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RE: Three Muslims shot - 2/15/2015 9:23:57 AM   

Posts: 12180
Joined: 8/16/2007
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utch I think people are making such a big deal out of it cause,........well three people are dead for no good reason.

In my book that's a big deal.

As it should be Mike... my point...along with the FACT that some here were called anti-Muslim bigots because we thought the Aussie incident was terrorism and the act of someone with a mental illness...remember?

So let me say... this guy was NUTS to kill three people PERIOD... but it was still a terror act and should be described that way... just as the one in Australia should have been. Crazy people are racists and bigots and terrorist too.



Mark Twain:

I don't see any use in having a uniform and arbitrary way of spelling words. We might as well make all clothes alike and cook all dishes alike. Sameness is tiresome; variety is pleasing

(in reply to slvemike4u)
Profile   Post #: 401
RE: Three Muslims shot - 2/15/2015 9:24:27 AM   

Posts: 22039
Joined: 6/14/2006
From: Nampa, Idaho USA
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ORIGINAL: slvemike4u





I believe it started over a parking space... then it turned into a anti-Muslim terror killings... there is no difference between this incident and any other terrorist incident... BUT... people can't have it both ways as some like to here... these incidents together are either terrorism or they are not.


Terrorism as we know it is planned out, supported by a community of like-minded individuals, based on holy scripture, and blessed by the prophet

This was some crazed wacko acting alone in the heat of the moment

Sort of like the difference between premeditated murder and murder committed in the heat of the moment, murder 1 and murder 2

Someone alert Homeland Security,Sanity just decreed that there is no such thing as "the lone wolf" terrorist.
Security services the world over can now relax ,the threat that has been keeping them up at night is not says sanity

Lone wolf terrorists exist but arent nearly as common, as they dont tend to come from an extremely sexually repressed culture where they are taught that they will receive a sensitive, powerful, and heavenly eternal erection and many fantastic virgins to use it on in exchange for serving Allah faithfully

< Message edited by Sanity -- 2/15/2015 9:25:30 AM >


Inside Every Liberal Is A Totalitarian Screaming To Get Out

(in reply to slvemike4u)
Profile   Post #: 402
RE: Three Muslims shot - 2/15/2015 9:25:58 AM   

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Didn't even read it CD...cause I have a ready answer.
He is a "responsible gun owner" by virtue of the fact that he was violating no gun laws while possessing his personal armory.
Everything else is just his own form of psychosis .
And I can prove it by asking you one simple question.....did any of what you took the time to type disqualify Hicks from the right to arm himself to the teeth ?
The answer is no,right up till the time he shot these three young people dead,dead,dead he was ....wait for it....a responsible ,mostly law abiding,mildly threatening ,gun owner .

You can't disavow him now,after the fact,when four days ago you would have been here vehemently defending his right to firearms as per the Constitution.


If we want things to stay as they are,things will have to change...Tancredi from "the Leopard"

Forget Guns-----Ban the pools

Funny stuff....

(in reply to CreativeDominant)
Profile   Post #: 403
RE: Three Muslims shot - 2/15/2015 9:27:58 AM   

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From: Nampa, Idaho USA
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utch I think people are making such a big deal out of it cause,........well three people are dead for no good reason.

In my book that's a big deal.

As it should be Mike... my point...along with the FACT that some here were called anti-Muslim bigots because we thought the Aussie incident was terrorism and the act of someone with a mental illness...remember?

So let me say... this guy was NUTS to kill three people PERIOD... but it was still a terror act and should be described that way... just as the one in Australia should have been. Crazy people are racists and bigots and terrorist too.


Calling it terrorism doesnt make it terrorism

This was just some psycho in a huff

If his goal were to ensure that everyone would leave him a parking space it would be more like terrorism as we know it

But there wasnt really a goal at all, it was just a crazed killing spree


Inside Every Liberal Is A Totalitarian Screaming To Get Out

(in reply to kdsub)
Profile   Post #: 404
RE: Three Muslims shot - 2/15/2015 9:34:42 AM   

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We will disagree here... I see no difference in killing people BECAUSE they were Muslims, nuts or not, and flying a plane into a building. Whether it is planned or not.


