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RE: Freedom From Atheism! - 3/21/2016 6:49:06 AM   

Posts: 23322
Joined: 10/1/2006
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I cant imagine that the asshelmet you quoted who I have on hide incidentally

This would be the hallmark of cowardliness. It allows you to attack another poster without allowing them the same access.

(in reply to Real0ne)
Profile   Post #: 341
RE: Freedom From Atheism! - 3/21/2016 11:25:55 AM   

Posts: 21189
Joined: 10/25/2004
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ORIGINAL: crazyml









Your entire position is based on the premise that when a choice has a moral component it is inherently a "religious" choice. I suppose one might adopt that view as a philosophical stance. But you are treating it as the certified gold fact from which all your arguments logically follow. I'll grant they are logical, but garbage in garbage out.

Speaking of religion shall we talk about what the gubblemint does? lol get my drift?

I'll be, K never came back to justify that nasty comment. Getting a little deep for ya man?

Yeah, more than a little. Get my drift?


Nah you dont get off the hook that easily because I much more than simply 'get your drift'....

You literally just confessed you are in over your head to anyone who recognises that I am merely quoting some of the positions of well known highly accredited philosophers. Its not too late ya know, but personally I think you would be trying merely to defend the indefensible imo. Never know sometimes you come up with pretty good points

Parroting things that philosophers have said without actually understanding is what has got you into this absurd mess.

You have manifestly failed to make the "govt as atheist" argument... you now just look like a drooling idiot.

You seem to be suffering from some kind of cognitive disorder if that is what you concluded from my post. That is usually the result of runaway emotions.

What got me into this absurd mess, is the result of generously tolerating all the butt hurt kiddies that think they can come out here with drive by snarks such as "You have manifestly failed to make the "govt as atheist" argument... you now just look like a drooling idiot." and expect it to hold up against legitimate philosophy. I mean seriously only a tard would post a rupert statement like that, because if they really had a point to make they would follow it up with a counter argument. I know I know, small oversite that you feel I should disregard because you are all butthurt n shit. Sorry no free pass.

If thats not bad enough in another thread you have shown us that you cant comprehend something as simple as understanding a dictionary where I went so far as to even post the definition of religion and you still managed to somehow get everything ass backwards. I may as well respond to that one here.


ORIGINAL: crazyml



First the distinctions between ethics and morals are very subtle and when using them in the same sentence as you did without distinguishing the sense you are using each invariably lands you squarely into using one or the other incrorrectly.

The distinction is demonstrably too subtle for you to get your head around it.

It is certainly utter nonsense to argue that the only source of either is "religion"

Dont blame me for your tarded improper use of morals and ethics, and now your improper use of the word religion on top of that.

A cake doesnt make the flour and sugar, flour and sugar are used to make the cake. You have everything ass backwards! Now you have 3 big words you need to learn to distinguish.

Oh and look at that immediately below I even posted the definition for you!

Try reading it again for comprehension this time:


Now the problem you have with your perspective is:

the definition of 'religion' does not stop at deities and faith there are several more which is why I posted the several more to avoid any confusion.



a specific fundamental set of beliefs and practices

the body of persons adhering to a particular set of beliefs and practices

the practice of religious beliefs

something one believes in and follows devotedly; a point or matter of ethics or conscience

strict faithfulness; devotion

The reason I posed the several more is because your version does not take into consideration non-theistic religions.


Nontheistic religions
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Nontheistic religions are traditions of thought within religions—some otherwise aligned with theism, others not—in which nontheism informs religious beliefs or practices.[1] Nontheism has been applied to the fields of Christian apologetics and general liberal theology, and plays significant roles in Hinduism, Buddhism and Jainism. While many approaches to religion exclude nontheism by definition, there are some inclusive definitions that show how religious practice and belief do not depend on the presence of god(s). For example, Paul James and Peter Mandaville distinguish between religion and spirituality, but provide a definition of the term that avoids the usual reduction to "religions of the book":

There you go, now I even crayola'd it for you!

