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RE: What do senders do that they can so quickly POUNCE on juicy profiles?

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RE: What do senders do that they can so quickly POUNCE ... - 11/6/2015 10:11:50 AM   

Posts: 1614
Joined: 11/5/2014
From: South Bay (SF & Silicon Valley)
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ORIGINAL: Dvr22999874
Most of the brothels here are legal and licensed. There are obviously those who run illegal ones, just as there are those who supply illegal drugs, booze, guns etc. They keep a very low profile and the cops hammer them if/when they find them. The only illegal prostitution basically is street walking and running an illegal brothel.

I had to look up where you were, and I see you're in Australia, where it's shown as being currently legal.

As you noted, just saying it's "legal" doesn't mean that it's legal in all cases.
When they make a law allowing prostitution (or, when they don't make a law at all), they have certain "use models" in mind, to prevent the "bad" parts of prostitution from hurting people.

For one, the laws are generally aimed at health - so - for example - the prostitutes are often required to have documented medical care.

For another, the laws are almost always aimed at denying the pimps their money (hence power, hence crime), so, for example, in Britain, each woman must be an individual proprietor and can not have a "partner" (not even someone else paying her rent).

For yet another, the laws are often aimed at keeping the red lights from making the neighborhood look bad, e.g., laws against loitering or indecent acts in public, etc., such as when they clean up before big conventions.

(in reply to Dvr22999874)
Profile   Post #: 281
RE: What do senders do that they can so quickly POUNCE ... - 11/6/2015 10:15:33 AM   

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From: South Bay (SF & Silicon Valley)
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ORIGINAL: Dvr22999874

Crumpets, could you please explain to me what 'senseless logic' is ?.........surely, one cancels out the other ?

That was exactly my point!

(in reply to Dvr22999874)
Profile   Post #: 282
RE: What do senders do that they can so quickly POUNCE ... - 11/6/2015 10:26:25 AM   

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From: South Bay (SF & Silicon Valley)
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OK, so I saw some sh^t on this thread about fear.

Please take note. Look at the words. Don't take them out of context.
The point was that, in my discussion while hiking, I realized, from what my astute friend was teaching me, that FEAR drives politics.

Those with tremendous fear vote differently than those without tremendous fear.
California helmet law was one example, as were gun-control and cellphone laws.
Each of these laws has no real basis in statistical fact.
The politicians who promote these agendas can only play on unfounded FEAR of their constituents.

Likewise here with the "creepy stalking" thing.
Almost all (not all, but almost all) the women here are in the FEAR camp, hence, they seek protection from idiotic laws (which we discussed, such as not being able to simply ask about someone or to visit them on facebook or in a library) and logical laws alike (such as vandalism, burglary, and sabotage).

These women are so blinded by their fear, that their legal politics are similarly affected.
That's not right. That's not wrong.

It just means that to understand why they would consider something as cursory as geolocating an email header as being even the slightest bit "creepy" can't possibly be comprehended, until you realize that they are driven simply driven by fear. Not by logic.

Someone even went so far as to quote legal bullshit about stalking, in response!
This hugely disproportionate response can't be understood, until you realize that the people making these statements are purely driven by fear.

Once I realized that, their statements made total sense.
If I was as fearful as they are, I'd probably think the same way that they do.

< Message edited by crumpets -- 11/6/2015 10:29:06 AM >

(in reply to LadyPact)
Profile   Post #: 283
RE: What do senders do that they can so quickly POUNCE ... - 11/6/2015 10:48:03 AM   

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From: South Bay (SF & Silicon Valley)
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Fear's not a sin. Neither is grief. Nor any of the other range of human emotions.

Nobody said fear was a sin.
It's a natural response.

What I said was that it just dawned upon me, after discussing the topic with an intelligent friend, that the same thing that is happening when politicians play on fear to get their populace to vote for certain things, was happening in this thread.

If I had as much fear as some of you seem to have, then I would think the same way that you do about what I would consider as "creepy" and "stalking".

Remember the cartoon with the mouse?
The mouse is that "creepy stalker" to you.

Same thing with those idiotic "Baby on Board" signs; they're driven by an inordinate fear of ... um ... of what? Other drivers? What is that other driver gonna do any differently when he sees that idiotic "baby on board" sign?

Is he now gonna NOT ram you in the ass because you put that silly sign up?

(in reply to LadyPact)
Profile   Post #: 284
RE: What do senders do that they can so quickly POUNCE ... - 11/6/2015 10:57:27 AM   

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Dude. Life. Get one.


Welcome to PoliticSpace! If you came here expecting meaningful BDSM discussions, boy are you in the wrong place.

