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RE: Why not offer a Young girl, an Arrangement?

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RE: Why not offer a Young girl, an Arrangement? - 5/30/2016 6:21:35 PM   

Posts: 23322
Joined: 10/1/2006
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ORIGINAL: ThatDizzyChick

Also, free room and board is generally not enough of a bribe for creepy intergenerational sex.

How much do you feel would be appropriate?

(in reply to ThatDizzyChick)
Profile   Post #: 81
RE: Why not offer a Young girl, an Arrangement? - 5/30/2016 6:37:18 PM   

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ORIGINAL: thompsonx

ORIGINAL: ThatDizzyChick

Also, free room and board is generally not enough of a bribe for creepy intergenerational sex.

How much do you feel would be appropriate?

Even a lowly crack whore still wants room and board AND CRACK....or money for crack lol. So if that's the bare minimum, I'd say a smart bartender is going to want a fair amount of cash along with her room and board.

(in reply to thompsonx)
Profile   Post #: 82
RE: Why not offer a Young girl, an Arrangement? - 5/30/2016 6:51:14 PM   

Posts: 40310
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ORIGINAL: verbatimguy


ORIGINAL: Lucylastic


ORIGINAL: verbatimguy

You want to pay for a girl to have sex with you?
She is going to extract a large price out of you.

If you are prepared to pay you will be like every other married guy.
You will have a contract.
You give her money for sex.
She gives you sex for money.

Fair and square.

Normanlly she can get that from any guy and nmormally she picks a guy somewhat around her age.
So you are out of her normal range.

But hey they all do it.
So go for it.

Just remember what I said.
She extracts her price and there is a contract which will eventuelly be broken in 90% of the situations.

So be prepaired for the price when the contract is broken.
Which for married guys is basically half of what you own today.

Diveide that by the number of times you had sex and it comes out to many thouusands of dollars per sex act.

Then think about how cheap a hooker findomme is by way of comparison.
No contract!

Are you single?

You didnt get the analaly if you ask that question.

All men who want long term woman have to make a contract.
The first persion who posted is talking about a long term contract.
Of corse that first person isnt expecting to pay thru the nose when the contract brakes but she the girl will extract her due money.
That is just like marriage contract wich is designed to make half the money go to each party when they break teh marriage contact.

SO it does not matter at all if the person is married or not married.
The WOMEN wont give teh men the sex without the contract.

The part that the women want in teh contract is the part that kicks in when the contract is BROKED!

In the case of the first poster the contract will be fine for HIM un til he brakes the contract and then she will extract her due money from him if she is any good.

Do you know teh old adages of why give the milk for free?
Its all about women always forcing teh long term contract which means you pay every day and when you brake the contract you give half away.

I am just warning the first poster how the world world when deeling with women they way HE wants to deel with them!

And I asked you a simple question

It was simple enough for a yes, no, or was.
I dont wanna hear what you think I asked.
I dont wanna know what you think you know about women.
I wanna know if you are single.
quit with the bullshit already, you really arent fooling anyone but yourself.


<) )╯SUCH
/ \

( (> A NASTY
/ \

<) )> WOMAN
/ \

Duchess Of Dissent
Dont Hate Love

(in reply to verbatimguy)
Profile   Post #: 83
RE: Why not offer a Young girl, an Arrangement? - 5/30/2016 6:53:29 PM   

Posts: 341
Joined: 12/21/2007
From: NYC
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I've been hopping in and out of this thread but has anyone covered or mentioned the possibility that the bartender may be in a relationship already? Or is it just implied that because she lives alone, she's single?

I'm just curious.

Last time I looked at this thread, it was at 2 pages so I have some catching up to do ;)


"The desire to inflict pain, that is all that is uppermost"-Albert Fish

(in reply to Quiette)
Profile   Post #: 84
RE: Why not offer a Young girl, an Arrangement? - 5/30/2016 7:02:00 PM   

Posts: 72
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ORIGINAL: Wayward5oul
You seriously don't think there are a 1000 better ways to determine if she has any level of interest in him?

Such as... ESP? No, I don't think there is a better way of determining whether she is interested in this arrangement than... asking her directly, in clear and simple English.


Do you believable its appropriate to ask a woman young enough to be your granddaughter, one with whom you have no social relationship whatsoever and who has given you no reason to think that she wants one to move in with you and have sex with you in return for being kept?

Yes, I do. He has the right to ask. She has the right to say no (or yes). A similar dance is going on between thousands of men and thousands of women in thousands of bars at this moment, and most of *them* have no "social relationship" and no "reason to suspect the other person wants *them*"... other than their mere physical presence in that bar. Why not ask? Again, no one is suggesting his dragging her off against her will, kicking and screaming.