< Message edited by kdsub -- 2/15/2015 9:41:23 AM >


Mark Twain:

I don't see any use in having a uniform and arbitrary way of spelling words. We might as well make all clothes alike and cook all dishes alike. Sameness is tiresome; variety is pleasing

(in reply to Sanity)
Profile   Post #: 405
RE: Three Muslims shot - 2/15/2015 9:35:26 AM   

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Okay Sanity,lets suppose for a moment I buy that claptrap.
What do we do about the externally normal,internally ticking time bomb,gun owners walking around out there ?
Surely (don't call me Shirley)you admit this isn't the only one out there ?
You read the papers right ?
Do you suggest the rest of us be very,very,careful where we park ?
Is walking with our heads down and eyes averted a good defense against disgruntled "responsible gun owners" ?
Just how much weight should we give to the possibility of falling victim to a "responsible gun owner" having a particularly bad day ?


If we want things to stay as they are,things will have to change...Tancredi from "the Leopard"

Forget Guns-----Ban the pools

Funny stuff....

(in reply to Sanity)
Profile   Post #: 406
RE: Three Muslims shot - 2/15/2015 9:36:24 AM   

Posts: 22039
Joined: 6/14/2006
From: Nampa, Idaho USA
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ORIGINAL: CreativeDominant


ORIGINAL: slvemike4u

True again sanity(you're biorhythms must be off the charts today)and yet the capriciousness of the decision to shoot,the easy accessibility to weapons(he had a few more in his house) the fact that prior to this he was just another responsible gun owner must give you a moment of pause,perhaps a split second wherein you reflect of the insanity of the gun culture in this country.

How do you separate the culture that spawned this armed idiot from the resulting tragedy ?

None of that resonates with you ?

Just kidding I know none of those thoughts ever permeates into your skull
Your snide comment about Hicks being just another responsible gun owner sent me searching. Tell me, in what area of the following, do you find a responsible person? In the fact that he voted for the Democratic ticket? In the fact that he is an anti-theist?

"Craig Stephen Hicks was studying to become a paralegal at Durham Technical Community College at the time of the shooting.[26][27][18] Neighbors describe Hicks as threatening. He complained about the noise of one resident playing a card game and playing music when she pulled into the lot.[17] Hicks wrote on Facebook about reporting a couple having sex in a car in the parking lot to the police. In 2013, Hicks reported a dispute between a tow truck driver and a car's owner to police, and walked to the parking lot with a gun.[28][17]

Hicks had moved to Chapel Hill in 2005 from Bethalto, Illinois.[29] He has been divorced twice.[17] His first marriage, which lasted just five months, ended in 2005 when Hicks left his first wife and their two-month-old daughter before divorce proceedings could be completed. Martha Landson, his former mother-in-law from his first marriage, said "He was an unhappy, angry person. The first time I met him, there was something in his eyes." Landson said the family had stayed quiet on her daughter's brief marriage to Hicks to protect their now 10-year-old daughter, who has no idea her father has been jailed in connection to the shooting. Though Hicks had been allowed to visit his daughter on alternate Saturdays, he had not done so in the preceding decade, according to Landson. Court documents have shown Hicks' first wife had financially supported the couple during their marriage, and that Hicks has been perpetually unemployed. At the time of the shootings, he had no income or cash at hand. His assets were listed as his 2000 Nissan Sentra (worth $2,000), and his Finley Forest condo (worth $105,000).[29]

A friend of Yusor stated that Hicks was "holding a rifle" while complaining about extra cars in the neighborhood and noise from their game of Risk.[17] Another resident and a friend of Barakat and Yusor Abu-Salha told the Associated Press that "Hicks complained about once a month that the two men were parking in a visitor's space as well as their assigned spot. 'He would come over to the door. Knock on the door and then have a gun on his hip saying 'you guys need to not park here.' [...] Both Hicks and his neighbors complained to the property managers" who warned them to call the police if they were harassed again."[30][31]

Hicks had a publicly viewable Facebook page where he had uploaded an image of his .38 caliber revolver[32] and set his profile image to one stating "Atheists for Equality".[33] On his Facebook page, he described himself as an anti-theist, and posted numerous images which condemned all religions and religious violence. Hicks was critical of Christian opponents of the Park51 project, stating, "Seems an overwhelming majority of Christians in this country feel that the Muslims are using the Ground Zero mosque plans to 'mark their conquest [...] bunch of hypocrites, everywhere I've been in this country there are churches marking the Christian conquest of this country from the Native Americans."[34][35] CNN religion editor Daniel Burke interprets Hicks' response to conspiracy theories about President Barack Obama's religion as "It's OK if we have a Muslim president."[35] Hicks had set a banner image on his page to one stating, "I don't deny you your right to believe whatever you'd like; but I have the right to point out it's ignorant and dangerous for as long as your baseless superstitions keep killing people."[36] In another Facebook post, Hicks stated, "I give your religion as much respect as your religion gives me [...] there's nothing complicated about it, and I have every right to insult a religion that goes out of its way to insult, to judge and to condemn me as an inadequate human being -- which your religion does with self-righteous gusto."[37]

