RE: Link for submissive women to follow if they would like to respond to this question. (Full Version)

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Lucylastic -> RE: Link for submissive women to follow if they would like to respond to this question. (3/25/2016 11:34:13 PM)

I dont think its naivete at all. naivete can be excused and corrected.

Bhruic -> RE: Link for submissive women to follow if they would like to respond to this question. (3/26/2016 5:23:47 AM)


ORIGINAL: UllrsIshtar


ORIGINAL: Wayward5oul

First of all, forget all of this 'if a man were to say hi to you in a bar, would you ignore him" crap. Because this is not a bar.

In so far as that this site can be compared to a bar it would be a BDSM club (they have bars in them in Europe).

And in a BDSM club (with or without an actual bar attached) if you can't take 'no' for an answer, and push somebody for play/date/contact-info/conversation again after they've turned you down and make it clear that such is unwanted, they kick you out of the club and revoke your membership.

Same in swingers clubs.

Same in the local nudist hot springs.

Same in an erotic retreat/hotel when I used to vacation.

Same in the clubs in Cap d'Agde.

Same at Wasteland/Europerve.

If it's an 'adult' venue, you get kicked out on the street when you continue to 'politely try' with a woman who's turned you down.

Of course... because it is a real club, and people are face to face, I have found women far less likely to just ignore a hello, or reply with a fuck off. In fact, I've never seen that happen.

So while I do think comparing the publicness of collarspace with the publicness of a sex club is a valid comparison in one respect, the anonymity of the internet does make people behave more poorly than they do in real life... men and women alike.

And think of it... If you came up to me at a club and said "Hi, What's your name" and I just gave you a withering look or said "not interested", you'd probably think me rude and have a second thing you wanted to say.

LadyPact -> RE: Link for submissive women to follow if they would like to respond to this question. (3/26/2016 5:49:27 AM)


ORIGINAL: ImperialPath
"Pushing" is not what I contend. I fear this is a distortion of my position. A great one. The "legal definition" is not necessary or appropriate in this context. How could it be?

Have you been treated like this on CM? Some of you act as if you have been greatly wronged by men and I suppose it must be so to the point where words like "push" and "legal" and "harassment" are interweaved into the response as if that is a reasonable and normal thing to say in this context. It is not and it DOES say more about you than any man who innocently and reasonably and successfully follows normal dating practices here on CM.

You have obviously never lived with any woman who has an account on CM to see what actually comes through her mail. It's really not uncommon and that's why you have practically every woman on both threads telling you the same thing.


I nor any other clear thinking man will never take personal responsibility for whatever happened to you or a friend or a relative to make you react this way so critically and so over the top. This is an LP issue and not a pushy second contact by a stupid man issue. I know.

Ummmm... No, you don't know and you're really not getting it. One of the very reasons that most women won't reply with some form of a "not interested" is because men will continue to bug them after they do so. I've had this account for nine years and I didn't always have the personal email policy that I do today. I haven't counted but I can assure you that I have hundreds upon hundreds of people that I've blocked because they couldn't understand the word "no".


Now I'm willing to silently listen to responses to my thread and I and perhaps other men and the women responding stand to gain from this but when you and maybe another go this far over the top it becomes something I cannot let go unchallenged for you, not for me.

Oh, I'm actually more than happy to help people come to a closer meeting of the minds when it comes to the email thing. Always have been. To me, it makes sense that everybody wants to use their time wisely, so they get the most benefit out of it.

Since you've decided this is an "LP problem," I'm going to work at this from my perspective. Keep in mind, I am not here to date. I don't care about how people go on about how this is a dating site. I don't care if the very high majority of the folks who use the site are here to date. I even have it on my profile that if someone from the personal's side of CM contacts me, not to expect a pleasant response.

Great fringe benefit of leaving my profile with my location set to Alaska. I don't show up in most people's searches so I don't get nearly the amount of cold contact/introductory messages that I used to. Much less than what I used to get when I lived in GA or CA.

