Don't put your dick in crazy. Unless she's femdom! (Full Version)

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AAkasha -> Don't put your dick in crazy. Unless she's femdom! (2/24/2016 6:18:02 PM)

Did you see "Wedding Crashers"? It's been on HBO a ton lately and I keep seeing bits of it again.

I'm reminded of the nutcase female character that goes after Vince Vaughn. She's gorgeous and a total freak and does all kinds of sexually aggressive stuff to him - stuff that - in some twisted alternate universe - has a femdom vibe.

But she's nuts. That's the point.

I have to ask subs here - a very attractive woman like this, a sex-crazed loon, is there appeal here? Would you "put your dick in crazy" if the femdom payoff was there?

Here are a few scenes to refresh your memory:


Vendaval -> RE: Don't put your dick in crazy. Unless she's femdom! (2/24/2016 6:32:11 PM)

Several of my male friends have stated that crazy chicks are best in bed. Not sure why they think that but there you go!

DocStrange -> RE: Don't put your dick in crazy. Unless she's femdom! (2/24/2016 8:00:06 PM)

I did date 1 woman who was crazy (bipolar maybe) but I did not know it at first. Extreme mood swings. One minute she was fine, the next raging mad at me for something I said or did. Ten minutes later happy as can be and wanted to have make up sex. It was literally as if someone was flipping a light switch on and off. That woman was an emotional roller coaster for me. I do not want to ever experience that again. I cannot go from raging pissed off mad, oh lets have make sex 2 minutes later. Femdom or not I want no part of that ever again.

Dvr22999874 -> RE: Don't put your dick in crazy. Unless she's femdom! (2/24/2016 9:01:51 PM)

Sounds like you got a female I had as a slave for a (very short) time DocStrange....................she was nutty as a sackful of squirrels and similar things happened to me as happened to you and in the end I had to tell her I had found an opening for her but not to let it slam shut on her way through it. Vendaval; I think your friends are trying to get you killed or at least seriously damaged *smile*.

ReMakeYou -> RE: Don't put your dick in crazy. Unless she's femdom! (2/24/2016 10:34:51 PM)


ORIGINAL: Vendaval

Several of my male friends have stated that crazy chicks are best in bed. Not sure why they think that but there you go!

People prone to impulsive behavior tend to be prone to impulsive behavior. Whether it's welcome (openness to new things in the bedroom), or unwelcome (stopping by your job to discuss those things). On top of that, it's basic psychology that unpredictable rewards provoke a stronger reaction than ones with a simpler, more predictable schedule. Someone who's always nice doesn't give quite the same buzz as the nice phase of an unstable person.

There are plenty of reasons that people can be attracted to unstable people. BDSM is only a tangential issue compared to that.

MissKatya -> RE: Don't put your dick in crazy. Unless she's femdom! (2/25/2016 4:08:03 PM)



Did you see "Wedding Crashers"? It's been on HBO a ton lately and I keep seeing bits of it again.

I'm reminded of the nutcase female character that goes after Vince Vaughn. She's gorgeous and a total freak and does all kinds of sexually aggressive stuff to him - stuff that - in some twisted alternate universe - has a femdom vibe.

But she's nuts. That's the point.

I have to ask subs here - a very attractive woman like this, a sex-crazed loon, is there appeal here? Would you "put your dick in crazy" if the femdom payoff was there?

Here are a few scenes to refresh your memory:


OK, funny story on that movie.

That's my husband's ring tone for me. The joke is because I'm petite and a redhead and I have a habit of calling him at the most impromptu of moments so he used her quote as a ring tone.

Also because I may or may not be crazy but that is subject to personal opinion ;)

lthrpup -> RE: Don't put your dick in crazy. Unless she's femdom! (2/25/2016 7:26:02 PM)

A "femdom payoff" requires a level of trust that crazy does not cultivate very well for me.

dreamlady -> RE: Don't put your dick in crazy. Unless she's femdom! (2/25/2016 9:15:56 PM)


Would you "put your dick in crazy" if the femdom payoff was there?

From what I recall, that redhead was a daddy's little princess girl, not a Dominant woman.

But, as far as dominance goes, why would any submissive want a crazy Dominant?

Sure, it can turn out that way, and we've all made mistakes in the wrong choice of a partner, or regretted choosing a partner for the wrong reasons.
That person didn't have to be a few fries short of a Happy Meal either.


ORIGINAL: lthrpup
A "femdom payoff" requires a level of trust that crazy does not cultivate very well for me.

Dom, switch, or sub, male or female, ignoring red flags will never amount to a payoff.
Seemingly short-term gains in exchange for long-term grief and mental anguish. . . nope, not worth signing up for. [:-]


MiniRoboX8 -> RE: Don't put your dick in crazy. Unless she's femdom! (2/26/2016 3:59:51 AM)

Hi Akasha,

it's KT from the site~

I've dated the "nutcase" type before know there was a femdom payoff. It went on for a year and was the most sexually fulfilling relationship of my life, but on an emotional and interpersonal level it was just ok. All relationships are give and take and you take the good with the bad, and measure the total package. I suppose if one thing is awesome enough you deal with the other stuff too.


How are you? Have you given up on the site?

AAkasha -> RE: Don't put your dick in crazy. Unless she's femdom! (2/26/2016 11:01:21 AM)


ORIGINAL: dreamlady


Would you "put your dick in crazy" if the femdom payoff was there?

