Truth and Drama (Full Version)

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NewRedQueen -> Truth and Drama (1/8/2016 6:31:11 PM)

What does one do when they are the keeper of information behind cover-ups and the attempt for some, to cover their tail end? Well, if that informed person is me, the former M3, they keep it confidential and only those trusted or that need to know will know. However, there is another side to me and some of you know that side; some of you will get to know it.

Pull up a chair and have a read if you’re interested. You might copy and paste this to guarantee you can read it as I am sure this will be removed rather quickly. Though one should consider that I have been slandered and can prove it. I should have some recourse to defend myself. If not provided it, I may be forced to assure it.

I’m told that I have a new name. That’s okay, I have heard it before. Red Queen is as good as any other as my ego isn’t wrapped up in a title, name or persona, good or bad. I have by my own choice been known as Lockit, Rawni, VideoAdminTheta and Moderator3. My real name is Donna H. and I cannot provide the last name per TOS, though some of you know it. I live in Kansas City, MO. My old phone number will do you no good as I can no longer afford a cell phone. (messagevonnie aka me)

I have had numerous lies to contend with and I typically just shrug, possibly laugh and move on. However some of my friends aren’t as likely to do that because they are protective of me. I do have witness to all that I will share with you and for those that don’t know me so well; I always have proof of some sort that will at least confirm most of what I say.

I keep records for years, through one computer to another. I have lost or deleted more than I have kept, but I do have enough to show that I am telling the truth and some that could interest any legal party that needed information. What I have kept was to protect myself and other parties. I wouldn’t advise trying to hack my computer… you might get a very big surprise on who is on the other end. Let’s just say that I have reached out for assistance.

Once upon a time I went to the hospital for a kidney stone and was medicated there that night. The next day, since the stone was causing me far less pain, I was at home and was able to deal with it though pain was wearing me down. My daughter that night went to the pharmacy just before it closed, to get me pain medication that was prescribed.

On that day while medication free, I went in as Lockit and posted, outing myself as VideoAdminTheta and I quit. While I did it, I was speaking to a witness on the phone and he said I wouldn’t do it. I said; it was done. He knew what condition I was in. Sound of mind but not in body. I also spoke to other staff that said they loved my post and were very happy I had done it. One would be VideoAdminChi who now accuses me of being mentally or emotionally unstable, along with other parties that are covering their own tail end or activities.

I was not medicated at the time, as you were told. I had had nothing in my system for well over sixteen hours.

Why did I do it? Well, there were a few that were lying about staff. They had been for some time. They would start or keep mod bashing threads going with their lies and of course when the thread began to die down, they would stir it up again. At that time there were five to seven mod bashing threads. There was also a takeover attempt between staff volunteers that had been ongoing for about a year. This was one of the reasons for the mod bashing threads and the number of them.

I took a hit for the team so to speak and outed myself, letting these people know that I knew the truth, I could possibly prove the truth and that they might consider chilling out. They did; until now.

I went away, didn’t tell any secrets other than a couple conversations with people I believed would not speak about it publically and with legal counsel. I have not been viewing or taking part on this site since I left as M3. Some of you decided since the coast was clear and in your righteous indication or ego, thought you could benefit yourselves in some manner whether you spoke the truth in some part or complete lies, started talking.

Shall we let others decide?

Oh, you may be well-liked, but some will remember things and some will be able to find what I didn’t remove from the forum and more that is still there, only hidden. It is all in a data base or I just may have it, in case you decide to defend your honor and take me to court.

I will not tell the whole story as I have work to do today, but just a bit for any taste buds you might have of the drama kind. I am not alone in what I know, but for the moment, I am the only one here. I may have company later if I cannot talk them out of it. I hope this post will suffice.

I have never been a patient in a mental health facility for a mental or emotional problem. I have never had treatment or took medication for a mental or emotional issue and have never abused pain medication. To be honest, in the 70’s I did experiment a bit, but I was a teenager and didn’t continue the activity. I have never had a depressive disorder or any other mental or emotional condition that some would take medication for. The only medication I take currently is Ibuprofen and it has been that way for nearly ten years.

If you dispute that publicly, you better have proof, which I know you cannot have. Your personal opinion may be that I am crazy and that is fine, but that is not a medical foundation, for which I have records, proving otherwise. Can my accusers state and prove the same?

Oh, the drama of this place. It has gone on for years and for about as long as the doors have been open under any name. I was once called the site historian and my data bank is just fine. I know the players, I know where the bodies are buried and who buried them and some really don’t want me talking. That is why there wasn’t a mod bashing thread for some time.