I figure, if somebody ignores everything I've told them, and they waste their time to write to me, they shouldn't be surprised if I delete it unread. I answered exactly one from somebody I didn't know during all of March and that's because the guy had moved to Alaska, so I was nice and wrote back to say I didn't live there anymore.

Where you and I part ways seems to be that you think after that first email gets rejected and you go for the second shot is that you seem to think if the content of that second email, as long as it not some version of crap (meaning your message was nice, engaging, etc) that the women shouldn't be opposed. You say this worked three times over the course of a decade. OK. (I'd honestly feel better if I knew your former screen name just for validity, but that's just me.) What I'm asking you to do is to do the math. Over the course of those years, how many women stuck with no, compared to those three who didn't?

mousekabob -> RE: Link for submissive women to follow if they would like to respond to this question. (3/26/2016 7:13:23 AM)

If we're in a bar and you come up to me and I say "not interested", I expect you to walk away. If you continue to stay there and still continue to try and small talk me, no matter how polite, I will tell you I need to leave and walk away from you. I'M NOT INTERESTED. How hard is that to understand?

No matter the situation...NO MEANS NO....NOT Maybe!!!

I don't change my mind just because you think you have some kind of charisma or whatever that you think I should be attracted to or you think you are the exception to the rule. I guarantee you, you are not.

UllrsIshtar -> RE: Link for submissive women to follow if they would like to respond to this question. (3/26/2016 7:49:08 AM)



Of course... because it is a real club, and people are face to face, I have found women far less likely to just ignore a hello, or reply with a fuck off. In fact, I've never seen that happen.

I take it you haven't been to a bunch of swinger events before then?

As soon as we're talking about a meatmarket atmosphere, that's exactly what people (not just women) tend to do. Maybe not the immediate 'fuck off', but surely replying to 'Hi, my name is' with 'not interested'; and a 'fuck off' if they continue to talk after the 'not interested'.

Granted, I haven't seen it happen at munches or BDSM clubs as much, presumably because they emphasis the social aspect more.

So I guess it all comes down to whether you consider CM a 'meatmarket' or a 'social club'. I'm guessing that for men, it depends on their personal goal... while for women... we get approached with meatmarket guys frequently enough so that we've got our guards up as if every (most) guys on here will approach us as such.

I can totally see that this is exactly where the disconnect lays: decent guys, who approach women on here as if it's a social club, are completely turned off (and somewhat offended, justifiably so) when the women in turn treat them as if it's a meatmarket. It's a fair point from the guys who don't deserve it.

Wayward5oul -> RE: Link for submissive women to follow if they would like to respond to this question. (3/26/2016 11:08:08 AM)


ORIGINAL: UllrsIshtar
I can totally see that this is exactly where the disconnect lays: decent guys, who approach women on here as if it's a social club, are completely turned off (and somewhat offended, justifiably so) when the women in turn treat them as if it's a meatmarket. It's a fair point from the guys who don't deserve it.

I think this happens quite a lot.

Wayward5oul -> RE: Link for submissive women to follow if they would like to respond to this question. (3/26/2016 12:26:02 PM)

Wow, nice job of not listening. You even outdid my expectations on this one. Congrats.

I don't have any hope that you will be receptive of any of this, and frankly I don't care. But there are other people that read these boards, some I am familiar with and respect, and some I will never be aware of, so I don't care to let this negative representation of me stand unchallenged.

I mean, if people are going to think that I am a warped bitch, I would prefer it be because of something warped or bitchy I actually said or did, not because of how some domass interpreted what I said.


ORIGINAL: ImperialPath
Being a woman does not make you the expert in what CM is and you are mistaken in your view of how CM is used.

Never said it made me an expert. You have asked women for their views, and I am giving you mine. But I do acknowledge that I am speaking in a broader tone than just 'me', because having talked to other women, I can tell you that many other women share my views. Maybe not letter for letter, but the gist of it is felt by many. And some of those other women have communicated this same idea on this thread and the other thread both. You just refuse to recognize it.

And CM is used in a lot of different ways, including some that you also refuse to recognize.


