Second hand smoke (Full Version)

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Termyn8or -> Second hand smoke (7/18/2006 9:58:24 PM)

I respect non smokers and win't light up if it bothers them, but, there is some real bullshit going around these days.It is utterly impossible for second hand smoke to be more dangerous to people than to the smoker himself. After all the smoker is in the closest proximity to the smoke.

There are only two reasons for bad science, for people to enforce their will on others and money. I'm thinking the money part is coming soon. After all smokers are already paying for a host of things like new stadiums, and now they want a cut for the arts. (in Ohio).

Let's go back to the first round of litigation against the tobacco companies. First the government forced them to accurately state the tar and nicotine contents on the package. Then they were accused of manipulating the tar and nicotine. What did they want, it hand written on each pack ? Each crop is a little different, that is why they blend tobaccos. Now they were given another two more parameters to deal with. Of course they had to manipulate the levels so that the numbers on the pack are truthful.

Tell you what, I admit that I wish they had never invented cigarettes. But now I like them.

Funny, right now I am not running the AC, I got one hell of an exhaust fan and I smell car exhaust from the driveway next door. This is from a 1972 Ford pickup truck, which does not have a catalytic converter. It runs perfectly and is a multiple trophy winner.

Now let's look at the next round of lawsuits that I predict. They are going to want tobacco companies to pay for ALL lung cancer whether the person ever smoked or not.

Second hand smoke, OK, I don't smoke around children, non smokers (except the ones who actually say that it doesn't bother them), and the infirm. But when I am in a restaurant paying $30-50 per person for a meal I can make at home for about $10, turn the damn vents on ! Same way with an airplane, turning down the vents saves them money, and for restaurants changing the air costs big in the heavy heating and airconditioning seasons.

I will pay extra to sit in a smoking section, but make it worthwile. Set the HVAC system up properly ! You put the vents all over the floor and the exhausts on the cieling. I should not be able to smell any more than a slight hint of a guy smoking a large skogie sitting right next to me. Always maintain a slight negative air pressure in the smoking area and you won't have a "spillage" into the non smoking section.

Now back to the coming lawsuit.

Are they going to pay deisel mechanics who, because of their job have a higher lung cancer rate than smokers. I'm sure any auto or truck mechanics have this problem to some degree. There are many other occupations that are detrimental to the lungs. Many many factory workers for example.

Are there air filters in your car and do you drive with the windows closed 365 days a year ? How often are you in a traffic jam ? There are inevitably trucks in traffic jams which do not have catalytic converters and spew hydrocarbons at an almost alarming rate compared to a modern car. They are moving slowly to curb deisel emmisions, but money is the reason, and it is actually not greed this time, it is almost common sense. To crack down on trucks right now and come up with very strict mandates would cripple the economy. Everything you buy comes off a truck, even a new truck. The consumer is laden with even more costs, this is detrimental. So much of the cost we bear to buy consumer goods is due to transportation, no wonder alot of consumer products are junk.

My Uncle was an executive at Ford and decided to buy a new Crown Victoria. This is one of their high end cars. He called the dealer (even on the A plan you go through a dealer) and asked where the floor mats were. This wasn't his department so he wanted an answer. He got one. Weight, the reason to omit the floor mats, was still based on money.

Back to the main subject, ever have any form of cancer, other than lung cancer ? Anybody who knows, knows that cancer in other organs frequently moves to the lungs. Do we have to pay for them too ?

Has anyone done a study on effectively how many cigarettes you smoke when sitting in a traffic jam for an hour in the city ?

Now let's pare down these plaintiffs. If you never drove a car, live on a farm in a remote area and don't use any tractors or other equipment that runs off fossil fuel, have no history of cancer in the family, never been to the city, don't use any unnatural products including perfume or air fresheners, basically only breathe clean fresh air except when around a smoker indoors, let's talk.

Let's talk about why this smoker didn't have the decency to not smoke around non smokers, also give your reasons for not leaving the room.

Then someone tell me why the rest of us smokers have to pay for those who are irresponsible, and, for example, smoke around children constantly ? Is it going to get to the point that people will be able to sue elder members of their family who smoked ?

Let's go out on a limb. Sue your grandfather because he smoked around you when you were little. He was the only one in the whole family and circle of friends who smoked. You lived on a farm but moved to rural Wisconson. You now live with Amish people and always breathe fresh air. You eat only heathly organically grown food and eat no refined sugar or salt.