The power struggles between some staff was disgusting. I tend to walk away when things get like that. I have no interest in playing a part of any of it. I will make a stand for what I believe in and will decide for myself, not what I am told, who seems to be doing right or wrong. There was not one takeover attempt, but a few from power or money hungry people and some that were ongoing. I was involved in one in trying to preserve those that were actually trying to do the right thing and were less likely to favor friends. There were few truly innocent involved. I will always care for and respect those fantastic staff volunteers that didn’t take part and were truly innocent.

I stand by everything I say here and if legal question is brought up, the proof of a great deal of it can be found in the backup system that keeps safe most every post that has ever been on this forum. Except for those lost in technical difficulties or that were actually deleted by staff, that should never have taken place. Anyone deleting anything from this site is destroying site property and there could be legal ramifications if the right party had decided to take action. You can thank him for not taking it.

I also have some information/proof that I may later explain. No record on my part of what people were doing was kept other than what I needed to protect the innocent or prove any criminal activity. Every web site must have the ability to know what is going on, on the site. When the last Support and I were here this last round, that ability was never abused. I never had any power to see anything much before I was M3.

We didn’t care what Sally said to James and what they were doing unless a report came in that Sally or James were accused of something very serious or we were asked by a member to get involved in something they were a part of and needed assistance with.

I was asked to come back to the site and take over the forums when the staff needed to be replaced. No one said why for a number of reasons. It wouldn’t be shared now if they hadn’t gotten so dramatic to say the least. By the way, thank you for my new name.

They actually should have known what they were up to and if they said they didn’t know, perhaps they were not as truthful as they could have been. Perhaps they were not aware of what they were involved in by way of another staff member or doing for some reason due to ignorance or self-preservation. Believe me when I say, some of you had no idea what some had planned for you. Fall guy is the least of it.

There are some members here that were never on staff that have various proof in part of why I was needed to run the forum. When a site nearly gets sued or has the potential to be, not once, but at least twice because of what staff is doing, someone gets released from their volunteer position and rightfully so. Please, keep your protest to yourselves for your own sakes unless you have proof and I will tell you now that proof covering any protest is out there. The legal team was involved with this.

I no longer have anything to do with this site, the owner or any staff member. I do not have any affiliation, commitment or requirement of any sort and do not represent this web site. However, I am a bit of a historian and will only respond to a legal requirement or request that I provide any proof I have on any matter unless I volunteer it. I will also keep the screen shots I have of possible criminal activity safe as they always have been. The site was not a part of any activity of a criminal nature. Only site users.

I speak on my own behalf, will and decision, what would have continued to be private if a friend had not been up in arms about the slander about me, upset for me and committed to defending me and the site. I felt it best to speak for myself.

Great morning wakeup call by the way! Before my coffee, that wasn’t nice! LOL… I know the heart and thank you.

A long time ago, there was a break up between a dominant and a submissive. It got very dramatic and played out on the forum/site in some part. Each person involved was harassing the other and using the forum/site to do so. You won’t find the proof of that other than from the data base, because staff at the time decided to protect their favorite party in the drama and deleted one party’s involvement. They didn’t simply make it invisible to guest, they deleted it.

One of the first things I did as Moderator3 was to assure that that could never happen again. That meant I couldn’t do it either! LOL I had no need to, but many before me did. In fact, three of more than a handful, got released for it. Oh there were a number of other reasons, but I will go with that for now.
There was a fourth moderator, not as trained and rarely working, but I tried to keep her on staff. She suspected who I was and at one time I cared for her very much, but I was asked not to tell too many who I was considering the drama that was playing out.

However, I did need to test her to see if she was supporting the site or the staff that were released. She failed that test. What was the test? I asked her the names of the people involved in this dramatic break up. She said she couldn’t remember. She had been told to delete all evidence that could have been needed in a legal case between the two parties, both creating drama on the site. Humorously they kept one parties evidence and in my opinion, to assure that only one could be proven to be doing anything harmful to the other.

I tried to give this mod the benefit of doubt, but could not leave anyone in position that would be a risk for the site or anyone on it, whether that risk was further drama or anything more serious.

Any person I banned was for good cause. I even brought people in and tried to work with them when other staff had banned them in a way I felt was unfair. Socks or known people using socks to disrupt or carry on with the drama were taken out. Some of them had hundreds of sock accounts that I had to deal with every single day for around a year. Support was doing the same.

Getting back to the moderator released after I took over…Who might I ask could forget the well-known parties involved? Especially when the staff volunteer spent many hours, personally deleting what could have been used as evidence in a court of law. I do not know if the member asked them to do this or if they took it upon themselves to do so.