From what I recall, that redhead was a daddy's little princess girl, not a Dominant woman.

But, as far as dominance goes, why would any submissive want a crazy Dominant?

Sure, it can turn out that way, and we've all made mistakes in the wrong choice of a partner, or regretted choosing a partner for the wrong reasons.
That person didn't have to be a few fries short of a Happy Meal either.


ORIGINAL: lthrpup
A "femdom payoff" requires a level of trust that crazy does not cultivate very well for me.

Dom, switch, or sub, male or female, ignoring red flags will never amount to a payoff.
Seemingly short-term gains in exchange for long-term grief and mental anguish. . . nope, not worth signing up for. [:-]


Why would any male sub "want" a crazy femdom?

It is not so much as "want," but more like: "OMG kinky women that do not charge money are SO rare, I need to hang onto this, I will ignore red flags, I will try to change her, I can't just end this, the kink is so good..." -- How many times have we read about men with HUGE red flags in their relationship with women and they just hand in there because something is better than nothing.


AAkasha -> RE: Don't put your dick in crazy. Unless she's femdom! (2/26/2016 11:02:45 AM)



Hi Akasha,

it's KT from the site~

I've dated the "nutcase" type before know there was a femdom payoff. It went on for a year and was the most sexually fulfilling relationship of my life, but on an emotional and interpersonal level it was just ok. All relationships are give and take and you take the good with the bad, and measure the total package. I suppose if one thing is awesome enough you deal with the other stuff too.


How are you? Have you given up on the site?

Hi KT!
Thanks for the input!!
No, the site is no down, I am just very busy and embarking on a very new adventure. I will email you about it. Thanks for asking!!


dreamlady -> RE: Don't put your dick in crazy. Unless she's femdom! (2/26/2016 10:14:37 PM)


Why would any male sub "want" a crazy femdom?

It is not so much as "want," but more like: "OMG kinky women that do not charge money are SO rare, I need to hang onto this, I will ignore red flags, I will try to change her, I can't just end this, the kink is so good..." -- How many times have we read about men with HUGE red flags in their relationship with women and they just hand in there because something is better than nothing.

Well, there's a name for that, and it's called emotional immaturity.* Combined with sexual desperation (often one and the same, then throw low self-esteem into the toxic mix).

That's like asking why do some women get involved with and/or end up with crazy bastards for their baby daddy?

* If you are emotionally mature and have a healthy self-image, you don't waste your time with nutjobs.


BlueRoses1111 -> RE: Don't put your dick in crazy. Unless she's femdom! (3/4/2016 11:34:44 AM)

Maaa the meafloaf! Lol

WickedsDesire -> RE: Don't put your dick in crazy. Unless she's femdom! (3/4/2016 11:59:40 AM)

Vendaval Several of my male friends have stated that crazy chicks are best in bed. Not sure why they think that but there you go! I believe they stated it as fact to you and did not merely think it.

It is true but then you have to deal with them out of the bedroom, sure you can ravish one all night and day in ways that they do not understand or comprehend, but not for evermore, and one will always face the sheer insanity that lies with these creatures and you will inevitably burden the consequences of illogical madness

HIMYM Hot Crazy Scale

why are they better in bed. Some reasons may be:
1. Slut - I prefer the evocative whore that lies deep within, you just cannot find them these days, which you can entice by blowing her nether regions to orgasmic smithereens
2. less inhibited
3. Perhaps they are just better at sex
4. I learnt my lesson.

Cinnamongirl67 -> RE: Don't put your dick in crazy. Unless she's femdom! (3/4/2016 2:07:13 PM)

For the sub men that said no...

They are so lying!!![:D]

Chrisp7135 -> RE: Don't put your dick in crazy. Unless she's femdom! (3/5/2016 1:29:13 PM)


No doubt about it....crazy chicks are the kinkiest ones also.

I've been so tempted by relationships with such women, but it always comes down to interacting with my vanilla and professional life.
Dinner parties can end in disaster with guests like that (I know, I've been there when one of my friends wife had such a melt down in public; police, sirens, flashing lights, etc.).

Never put your dick in something you can't escape.

Those relationships were fun while they lasted though!


seekingOwnertoo -> RE: Don't put your dick in crazy. Unless she's femdom! (3/6/2016 1:30:23 PM)

As I am still single ... yes I would stick my dick in, and then the next morning, walk away and never think about or see her again.

Cause I don't care if she is nuts, or a Fem Dom. The bottom line is she was easy!

For something more to happen, we would have to develop honest, open, communication ... as well as many more non-physical things.

For the best description, please see your other post! [:)]

Cause Akasha ... You nailed it there! [:)]

OneWheelWarrior -> RE: Don't put your dick in crazy. Unless she's femdom! (3/9/2016 3:58:14 AM)

It's a good thing that every Domme I've ever been with has been grounded and responsible, because if I'd ended up with a woman like the one in Wedding Crashers, and if she happened to be into face-sitting, strap-on sex, etc., I never would have escaped from that black hole. Can you imagine what she'd be like with a strap-on when she was in one of her rages? God...

def411 -> RE: Don't put your dick in crazy. Unless she's femdom! (3/9/2016 11:58:28 AM)

Men are wired differently. We jump before we look. So even though she may appear crazy, many of use will submit. We will worry about the fallout afterwards. Submission can make strange bed fellows

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