So you need to come up with a good explanation why these other religions without deities are not religions? Especially since they operate the same way and consider themselves such?


ORIGINAL: crazyml
The term religion can encompass a broad spectrum of belief systems, but "Atheism" is not a system of belief, it's a simple belief. Atheism is not a religion.

I will save that one for last since its possibly the only one that makes enough sense that dignifies a response

"supernatural deity"

government does deity, they themselves become the deity, and government also does supernatural, since metaphysics is the secular version of supernatural.


ORIGINAL: crazyml
So, let's add "metaphysical" to the list of terms you don't understand.

Why feel free to do so just as soon as you have the balls to actually PROVE your bullshit is true.


ORIGINAL: crazyml


Therefore the government does in fact 'establish' a religion and itself as the deity of the religion of its creation that it enforces through laws that violate our personal religion(s). (when it fails to remain neutral to all parties)

No, in passing laws that meet the moral or ethical demands of the time (neither of which is dependent on religion), the government steers clear of establishment.

There you go again with your assbackwards understanding of religion, morals, ethics and beliefs.

The gubblemint jumps head first into establishing itself as your religion.

You do not need a Deity to make a right v wrong decision and all matters of conscience resulting in right v wrong decisions are moral decisions, which is why nontheists are classified as having a religion. This is not real difficult ML


ORIGINAL: crazyml
"The term religion can encompass a broad spectrum of belief systems, but "Atheism" is not a system of belief, it's a simple belief. Atheism is not a religion."

Its imperative you grasp the meanings and usage of the words you are trying to use.

I have explained many times why it is in fact a belief system and religion, and proved the definition of religion is even more broad leaving no room for atheists to escape coming under its umbrella, so aside from simply posting your butt hurt no reason version of your opinion why not lay out your reasoning and and at least make an attempt to establish a fact somewhere in your attempt at argument. Reversing and conflating meanings and a pile of strawman bs only serves to sink your boat not float it.

< Message edited by Real0ne -- 3/21/2016 11:51:02 AM >


"We the Borg" of the us imperialists....resistance is futile

Democracy; The 'People' voted on 'which' amendment?

Yesterdays tinfoil is today's reality!

"No man's life, liberty, or property is safe while the legislature is in session

(in reply to crazyml)
Profile   Post #: 342
RE: Freedom From Atheism! - 3/21/2016 11:40:49 AM   

Posts: 60698
Joined: 11/3/2004
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No, you have done none of that. You have spewed ignorant asswipe, though.


Have they not divided the prey; to every man a damsel or two? Judges 5:30

(in reply to Real0ne)
Profile   Post #: 343
RE: Freedom From Atheism! - 3/21/2016 11:46:43 AM   

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ORIGINAL: Dvr22999874

the squirrels running around inside his head you mean ? Related to Trump then ?

I cant imagine that the asshelmet you quoted who I have on hide incidentally could possibly have anything worthwile to contribute to this thread because, well, because its an asshelmet thats several cards short of a full deck and this is lightyears above its head. BTW, didnt you wind up with your ass handed to you earlier in the thread?

There is of course the minor detail that Dvr22999874 didn't quote anyone.


Well excuse the fuck out of me, for saying 'quoted' instead of 'responded'!


the squirrels running around inside his head you mean ? Related to Trump then ?

(in reply to thompsonx)

Your problem is obvious









Your entire position is based on the premise that when a choice has a moral component it is inherently a "religious" choice. I suppose one might adopt that view as a philosophical stance. But you are treating it as the certified gold fact from which all your arguments logically follow. I'll grant they are logical, but garbage in garbage out.

Speaking of religion shall we talk about what the gubblemint does? lol get my drift?

I'll be, K never came back to justify that nasty comment. Getting a little deep for ya man?

Yeah, more than a little. Get my drift?


Nah you dont get off the hook that easily because I much more than simply 'get your drift'....

You literally just confessed you are in over your head to anyone who recognises that I am merely quoting some of the positions of well known highly accredited philosophers. Its not too late ya know, but personally I think you would be trying merely to defend the indefensible imo. Never know sometimes you come up with pretty good points

Its too bad your contribution in this thread has been reduced to nothing more then demonstrating how to become a useless snarky 'grammar nazi'.