Documentation was taken from this site to protect one party. It was deleted, removed, and as far as they knew gone forever. They had protected their friend. Now, don’t go getting your panties in a wad thinking that was the only reason and you were on staff and weren’t involved and then released. There were other things. However, because I don’t need to repeat those things at this time and have no desire to write the story of CM or CS, I won’t go into all of that. You ought to be glad about that. Temper your anger because as some of you know, I think legally and wouldn’t say anything I couldn’t prove to protect myself, the site or other parties that shouldn’t be made subject to the drama.

Now some new juicy bits. There is someone here that claims they did the right thing. This person is very vocal about all this, however, the real story isn’t being presented. When I came in as M3, a certain person’s profile was hidden. I offered to find out anything I could to assist him because he posted about it. Blacklisting was not allowed and when you do it, you are subject to ramifications which can include a hidden profile.

This person wanted me to assist him. However, when I went to investigate, I found something far more important and very serious. Something being hidden from the spouse and surely nothing anyone would admit to. No report was made to Support until I made it and then this person was banned and wasn’t released until someone released all bans after I left.

Now, now, before you get all up in arms dear pervert, I did keep screen shots of that one, for legal agencies. Step very carefully. I am upset that you weren’t held accountable. I wasn’t in charge of reporting these things to authorities. It wasn’t part of my job. I reported to the people I was supposed to report to and after that would have no knowledge of what happened unless I saw something on site that was visible to me without seeking it out.

To be clear, I saved that information because I thought I would have to provide what I personally found and was witness to. I cannot lose that picture in my mind. I had to go throw up. It changed me and it still sickens me. She is forever in my mind.

A great deal of our work was undone. That includes various types of work and keeping the site and members protected in our informed opinion. We were not fired and chose to leave because we could no longer believe in what we were doing. I loved the site. I loved the owner as a friend, some people on site and I did my best to protect it and users of the site. That is all I have to say on that.
I will state that my reputation has been nearly destroyed because I tried to do the right thing when many were doing the wrong thing in various ways and for numerous reasons. I can never take part in any event or seek a partner on any lifestyle site. I even lost money over it. Money I desperately needed. I will never be well and working isn’t an option unless I can do it from home. Even the doctors don’t know what to do with me, so disability is out too. At least until I can afford a good doctor.

I have repeatedly taken the hit and moved on. I will no longer do that. If you intend to slander me, I am told by legal counsel that I have enough merit to bring a case against certain parties. (A friend paid for that.) I chose not to do that, but I can very easily change my mind. I have far more time in which to focus on a legal case that is now mine rather than someone else’s.

I witnessed a number of things on this site and know far too much. I have moved on because I will not be a part of the things I have seen here by members and some staff. A number of you are very naughty. Site users into animal play… children and all sorts of despicable things. We were cleaning it all up and did anything within our power to do so.

Who is we? Support and me. We worked night and day and what you all don’t see could shock you. It isn’t anything that isn’t going on at many web sites, but I was not a part of those sites. Many that I trained or started to train were stunned and they knew very little compared to those with more power.

I have tried to keep as much of this private as I could, but my hand was pushed and a response has been needed. I hate drama and despise the fact that I must respond because some have involved me. Give special thought to your next moves because I will not be forgiving and silent. I am done if you are.

I worked here because I believed someone needed to do the job without preference or abuse and the one that ran Support was here for the same reason. You didn’t know who he was because he didn’t need recognition. We never wanted the limelight, the positions or the job, but finding people ethical to do the job was nearly impossible at that point. Rather than to see the drama continue, we committed to trying to right many things… a job bigger than the two of us.

I will carry love and concern with me for many of you, the owner who is very ill and has been for some time which was often used by people that took advantage of that. I carry concern for the site… but I want this chapter of my life to be ended. I won’t be happy if it is continued and I need to end it myself, but I will not shy away from the matter.

Blessings to you all, I will never forget you.

Dvr22999874 -> RE: Truth and Drama (1/8/2016 7:00:37 PM)

One puts you on hide if they have any sense.

WinsomeDefiance -> RE: Truth and Drama (1/8/2016 7:11:19 PM)

Hello Donna,

I will confess to being clueless to all this...deliberately so. I hope you move on in peace and happiness and let this drama go.
It is not good for anyone, especially someone dealing with illnesses to let stress of a website wear them down. She said/they said conflict online never ends well for anyone. I would not wish that on anyone. Certainly not you, my friend.

I don't care who did what or said what or who loves or hates you. I personally have enjoyed a friendship with you over the years, and wish you peace, good health and all blessings.


BamaD -> RE: Truth and Drama (1/8/2016 7:17:54 PM)



What does one do when they are the keeper of information behind cover-ups and the attempt for some, to cover their tail end? Well, if that informed person is me, the former M3, they keep it confidential and only those trusted or that need to know will know. However, there is another side to me and some of you know that side; some of you will get to know it.

