellectually than emotionally has never watch a bunch of guys watching their team lose a football (or basketball, or baseball, or hockey..) game. I've also seen a lot more MEN than women getting into bar fights over petty issues (Sorry....this was kind of a side issue....I'll get off the stump now)


Now you are making assertions that you are "uncomfortable" with "them", but if you were blind, you wouldn't know the girl in this article wasn't a girl. Just like if you met Bear on the street you wouldn't know he was gay, or, or, or, ad infinitum. You're making judgments here on inside knowledge. Would it change the way you feel about someone you've known your entire life if they suddenly admitted to a gender identity issue?

If people were blind, they wouldn't know that other people were fat or....wore thick glasses, or ....walked with a limp, or....had bad teeth, or....any other physical principle, and nobody would ever judge anyone on appearance. But the fact of the matter is that people DO judge others on appearance. That's just the way the world is.

Probably. It would depend on if they started acting differently then they had in past years.

smileforme50 -> RE: Transgender Teen's Suicide (1/1/2015 7:19:38 PM)




ORIGINAL: smileforme50




ORIGINAL: smileforme50

Understood......but how would you answer my question?

What does it mean to "feel" like a girl or what does it mean to "feel" like a boy?

From what I gather from talking with TG people (also MTF) it isn't so much a question of feeling like a girl or boy. The best I've heard it described is: imagine you wake up in the morning and you still feel and think like you only you have the body of a man. Imagine how you would feel.

I guess suddenly feeling a penis between my legs would be weird and I would have to decide if I wanted to shave my face (although that might be a nice trade off....having to shave only one part of my body instead of three). But....I would still wear jeans and sneakers every day (but my dates would be the ones expected to dress up...not me!) And hell.....maybe with the different hormone balance and muscle mass I wouldn't have as much trouble losing weight..... hhmmm.....

That's not my POINT. My point is it would feel wrong. Because your identity is as a female so having the wrong equipment would feel wrong. Wouldn't you want to correct that? To balance the gender you identify with and the outside packaging?

THAT'S my question. What do you mean "gender you identify with"? I mean....I call myself. a girl because that's just what I was told I am. I don't really "identify" myself as a girl. I'm a PERSON, I'm just ME. Yes....suddenly waking up with a penis between my legs would feel "wrong" but just in a strictly physical sense....the same way waking up with any other physical difference would feel. Like....if I suddenly woke up with a lump the size of a grapefruit on the side of my neck...It would be uncomfortable and I would want to get rid of it, but I wouldn't feel like a different person.

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