"Hypocrisy has consequences"

(in reply to crumpets)
Profile   Post #: 285
RE: What do senders do that they can so quickly POUNCE ... - 11/6/2015 11:17:17 AM   

Posts: 32566
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ORIGINAL: crumpets
That means we're absolutely ASSAULTED BY TEASES every moment of the day while walking around in public.
And then, if we bother to react for more than the biologically-programmed moment - "we" (the innocent ones!) get called "creepy"

OP, let's clear some stuff up here. The thing I called you creepy for was electronically 'checking up to make sure your girlfriend really was where she said she was'. You've done the somersaults of reasons why people shouldn't think that's creepy, including trying to compare yourself to a parent checking up on their child, that it's a casual as reading someone's profile, looking at email headers, and various other diversionary tactics. I'm of the opinion that, when you have to do that, you've already lost the debate.

I have also alluded to the fact that I think you're unethical because of the creation and maintaining the multiple profiles where, let's face it, you knew you were lying when you created them. Plus, you stole other people's pictures to make them more believable. You already sang me the first verse of "it's the internet/everybody does it," which tells me you know it's not ethical and tempted me to really show my age by asking you if everybody jumped off the Brooklyn Bridge, would you do it, too?

Now that we have that cleared up, are you ready for the fun part? (Shifty's going to love me for this.)

So, you have Asperger's...

You're in luck. I'm the mean NT who doesn't have a problem giving you unsolicited advice.

I don't know a lot about Asperger's but the majority of people afflicted with it have something in common to various degrees. They don't read social cues well. Here's how to alleviate some of that.

When the people who do read social cues well tell you that you are staring at someone for too long, following somebody longer than they are comfortable with, or any other thing that has people plastering you with the creepy label, stop doing that. Skip the justifications (i.e., but did you see what she was wearing, etc) deflection tactics, and all of the other crap. Just do what the people who read social cues well tell you to do because they are better at it than you.

Oh, and until I catch up with the rest of the thread, (it's taken me a while to write this) you're also being disingenuous about how women can show off their underwear and males can't. I'm going to be *glad* when the day arrives when that stupid fashion trend of guys wearing boxes that show at the top with their pants hanging halfway down their ass is finally over for good.


The crowned Diva of Destruction. ~ ExT

Beach Ball Sized Lady Nuts. ~ TWD

Happily dating a new submissive. It's official. I've named him engie.

Please do not send me email here. Unless I know you, I will delete the email unread

(in reply to crumpets)
Profile   Post #: 286
RE: What do senders do that they can so quickly POUNCE ... - 11/6/2015 11:41:34 AM   

Posts: 3693
Joined: 7/28/2012
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ORIGINAL: crumpets

Remember the cartoon with the mouse?
The mouse is that "creepy stalker" to you.

Dude... the mouse is harmless. It cannot actual hurt the woman on the chair. It has no power in the situation. Even if it WANTED to stalk, batter, rape and kill the woman on the chair, it couldn't.

You yourself have recently argued that women should fear men, because men have such overwhelming physical strength that they could kill a woman with one blow.

Not only that, but women know that men can rape, hurt, and kill them at their whim should they choose to do so. Women as a group get physically abused for turning down unwanted sexual advances from men every day.
If that guys who's been leering at your tits and undies asks for your number and you politely say no, he might beat you up, or throw acid in your face, or rape you, or kill you.
When is the last time you have felt justifiably physically threatened because a woman cornered you on the street and wouldn't refuse to let you leave until you had given her your number?

Most men won't hurt random women, and I don't for a second believe the overblown statistics on the frequency of rape, or that 1 in 5 men are a rapist, but that doesn't negate the fact that men CAN. And that it does happen. With enough frequency that I've personally been physically harassed, grabbed and touched by strange men on the street several times in my lifetime. (Never raped or beaten or something terrible like that luckily).
When is the last time a strange woman on the street decided that she was entitled to physically grab you in an unwanted way because she deemed you attractive?

You are NOT a mouse.
Women's fear of you is not irrational or unfounded.

Besides that, your whole argument about men keeping their underwear in check is bullshit. I see young, virile, handsome men with their underwear sticking out of their pants all the time. In fact, they seem to make a sport of seeing who can show off the most, and hang their pants the lowest, so that you can not only see their underwear, but also the outline of their cock against their underwear.
That is entirely different from a woman wearing a skirt, and sitting down, or getting out of a car, or falling down, and TRYING to prevent you from being able to see her underwear by keeping her legs closed tight. Or a woman wearing a shirt to the grocery store that isn't going to have her verbally harassed and called 'ugly' or 'slouchy' needing to bend over to unload groceries and inadvertently giving you a bigger peek of cleavage.