Pull up a chair and have a read if you’re interested. You might copy and paste this to guarantee you can read it as I am sure this will be removed rather quickly. Though one should consider that I have been slandered and can prove it. I should have some recourse to defend myself. If not provided it, I may be forced to assure it.

I’m told that I have a new name. That’s okay, I have heard it before. Red Queen is as good as any other as my ego isn’t wrapped up in a title, name or persona, good or bad. I have by my own choice been known as Lockit, Rawni, VideoAdminTheta and Moderator3. My real name is Donna H. and I cannot provide the last name per TOS, though some of you know it. I live in Kansas City, MO. My old phone number will do you no good as I can no longer afford a cell phone. (messagevonnie aka me)

I have had numerous lies to contend with and I typically just shrug, possibly laugh and move on. However some of my friends aren’t as likely to do that because they are protective of me. I do have witness to all that I will share with you and for those that don’t know me so well; I always have proof of some sort that will at least confirm most of what I say.

I keep records for years, through one computer to another. I have lost or deleted more than I have kept, but I do have enough to show that I am telling the truth and some that could interest any legal party that needed information. What I have kept was to protect myself and other parties. I wouldn’t advise trying to hack my computer… you might get a very big surprise on who is on the other end. Let’s just say that I have reached out for assistance.

Once upon a time I went to the hospital for a kidney stone and was medicated there that night. The next day, since the stone was causing me far less pain, I was at home and was able to deal with it though pain was wearing me down. My daughter that night went to the pharmacy just before it closed, to get me pain medication that was prescribed.

On that day while medication free, I went in as Lockit and posted, outing myself as VideoAdminTheta and I quit. While I did it, I was speaking to a witness on the phone and he said I wouldn’t do it. I said; it was done. He knew what condition I was in. Sound of mind but not in body. I also spoke to other staff that said they loved my post and were very happy I had done it. One would be VideoAdminChi who now accuses me of being mentally or emotionally unstable, along with other parties that are covering their own tail end or activities.

I was not medicated at the time, as you were told. I had had nothing in my system for well over sixteen hours.

Why did I do it? Well, there were a few that were lying about staff. They had been for some time. They would start or keep mod bashing threads going with their lies and of course when the thread began to die down, they would stir it up again. At that time there were five to seven mod bashing threads. There was also a takeover attempt between staff volunteers that had been ongoing for about a year. This was one of the reasons for the mod bashing threads and the number of them.

I took a hit for the team so to speak and outed myself, letting these people know that I knew the truth, I could possibly prove the truth and that they might consider chilling out. They did; until now.

I went away, didn’t tell any secrets other than a couple conversations with people I believed would not speak about it publically and with legal counsel. I have not been viewing or taking part on this site since I left as M3. Some of you decided since the coast was clear and in your righteous indication or ego, thought you could benefit yourselves in some manner whether you spoke the truth in some part or complete lies, started talking.

Shall we let others decide?

Oh, you may be well-liked, but some will remember things and some will be able to find what I didn’t remove from the forum and more that is still there, only hidden. It is all in a data base or I just may have it, in case you decide to defend your honor and take me to court.

I will not tell the whole story as I have work to do today, but just a bit for any taste buds you might have of the drama kind. I am not alone in what I know, but for the moment, I am the only one here. I may have company later if I cannot talk them out of it. I hope this post will suffice.

I have never been a patient in a mental health facility for a mental or emotional problem. I have never had treatment or took medication for a mental or emotional issue and have never abused pain medication. To be honest, in the 70’s I did experiment a bit, but I was a teenager and didn’t continue the activity. I have never had a depressive disorder or any other mental or emotional condition that some would take medication for. The only medication I take currently is Ibuprofen and it has been that way for nearly ten years.

If you dispute that publicly, you better have proof, which I know you cannot have. Your personal opinion may be that I am crazy and that is fine, but that is not a medical foundation, for which I have records, proving otherwise. Can my accusers state and prove the same?

Oh, the drama of this place. It has gone on for years and for about as long as the doors have been open under any name. I was once called the site historian and my data bank is just fine. I know the players, I know where the bodies are buried and who buried them and some really don’t want me talking. That is why there wasn’t a mod bashing thread for some time.

The power struggles between some staff was disgusting. I tend to walk away when things get like that. I have no interest in playing a part of any of it. I will make a stand for what I believe in and will decide for myself, not what I am told, who seems to be doing right or wrong. There was not one takeover attempt, but a few from power or money hungry people and some that were ongoing. I was involved in one in trying to preserve those that were actually trying to do the right thing and were less likely to favor friends. There were few truly innocent involved. I will always care for and respect those fantastic staff volunteers that didn’t take part and were truly innocent.