You get lung cancer. You have the most airtight case possible.

Your Grandpa still smokes two packs of Lucky strikes a day and drinks whiskey, but only in moderation. Gets drunk every once in a great while but does drink lightly almost every day. Eats red meat and veggies, some wine or beer once in a while, but no soda or anything. Milk, booze, coffee and beer or tea once in a while. Gambles every Friday night in a smoke filled basement, where others may even be smoking blunts, which have got to be even worse, and some of them filled with pot, but he doesn't partake. He is still exposed to it in an enclosed space. He is retired from the railroad so he can afford to gamble.

Grandpa takes the stand.

L(awyer): So Mr. Jones, do you realize that your addiction to cigarettes has destroyed the life of one of your family members ?

G: Poppycock.

L: Poppycock ? what do you mean by that ?

G: Poppycock, I smoked around everyone else and they don't have lung cancer. I feel for her, she is my granddaughter, but I didn't do it. I don't see what twisted logic has brought this totally stupid court case about.

L: Didn't you know that second hand smoke is more harmful than first hand smoke.

G: Bullsh, oh, poppycock, I was the closest one to my cigarette and I don't have lung cancer.

L: OK, tell us a little about your health, for one how old are you ?

G: You Honor, May I ask the Court, and anyone else who wishes to, guess my age before I answer that question ? I am the defendant here y'know.

J: Prosecuting attorney will please guess the age of the defendant.

L: OK, hmmm plaitiff is 28, hmmmm, OK, I would say you are 75.

G: I am 91.

L: No way.

G: In the words of my grandchildren, YEAH WAY, I got my driver's license right here.

L: So do you have any breathing difficulties ? Like if you walk too far ?

G: Well yes, it's ten miles to the store and I get bored walking so I jog the rest, like half way.

L: So you jog five miles a day ?

G: No, I'm not stupid, when I get there I buy enough stuff for three days.

L: So you have a driver's license but don't drive ?

G: No, I drive.

L: Then why do you walk and jog to the store, for exercise ?

G: Exercise schmexercise, I get enough of that tending the gardens and fixin up the barn.

L: Fixing the barn ? Did the city cite your for it's condition or something ?

G: City, I don't live in the city boy, there ain't no city, this is the sticks. And as if it is any of your business, the roof was getting to look like tobacco road or something so I'm replacing it.

L: You mean you're having it fixed ?

G: Are you stupid, I said I was fixing it, I have one helper. We are going to just tear the old one off and put a new one on, and the old one gets buried. Why are you asking me this ? This is four counties away, what do you care ?

L: I'm wondering how smoking has damaged you sir.

G: Well, it doesn't seem to have. I know it does nothing for me really but I like it, so I smoke, I have a right to do that. Or has that changed ?

You see where this is going. There used to be people like that, smoked all their lives and made it into the nineties. What did they have that we don't have ?

It's the same old shit like with diabetes. They know exactly what causes it but refuse to cure it, like they should and CAN in it's early stages. They blame the smoke. It's the smoke, it's like a mantra. It is set and cannot change. Who says who is the foremost authority on a subject, or the most advanced reseacher ? More importantly who is it that sifts through all these lab reports and somes up with these ridiculous conclusions ?

My fictional repoire back there was intended to be the ultimate counterpoint, My one Grandfather lived into his seventies, and smoked cigars. I never knew the other one.

But then I know people have existed who fit my description. They might've been moving slow when they got old, but they were still moving. My Father quit smoking for a time, but went back to it but no longer inhales. He jokes that he is killing himself with his own second hand smoke. He has cut down to about a pack a week instead of two a day. I agree that can't be bad.

I am not saying that smoking is good for you, that would be stupid. What I am saying is that it seems to affect different people differently, just like any other vice. BTW I do not consider gambling a vice. I don't care what the government says, it is not. If you are any good at it you can gain from it, just don't gamble the house payment. Gambling is only a vice for those who don't know how to do it and stay within their limits. The same is true of drugs and alcohol. Smoking is the only thing I can think of that is truly a vice, because you get nothing out of it. You don't get a buzz like if you use a "substance", and if you actually learn how to gamble you could gain money. Tobacco has no such advantages.

