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RE: Heartbreaking -- Drowned Syrian Boy -- Whole Family... - 10/9/2015 9:31:47 AM   

Posts: 12180
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That's a cute dance step, but you know as well as I do, or should, that the connotations attached to hatred go far beyond merely an "intense dislike". They include contempt, loathing, abhorrence, malevolence, scorn, and spite.


Yes they do and these are also not irrational in a sane person... if fact I think they are quite common... these boards and the written words should be proof enough for you.


< Message edited by kdsub -- 10/9/2015 10:07:25 AM >


Mark Twain:

I don't see any use in having a uniform and arbitrary way of spelling words. We might as well make all clothes alike and cook all dishes alike. Sameness is tiresome; variety is pleasing

(in reply to Kirata)
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RE: Heartbreaking -- Drowned Syrian Boy -- Whole Family... - 10/9/2015 10:05:24 AM   

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ORIGINAL: tweakabelle

Odd that you neglected to mention that hate is also a precursor, often a direct cause, of discrimination, marginalisation, violence, rape, murder, torture, aggression, genocide and an entire litany of other horrors.

Odd that you feel privileged to comment without even bothering to read my posts.

Ah, so hate is fine and dandy as long as you hate the right things, reserving to yourself (of course) the privilege of deciding what those "right things" are. Well that's very slick, Butch, but that kind of thinking has produced some of history's more memorable tolls of death and suffering.


(in reply to tweakabelle)
Profile   Post #: 282
RE: Heartbreaking -- Drowned Syrian Boy -- Whole Family... - 10/9/2015 1:42:32 PM   

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Inferring "hatred" as the motive behind views with which you disagree is a cheap mind-reading trick, and there is no moral superiority in being a hater yourself by hating hate.

There's 'hate' and there's 'hate'. With any luck I can bypass cries about invoking Godwin's law by pointing out that nothing I want to say in this post refers directly to you and your own views, K.

That out of the way: it took only a few at the very top of the Nazi regime to develop - quite consciously - a hate-filled society that led to the holocaust. Most Germans weren't like that - they probably didn't have the hot-furious-hate that Hitler himself had towards the Jews. They only had that kind of ordinary, cold, ignorant and indifferent sort of hate that just treated the Jews as, roughly, 'not humans in the same sense as we are', 'the ones who are different and not as good as us', or just plain 'the ones we don't have to care about because they're "them" and "not us". That sort of cold hate, multiplied millions of times, becomes the hate that does the true damage. It allows a society to develop the policies, then the institutions, that really do screw up people's lives.


(in reply to Kirata)
Profile   Post #: 283
RE: Heartbreaking -- Drowned Syrian Boy -- Whole Family... - 10/9/2015 2:17:45 PM   

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for those who still think Germany and Germans are stuck in a 1933-45 time bubble it might be interesting to read just this one:

there is a post-1945 chapter, and a post-1990 chapter that might surprise you

(in reply to PeonForHer)
Profile   Post #: 284
RE: Heartbreaking -- Drowned Syrian Boy -- Whole Family... - 10/9/2015 2:56:20 PM   

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I don't know how that relates to what I said, blnymph ...?


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Profile   Post #: 285
RE: Heartbreaking -- Drowned Syrian Boy -- Whole Family... - 10/9/2015 3:03:57 PM   

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"reply" only by sequence, sorry - I guess it is generated automatically if one does not hit a specific message's reply or quote button

it relates to a message on the previous page here

< Message edited by blnymph -- 10/9/2015 3:43:18 PM >

(in reply to PeonForHer)
Profile   Post #: 286
RE: Heartbreaking -- Drowned Syrian Boy -- Whole Family... - 10/9/2015 3:07:15 PM   

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Ah, OK. Just write FR (= 'fast reply - to all') at the top of your post - that's the shorthand that works around the problem.