I stand by everything I say here and if legal question is brought up, the proof of a great deal of it can be found in the backup system that keeps safe most every post that has ever been on this forum. Except for those lost in technical difficulties or that were actually deleted by staff, that should never have taken place. Anyone deleting anything from this site is destroying site property and there could be legal ramifications if the right party had decided to take action. You can thank him for not taking it.

I also have some information/proof that I may later explain. No record on my part of what people were doing was kept other than what I needed to protect the innocent or prove any criminal activity. Every web site must have the ability to know what is going on, on the site. When the last Support and I were here this last round, that ability was never abused. I never had any power to see anything much before I was M3.

We didn’t care what Sally said to James and what they were doing unless a report came in that Sally or James were accused of something very serious or we were asked by a member to get involved in something they were a part of and needed assistance with.

I was asked to come back to the site and take over the forums when the staff needed to be replaced. No one said why for a number of reasons. It wouldn’t be shared now if they hadn’t gotten so dramatic to say the least. By the way, thank you for my new name.

They actually should have known what they were up to and if they said they didn’t know, perhaps they were not as truthful as they could have been. Perhaps they were not aware of what they were involved in by way of another staff member or doing for some reason due to ignorance or self-preservation. Believe me when I say, some of you had no idea what some had planned for you. Fall guy is the least of it.

There are some members here that were never on staff that have various proof in part of why I was needed to run the forum. When a site nearly gets sued or has the potential to be, not once, but at least twice because of what staff is doing, someone gets released from their volunteer position and rightfully so. Please, keep your protest to yourselves for your own sakes unless you have proof and I will tell you now that proof covering any protest is out there. The legal team was involved with this.

I no longer have anything to do with this site, the owner or any staff member. I do not have any affiliation, commitment or requirement of any sort and do not represent this web site. However, I am a bit of a historian and will only respond to a legal requirement or request that I provide any proof I have on any matter unless I volunteer it. I will also keep the screen shots I have of possible criminal activity safe as they always have been. The site was not a part of any activity of a criminal nature. Only site users.

I speak on my own behalf, will and decision, what would have continued to be private if a friend had not been up in arms about the slander about me, upset for me and committed to defending me and the site. I felt it best to speak for myself.

Great morning wakeup call by the way! Before my coffee, that wasn’t nice! LOL… I know the heart and thank you.

A long time ago, there was a break up between a dominant and a submissive. It got very dramatic and played out on the forum/site in some part. Each person involved was harassing the other and using the forum/site to do so. You won’t find the proof of that other than from the data base, because staff at the time decided to protect their favorite party in the drama and deleted one party’s involvement. They didn’t simply make it invisible to guest, they deleted it.

One of the first things I did as Moderator3 was to assure that that could never happen again. That meant I couldn’t do it either! LOL I had no need to, but many before me did. In fact, three of more than a handful, got released for it. Oh there were a number of other reasons, but I will go with that for now.
There was a fourth moderator, not as trained and rarely working, but I tried to keep her on staff. She suspected who I was and at one time I cared for her very much, but I was asked not to tell too many who I was considering the drama that was playing out.

However, I did need to test her to see if she was supporting the site or the staff that were released. She failed that test. What was the test? I asked her the names of the people involved in this dramatic break up. She said she couldn’t remember. She had been told to delete all evidence that could have been needed in a legal case between the two parties, both creating drama on the site. Humorously they kept one parties evidence and in my opinion, to assure that only one could be proven to be doing anything harmful to the other.

I tried to give this mod the benefit of doubt, but could not leave anyone in position that would be a risk for the site or anyone on it, whether that risk was further drama or anything more serious.

Any person I banned was for good cause. I even brought people in and tried to work with them when other staff had banned them in a way I felt was unfair. Socks or known people using socks to disrupt or carry on with the drama were taken out. Some of them had hundreds of sock accounts that I had to deal with every single day for around a year. Support was doing the same.

Getting back to the moderator released after I took over…Who might I ask could forget the well-known parties involved? Especially when the staff volunteer spent many hours, personally deleting what could have been used as evidence in a court of law. I do not know if the member asked them to do this or if they took it upon themselves to do so.

Documentation was taken from this site to protect one party. It was deleted, removed, and as far as they knew gone forever. They had protected their friend. Now, don’t go getting your panties in a wad thinking that was the only reason and you were on staff and weren’t involved and then released. There were other things. However, because I don’t need to repeat those things at this time and have no desire to write the story of CM or CS, I won’t go into all of that. You ought to be glad about that. Temper your anger because as some of you know, I think legally and wouldn’t say anything I couldn’t prove to protect myself, the site or other parties that shouldn’t be made subject to the drama.