A subject came up between me and my RL cohorts a couple of moinths ago. Who was the first one to figure out how to smoke ? I mean the first one to smoke. Maybe it was the caveman Ogg, you know the inventor of the wheel ? I could see someone actually saying "We are going to burn this stuff and inhale the smoke". When asked why, what possible answer could he give ? What is it that made this so popular ?

I don't mean peer pressure getting teens to smoke, I am talking the first person to do it and how others got it in their head to do it as well. Could it be that some leader of some tribe found some kind of pot or something and all high he said some really cool stuff, wisdom wise, and then the led, unable to find the special stuff the leader smoked decided that tobacco would work too ? Probably wasn't even called that back then, might not have been called anything for some time.

So maybe smokers are addicted. But how did it start. Kids try to emulate their Parents, maybe not in all things but in some things. I am not talking about that, that only perpetuates it. I would like some insight on how it started, how it became taxed and the focus of so much debate. Agreed that while criminal law is based on intent, tort law is not, at least not always. I don't have lung cancer and if I do get it, I am certainly not expecting a check for it, so why should I have to pay ?

Also, why should I have to line the pockets of politicians, and pay for stadia ad infinitum and fund the arts. WTF is the government putting their finger into this shit for ?

Or is it like when you see a commercial for a local utility on TV, they are a monoply. What they're doing is buying control, the more you spend, the more control you get over the content. Plain and simple.

I see this second hand smoke shit as just that, another move in redistributing the wealth. I also see alot of lawyers making alot of money. That couldn't be it could it ? Say it ain't so, Joe.

I don't mind hearing from all sides in this. Whether you agree or not, come on.


michaelGA2 -> RE: Second hand smoke (7/18/2006 10:01:01 PM)

this is all well and good, but too long of a with short attention spans never make it past the second or third paragraph...LOL

besides, sometimes the only way i can enjoy a smoke is from someone else's nearby...LOL

juliaoceania -> RE: Second hand smoke (7/18/2006 10:09:02 PM)

I smoked for 23 years. I was addicted to cigarettes when I was a minor.That is immoral... addicting young people to ciggies... but your rant is about my dislike of your smoking.

I do not smoke, I pay just as much money as you to eat out. I have the right to enjoy my steak without smelling your ciggies.It doesn't matter how good they ventilate it, I still smell it, and it interferes with my enjoyment of what I am eating.

I have little patience for those who want to smoke in my presense, I can smell ciggies when someone drives by me with their hand hanging out of the car.. I am that sensitive to the smell. I hate the smell.

It is fine if you want to kill yourself, I have the right not to be around it. . If you are smoking in a restaurant, you are usually smoking around someone with asthma, as people have it in record numbers. They have more right to eat out than you do to smoke.

popeye1250 -> RE: Second hand smoke (7/18/2006 10:21:38 PM)

When I lived in New Hampshire they didn't have "Kindergarten".
They raised the tax on ciggarrettes to pay for Kindergarten in the whole state in addition to all the other money that they get for schools through taxing ciggarrettes.
I say outlaw them!
But, don't come to me looking for money when they have to do away with Kindergarten and when thousands of teachers get layed off.
The problem is that there are so many govt. programs that depend on tax money from ciggarrettes.
Hundreds of $billions$ worth. They should be THANKING smokers!

NeedToUseYou -> RE: Second hand smoke (7/18/2006 10:21:51 PM)

well, my guess about the first person to smoke would be, probably someone had a fire for heat and light and just threw some vegetation on it and liked the smoke some of the plants put out so started smoking it.

GddssBella -> RE: Second hand smoke (7/18/2006 10:45:25 PM)

G'morning all:

All the science aside; no one has the right to impinge on how I enjoy a night out in public. This most certainly includes smokers. The whiny brats, obnoxious slaves to their cell phones, drunks, twittering ninnies that think their conversation is so fascinating that they have to share it with the entire store/restaurant/theater, etc. I pay good money, just like every/anyone else. I'm entitled to some peace and relaxation. So if that means a smoker has to get his jones on outside the establishment? Tough.

As to taxes? If you're going to have a habit? Own up to all it entails. I don't enjoy paying $40/pound for Godiva when I want a treat, but I don't whine about it. For the history, here's a couple of links. Got to love Google. Pay close to attention to the "Passive Smoking" portion of the Health Effects section.