First, BDSM does not automatically mean people in this lifestyle are in it "as an excuse to abuse others".

I never said that being involved in bdsm automatically meant anything. And if you would employ objective reading comprehension to this, then you would realize that I in no way colored every person involved in bdsm as abusers or abusive. But if you have any awareness whatsoever of the real world, then you know that there are way too many people in the lifestyle who do use it as an excuse for that type of behavior, and bottoms have to be especially conscious of that.


That is so far wrong that I can't get my head around it.

Well, to be fair, you have shown that you have trouble getting your head around much of anything.


It shows that you completely miss understand BDSM and you completely distort it and how CM is used especially on the "other side" as a valued way of finding others with similar interests fpr dating and even in many cases future life long partner. Your distortion of how people using CM explains your over focus on "harm" rather than "partner", "friend", "lover", Dom and "pleasure".

I am not distorting anything. I explained a specific phenomena within a specific context, trying to show a reality that submissives have to keep in the back of their heads when evaluating potential partners. I never said it was the only thing, I never said it happens all the time, I never said anything that was a distortion of anything.

What I did was try to point out the reason why so many women do not trust a man who does something that, realistically speaking, seems so benign. It points out a bigger picture that lots of women have in their head when reading messages, a bigger picture that may not have even occurred to the man. Sorry if you don't like it, but you (especially you, after reading 20 pages of threads with your opinions in them) need to understand it if you want to understand the mindset of women that you pursue.

I did cite CM specifically, and talked within the context of bdsm, trying to keep the focus as narrow as possible to highlight the point. But what I said can in fact, to some extent, be applied to other sites and to vanilla dating.


Oh really, thanks, I would have never known that up to now. Guess all those women I "cajoled" were just plain stupid, huh? Are you serious? Where did you get the idea I somehow thought a man can "cajole" (I'm liking that word) a woman like that as a dating practice?

You are the one who has continually said that you would (and do) continue to contact a woman, after she has said no, in an attempt to convince her to change her mind. What would you call that?


And just so you know I know, high levels of trust are equally desirable in vanilla and not so vanilla relationships.

I agree. But with submission it can be a very different kind of trust. One that inherently implies control. Actively giving someone a degree of control over you is a different kind of trust than what I might have looked for in vanilla dating. I never said that vanilla dating does not require trust. Its the kind of trust that I am talking about, one that is defined within the context of consent. And by ignoring when a woman says no, you show your disregard for that from the get go.

So if I am looking for a vanilla partner, I might excuse a guy pestering me after I have said not interested, (as long as it wasn't mean) because I know that even if I were to give in and go out with him, it would not involve a power dynamic. So no harm done.

But that is not something that I would feel comfortable with in a kink relationship. I need to know that he understands what 'no' means, even when it comes to the little things. Because that tells me how much I can rely on him to listen to 'no' when it comes to bigger things.


Some of you honestly act as if vanilla girls don't go home with a guy they just met.

Wrong. I know it. I have done it. Will probably do it again.


Talk about dangerous. There is nothing more "inherently dangerous" about contacts made here on CM and you are no more in danger because you are a submissive woman with a CM profile than the vanilla submissive woman.

I am no more in danger just because I am submissive. But sites like this do attract some warped individuals, with warped ideas. All sites have that to a degree, but there is a reason some are focused specifically on 'alternative' lifestyles. Because you are knowingly walking into situations where the rules that you have been taught all of your life may not apply. That's why all of this is referred to as 'alternative'. Refusing to acknowledge that is just stupid.


Thanks for the lessons but I fear you need some yourself.

Nope, I am pretty happy with the lessons that I have learned, and hope to continue learning. Not all of them have or will be pleasant, but not all of them were or will be born from experiences with partners, either.

Some of them, including much of what I have said here and in the other post, are things that I learned from others in the lifestyle who are much more experienced than I am. Men and women both, submissives and doms and switches, people who have been doing this longer than I have known it existed. People who have made a name for themselves in the community, both near and far, as people who can be trusted to lead groups and guide others into doing this safely, sanely, and happily. I have heard more than one dom, ones that I personally know and respect, reinforce the very thing that we have talked to death here, that of responding (or not) to messages.