Now some new juicy bits. There is someone here that claims they did the right thing. This person is very vocal about all this, however, the real story isn’t being presented. When I came in as M3, a certain person’s profile was hidden. I offered to find out anything I could to assist him because he posted about it. Blacklisting was not allowed and when you do it, you are subject to ramifications which can include a hidden profile.

This person wanted me to assist him. However, when I went to investigate, I found something far more important and very serious. Something being hidden from the spouse and surely nothing anyone would admit to. No report was made to Support until I made it and then this person was banned and wasn’t released until someone released all bans after I left.

Now, now, before you get all up in arms dear pervert, I did keep screen shots of that one, for legal agencies. Step very carefully. I am upset that you weren’t held accountable. I wasn’t in charge of reporting these things to authorities. It wasn’t part of my job. I reported to the people I was supposed to report to and after that would have no knowledge of what happened unless I saw something on site that was visible to me without seeking it out.

To be clear, I saved that information because I thought I would have to provide what I personally found and was witness to. I cannot lose that picture in my mind. I had to go throw up. It changed me and it still sickens me. She is forever in my mind.

A great deal of our work was undone. That includes various types of work and keeping the site and members protected in our informed opinion. We were not fired and chose to leave because we could no longer believe in what we were doing. I loved the site. I loved the owner as a friend, some people on site and I did my best to protect it and users of the site. That is all I have to say on that.
I will state that my reputation has been nearly destroyed because I tried to do the right thing when many were doing the wrong thing in various ways and for numerous reasons. I can never take part in any event or seek a partner on any lifestyle site. I even lost money over it. Money I desperately needed. I will never be well and working isn’t an option unless I can do it from home. Even the doctors don’t know what to do with me, so disability is out too. At least until I can afford a good doctor.

I have repeatedly taken the hit and moved on. I will no longer do that. If you intend to slander me, I am told by legal counsel that I have enough merit to bring a case against certain parties. (A friend paid for that.) I chose not to do that, but I can very easily change my mind. I have far more time in which to focus on a legal case that is now mine rather than someone else’s.

I witnessed a number of things on this site and know far too much. I have moved on because I will not be a part of the things I have seen here by members and some staff. A number of you are very naughty. Site users into animal play… children and all sorts of despicable things. We were cleaning it all up and did anything within our power to do so.

Who is we? Support and me. We worked night and day and what you all don’t see could shock you. It isn’t anything that isn’t going on at many web sites, but I was not a part of those sites. Many that I trained or started to train were stunned and they knew very little compared to those with more power.

I have tried to keep as much of this private as I could, but my hand was pushed and a response has been needed. I hate drama and despise the fact that I must respond because some have involved me. Give special thought to your next moves because I will not be forgiving and silent. I am done if you are.

I worked here because I believed someone needed to do the job without preference or abuse and the one that ran Support was here for the same reason. You didn’t know who he was because he didn’t need recognition. We never wanted the limelight, the positions or the job, but finding people ethical to do the job was nearly impossible at that point. Rather than to see the drama continue, we committed to trying to right many things… a job bigger than the two of us.

I will carry love and concern with me for many of you, the owner who is very ill and has been for some time which was often used by people that took advantage of that. I carry concern for the site… but I want this chapter of my life to be ended. I won’t be happy if it is continued and I need to end it myself, but I will not shy away from the matter.

Blessings to you all, I will never forget you.

I hope getting some of this off your chest will help you.

DeviantlyD -> RE: Truth and Drama (1/8/2016 7:35:24 PM)


ORIGINAL: WinsomeDefiance

Hello Donna,

I will confess to being clueless to all this...deliberately so. I hope you move on in peace and happiness and let this drama go.
It is not good for anyone, especially someone dealing with illnesses to let stress of a website wear them down. She said/they said conflict online never ends well for anyone. I would not wish that on anyone. Certainly not you, my friend.

I don't care who did what or said what or who loves or hates you. I personally have enjoyed a friendship with you over the years, and wish you peace, good health and all blessings.


Ditto. (Although I still have no idea what went on and what this is all about. *shrugs*)

Wayward5oul -> RE: Truth and Drama (1/8/2016 7:51:08 PM)

I am beyond clueless, but I do hope if there are things that need to be settled between people maybe this will spur that on.