(in reply to blnymph)
Profile   Post #: 287
RE: Heartbreaking -- Drowned Syrian Boy -- Whole Family... - 10/10/2015 3:49:47 AM   

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ORIGINAL: blnymph


ORIGINAL: bounty44

i haven't been following the thread and so some of this already might have been touched on:

monica Crowley, a conservative radio host and fox news contributor recently returned from a trip to Europe where among other things, she witnessed the topic of this thread.

her impression: there are few women and children compared to men of "fighting age," that it felt more like an invasion as opposed to a crisis immigration and the locals she spoke with are fearful for their safety because of some of the actions of the immigrants.

here's a transcript:

as an eye witness for weeks in Munich central station (where all trains from Hungary and Austria terminate) I can only state the opposite of what that lady gives as her summary. Proportions of sexes vary over the hours and from day to day as families are usually transported together and with priority, so there are days when there are single trains with predominantly males travelling alone (should make sense when you think about it).

That lady does not give any places, dates, names of witnesses ("a Czech doctor" and the like - btw that one's statements (read in the second link) are simply absurd, talking about illnesses he claims not to able to name - a medical student has to learn these things as an undergraduate) - in short, no hard evidence for anything. All the "scary" parts - no evidence, where, when, and what.

That lady has no clues about serious journalism

I seriously hope not all the sources informing you about the situation are like that

she wasn't there as a journalist, she was there on vacation.

and she is not the originator of what she is claiming; rather she is affirming what other people are reporting.

as to the medical information that was reported in my link, that had nothing to do with monica Crowley, it was just along for the ride so to speak, but...


An independent Czech TV news presenter read a descriptive letter from a Czech doctor who works at a German hospital overrun by migrants.

Czech TV host Petr Richard Ortek:
"Since last weekend, migrants going to the hospitals must be accompanied by police with K-9 units. Many migrants have AIDS, syphilis, open TB and many exotic diseases that we, in Europe, do not know how to treat them. If they receive a prescription in the pharmacy, they learn they have to pay cash. This leads to unbelievable outbursts, especially when it is about drugs for the children. They abandon the children with pharmacy staff with the words: “So, cure them here yourselves!”

...he doesn't mention "illnesses he cannot name," he talks about illnesses that they are ill-equipped to treat because of their lack of familiarity with them.

i cant watch this so I cannot speak to its validity, but here it is nonetheless:

< Message edited by bounty44 -- 10/10/2015 4:01:33 AM >

(in reply to blnymph)
Profile   Post #: 288
RE: Heartbreaking -- Drowned Syrian Boy -- Whole Family... - 10/10/2015 5:22:14 AM   

Posts: 40310
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I wouldnt expect a white supremacist site to tell the truth...why do you????
from the link

Eyewitness from a Munich hospital:

‘A friend in Prague has a friend, who, as a retired physician, had returned to work at a Munich area hospital where they needed an anaesthesiologist. I correspond with her and she forwarded me her email. Yesterday, at the hospital we had a meeting about how the situation here and at the other Munich hospitals is unsustainable. Clinics cannot handle emergencies, so they are starting to send everything to the hospitals.
Many Muslims are refusing treatment by female staff and, we, women, are refusing to go among those animals, especially from Africa.

hardly an eye witness account...a friend of a friend, of a friend. of a friend, of my daughters third father.

writhe in ignorance Bounty.


<) )╯SUCH
/ \

( (> A NASTY
/ \

<) )> WOMAN
/ \

Duchess Of Dissent
Dont Hate Love

(in reply to bounty44)
Profile   Post #: 289
RE: Heartbreaking -- Drowned Syrian Boy -- Whole Family... - 10/10/2015 6:12:37 AM   

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ORIGINAL: bounty44


ORIGINAL: blnymph


ORIGINAL: bounty44

i haven't been following the thread and so some of this already might have been touched on:

monica Crowley, a conservative radio host and fox news contributor recently returned from a trip to Europe where among other things, she witnessed the topic of this thread.

her impression: there are few women and children compared to men of "fighting age," that it felt more like an invasion as opposed to a crisis immigration and the locals she spoke with are fearful for their safety because of some of the actions of the immigrants.

here's a transcript:

as an eye witness for weeks in Munich central station (where all trains from Hungary and Austria terminate) I can only state the opposite of what that lady gives as her summary. Proportions of sexes vary over the hours and from day to day as families are usually transported together and with priority, so there are days when there are single trains with predominantly males travelling alone (should make sense when you think about it).