Stay safe, play nice, & share your toys w/ others...



juliaoceania -> RE: Second hand smoke (7/18/2006 11:14:30 PM)


ORIGINAL: popeye1250

When I lived in New Hampshire they didn't have "Kindergarten".
They raised the tax on ciggarrettes to pay for Kindergarten in the whole state in addition to all the other money that they get for schools through taxing ciggarrettes.
I say outlaw them!
But, don't come to me looking for money when they have to do away with Kindergarten and when thousands of teachers get layed off.
The problem is that there are so many govt. programs that depend on tax money from ciggarrettes.
Hundreds of $billions$ worth. They should be THANKING smokers!

I believe it is unethical to create tax revenue off of the pain and suffering that I have personally seen cigarettes do. Take care of someone for two years that has emphysema, COPD, and suffered a stroke due to cigarette smoking. I did this for a close family member, watched him struggle for every fucking breath, and in the end he was more miserable than I have ever seen another human soul. If you think that it is moral to collect money off of such things you do, I know a lot of people think it is fine,... I don't

doll -> RE: Second hand smoke (7/18/2006 11:16:17 PM)

I am a smoker and while I do agree that it sucks to have to smoke outside when you pay a lot for a meal or go to a club in some doesn't really bother me to smoke outside...we smoke outside because my roommate doesn't smoke and me and her boyfriend do.  Most of my family smokes and actually when we all get together I thank goodness that we do smoke outside because the overwhelming smell of cigarettes does get offensive.  And for the record...I have asthma, have had it since I was 12 and have been smoking since I was 13.  I still breathe fine so far....but I also plan on quitting sometime in the future.

juliaoceania -> RE: Second hand smoke (7/18/2006 11:18:49 PM)



I am a smoker and while I do agree that it sucks to have to smoke outside when you pay a lot for a meal or go to a club in some doesn't really bother me to smoke outside...we smoke outside because my roommate doesn't smoke and me and her boyfriend do.  Most of my family smokes and actually when we all get together I thank goodness that we do smoke outside because the overwhelming smell of cigarettes does get offensive.  And for the record...I have asthma, have had it since I was 12 and have been smoking since I was 13.  I still breathe fine so far....but I also plan on quitting sometime in the future.

I had asthma until I quit smoking. If you grew up around second hand smoke it is probable that this contributed to your asthma... if you tried living in a tobacco free zone you might find that your asthma may disappear.

doll -> RE: Second hand smoke (7/18/2006 11:22:00 PM)

My grandpa died 6 years agp due to emphysema....mostly caused by working in a sawmill for over 40, his smoking didn't help, but it was told to my family that his was caused by the dust. 

I didn't get to see him while he was dieing...I was 9 months pregnant and not allowed to travel....but I know he suffered before going into his coma. 

He knew he was dieing and still continued some it is an addiction that you can't overcome.  I don't knock smokers, non-smokers or ex-smokers...I figure if someone wants to smoke, it is their life.  While us watching may suffer emotionally....I know I couldn't have gotten him to stop smoking and it didn't stop me from picking up a cigarette after quitting for 3 years...stress sucks.

EnglishDomNW -> RE: Second hand smoke (7/18/2006 11:24:29 PM)

Alf Garnett was on a bus once and someone complained that they were breathing his second hand smoke, he responded:-

"I pay for this tobacco. You're getting it free. I should be charging you."

meatcleaver -> RE: Second hand smoke (7/18/2006 11:37:09 PM)

This is where I agree with you. I've got nothing against smoke free environments, smoke free restuarants and smoke free bars but when some non smoker comes into a smokers bar and claims you infringe their rights, I think they are infringing my rights. There are enough smoke free bar and restuatrant businesses not to have to go into one with smoke. Why do they go into a smokers bar? To prove a point?

This reminds me a little a little when feminists wanted to get rid of men only clubs and when they did they set up women only clubs! It has nothing to do with the issue, just a wielding of power.

Now let's get down to the science. Traffic fumes increase your chance of lung cancer more than if you smoke 15-20 cigarettes a day. Other chemicals in the environment released by industry bring you into greater danger than cigarette smoke. Yes, if you smoke you are increasing your chances of lung cancer because your smoking is on top of all the other carcenagens in the environment that are more deadly

So why is no one bleating about all these other carcenagens in the environment that are more deadly than cigarette smoke? Let me hazard a guess. There is no one they can directly point a finger at and have power over. No one wants to stop using their car. Well as a bike rider I think I have every right to clean air on the road as a non-smoker has in a public place so stop using your cars!