That said, I can't help but be a little concerned about how vulnerable people are setting themselves up to be by participating on this site, given all the suggestions of impropriety and warnings apparent here.

angelikaJ -> RE: Truth and Drama (1/8/2016 8:45:30 PM)

I am sorry that you were hurt by my referring to you as The Red Queen.
While there was no malicious intent, I can see how you might feel wronged.

richardamerike -> RE: Truth and Drama (1/9/2016 1:08:40 AM)

I think a new name is appropriate. Let us call you @rambling rose.
You have many unresolved issues. You have apparently made enemies. You were responsible for harassing innocent Op thread makers and preventing them entering the forums by blocking their computers. You are not a victim but one who caused a fair share of problems. You were wicked and others were also. A war between two opposing demonic bastard sides. Both out to destroy the other. Most sock puppets plaguing the boards started out as innocent victims who were casualties of your war between the demons. Many former staff and. Moderators still inhabit the boards and still invent sock puppets so they can justify their obnoxious behavior. Few people from my cousin the owner down to management, hired hands and volunteers can claim to be innocent. One aggrieved person, let's call him King Sock Puppet, has several thousand names and is 12 apostles several hundred more. The website is so popular that a new name will enter very 5 seconds with the same greetings message and a multiple variety of pre programed threads. The boards will not cope and the website will be down indefinitely. Those that reaped the wind will reep the whirlwind. The embedded FBI entrapment agents will need s new website
to operate in.proxy servers and the dark Web have many uses, mostly for good and not evil. The people you oppose and those who oppose you will be history along with the website. New systems are being put in place to counter multiple socks but they will fail as they always have done. The socks are neutral regarding the two groups of evil demons, they have their own vendetta and agenda. You speak of litigation and lawyers.they will take your money and loose then bankrupt you. Nobody other than the lawyers wins. The two Demon sides have their own sock puppets to counter the King's sock puppets. It comical too witness that 9 out of 10 threads are started by sock puppets created by the management and moderators pretending to be socks. The boards ate now a verbal war zone of spouted nonsense. The ramblings you are we are they make are pointless but necessary.

royalarchmason -> RE: Truth and Drama (1/9/2016 3:28:18 AM)

I spy sinister goings on that are not in the interests of the message boards! Washing the dirty linen in public will resolve nothing. Suing people will make you bankrupt and the lawyers even richer. Live and learn and move on. One cannot change the past but one can avenge it in subtle ways if nee be.

MariaB -> RE: Truth and Drama (1/9/2016 4:11:59 AM)

I only have one question; WHY?

Its just a forum site; a site that's only important to those who use it and its not even important to many of those. Its meant to be a place to hang our when we are bored, share our opinion if we have one and inform and be informed by people less or more knowledgeable than ourselves and for some its a place to potentially make future relationships but that's it. Its not a world that revolves around us. Its not our only kink existence and for most of us, it has little influence on our life away from the keyboard.

CS is a hobby, its like a good book we can't put down or a bad book we can put down; for most of us its never anything more than that.

You have always behaved very professionally with me when I needed help Donna. That's all I required and probably all I'll remember you for. Whilst I'm sorry there was so many unethical politics going on (that I was fortunately oblivious to) unless there is illegal activity towards animals/minors going on, I'd honestly just brush this off as a poor experience and leave it behind you.

LadyPact -> RE: Truth and Drama (1/9/2016 7:21:21 AM)

Nope. Still here.

mnottertail -> RE: Truth and Drama (1/9/2016 7:38:45 AM)

Settle down, LP. *snicker*

LadyPact -> RE: Truth and Drama (1/9/2016 7:48:00 AM)


ORIGINAL: mnottertail

Settle down, LP. *snicker*

So, this one talks about "truth"? Some people wouldn't know truth if it slapped them upside the head.

mnottertail -> RE: Truth and Drama (1/9/2016 8:21:01 AM)

Sorta like that thing in Beetlejuice. You got your truth, I got my truth, she got her truth, alla gods chillun got they truth.

BTW folks LP and Me? We aint the three. We just been around a long time.

LadyPact -> RE: Truth and Drama (1/9/2016 8:54:28 AM)

There will be a reckoning.

Sexual assault? On a person's own couch? In their own home?

No more.

The so-called "REd Queen" covered that up. She knows it. She knows what she did. To cover criminals and rapists. She erased evidence of sexual assault, outing and who knows what else.


WinsomeDefiance -> RE: Truth and Drama (1/9/2016 8:59:26 AM)


ORIGINAL: mnottertail

Sorta like that thing in Beetlejuice. You got your truth, I got my truth, she got her truth, alla gods chillun got they truth.

BTW folks LP and Me? We aint the three. We just been around a long time.

No, the "three" were rather vocal on the other site about who they are.

I find this entire mess depressing. People I like and respect letting themselves be drawn into defensive posturing and innuendo tossing.
It really isn't good for anyone, except to feed the drama vamps who thrive on these situations.

I've had love and/or affection for all involved and I'm rather feeling like a kid watching mommy and daddy go through a bad and ugly divorce.

This is the last I have to say on any of this. In fact, I'm doing what I've always done in these situations. I'm withdrawing from the ugly and focusing on my happy.

I hope all involved. Directly or indirectly find their happy and their joy and move forward with and toward it.