That lady does not give any places, dates, names of witnesses ("a Czech doctor" and the like - btw that one's statements (read in the second link) are simply absurd, talking about illnesses he claims not to able to name - a medical student has to learn these things as an undergraduate) - in short, no hard evidence for anything. All the "scary" parts - no evidence, where, when, and what.

That lady has no clues about serious journalism

I seriously hope not all the sources informing you about the situation are like that

she wasn't there as a journalist, she was there on vacation.

and she is not the originator of what she is claiming; rather she is affirming what other people are reporting.

as to the medical information that was reported in my link, that had nothing to do with monica Crowley, it was just along for the ride so to speak, but...


An independent Czech TV news presenter read a descriptive letter from a Czech doctor who works at a German hospital overrun by migrants.

Czech TV host Petr Richard Ortek:
"Since last weekend, migrants going to the hospitals must be accompanied by police with K-9 units. Many migrants have AIDS, syphilis, open TB and many exotic diseases that we, in Europe, do not know how to treat them. If they receive a prescription in the pharmacy, they learn they have to pay cash. This leads to unbelievable outbursts, especially when it is about drugs for the children. They abandon the children with pharmacy staff with the words: “So, cure them here yourselves!”

...he doesn't mention "illnesses he cannot name," he talks about illnesses that they are ill-equipped to treat because of their lack of familiarity with them.

i cant watch this so I cannot speak to its validity, but here it is nonetheless:

oh - where to start

this is so much rubbish on a heap ...

Nr. 1: many might be unfamiliar with it: in most cases you do not have to pay for a prescription here since the costs are covered by health insurance - since the refugees are not health insured usually, at the moment all those costs are covered by public funds, one of the first measures taken nationwide to deal with the situation - so the scenes so vividly painted ... are nothing else but vivid imagination (happens when one is lacking basic informations about the stories one is making up)

Nr.2: the diseases you mention (or this unnamed ... at an unnamed hospital) need some time to be diagnosed. I can assure you even the tests are not a top priority on the list of medical urgencies: various injuries, exhaustion, under-nourishment, dehydration, parasites, inflammation of the respiratory system are.
In a country with some of the biggest pharmaceutical manufacturers worldwide, several institutes for tropical diseases in Hamburg, Würzburg and others ... this guy in the situation he claims to be in has probably 3 things to do (and again: something a medical undergraduate is expected to be able to) - 1) check his diagnose by referring to a Pschyrembel - THE medical handbook per se, 2) do a few phone calls, 3) treat his patient or transfer him to someone who is better qualified

Nr. 3: the link you posted leads to an openly detectable neonazi webpage ... without further research into pane Petr Ortek I assume he is just as reliable.

Nr. 4: there are American diplomats, officials etc. in Munich, Vienna, Budapest, you name it, press and tv correspondents ... and you consider an American tourist lady on vacation collecting hearsay without giving or checking any sources (but maybe expecting to gather some refund for her travelling expenses ...just an idea) a reliable witness? Seriously??????????????

and yes she is just that - the originator for what she is claiming - something called rumours.

(in reply to bounty44)
Profile   Post #: 290
RE: Heartbreaking -- Drowned Syrian Boy -- Whole Family... - 10/11/2015 4:52:24 PM   

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ORIGINAL: Politesub53


Christian and Muslim refugees should be housed separately, says German police chief

As attacks on Christians in asylum seeker centres increase and religious groups clash, Jörg Radek says refugees should be separately accommodated... Christian and Muslim refugees should be housed separately in Germany to minimise tensions following growing levels of violence... "The police have reached their absolute breaking point," said Mr Radek.

But hey, things will be ever so much better once they're released into the German population.