Your distortion of how people using CM explains your over focus on "harm" rather than "partner", "friend", "lover", Dom and "pleasure".

The fact that I am focusing on this has nothing to do with my attitude towards bdsm. It is solely because it directly involves what is being discussed. I am not going to be talking about the things that I love about kink, the things that I have learned that I can't live without, if the discussion is about responding to email messages.

Bhruic -> RE: Link for submissive women to follow if they would like to respond to this question. (3/26/2016 12:56:23 PM)


ORIGINAL: UllrsIshtar



Of course... because it is a real club, and people are face to face, I have found women far less likely to just ignore a hello, or reply with a fuck off. In fact, I've never seen that happen.

I take it you haven't been to a bunch of swinger events before then?

As soon as we're talking about a meatmarket atmosphere, that's exactly what people (not just women) tend to do. Maybe not the immediate 'fuck off', but surely replying to 'Hi, my name is' with 'not interested'; and a 'fuck off' if they continue to talk after the 'not interested'.

Granted, I haven't seen it happen at munches or BDSM clubs as much, presumably because they emphasis the social aspect more.

So I guess it all comes down to whether you consider CM a 'meatmarket' or a 'social club'. I'm guessing that for men, it depends on their personal goal... while for women... we get approached with meatmarket guys frequently enough so that we've got our guards up as if every (most) guys on here will approach us as such.

I can totally see that this is exactly where the disconnect lays: decent guys, who approach women on here as if it's a social club, are completely turned off (and somewhat offended, justifiably so) when the women in turn treat them as if it's a meatmarket. It's a fair point from the guys who don't deserve it.

Well... swingers clubs up here are not really swingers clubs exclusively anymore... they are pretty sex positive and have BDSM, Bi, Fetish and Trans events every week. And I and my partner have had an annual membership at one of the best in our city for over 4 years now... and frequent others. So yes, I have been to a bunch of swingers events... But only in Canada... and I guess we do have a reputation for being extra polite and tolerant.

Your point in the last paragraph is well taken though.

Bhruic -> RE: Link for submissive women to follow if they would like to respond to this question. (3/26/2016 1:32:09 PM)



You have obviously never lived with any woman who has an account on CM to see what actually comes through her mail. It's really not uncommon and that's why you have practically every woman on both threads telling you the same thing.

Good point... My partner gets a steady stream of monosyllabic messages here... they don't rate any kind of answer. Although I don't think the OP was talking about that kind of message.

DesFIP -> RE: Link for submissive women to follow if they would like to respond to this question. (3/26/2016 2:22:48 PM)

Op, you have said repeatedly that you believe you are entitled to violate other people's consent.nthat when told they don't want online contact, you continue to contact them.
That when in a public establishment when told that they don't want to talk to you, that what they want is immaterial compared to what you want.
That in a bdsm club you will ignore distress and clear communication of stop or no or flinching away from you and continue doing whatever you want until or unless she manages to remember the safe word you picked for her to use.

Is there anything in that continual litany of consent violation that would not lead a woman to conclude that you would commit rape? Because that's at the end of that slippery slope you're already halfway down by your own admission.

If you can't accept no here, then why should we believe that you can accept it in a more private arena where she has less ability to protect herself?

We shouldn't. And any woman who bothers to read your forum posts will come to that same conclusion, rightfully.

LadyPact -> RE: Link for submissive women to follow if they would like to respond to this question. (3/26/2016 3:23:15 PM)


Good point... My partner gets a steady stream of monosyllabic messages here... they don't rate any kind of answer. Although I don't think the OP was talking about that kind of message.

Thank you. [:)]

One of my issues with this thread and a couple of the others going right now is that there seems to be a belief among some the gentlemen that the content of the follow-up message after being told TBNT (thanks but no thanks) matters. In other words, if it's nice, polite, tries another angle, etc, it should be cool. It's really kind of not. Which leads to the next result.