Last week I had a plumber over, and just like the girl sitting down in the stadium with her pants lowering on her buttocks so that her underwear was showing, so also did his underwear show when he knelt down to do his work... inclusive his ass crack (it's called a 'plumbers crack' for a reason you know).

Your argument that men keep their underwear in check is delusional. Whether or not people -of either gender- keep their underwear in check depends on social class.

And even though I am not actual a physical treat to men -unlike you, who IS a posing a potential physical treat to women every time you leer at their tits or undies- I manage just fine going through life being "assaulted" by men's underwear.

< Message edited by UllrsIshtar -- 11/6/2015 11:49:36 AM >


I can be your whore
I am the dirt you created
I am your sinner
And your whore
But let me tell you something baby
You love me for everything you hate me for

(in reply to crumpets)
Profile   Post #: 287
RE: What do senders do that they can so quickly POUNCE ... - 11/6/2015 11:45:13 AM   

Posts: 9722
Joined: 2/18/2005
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ORIGINAL: crumpets

Those with tremendous fear vote differently than those without tremendous fear.
California helmet law was one example, as were gun-control and cellphone laws.
Each of these laws has no real basis in statistical fact.
The politicians who promote these agendas can only play on unfounded FEAR of their constituents.

Likewise here with the "creepy stalking" thing.
Almost all (not all, but almost all) the women here are in the FEAR camp, hence, they seek protection from idiotic laws (which we discussed, such as not being able to simply ask about someone or to visit them on facebook or in a library) and logical laws alike (such as vandalism, burglary, and sabotage).

These women are so blinded by their fear, that their legal politics are similarly affected.
That's not right. That's not wrong.

It just means that to understand why they would consider something as cursory as geolocating an email header as being even the slightest bit "creepy" can't possibly be comprehended, until you realize that they are driven simply driven by fear. Not by logic.

Oh FFS, anybody with whom I have not shared certain information and has no reason to look up that information is creepy, simple as that.

SEVERAL of us went through fucking hell because we were stalked, our lives were disrupted, some of us lost jobs, dealt with severe trauma because another person didn't respect boundaries. You seem to be somebody who has trouble understanding personal boundaries.

As for being blinded by fear, I am sure I met more people from this board than you ever will, I'm not worried about meeting people, I just don't want to meet people who creep me out, I don't want them to look up where I live, I don't want them to have my real name, nothing. Everything else would be reckless and inviting trouble.

For somebody who's so paranoid about CS having any info on you, you don't seem to mind getting everybody elses info... Odd how you being "careful" and using proxies is perfectly OK, however if somebody else feels the same way about you getting their data, we're paranoid. There is a logic disconnect.


There are 10 kinds of people who understand binary
Those who do and those who don't!

(in reply to crumpets)
Profile   Post #: 288
RE: What do senders do that they can so quickly POUNCE ... - 11/6/2015 12:11:30 PM   

Posts: 6845
Joined: 10/23/2012
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One MAJOR thing that you really seem to be missing in ALL of your posts and images and are failing to grasp the concept of...
It's ONE thing to catch a momentary glimpse, to have a quick look.
But to OGLE, leer, lust, stare, and OBJECTIFY (study, if you prefer) the woman in your view is quite another.
As I have said before - women are human first and foremost, objects a l-o-n-g way second or third or even further down the list.

What is on show that you happen to see is NOT, I repeat NOT there for display purposes purely for your benefit to look at and fantasize about.
It is NOT a sexual thing - unless, like you, stupid men are using it for that purpose IN THEIR HEADS.

You are always assuming that women do this shit for the benefit of men.
Quite simply, most of the time, they aren't.
People like you have to STOP thinking that this is why women do these things.
That's not a normal train of thought and not natural - it's one step too far.
And no, most men DON'T think like this!!

In your earlier post#283, you said "...It just means that to understand why they would consider something as cursory as geolocating an email header as being even the slightest bit "creepy" can't possibly be comprehended, until you realize that they are driven simply driven by fear. Not by logic".
WRONG!!! It's NOT fear that drives it at all.
I have said it before, it's not the geolocating an email header that is the problem, it's the other 'extra' shit you do that makes you a dangerous person that steps over the red line.

It is wanting to have the same equality in being able be "just women", yanno, a human being, WITHOUT all the connotations and bullshit clap-trap that you pile onto it.
If you think like this, then you are NOT "the innocent" as you claim.
You, unlike most men, are quite literally one step away from being a sex offender.
You claim that men are "biologically programmed" like this.
WRONG!!!!! Only sex nutters are programmed to think this way!