The clashes were over food, not Religion... All this from your link.

Yeah, no. Nothing at the link says that the clashes were over food, only that the first clash occurred at the canteen. If the headline is wrong about Radek's status, the fact remains:

Mr Radek’s comments follow calls from German MPs from across the political spectrum for better protection for Christians, Yazidis and other religious minorities in asylum accommodation.


Guess what the canteen sells...... I am full of confidence that you can do it.

Oh fuck it, if i want anything done its best to do it myself.


On Sunday, 300 Albanians clashed with 70 Pakistanis in a shelter in the town of Kassel-Calden in the German region of Hessen after two refugees had brawled over the dispensation of food. 14 people including three police officers were injured in that fighting, as reported by the German media.


(in reply to Kirata)
Profile   Post #: 291
RE: Heartbreaking -- Drowned Syrian Boy -- Whole Family... - 10/12/2015 5:48:07 PM   

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I reported about the Kassel "clash" more than a week ago if some of you would bother to read former messages here (nr. 257 if I remember right); there had been another before, and another occured in the meantime in Hamburg.

Less than on an average football weekend.

(in reply to Politesub53)
Profile   Post #: 292
RE: Heartbreaking -- Drowned Syrian Boy -- Whole Family... - 10/12/2015 6:07:43 PM   

Posts: 15477
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ORIGINAL: Politesub53


ORIGINAL: Politesub53


Christian and Muslim refugees should be housed separately, says German police chief

As attacks on Christians in asylum seeker centres increase and religious groups clash, Jörg Radek says refugees should be separately accommodated... Christian and Muslim refugees should be housed separately in Germany to minimise tensions following growing levels of violence... "The police have reached their absolute breaking point," said Mr Radek.

But hey, things will be ever so much better once they're released into the German population.

The clashes were over food, not Religion... All this from your link.

Yeah, no. Nothing at the link says that the clashes were over food, only that the first clash occurred at the canteen. If the headline is wrong about Radek's status, the fact remains:

Mr Radek’s comments follow calls from German MPs from across the political spectrum for better protection for Christians, Yazidis and other religious minorities in asylum accommodation.

Guess what the canteen sells...... I am full of confidence that you can do it.

Your link doesn't say (quelle surprise). All it says is that the clash was (not over food but rather) over the dispensation of food, which might mean anything. And in any case that's just one instance. It also notes that similar conflicts have taken place in Suhl, Leipzig and Bonn. Additionally, from your link:

More than 200 refugees engaged in a mass brawl in a shelter in the German city of Hamburg, leaving several people injured in a third such incident in Germany this week. A scuffle between two large groups of Syrians and Afghanis broke out in a crowded refugee center in Hamburg on Wednesday and lasted all through the day till late night, according to local media.

The groups were attacking each other with iron bars and wooden pieces of furniture as well as were throwing rocks. The refugees have also set a dustbin on fire. Four people were injured in the clashes. Two teenagers, 16, suffered lacerated head wounds with one 18 year old man and a member of a security service being also injured, the German newspaper Bild reports, citing police sources.

Police had to bring in as many as 50 officers to take the situation under control and managed to stop the fighting by 2 a.m. with the police patrols still present at the scene on Thursday morning. The investigators are now questioning the witnesses. According to police reports, the causes of the brawl are yet not clear, with no arrests made so far.

The two scuffles in Hamburg were just the latest in a series of brawls in German refugee centers.

Are we having fun yet?


(in reply to Politesub53)
Profile   Post #: 293
RE: Heartbreaking -- Drowned Syrian Boy -- Whole Family... - 10/13/2015 8:00:57 AM   

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to give a few more informations again:
"Bild" is the German equivalent of the "Sun" in the UK - and I am sure you got some rags of that sort in the USA too

notorious for its lies ...

there are conflicts - and you wrote yourself (and so did I before) this was the third of its kind ...