IronBear -> RE: Second hand smoke (7/18/2006 11:46:36 PM)

Years ago when I had quit smoking the smell of second hand smoke was enough to make me vomit. I learned a lesson then and will except in my own home not smoke inside if there are kids or non smokers present. At home I like to have the rooms ventelated to remove the staleness of tobacco smoke.. Yep I'm smoking again.. A Pipe or cigars I smoke outside. Doctors keep telling me that being a diabetic, I should quit smoking. I allow them to say their well rehursed spiel once and once only. If they start a second time I politely inform them that smoking is my choice, they have imparted their opinion and that is sufficient. I continue to inform them that I will not tollerate them carrying on like a pork chop about it and if it offends them say so so I can find another medico. I finish by explaining that I am paying them for their informed professional opinion but I make the final decisions if I will accept or reject their input. I smoke and have smoked for years to relieve stress. Work caused stress. before anyone suggests as my medical people have that I can be gived anti-stress medication, I should point out that such medication without exception (here in Australia anyway) creates as a side effect psychosis. My next question would be seeing I firstly have a SF weapons bag in the home and secondly am armed most of the time, do you realy want me to be psychotic when I'm armed? Hell no you cry! Then allow me to smoke is my retort.. 

doll -> RE: Second hand smoke (7/18/2006 11:47:15 PM)

I live in a tobacco-free house...we smoke asthma isn't really bad...the doctor told me it was only an issue for me when I got my heartrate up too high and I couldn't get my breath back.  I rarely use my inhaler and actually my breathing got better once I moved to Cali and got away from the humidity of the midwest.

Thank you voiced what I was thinking so much better then I did.

EnglishDomNW -> RE: Second hand smoke (7/19/2006 12:06:37 AM)

In response to what meatcleaver said about cars.  I was visiting a family member in hospital once and because I was staying overnight, decided to go outside for a cigarette.  About 30 feet from the door, I light up.  A doctor pulls up in his car and tells me I'm too close to the doors and I need to move further away.  I did, but I thought "While you were telling me that, your motor was running 1,000 times more lethal smoke towards the hospital door".

I do agree that you should never smoke around other people but we're turning into a culture of "I don't do it so I want to stop you doing it too".

Quivver -> RE: Second hand smoke (7/19/2006 3:50:38 AM)

I'm with the Bear on this one.  (hugs bear)  It's my choice. 
I do my best at being polite around others by smoking away
from those who do not.  I feild strip when outdoors so there
is no litter.  ..............  and I feel the medical community are
simply educated guessers who can be replaced when they
place themselves above me.  I'd much rather smoke then
choose some new drug they are pushing on the market. 


meatcleaver -> RE: Second hand smoke (7/19/2006 4:14:10 AM)

One thing to bear in mind which I pointed out on another thread. The average smoker reduces thier life by three years. The average unhappy person will have a reduce their average life by nine years. So the message is, smoke and be happy and you are still six years ahead of the unhappy non-smoker.

And let's face it. Those health freaks are angst ridden hypochondriacs that want to cheat death but the only certainty in life apart from taxes, is death.

George Carlin.“Death is caused by swallowing small amounts of saliva over a long period of time."

IronBear -> RE: Second hand smoke (7/19/2006 4:30:09 AM)

You taking my name in vein again china? [8D]


One thing to bear in mind

NakedOnMyChain -> RE: Second hand smoke (7/19/2006 5:32:30 AM)

What many of us are forgetting is that whether or not people smoke in an establishment should be up to the owner for as long as cigarettes are legal.  All too often that is not the case (West Lafayette just passed their smoking ban for all businesses, with no exceptions), but as the one who owns the place, it should be their decision, for better or worse.  At that point it is a patron's choice whether or not to frequent the establishment in question.

It's pretty simple that way.  If you don't like the non-smoking policy, don't go.  If you don't like the smoking policy, don't go.  The choice should be put back in the proprieter's hands, where it belongs.

KatyLied -> RE: Second hand smoke (7/19/2006 5:34:16 AM)


It is utterly impossible for second hand smoke to be more dangerous to people than to the smoker himself.

Wrong.  Ask anyone whose asthma is triggered by smoke, they will beg to differ with you.

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