By using this theory, the men are actually proving to the women that they are better off not responding in the first place, because they are being told exactly what they already know. That if they bother to say TBNT, a number of guys will continue to attempt to keep contact going anyway. So, no matter how "nice" the introductory emails are, the woman who is not interested is likely to get herself involved in a time suck that does not benefit her. In turn, this results in fewer women doing the 'not interested'/lack of response thing, which is what the gentlemen were complaining about to begin with.

And, let's face it. These are the best case scenarios. These are not the men who get rejected and send back the vile stuff. (I want to state emphatically that, in my experience, it is not the male members of the forums who do this the majority of the time.)

However, if the number of men, who when receiving that TBNT reply, would simply say thank you for responding, enjoy your day, good luck, or any version of some polite thing without attempting to prolong the contact, there would be more women who would respond to say they weren't interested.

LilJuly76 -> RE: Link for submissive women to follow if they would like to respond to this question. (3/26/2016 4:37:34 PM)

oh man OP in the last 3 days I have had a total of 8 offers from California and Florida for me to be their submissive, they don't bother to even read my profile, no means no, I'm not changing my mind about it.

thank you LadyPact you speak the truth.

ThatDizzyChick -> RE: Link for submissive women to follow if they would like to respond to this question. (3/26/2016 5:45:53 PM)




Good point... My partner gets a steady stream of monosyllabic messages here... they don't rate any kind of answer. Although I don't think the OP was talking about that kind of message.

Thank you. [:)]

One of my issues with this thread and a couple of the others going right now is that there seems to be a belief among some the gentlemen that the content of the follow-up message after being told TBNT (thanks but no thanks) matters. In other words, if it's nice, polite, tries another angle, etc, it should be cool. It's really kind of not. Which leads to the next result.

By using this theory, the men are actually proving to the women that they are better off not responding in the first place, because they are being told exactly what they already know. That if they bother to say TBNT, a number of guys will continue to attempt to keep contact going anyway. So, no matter how "nice" the introductory emails are, the woman who is not interested is likely to get herself involved in a time suck that does not benefit her. In turn, this results in fewer women doing the 'not interested'/lack of response thing, which is what the gentlemen were complaining about to begin with.

And, let's face it. These are the best case scenarios. These are not the men who get rejected and send back the vile stuff. (I want to state emphatically that, in my experience, it is not the male members of the forums who do this the majority of the time.)

However, if the number of men, who when receiving that TBNT reply, would simply say thank you for responding, enjoy your day, good luck, or any version of some polite thing without attempting to prolong the contact, there would be more women who would respond to say they weren't interested.


MasterJaguar01 -> RE: Link for submissive women to follow if they would like to respond to this question. (3/27/2016 5:49:09 AM)


ORIGINAL: Lucylastic

A list of his fetishes and what I could do for him.... Im in the middle of something more fun and im not interested and busy so I delete unread(yes of course I used the hover button.)
Get this in response, notice it obviously peeved his little mind so much he left to start a new name...
No it doesnt bother me, I consider it a idiot finding too.
And at least it was polite....

Sorry for the sidetrack... But...

Why can't these younger generations learn the difference between "loser", and "looser"?

It is epidemic!

Back to the topic

Lucylastic -> RE: Link for submissive women to follow if they would like to respond to this question. (3/27/2016 6:04:51 AM)

well I tried to edumacate him in my response but he had blocked me:)

LilJuly76 -> RE: Link for submissive women to follow if they would like to respond to this question. (3/27/2016 7:18:46 AM)

you could always tell the old school BDSM'ers from the younger I want kinky sex in the bedroom ones. today's crop of "slaves" seem mystified at my duties over the years

-cat litter

etc.....I just don't get their mindset

Killerangel -> RE: Link for submissive women to follow if they would like to respond to this question. (3/27/2016 1:23:47 PM)

Whatever I tell someone, I expect them to take me at my word. If I write back to someone saying "not interested", that's what I mean, period. It's not acceptable for the recipient to interpret my message in a different way that suits him better.