No one said anything about burning him at the stake. However, at a minimum, he risks getting ostracized, and rightly so. Depending on what kind of woman she is, or what kind of person the bar owner is, he could risk his dangly parts being skewered with an icepick from the bar, or getting his ass dragged out to the back and kicked.

... but nobody said anything about burning him at the stake, right? I believe you.


Because it is creepy and offensive.

I've had sex with men that much older than myself. Does that make me creepy and offensive? Assuming she agrees to his offer, is she equally creepy and offensive? Or is it only men that can be creepy and offensive (which presumes a double standard)... Or is the proposition itself only creepy and offensive if the person being propositioned objects (which presumes the questioner has ESP?)

< Message edited by pleasnpetrichor -- 5/30/2016 7:03:11 PM >


aka gungadin09
aka metamorfosis

(in reply to Wayward5oul)
Profile   Post #: 85
RE: Why not offer a Young girl, an Arrangement? - 5/30/2016 7:28:22 PM   

Posts: 7574
Joined: 3/7/2010
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ORIGINAL: pleasnpetrichor


ORIGINAL: Wayward5oul
You seriously don't think there are a 1000 better ways to determine if she has any level of interest in him?

Such as... ESP? No, I don't think there is a better way of determining whether she is interested in this arrangement than... asking her directly, in clear and simple English.


Do you believable its appropriate to ask a woman young enough to be your granddaughter, one with whom you have no social relationship whatsoever and who has given you no reason to think that she wants one to move in with you and have sex with you in return for being kept?

Yes, I do. He has the right to ask. She has the right to say no (or yes). A similar dance is going on between thousands of men and thousands of women in thousands of bars at this moment, and most of *them* have no "social relationship" and no "reason to suspect the other person wants *them*"... other than their mere physical presence in that bar. Why not ask? Again, no one is suggesting his dragging her off against her will, kicking and screaming.

Actually, no he doesnt have the right to ask her.. she is at work, she is doing her job.. No sane person doing their job wants to be sexually harassed, at the very least, and at the most, propositioned for sex, at work!!!!!

If she wanted to do sex work she would already be doing it.. that would be the only job where it would be ok to ask.. but if she was doing sex work already she wouldnt need or want his room & board..


As Anderson Cooper said “If he (Trump) took a dump on his desk, you would defend it”

(in reply to pleasnpetrichor)
Profile   Post #: 86
RE: Why not offer a Young girl, an Arrangement? - 5/30/2016 7:37:10 PM   

Posts: 203
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ORIGINAL: UllrsIshtar


ORIGINAL: ThatDizzyChick


And what I don't know is what the exchange rate euro to dollar was over 10 years ago

Between 1.2 to 1.3 dollars to buy a euro back in 2005, depending on the month.
The relevant table is on page 13 of the PDF.

So about 10 years ago, starting rates for monthly pocket money was around $600-$650 US.

So OP, yeah, still... if she's actually interested in that kind of arrangement, she can do better than you.
Both in terms of a younger guy, as well as one who will make the finances and living arrangement more attractive then your current 'proposal'.

Oh, something else that's noteworthy to mentions: none of the arrangements I'm familiar with included domestic duties. If you get a sugar babe, she won't clean.

I had a sugaar babe only once and it cost me her rent and "romantic" moneys like going to dinner and buying her clothes.
It was a couple of thousand a month.
The deal was sex whenever I wanted it but the reality was probably less than the five times a week that the guy above talked about.

SO everything he said was right and true given the euro rates.

(in reply to UllrsIshtar)
Profile   Post #: 87
RE: Why not offer a Young girl, an Arrangement? - 5/30/2016 7:38:54 PM   

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ORIGINAL: UllrsIshtar


ORIGINAL: ThatDizzyChick


And what I don't know is what the exchange rate euro to dollar was over 10 years ago

Between 1.2 to 1.3 dollars to buy a euro back in 2005, depending on the month.
The relevant table is on page 13 of the PDF.

So about 10 years ago, starting rates for monthly pocket money was around $600-$650 US.

So OP, yeah, still... if she's actually interested in that kind of arrangement, she can do better than you.
Both in terms of a younger guy, as well as one who will make the finances and living arrangement more attractive then your current 'proposal'.

Oh, something else that's noteworthy to mentions: none of the arrangements I'm familiar with included domestic duties. If you get a sugar babe, she won't clean.

Important to also note -- if a young lady wants this kind of arrangement that OP mentions, I think as others have pointed out, why wouldn't she seek a man who will give her enough money to LIVE ON HER OWN and pay her expenses etc. What young lady wants to live with an old guy?

And from what I understand, many sugar daddy type relationships also don't have sexual intercourse on the table per se, but companionship, dating, etc. Arm candy.