Typical MO for someone dodging a tough issue because their ass is backed into a corner after mouthing off.

I hope you dont further degenerate to the same juvenile, well more like infantile level of the feltcher that drv 'responded to' since it is the only one I ever been force to put on iggy.

You have already made it perfectly clear the argument is too deep for you, not a problem, but spare us all the butt-hurt ego, k?


"We the Borg" of the us imperialists....resistance is futile

Democracy; The 'People' voted on 'which' amendment?

Yesterdays tinfoil is today's reality!

"No man's life, liberty, or property is safe while the legislature is in session

(in reply to Kirata)
Profile   Post #: 344
RE: Freedom From Atheism! - 3/21/2016 12:00:34 PM   

Posts: 18
Joined: 1/6/2016
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There is no part of atheism which asks me to "spread the word of god" by going door to door and handing out pamphlets.

I literally just walked two JWs off my property. Who is slamming what down whos throats? (priest pun intended)

(in reply to Real0ne)
Profile   Post #: 345
RE: Freedom From Atheism! - 3/21/2016 12:39:14 PM   

Posts: 5568
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No RO... you have failed many times. Repeating the same nonsense over and over may count as an argument in your "reality" but it doesn't wash here.

You don't undersrand the concepts your talking about, and it makes you look like a drooling fool.

You have failed pitifully, so much so that part of me is thankful that you are so stupid, for if you were even slightly less thick the shame of your idiocy on this thread would surely kill you.

You can't even define an atheist law. You fail at the first hurdle.


Remember.... There's always somewhere on the planet where it's jackass o'clock.

(in reply to Real0ne)
Profile   Post #: 346
RE: Freedom From Atheism! - 3/22/2016 9:00:07 AM   

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CML, "No RO" is not a counter argument. Its merely an opinion, yours, which is severely lacking merit.

In other words standing on your soap box bellowing beer farts and belches only serve to stink the place up and have no practical value. Everyone gets it. Everyone understands you 'think' the argument failed, and they also understand its only stanky hot air.

Define an atheist law?

Here let me help you out.

You have 3 choices.

1) religious
2) neutral
3) antireligious

religion = thesis
antireligion = antithesis

A group of pacifist religious people (Mormons) practice polygamy. (thesis)
A group of atheists with guns say 'fuck you' and pass laws to punish people who practice polygamy. (antithesis)

When the gubblemint takes up a position against theist based religions they establish and force upon them the gubblemints antithesis the resulting actions or inactions (requirements) establish the gubblemint as a religion, and because the position is polar opposite to the religious [theist] position the gubblemint establishes itself not only as a religion but also as an atheist religion.

They then enforce their atheist religion with guns in viloation of the constitution.

Any time the gubblemint is not 100% neutral, regardless of the sneaky devises and contrivances they use to convince the ignorant, with regard to the reserved rights of the people, be it religion, speech, or the [peoples] ability to defend themselves with arms, they establish a religion, theirs.

I suppose there is one other option that didnt occur to me, the gubblemint is an establishment of religion in and of itself.

Gives us a new dimension to the Lords Prayer;

"Our gubblemint mobsters who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name........

Not quite sure how to classify that religion!

< Message edited by Real0ne -- 3/22/2016 9:09:29 AM >


"We the Borg" of the us imperialists....resistance is futile

Democracy; The 'People' voted on 'which' amendment?

Yesterdays tinfoil is today's reality!

"No man's life, liberty, or property is safe while the legislature is in session

(in reply to crazyml)
Profile   Post #: 347
RE: Freedom From Atheism! - 3/22/2016 9:08:26 AM   

Posts: 60698
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no. stop. too fucking stupid to continue once again.

thesis is not equal nor equivalent to religion or antireligion.

Learn the English language. Theist is a whole different word..........that's of the main reasons its a different word, you see, it means something else. The basis of how our language works, don't you know?