I don't appreciate second messages, I don't like them, I don't want to get them. A second message after I say I am done, tells me that the recipient does not view me as an adult woman making decisions on her life that he needs to respect. It doesn't matter how 'politely' the sender thinks he has worded the unwanted message, by sending it to me he is saying "your input doesn't matter." If someone puts their wishes over my own, I listen to that, and would never let that person near me, much less be near me in a vulnerable state like tied up, etc.

Contacting me after I've said no is patronizing and it's disrespectful. I choose not to spend my time with people who don't pay attention to me and what I tell them. I'm not a decorative vase with no thoughts worth paying attention to, you can't just accumulate me for your environment if I don't agree to that. I'm not a child who needs to be looked after and told to eat dinner before dessert, I'm an adult making adult choices. I'm sorry if you aren't one of my choices, but that's the breaks in the big world out there.

This reminds me of the current controversy of men telling women to "smile" and how women are sick of that crap. The similarity is that women are somehow expected to rearrange their views or current state of being to fit what the other person wants...screw that. Why not have people pay attention to what women are saying in the first place?

*You was used in this post as the general "you", not meaning the OP specifically.

ImperialPath -> RE: Link for submissive women to follow if they would like to respond to this question. (3/27/2016 7:08:24 PM)


You have obviously never lived with any woman who has an account on CM to see what actually comes through her mail. It's really not uncommon and that's why you have practically every woman on both threads telling you the same thing.

I have a beautiful submissive woman who has an account here and have seen her cmail many times. She was sent cmails all day. She never concerned herself with those that represented actual harassment. Why should she? She is safe and too focused on happiness to pretend she should be upset over foolish cmails from guys who demand she pay them attention. I myself have replied to some of them. Much of the time they are ignored. She does reply to those who are polite and she replies even on a second or third message even if it was obvious from the first that she is not interested in anything but friendship and there perhaps is the difference between she and others like her, she is happy and enjoys friendly contacts and it is why she gets them I suppose. You reap what you sow. If you sow unpleasantness then you reap it.

Finally, since you were convinced I knew nothing about what a woman on CS goes through even though it turns out I know exactly what a woman goes through from experience with my submissive girl's cmail (you should know that when they become one both share cmail accounts) then it is "obvious" LP that you do not understand what a submissive woman does indeed experience here on CS and I do and it is you who should face the fact that what seems "obvious" to you is in fact distorted by your own sense of fear and hostility rather than something perpetrated on you by anyone here, male of female and I would want you to put away such things and tear down the wall you have raised around your heart and mind and live again.

ImperialPath -> RE: Link for submissive women to follow if they would like to respond to this question. (3/27/2016 7:18:12 PM)



oh man OP in the last 3 days I have had a total of 8 offers from California and Florida for me to be their submissive, they don't bother to even read my profile, no means no, I'm not changing my mind about it.

thank you LadyPact you speak the truth.

No, she does not. No man sending a second message complementing you and asking what your interests are can possibly be confused with "8" offers from wherever for you to be a submissive for someone that does not even know you. Are you seriously lumping such a common happenstance with my OP and how? My submissive woman gets these all the time and ignores them and never confuses them with cmails from guys who are simply expressing their interest in her, she takes that as a normal thing that is bound to occur and as long as they are respectful to here they can write three or four times without concerning her because she has too much confidence in herself and me and an overriding focus on being happy rather than being angry about nothing and what you describe is nothing. Why to you focus on nothing from nobody?

ImperialPath -> RE: Link for submissive women to follow if they would like to respond to this question. (3/27/2016 7:33:36 PM)


Op, you have said repeatedly that you believe you are entitled to violate other people's consent.nthat when told they don't want online contact, you continue to contact them.
That when in a public establishment when told that they don't want to talk to you, that what they want is immaterial compared to what you want.

I not said any such thing and I've not every seen any woman in a public establishment say "I don't want to talk to you". Neither have you. You never have. I'm not asking for examples of what you dream to be able to do in order to be as rude as possible in a public setting to a man.

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