The one sugar baby I had was like that.
She lived on her own.
I just paid her rent.
She had to give me sex when I asked but it wasnt ever enough so we stopped the deal after about two years.
But you are right in that she lives on her own and does what she wants except when I stop by for fun or take her on dates.

(in reply to AAkasha)
Profile   Post #: 88
RE: Why not offer a Young girl, an Arrangement? - 5/30/2016 7:47:25 PM   

Posts: 147
Joined: 1/20/2012
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Yes, I do. He has the right to ask. She has the right to say no (or yes). A similar dance is going on between thousands of men and thousands of women in thousands of bars at this moment, and most of *them* have no "social relationship" and no "reason to suspect the other person wants *them*"... other than their mere physical presence in that bar. Why not ask? Again, no one is suggesting his dragging her off against her will, kicking and screaming.

There are a lot of ways of gauging interest other than bluntly asking. Never mind the part where your average sugar baby expects appreciably more than room and board out of the deal. There's a fair amount of social dancing before you float the idea of BDSM with someone. There's certainly a lot of vetting done before the issue of moving in is raised. Trying to skip past all that should raise red flags.

On top of that issue, OP doesn't know much more about this gal than most of us do about our bartenders. If he wanted a sugar arrangement in general, that would be one thing. As a rule of thumb, when someone is asking how to score a specific relationship type with someone they don't know well, it's time to back away slowly. It falls under the general umbrella of expecting something very specific from a relationship without accounting for what the other person's tastes and interests might add.

(in reply to pleasnpetrichor)
Profile   Post #: 89
RE: Why not offer a Young girl, an Arrangement? - 5/30/2016 7:51:16 PM   

Posts: 203
Joined: 5/11/2016
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ORIGINAL: Lucylastic


ORIGINAL: verbatimguy


ORIGINAL: Lucylastic


ORIGINAL: verbatimguy

You want to pay for a girl to have sex with you?
She is going to extract a large price out of you.

If you are prepared to pay you will be like every other married guy.
You will have a contract.
You give her money for sex.
She gives you sex for money.

Fair and square.

Normanlly she can get that from any guy and nmormally she picks a guy somewhat around her age.
So you are out of her normal range.

But hey they all do it.
So go for it.

Just remember what I said.
She extracts her price and there is a contract which will eventuelly be broken in 90% of the situations.

So be prepaired for the price when the contract is broken.
Which for married guys is basically half of what you own today.

Diveide that by the number of times you had sex and it comes out to many thouusands of dollars per sex act.

Then think about how cheap a hooker findomme is by way of comparison.
No contract!

Are you single?

You didnt get the analaly if you ask that question.

All men who want long term woman have to make a contract.
The first persion who posted is talking about a long term contract.
Of corse that first person isnt expecting to pay thru the nose when the contract brakes but she the girl will extract her due money.
That is just like marriage contract wich is designed to make half the money go to each party when they break teh marriage contact.

SO it does not matter at all if the person is married or not married.
The WOMEN wont give teh men the sex without the contract.

The part that the women want in teh contract is the part that kicks in when the contract is BROKED!

In the case of the first poster the contract will be fine for HIM un til he brakes the contract and then she will extract her due money from him if she is any good.

Do you know teh old adages of why give the milk for free?
Its all about women always forcing teh long term contract which means you pay every day and when you brake the contract you give half away.

I am just warning the first poster how the world world when deeling with women they way HE wants to deel with them!

And I asked you a simple question

It was simple enough for a yes, no, or was.
I dont wanna hear what you think I asked.
I dont wanna know what you think you know about women.
I wanna know if you are single.
quit with the bullshit already, you really arent fooling anyone but yourself.

What a creapy question you ask of me.

I will ask you a similar not relevent creapy question.
What is your blood pressure?

Give me the answer.
What is your blood pressure?
Then, I want to know the size of your clit.

Tell me now.
What is your blood pressure and what is the size of your clit?

This is just as creapy a question as you ask of me which is NOT RELEVANT to helping the first person who posted.

What does your not relevant question of me have to do with us trying to help the first person with his question?
you ask me a very personal question and hyou skipped what most people are and that means you assuemd the wrong answer from teh start and it doesn't matter what teh answer is anyway.

What is your blood pressure?
And what is your clit size?

I do not want both teh high and low blood pressure. I just want to know your averagey blood pressure.
And your c,lit size when not engorged.

That is as relevent as your question to me for to help this poster.

On the ohther hand what someone said is SO TRUE that I will repeat it is SO TRUE.