If liberty means anything at all, it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear.
George Orwell, 1903-1950

(in reply to crumpets)
Profile   Post #: 289
RE: What do senders do that they can so quickly POUNCE ... - 11/6/2015 12:30:47 PM   

Posts: 1614
Joined: 11/5/2014
From: South Bay (SF & Silicon Valley)
Status: offline



Dude. Life. Get one.

Wow, that's a lot of value you just imparted to the discussion.
Have you thought about what you're gonna do for an encore?

(in reply to stef)
Profile   Post #: 290
RE: What do senders do that they can so quickly POUNCE ... - 11/6/2015 12:46:09 PM   

Posts: 6845
Joined: 10/23/2012
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ORIGINAL: crumpets



Dude. Life. Get one.

Wow, that's a lot of value you just imparted to the discussion.
Have you thought about what you're gonna do for an encore?

It was very succinct and accurate.

But you just can't see it can you?!
She is telling you that your behind-the-screen activities and projecting your rather inept/immature/delusional fantasies onto/into real life situations just shows that you are very disconnected with the real world.

Every post you've made in this thread is proving her point rather well


If liberty means anything at all, it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear.
George Orwell, 1903-1950

(in reply to crumpets)
Profile   Post #: 291
RE: What do senders do that they can so quickly POUNCE ... - 11/6/2015 1:02:25 PM   

Posts: 1614
Joined: 11/5/2014
From: South Bay (SF & Silicon Valley)
Status: offline


Oh, and until I catch up with the rest of the thread, (it's taken me a while to write this) you're also being disingenuous about how women can show off their underwear and males can't. I'm going to be *glad* when the day arrives when that stupid fashion trend of guys wearing boxes that show at the top with their pants hanging halfway down their ass is finally over for good.

This is a fair accusation.

You and I both would be perfectly happy to NOT see men's undershorts while they're wearing pants that are six sizes too large.

I know about that - and I agree - it doesn't fit the pattern I have been outlining where the women assault us daily with their underthings.

To my credit, you have to remember that I'm not at all complaining that women don't seem to understand the physics of clothing (I'm all for tits and ass); what I'm clarifying is the subsequent disingenuous accusation of "creepy" stalking, under circumstances that aren't even close.

Back to the men's undershorts, you do have a valid point. Luckily for us men, only the far lower class people seem to actually dress that way (in my experience). For example, never in my life have I known anyone whose kids dress that way.

Having said that, I must admit that, for example, in the east side of San Jose, you will see kids dressed that way.

It's rude and impolite to shove your underpants into anyone's face, whether you're male, or female.

(in reply to LadyPact)
Profile   Post #: 292
RE: What do senders do that they can so quickly POUNCE ... - 11/6/2015 1:02:34 PM   

Posts: 3918
Joined: 9/8/2010
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ORIGINAL: shiftyw


ORIGINAL: Awareness

I'm betting this one will hit 20 pages easy. Arguing with an over-analytical aspie about social issues is the very definition of futility.

I'm counting on it.
I feel vaguely annoyed that you're getting so much pleasure from this.


Ever notice how fucking annoying most signatures are? - Yes, I do appreciate the irony.

(in reply to shiftyw)
Profile   Post #: 293
RE: What do senders do that they can so quickly POUNCE ... - 11/6/2015 1:04:42 PM   

Posts: 3918
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ORIGINAL: crumpets
To my credit, you have to remember that I'm not at all complaining that women don't seem to understand the physics of clothing (I'm all for tits and ass); what I'm clarifying is the subsequent disingenuous accusation of "creepy" stalking, under circumstances that aren't even close.

Life does not come with a judge who validates your every action. If a woman calls you a creepy stalker there's a real good chance your social ineptitude or obsessiveness is responsible. It doesn't matter what arguments you think you have to invalidate her position - the fact that you think they'll do you any good is a fundamental denial of reality.


Ever notice how fucking annoying most signatures are? - Yes, I do appreciate the irony.

(in reply to crumpets)
Profile   Post #: 294
RE: What do senders do that they can so quickly POUNCE ... - 11/6/2015 1:07:17 PM   

Posts: 1614
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From: South Bay (SF & Silicon Valley)
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ORIGINAL: freedomdwarf1
Every post you've made in this thread is proving her point rather well

We happen to have ideas, which, together, some of us (the more intelligent ones anyway) developed in this thread, which you have never thought of in your entire life, nor can you possibly comprehend them.