Hicks is a gun rights advocate with a concealed weapons permit[30] who had 13 firearms in his house.[34] Hicks complained about Christians and Muslims on his facebook page.[30] Hicks wrote, "Some call me a gun toting liberal, others call me an open-minded conservative."[30] Hicks voted in two recent elections, as a Democrat and once on a nonpartisan ballot"

To some people, and I am referring to certain leftist types specifically, their wild-eyed spin is reality - and they honestly cannot tell the difference.


Inside Every Liberal Is A Totalitarian Screaming To Get Out

(in reply to CreativeDominant)
Profile   Post #: 407
RE: Three Muslims shot - 2/15/2015 9:44:40 AM   

Posts: 17896
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From: United States
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Point out,in specificity,just where I left the realm of truth and reality.
Was the shooter not in legal possession of those guns in the locality in which he lived.....check.
Were there any wants or warrants out on him at the time ....No....another check.
So prior to pulling the trigger that shot these three bright young,promising people dead,dead,dead......he was a responsible,law abiding,slightly threatening gun owner.
Dispute any of those facts before casting aspersions upon my posts.


If we want things to stay as they are,things will have to change...Tancredi from "the Leopard"

Forget Guns-----Ban the pools

Funny stuff....

(in reply to Sanity)
Profile   Post #: 408
RE: Three Muslims shot - 2/15/2015 9:47:04 AM   

Posts: 22039
Joined: 6/14/2006
From: Nampa, Idaho USA
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We will disagree here... I see no difference in killing people BECAUSE they were Muslims, nuts or not, and flying a plane into a building. Whether it is planned or not.


I will try again

In the case of Islamic terrorists, their culture teaches the people who fly the planes into skyscrapers that theirs is a spiritual endeavor of the highest magnitude

Our society teaches that that kind of behavior is sick and wrong

That, and the one is the product of years of ice cold premeditated planning while the other is a crime of momentary passion

Look up the differences between murder 1, murder 2 and murder 3 for further consideration


Inside Every Liberal Is A Totalitarian Screaming To Get Out

(in reply to kdsub)
Profile   Post #: 409
RE: Three Muslims shot - 2/15/2015 9:53:21 AM   

Posts: 17896
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From: United States
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We will disagree here... I see no difference in killing people BECAUSE they were Muslims, nuts or not, and flying a plane into a building. Whether it is planned or not.


I will try again

In the case of Islamic terrorists, their culture teaches the people who fly the planes into skyscrapers that theirs is a spiritual endeavor of the highest magnitude

Our society teaches that that kind of behavior is sick and wrong

That, and the one is the product of years of ice cold premeditated planning while the other is a crime of momentary passion

Look up the differences between murder 1, murder 2 and murder 3 for further consideration

Trying it again cause you got it wrong in the first place only works if you are getting it right the second time....You forgot to mention that our society,through it's laws and culture,ensures that the preferred weapon of murder is a hands reach away ....always and for the most part legal as rain and American as apple pie


If we want things to stay as they are,things will have to change...Tancredi from "the Leopard"

Forget Guns-----Ban the pools

Funny stuff....

(in reply to Sanity)
Profile   Post #: 410
RE: Three Muslims shot - 2/15/2015 9:53:51 AM   

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From: Nampa, Idaho USA
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And according to the wiki page that CD posted it wasnt that they were Muslim so much as it was because they were religious

He hated Christians just as much, apparently


Inside Every Liberal Is A Totalitarian Screaming To Get Out

(in reply to Sanity)
Profile   Post #: 411
RE: Three Muslims shot - 2/15/2015 9:57:18 AM   

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Well I won't be yelling and calling you names because we disagree...but to me acting on hate is the same as planning for years an attack on America or out of hate killing because of a look or religion. Basically they are the same. No sane human being would do either one but they are both done out of it makes them the same in my book.