(in reply to Kirata)
Profile   Post #: 294
RE: Heartbreaking -- Drowned Syrian Boy -- Whole Family... - 10/13/2015 3:45:04 PM   

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Your link doesn't say (quelle surprise). All it says is that the clash was (not over food but rather) over the dispensation of food, which might mean anything. And in any case that's just one instance. It also notes that similar conflicts have taken place in Suhl, Leipzig and Bonn. Additionally, from your link:

More than 200 refugees engaged in a mass brawl in a shelter in the German city of Hamburg, leaving several people injured in a third such incident in Germany this week. A scuffle between two large groups of Syrians and Afghanis broke out in a crowded refugee center in Hamburg on Wednesday and lasted all through the day till late night, according to local media.

The groups were attacking each other with iron bars and wooden pieces of furniture as well as were throwing rocks. The refugees have also set a dustbin on fire. Four people were injured in the clashes. Two teenagers, 16, suffered lacerated head wounds with one 18 year old man and a member of a security service being also injured, the German newspaper Bild reports, citing police sources.

Police had to bring in as many as 50 officers to take the situation under control and managed to stop the fighting by 2 a.m. with the police patrols still present at the scene on Thursday morning. The investigators are now questioning the witnesses. According to police reports, the causes of the brawl are yet not clear, with no arrests made so far.

The two scuffles in Hamburg were just the latest in a series of brawls in German refugee centers.

Are we having fun yet?


You need to leave your coloured crayons in the playpen. Any grown up will explain simple English to you and point out why"Food" is the subject and "dispensation" is the verb.

(in reply to Kirata)
Profile   Post #: 295
RE: Heartbreaking -- Drowned Syrian Boy -- Whole Family... - 10/13/2015 4:12:45 PM   

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ORIGINAL: Politesub53

You need to leave your coloured crayons in the playpen. Any grown up will explain simple English to you and point out why"Food" is the subject and "dispensation" is the verb.

And you need to realize that you're an illiterate fuckwit. The "clash" is the subject; "food" is the object of the verb in that sentence.


(in reply to Politesub53)
Profile   Post #: 296
RE: Heartbreaking -- Drowned Syrian Boy -- Whole Family... - 10/13/2015 4:18:07 PM   

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ORIGINAL: Politesub53

You need to leave your coloured crayons in the playpen. Any grown up will explain simple English to you and point out why"Food" is the subject and "dispensation" is the verb.

And you need to realize that you're an illiterate fuckwit. The "clash" is the subject; "food" is the object of the verb in that sentence.


Lmfao......... Stick with your crayons and leave grammar to the grown ups.

(in reply to Kirata)
Profile   Post #: 297
RE: Heartbreaking -- Drowned Syrian Boy -- Whole Family... - 10/13/2015 4:30:18 PM   

Posts: 15477
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ORIGINAL: Politesub53


ORIGINAL: Politesub53

You need to leave your coloured crayons in the playpen. Any grown up will explain simple English to you and point out why"Food" is the subject and "dispensation" is the verb.

And you need to realize that you're an illiterate fuckwit. The "clash" is the subject; "food" is the object of the verb in that sentence.

Lmfao......... Stick with your crayons and leave grammar to the grown ups.

Well there you go... That would obviously exclude you.


(in reply to Politesub53)
Profile   Post #: 298
RE: Heartbreaking -- Drowned Syrian Boy -- Whole Family... - 10/14/2015 5:55:28 AM   

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... as with everything in Bild, believe a tenth of it and it is probably still exaggerated ...
you might remember if you read my earlier posts here that I reported already about the incident in Suhl which was more than a month ago.

(in reply to Kirata)
Profile   Post #: 299
RE: Heartbreaking -- Drowned Syrian Boy -- Whole Family... - 10/14/2015 6:19:12 AM   

Posts: 7522
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On a more optimistic note, looking at some of the negative posts being posted here, it is easy to see how fear, ignorance and prejudice feed into and off each other in an ugly vicious circle.

So despite their sad content, these posts may have some genuine educational value. Though, it has to be added that it's the opposite of the intended effect.


(in reply to blnymph)
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