Best of blessings to everyone.


WickedsDesire -> RE: Truth and Drama (1/9/2016 9:02:04 AM)

I have no clue what is going on with this site, never have, never will. Seems like a rudderless ship to me, and all manners of malcontent's, undesirables, mad fantasists, dangerous predators are running amok with their poison. But there are good people here (personally I feel they are vastly outnumbered), it they all left it would mean; chaos; carnage; bad stereotypes, and huwman scumbawbags. Personally it has been standing on a precipice for some time (same with that other place)

I am not god or jury, but many things appal me.
I stand alone, stagger all handsome in slipper whence sloshed on chardonnay, regarding certain matters, occurrences ref partial para 1.

Reality is a curious two people ever see the same rainbows (there is always more than one see you learn stuff from me sometimes dear reader). But when one sees a rainbow and the other sees a goat then something is amiss. I have seen many goats defended (by their own kind), not something that particularly pleases me no matter the site.

His health not a loop I am kept in, or aware off..begs the question who runs the place.
Her – no idea – I liked what her site promised but it never materialized and the donated cash?
Mental illness there is nothing wrong with that it’s just part of spectrum/rainbow.
Profiles I read one today I laughed so hard I nearly peed my pantaloons. But when I read further I got sick and thought here is one dangerous fuker – yes using some poor innocent lass pictures. These are far from isolated. And my impression is that anyone genuine joining these sites thinks sick words/scenarios are the normal. They are not.
Kidney stones are sore

You banned me once for attacking nonsense…nonsense begats nonsense. That trade is perfectly fair and equitable.

I remember yesterdays thread. I thought one or two were overly harsh but I really do not know both sides (sometimes there are 3 sides). And I added in an additional notes sites can be difficult to moderate, personally I would start with the house of cards lot.

Just a brief summary of how I perceive things, as that must have taken you some time to write. Nothing I haven’t written about that other place.

Last time I moderated was 20 years ago and it was fuking nightmare. How do you moderate a cheat or a liar? How are they defined and who denies them and so on.

My health problems aside, over the last few years I have paid attention to the user bases on CM, CS, fet, alt, pof, okc, fab, laughed at Ashley what a swizz- and its not the only one like that, and a slight extent lesser sites. And the demographics of people and why they use sites, and so on. I have mulled over my own site for years. But it would be more bother than it was worth. But I am certain I could get the user base up to >50% as a close approximation of whom and what they say...

I forget where that thread was if someone can post a link much obliged, I will reread and see if the moral fibre was overly harsh. >50% would make it one thing, not the other…absolutes exist, like cake in my wretched hovel.

It requires someone with intelligence but curiously detachment to moderate few people on earth have that capacity.

You went to a bit of time so you have some words from me and nope still don’t have a clue who you are (proper olde profile wise)

As for anyone getting miffed angry ranty – it’s allowed.

Personally I can moderate myself when someone says wicked you were a bawbag with that one…I go back and apologize…yes I have been banned particularly on that other site for having issue (ref para 1)

Personally I was not harsh to you but no matter the site when someone says to me you are banned because you were harsh with a fake, liar, cheat, stolen picture lot etc I will take an issue if I can be bothered.

mnottertail -> RE: Truth and Drama (1/9/2016 9:20:47 AM)


ORIGINAL: WinsomeDefiance


ORIGINAL: mnottertail

Sorta like that thing in Beetlejuice. You got your truth, I got my truth, she got her truth, alla gods chillun got they truth.

BTW folks LP and Me? We aint the three. We just been around a long time.

No, the "three" we're rather vocal on the other site about who they are.

I find this entire mess depressing. People I like and respect letting themselves be drawn into defensive posturing and innuendo tossing.
It really isn't good for anyone, except to feed the drama vamps who thrive on these situations.

I've had love and/or affection for all involved and I'm rather feeling like a kid watching mommy and daddy go through a bad and ugly divorce.

This is the last I have to say on any of this. In fact, I'm doing what I've always done in these situations. I'm withdrawing from the ugly and focusing on my happy.

I hope all involved. Directly or indirectly find their happy and their joy and move forward with and toward it.

Best of blessings to everyone.


Yeah, the thing is for me though, where there is a trainwreck, there are certainly going to be fatgirls looking on from which I can solicit blowjobs. I have to be here.

LadyPact -> RE: Truth and Drama (1/9/2016 9:24:49 AM)

I don't think that's how it happened.

LadyConstanze -> RE: Truth and Drama (1/9/2016 9:33:38 AM)


ORIGINAL: mnottertail

Yeah, the thing is for me though, where there is a trainwreck, there are certainly going to be fatgirls looking on from which I can solicit blowjobs. I have to be here.

So all this time you were a chubby chaser and you never told us

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