Mark Twain:

I don't see any use in having a uniform and arbitrary way of spelling words. We might as well make all clothes alike and cook all dishes alike. Sameness is tiresome; variety is pleasing

(in reply to Sanity)
Profile   Post #: 412
RE: Three Muslims shot - 2/15/2015 9:58:43 AM   

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You don't get it do you.....what this idiot thought,what his's all jackshit useless.
What is important is that he is not just an isolated ,won't happen again,sort of guy.
There are more of "him" out there,folks armed to the teeth with a pet peeve gnawing at them like a tooth ache waiting to snap.
The rest of us just have to hope that we don't cross Mr. Angry's path at that exact moment.


If we want things to stay as they are,things will have to change...Tancredi from "the Leopard"

Forget Guns-----Ban the pools

Funny stuff....

(in reply to Sanity)
Profile   Post #: 413
RE: Three Muslims shot - 2/15/2015 10:00:45 AM   

Posts: 40310
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And according to the wiki page that CD posted it wasnt that they were Muslim so much as it was because they were religious

He hated Christians just as much, apparently

That hasnt been disputed, neither has the fact that he had a concealed carry permit.

< Message edited by Lucylastic -- 2/15/2015 10:02:52 AM >


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<) )> WOMAN
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Duchess Of Dissent
Dont Hate Love

(in reply to Sanity)
Profile   Post #: 414
RE: Three Muslims shot - 2/15/2015 10:05:38 AM   

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ORIGINAL: slvemike4u

Point out,in specificity,just where I left the realm of truth and reality.
Was the shooter not in legal possession of those guns in the locality in which he lived.....check.
Were there any wants or warrants out on him at the time ....No....another check.
So prior to pulling the trigger that shot these three bright young,promising people dead,dead,dead......he was a responsible,law abiding,slightly threatening gun owner.
Dispute any of those facts before casting aspersions upon my posts. abandoning his wife and children and being chronically unemployed is responsible in your book? Not in mine...

He may well have been a legal gun owner... But there's a difference between legal and responsible.

You're a legal, responsible car owner, right? How about that guy sitting in the bar drinking all night, then hopping into his car and driving? Is he legal and responsible too? Or just the legal car owner.

For a guy who likes to accuse others of generalization, you sure do a bang up job of it.

(in reply to slvemike4u)
Profile   Post #: 415
RE: Three Muslims shot - 2/15/2015 10:14:23 AM   

Posts: 40310
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LOL I didnt realise that responsible gun owner meant never divorcing or being a deadbeat dad,
or being unemployed chronically or not, is indicative of someone who shouldnt be allowed to have a gun or 12 or a CCP?
Are you saying all these people shouldnt be allowed to have a gun???
while I find your attempt as having a point. I dont think its because we agree on what you are saying, lol

Theres a lot of people who are JUST like him that are angry with guns and would shoot your face off for trying to take their guns away.
We have seen them plenty of times in this forum.
Now how do you suppose you could take his guns from him....he was a "gun rights activist."
LOL sorry CD
but now you are talking about ......what the anti gun people have a problem with
crazy idiot angry people with guns. killing innocents.


<) )╯SUCH
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( (> A NASTY
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<) )> WOMAN
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Duchess Of Dissent
Dont Hate Love

(in reply to CreativeDominant)
Profile   Post #: 416
RE: Three Muslims shot - 2/15/2015 10:18:56 AM   

Posts: 22039
Joined: 6/14/2006
From: Nampa, Idaho USA
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Well I won't be yelling and calling you names because we disagree...but to me acting on hate is the same as planning for years an attack on America or out of hate killing because of a look or religion. Basically they are the same. No sane human being would do either one but they are both done out of it makes them the same in my book.


I wont be calling you any names either. We dont always agree but I have a certain amount of respect for you


Inside Every Liberal Is A Totalitarian Screaming To Get Out

(in reply to kdsub)
Profile   Post #: 417
RE: Three Muslims shot - 2/15/2015 10:25:15 AM   

Posts: 1718
Joined: 1/1/2004
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ORIGINAL: Lucylastic

LOL I didnt realise that responsible gun owner meant never divorcing or being a deadbeat dad,
or being unemployed chronically or not, is indicative of someone who shouldnt be allowed to have a gun or 12 or a CCP?
Are you saying all these people shouldnt be allowed to have a gun???
while I find your attempt as having a point. I dont think its because we agree on what you are saying, lol

Theres a lot of people who are JUST like him that are angry with guns and would shoot your face off for trying to take their guns away.
We have seen them plenty of times in this forum.
Now how do you suppose you could take his guns from him....he was a "gun rights activist."
LOL sorry CD
but now you are talking about ......what the anti gun people have a problem with
crazy idiot angry people with guns. killing innocents.