Have they not divided the prey; to every man a damsel or two? Judges 5:30

(in reply to Real0ne)
Profile   Post #: 348
RE: Freedom From Atheism! - 3/22/2016 9:15:23 AM   

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the argument is atheist v theist, the 'principle' is thesis v antithesis, try an adding a quark of comprehension.


"We the Borg" of the us imperialists....resistance is futile

Democracy; The 'People' voted on 'which' amendment?

Yesterdays tinfoil is today's reality!

"No man's life, liberty, or property is safe while the legislature is in session

(in reply to mnottertail)
Profile   Post #: 349
RE: Freedom From Atheism! - 3/22/2016 2:51:31 PM   

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which is why I was forced to correct you.



"We the Borg" of the us imperialists....resistance is futile

Democracy; The 'People' voted on 'which' amendment?

Yesterdays tinfoil is today's reality!

"No man's life, liberty, or property is safe while the legislature is in session

(in reply to mnottertail)
Profile   Post #: 350
RE: Freedom From Atheism! - 3/23/2016 8:21:33 AM   

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Oh look at that!
I'll be damned!
snotty tail, who the fuck are you blowing that you managed to get your last post deleted without a trace of it ever being here? Making it appear I simply posted twice in a row (349-350) when my previous post was in response to your admitted fuck up. Geezuz thats fucking hard up. I guess I will be forced to quote your shit from now on.


"We the Borg" of the us imperialists....resistance is futile

Democracy; The 'People' voted on 'which' amendment?

Yesterdays tinfoil is today's reality!

"No man's life, liberty, or property is safe while the legislature is in session

(in reply to mnottertail)
Profile   Post #: 351
RE: Freedom From Atheism! - 3/23/2016 9:49:18 AM   

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Fallacy of equivalence is fine then.

atheist = thesis
theist = antithesis

since we are making a false equivalence, the terms are all falsely interchangeable.

The crap being spewed is (as always) pure lapidary untutored buffoonery.


Have they not divided the prey; to every man a damsel or two? Judges 5:30

(in reply to Real0ne)
Profile   Post #: 352
RE: Freedom From Atheism! - 3/23/2016 10:05:44 AM   

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ORIGINAL: crazyml
"The term religion can encompass a broad spectrum of belief systems, but "Atheism" is not a system of belief, it's a simple belief. Atheism is not a religion."

Its imperative you grasp the meanings and usage of the words you are trying to use.

I have explained many times why it is in fact a belief system and religion, and proved the definition of religion is even more broad leaving no room for atheists to escape coming under its umbrella, so aside from simply posting your butt hurt no reason version of your opinion why not lay out your reasoning and and at least make an attempt to establish a fact somewhere in your attempt at argument. Reversing and conflating meanings and a pile of strawman bs only serves to sink your boat not float it.

No. You have failed to support your assertion, many times.

You drooling babbler.

If you make an assertion, it's to you to prove it. Your repetitive babble isn't advancing your argument, simply reinforcing the truth that you haven't the vaguest clue what you're talking about.


Remember.... There's always somewhere on the planet where it's jackass o'clock.

(in reply to Real0ne)
Profile   Post #: 353
RE: Freedom From Atheism! - 3/23/2016 10:19:40 AM   

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CML, "No RO" is not a counter argument. Its merely an opinion, yours, which is severely lacking merit.

In other words standing on your soap box bellowing beer farts and belches only serve to stink the place up and have no practical value. Everyone gets it. Everyone understands you 'think' the argument failed, and they also understand its only stanky hot air.

You accuse me of precisely the thing you have been doing. The irony is laughable.


Define an atheist law?

Here let me help you out.

You have 3 choices.

1) religious
2) neutral
3) antireligious

religion = thesis
antireligion = antithesis

A group of pacifist religious people (Mormons) practice polygamy. (thesis)
A group of atheists with guns say 'fuck you' and pass laws to punish people who practice polygamy. (antithesis)

You babbling halfwit. The people who opposed the Mormons were not a group of atheists. I understand that it helps you to imagine things this way, but it doesn't actually help your argument. The bigamy law was not created by a "group of atheists".