The best you can offer, to someone who is thinking, taking in input, discussing the differences, adding value, and comparing and contrasting ideas, is "get a life"?

With all the value you just imparted to the discussion.
Are you sure that you have enough ideas left for an encore?

(in reply to freedomdwarf1)
Profile   Post #: 295
RE: What do senders do that they can so quickly POUNCE ... - 11/6/2015 1:11:45 PM   

Posts: 1614
Joined: 11/5/2014
From: South Bay (SF & Silicon Valley)
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ORIGINAL: Awareness
the fact that you think they'll do you any good is a fundamental denial of reality.

Nobody in my entire life, who has met me, has even intimated in the least that I'm a creepy stalker.
Somehow you missed the entire point of the discussion.

Not knowing if you're male or female, I'll ask you just one question (to test your reading comprehension).

Q: Do you understand the statement that some women (the same ones who decry creepy stalkers, by the way) consistently "accidentally" flash their underwear in public as a common occurrence?

(in reply to Awareness)
Profile   Post #: 296
RE: What do senders do that they can so quickly POUNCE ... - 11/6/2015 1:14:45 PM   

Posts: 3918
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ORIGINAL: crumpets


ORIGINAL: Awareness
the fact that you think they'll do you any good is a fundamental denial of reality.

Nobody in my entire life, who has met me, has even intimated in the least that I'm a creepy stalker.
I'd bet real money that a couple of dozen of them have thought it.


Somehow you missed the entire point of the discussion.
No. You're engaging in self-referential logic to attempt to justify your desired course of behaviour.


Not knowing if you're male or female, I'll ask you just one question (to test your reading comprehension).

Q: Do you understand the statement that some women (the same ones who decry creepy stalkers, by the way) consistently "accidentally" flash their underwear in public as a common occurrence?
In a world of over six billion people, the possibility for almost every behavioural extreme exists. Your question is so poorly constructed, it's meaningless.


Ever notice how fucking annoying most signatures are? - Yes, I do appreciate the irony.

(in reply to crumpets)
Profile   Post #: 297
RE: What do senders do that they can so quickly POUNCE ... - 11/6/2015 1:16:47 PM   

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ORIGINAL: crumpets


ORIGINAL: freedomdwarf1
Every post you've made in this thread is proving her point rather well

We happen to have ideas, which, together, some of us (the more intelligent ones anyway) developed in this thread, which you have never thought of in your entire life, nor can you possibly comprehend them.

The best you can offer, to someone who is thinking, taking in input, discussing the differences, adding value, and comparing and contrasting ideas, is "get a life"?

With all the value you just imparted to the discussion.
Are you sure that you have enough ideas left for an encore?

I have more than enough for an encore.
However, I have more sense than to engage in a battle of futility to inflate your misplaced ego.


If liberty means anything at all, it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear.
George Orwell, 1903-1950

(in reply to crumpets)
Profile   Post #: 298
RE: What do senders do that they can so quickly POUNCE ... - 11/6/2015 1:18:52 PM   

Posts: 1614
Joined: 11/5/2014
From: South Bay (SF & Silicon Valley)
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ORIGINAL: freedomdwarf1
It's ONE thing to catch a momentary glimpse, to have a quick look.
But to OGLE, leer, lust, stare, and OBJECTIFY (study, if you prefer) the woman in your view is quite another.

Well will you look at that.

From your writing, I had always thought you were incapable of understanding anything that required intelligence, yet, today, you surprise me by agreeing with the premise that I have been making all along.

I agree with you fully and completely.
In fact, I've said it many times in this thread.


It's one thing to perform a rudimentary quick geolocation of an email header; but to physically get out of your chair to to break into someone's garage to vandalize and sabotage her vehicle is quite another.

(in reply to freedomdwarf1)
Profile   Post #: 299
RE: What do senders do that they can so quickly POUNCE ... - 11/6/2015 1:20:51 PM   

Posts: 6845
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ORIGINAL: crumpets


ORIGINAL: Awareness
the fact that you think they'll do you any good is a fundamental denial of reality.

Nobody in my entire life, who has met me, has even intimated in the least that I'm a creepy stalker.
Somehow you missed the entire point of the discussion.

Not knowing if you're male or female, I'll ask you just one question (to test your reading comprehension).

Q: Do you understand the statement that some women (the same ones who decry creepy stalkers, by the way) consistently "accidentally" flash their underwear in public as a common occurrence?

And what if they do???

It is NOT a show just for your consumption to objectify.
And this is where you are showing your distinct ineptitude and lack of understanding.


If liberty means anything at all, it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear.
George Orwell, 1903-1950

(in reply to crumpets)
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