I tend to agree with what you wrote in the first sentence. However, there was at least one incident, and possibly more, which did indicate that he was NOT a "responsible" gun owner. One night his neighbors were playing a loud game of Risk and it woke his wife (at least that is what he told them). So he went to their door to complain to them...while carrying a rifle. That is not being a "responsible" gun owner, and should have been reported to the police. If such incidents had been reported, especially if there were more incidents, then he very may well have had his license revoked and his guns taken away, or at least it might have put him on notice so that he might think twice before doing what he did.

Anyway, was he a responsible gun owner? Not in my book, and for some people to repeatedly call him that is being disingenuous, and simply trying to spin the facts to suit ones own beliefs. (Not necessarily talking about you, Lucy.)


If the women don't find you handsome they should at least find you handy. - Red Green

At my age erections are like cops...there's never one around when you need it!

Never miss a good chance to shut up. - Will Rogers

(in reply to Lucylastic)
Profile   Post #: 418
RE: Three Muslims shot - 2/15/2015 10:37:49 AM   

Posts: 40310
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ORIGINAL: igor2003


ORIGINAL: Lucylastic

LOL I didnt realise that responsible gun owner meant never divorcing or being a deadbeat dad,
or being unemployed chronically or not, is indicative of someone who shouldnt be allowed to have a gun or 12 or a CCP?
Are you saying all these people shouldnt be allowed to have a gun???
while I find your attempt as having a point. I dont think its because we agree on what you are saying, lol

Theres a lot of people who are JUST like him that are angry with guns and would shoot your face off for trying to take their guns away.
We have seen them plenty of times in this forum.
Now how do you suppose you could take his guns from him....he was a "gun rights activist."
LOL sorry CD
but now you are talking about ......what the anti gun people have a problem with
crazy idiot angry people with guns. killing innocents.

I tend to agree with what you wrote in the first sentence. However, there was at least one incident, and possibly more, which did indicate that he was NOT a "responsible" gun owner. One night his neighbors were playing a loud game of Risk and it woke his wife (at least that is what he told them). So he went to their door to complain to them...while carrying a rifle. That is not being a "responsible" gun owner, and should have been reported to the police. If such incidents had been reported, especially if there were more incidents, then he very may well have had his license revoked and his guns taken away, or at least it might have put him on notice so that he might think twice before doing what he did.

Anyway, was he a responsible gun owner? Not in my book, and for some people to repeatedly call him that is being disingenuous, and simply trying to spin the facts to suit ones own beliefs. (Not necessarily talking about you, Lucy.)

Hey Igor:)
Apparently nothing he did was reported to the police at least that ended in any my mind he is the problem, self entitled gun nut, who intimidated people around him, probably into silence, and which should yes be a removal of his gun rights, but its allowed by people around him, until he endd up dead or killing someone, either with their gun or another weapon.

They also be the ones who shout their rights the loudest, he wasnt a responsible gun owner in my book either. But a strong advocate for his gun rights. A ugly tragedy waiting to happen. Theres a lot of it about.

Of course, this is just opinion as even with the wikipedia page and info that has made it out so far, Im sure theres a lot more truth out there.


<) )╯SUCH
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<) )> WOMAN
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Duchess Of Dissent
Dont Hate Love

(in reply to igor2003)
Profile   Post #: 419
RE: Three Muslims shot - 2/15/2015 10:43:29 AM   

Posts: 17896
Joined: 1/15/2008
From: United States
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ORIGINAL: Lucylastic

LOL I didnt realise that responsible gun owner meant never divorcing or being a deadbeat dad,
or being unemployed chronically or not, is indicative of someone who shouldnt be allowed to have a gun or 12 or a CCP?
Are you saying all these people shouldnt be allowed to have a gun???
while I find your attempt as having a point. I dont think its because we agree on what you are saying, lol

Theres a lot of people who are JUST like him that are angry with guns and would shoot your face off for trying to take their guns away.
We have seen them plenty of times in this forum.
Now how do you suppose you could take his guns from him....he was a "gun rights activist."
LOL sorry CD
but now you are talking about ......what the anti gun people have a problem with
crazy idiot angry people with guns. killing innocents.

QFT and for the fact that Lucy actually gets where I've been going with this all along.
CD echo's it,but for all the wrong reasons.
He's missing the forest due to the trees.


If we want things to stay as they are,things will have to change...Tancredi from "the Leopard"

Forget Guns-----Ban the pools

Funny stuff....

(in reply to Lucylastic)
Profile   Post #: 420
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