That's a big fat fail for you. Fail, fail, fail.

Try again with another example, perhaps one that advances your argument rather than making you look like a fool?


When the gubblemint takes up a position against theist based religions they establish and force upon them the gubblemints antithesis the resulting actions or inactions (requirements) establish the gubblemint as a religion, and because the position is polar opposite to the religious [theist] position the gubblemint establishes itself not only as a religion but also as an atheist religion.

This is babble. This is you standing on your soap box bellowing beer farts and belches.

The government is prevented from taking up a position either actively for or actively against religions by the constitution. The government is only allowed to pass laws that are not intended to affect religion. That doesn't bar it from passing laws that do affect religion; it simply disallows laws that have a religious motivation.


They then enforce their atheist religion with guns in viloation of the constitution.

You're babbling and making stuff up, this is more of your bellowing, belching and farting. It just makes you look silly.


Any time the gubblemint is not 100% neutral, regardless of the sneaky devises and contrivances they use to convince the ignorant, with regard to the reserved rights of the people, be it religion, speech, or the [peoples] ability to defend themselves with arms, they establish a religion, theirs.

You don't understand what the word "religion" actually means. I think you may be conflating it with "ideology", but there's no telling for sure, given your babble.

I suppose there is one other option that didnt occur to me, the gubblemint is an establishment of religion in and of itself.

Gives us a new dimension to the Lords Prayer;

"Our gubblemint mobsters who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name........

Not quite sure how to classify that religion!

Well since it's a religion entirely of your own imagination, I think you should just go right ahead and classify it any way you want.


Remember.... There's always somewhere on the planet where it's jackass o'clock.

(in reply to Real0ne)
Profile   Post #: 354
RE: Freedom From Atheism! - 3/23/2016 10:49:10 AM   

Posts: 854
Status: offline
if you want to argue anymore with our people, take it up to our God.
No matter our way we connect with God.
Many of us connect through Jesus to talk to God.
We don't always agree, how, or why. I will tell you this though...
We are a God fearing nation. We are also connected no matter what race or financial position.
If you are an atheist, okay but bye.


Balanced Chakra

(in reply to crazyml)
Profile   Post #: 355
RE: Freedom From Atheism! - 3/23/2016 11:15:22 AM   

Posts: 5568
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ta ta!


Remember.... There's always somewhere on the planet where it's jackass o'clock.

(in reply to Cinnamongirl67)
Profile   Post #: 356
RE: Freedom From Atheism! - 3/24/2016 6:17:28 PM   

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ORIGINAL: mnottertail

Fallacy of equivalence is fine then.

atheist = thesis
theist = antithesis

since we are making a false equivalence, the terms are all falsely interchangeable.

The crap being spewed is (as always) pure lapidary untutored buffoonery.

I posited no fallacy.
You on the other hand have proven beyond a shadow of doubt your black hole of incredulity with your ignorantio elenchized reificated ameaoba brained distorted comprehension, to name only 3.


"We the Borg" of the us imperialists....resistance is futile

Democracy; The 'People' voted on 'which' amendment?

Yesterdays tinfoil is today's reality!

"No man's life, liberty, or property is safe while the legislature is in session

(in reply to mnottertail)
Profile   Post #: 357
RE: Freedom From Atheism! - 3/24/2016 6:29:31 PM   

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ORIGINAL: crazyml




ORIGINAL: crazyml
"The term religion can encompass a broad spectrum of belief systems, but "Atheism" is not a system of belief, it's a simple belief. Atheism is not a religion."

Its imperative you grasp the meanings and usage of the words you are trying to use.

I have explained many times why it is in fact a belief system and religion, and proved the definition of religion is even more broad leaving no room for atheists to escape coming under its umbrella, so aside from simply posting your butt hurt no reason version of your opinion why not lay out your reasoning and and at least make an attempt to establish a fact somewhere in your attempt at argument. Reversing and conflating meanings and a pile of strawman bs only serves to sink your boat not float it.

No. You have failed to support your assertion, many times.

You drooling babbler.

If you make an assertion, it's to you to prove it. Your repetitive babble isn't advancing your argument, simply reinforcing the truth that you haven't the vaguest clue what you're talking about.

I proved it several times to anyone who is not titally in denial.

Most religions practiced polygamy:


Polygamy (from Late Greek πολυγαμία, polygamia, "state of marriage to many spouses") involves marriage with more than one spouse.


Polygamy is widely accepted among different societies worldwide. According to the Ethnographic Atlas, of 1,231 societies noted, 588 had frequent polygyny, 453 had occasional polygyny, 186 were monogamous and 4 had polyandry.[5]


...bigamy is the act of entering into a marriage with one person while still legally married to another

History of anti-polygamy laws - STATE

Before Christianity became the official religion of the Roman Empire, Diocletian and Maximian passed strict anti-polygamy laws in 285 AD that mandated monogamy as the only form of legal marital relationship, as had traditionally been the case in classical Greece and Rome.

Now the gubblemint comes along causing trouble as usual, and passes laws that are 100% opposed to the religion being practiced.

That leaves you with 1 choice.

the gubmint passed an atheist law because the law the gubmint passed is 100% contrary to theistic based religious law, it is therefore atheist, and since it is a decision based on religion morals it is therefore classified as a religious law.

Unless of course you want to claim its only religious if religious people make it a law
but when gubmint makes it a law it is somehow something else, something 'other' than a religious law, now that would be some serious king of owellian twisted.

Now the burden of proof shifts to you. You think they are not atheist do tell us your well reasoned rebuttal and counter arguments and by all means ejumacate us. (without strawmen or rhetoric please).

Which of course means you have to prove how the homosexuality is a religions matter with respect to religious christians etal, and at the same time not a religious matter with respect to gubblemint.

That would be really convenient, the gubblemint can pass any damn thing they want and claim its not religious because gubblemint is doing it. that would be some seriously tewisted shit but I'd love to hear your rebuttal if you got one.

< Message edited by Real0ne -- 3/24/2016 7:26:11 PM >


"We the Borg" of the us imperialists....resistance is futile

Democracy; The 'People' voted on 'which' amendment?

Yesterdays tinfoil is today's reality!

"No man's life, liberty, or property is safe while the legislature is in session

(in reply to crazyml)
Profile   Post #: 358
RE: Freedom From Atheism! - 3/24/2016 7:45:51 PM   

Posts: 23322
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ORIGINAL: Cinnamongirl67

if you want to argue anymore with our people, take it up to our God.
No matter our way we connect with God.
Many of us connect through Jesus to talk to God.
We don't always agree, how, or why. I will tell you this though...
We are a God fearing nation. We are also connected no matter what race or financial position.
If you are an atheist, okay but bye.

Revlon sweetie when you talk to god that is religion. When god talks to you that is psychosis

(in reply to Cinnamongirl67)
Profile   Post #: 359
RE: Freedom From Atheism! - 3/25/2016 6:06:44 AM   

Posts: 21189
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ORIGINAL: Cinnamongirl67

if you want to argue anymore with our people, take it up to our God.
No matter our way we connect with God.
Many of us connect through Jesus to talk to God.
We don't always agree, how, or why. I will tell you this though...
We are a God fearing nation. We are also connected no matter what race or financial position.
If you are an atheist, okay but bye.

Keep in mind atheist theory is seriously wacked when considered critically. They are the official 21st century 'lackers' by their own declaration and admission and promote self-delusion as their religious contribution to society as the 'believers' who lack 'belief'. Much the same as the ongoing contradictions these guys come up with in this thread.

They can never see past the choices they don't understand.


"We the Borg" of the us imperialists....resistance is futile

Democracy; The 'People' voted on 'which' amendment?

Yesterdays tinfoil is today's reality!

"No man's life, liberty, or property is safe while the legislature is in session

(in reply to Cinnamongirl67)
Profile   Post #: 360
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