The poor barmaid girl has only three options
option 1 is NO and get the fuck away from me you lowly pieces of chit creap.
otpion 2 is NO and I'll be nice by not calling teh bouncer to bounce your head on the floor on the way out the door
option 3 is NO but up the aunty to five to ten thousand a month and I will consider your creapy offer

(in reply to Lucylastic)
Profile   Post #: 90
RE: Why not offer a Young girl, an Arrangement? - 5/30/2016 8:02:15 PM   

Posts: 3315
Joined: 7/18/2012
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I disagree that he has the right to ask. She is at work, not on a street corner but in a bar. If she were a prostitute, she would make that reasonably apparent and then it would be OK to ask. Giving him sex in exchange for rent and/or cash is prostitution, and I haven't heard anything to suggest that is her profession.


Don’t grieve. Anything you lose comes round in another form.
~ Rumi

Laughing Dolphin

(in reply to pleasnpetrichor)
Profile   Post #: 91
RE: Why not offer a Young girl, an Arrangement? - 5/30/2016 8:36:11 PM   

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ORIGINAL: Spiritedsub2

I disagree that he has the right to ask. She is at work, not on a street corner but in a bar. If she were a prostitute, she would make that reasonably apparent and then it would be OK to ask. Giving him sex in exchange for rent and/or cash is prostitution, and I haven't heard anything to suggest that is her profession.

I can see that.

I'd be more inclined to see his behavior as inappropriate if she hadn't volunteered the personal information that she did.

It should be possible for a female bartender to serve a male client (and be polite and engaging and do her job) without revealing such personal details about her relationship and finances.

I guess I find the fact that she chose to reveal those details to a stranger as sufficiently encouraging, and I'm not inclined to condemn the OP... especially if he phrases himself as he did here and not more crudely.

< Message edited by pleasnpetrichor -- 5/30/2016 9:04:32 PM >


aka gungadin09
aka metamorfosis

(in reply to Spiritedsub2)
Profile   Post #: 92
RE: Why not offer a Young girl, an Arrangement? - 5/30/2016 9:11:29 PM   

Posts: 2821
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From: Maryland
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You opened the door, sh!t-for-brains, with your quasi-authoritative, unsubstantiated sweeping generalizations on how marriage works and how the dissolution of marriages unfold. Would it be improperly intrusive to ask whether you are a marriage counselor or a family court-appointed mediator, or have personal experience in these matters per your marital status?

Clearly, your posts reveal that you don't know what you're talking about. You say you are single. You sound like a bitter divorcé, with your lopsided anachronistic 1950s perspective on how merged m/f partnerships function in post-modern society.

Whether a woman is a stay-at-home mom, a career woman, or runs the family business alongside her husband, who are you to judge & begrudge what goes on in OTHER PEOPLE's lives?

Not everyone lives in a community property state, so there is not an across-the-board 50/50 split, another gross generalization of yours. Regardless, men whose wives out-earn them, or else who come into the marriage standing to gain from their bride's assets, also stand to benefit just as much in a divorce. There are husbands who get awarded alimony and child support, and it has been fairly uncommon for decades now for judges to award wives any alimony, circa the 1980s.

Your numerous mischaracterizations of [noncontributory] women are nothing more than a classic case of male chauvinism.

As for the rest of your strawman argument, Lucylastic did not ask you what size your dick is. If you were to refer to your dick when posting, then you are in effect inviting questions pertaining to your dick.

However, in your case, acting like a bona fide dickhead is something altogether different.


Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage. - Lao Tzu
There is no remedy for love but to love more. - Thoreau

(in reply to verbatimguy)
Profile   Post #: 93
RE: Why not offer a Young girl, an Arrangement? - 5/30/2016 9:16:44 PM   

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I look up at the top, at the "lurking list" and I see the sharks are circling.

Amazing that this has gotten this far, but I guess the lack of moderation is "spreading".



A Stone in My Shoe

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(in reply to FieryOpal)
Profile   Post #: 94
RE: Why not offer a Young girl, an Arrangement? - 5/30/2016 10:06:20 PM   

Posts: 40310
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From a bottom feeder point of view, it must always seems that way


<) )╯SUCH
/ \

( (> A NASTY
/ \

<) )> WOMAN
/ \

Duchess Of Dissent
Dont Hate Love

(in reply to DaddySatyr)
Profile   Post #: 95
RE: Why not offer a Young girl, an Arrangement? - 5/30/2016 10:28:06 PM   

Posts: 7574
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ORIGINAL: pleasnpetrichor


ORIGINAL: Spiritedsub2

I disagree that he has the right to ask. She is at work, not on a street corner but in a bar. If she were a prostitute, she would make that reasonably apparent and then it would be OK to ask. Giving him sex in exchange for rent and/or cash is prostitution, and I haven't heard anything to suggest that is her profession.

I can see that.

I'd be more inclined to see his behavior as inappropriate if she hadn't volunteered the personal information that she did.

It should be possible for a female bartender to serve a male client (and be polite and engaging and do her job) without revealing such personal details about her relationship and finances.

I guess I find the fact that she chose to reveal those details to a stranger as sufficiently encouraging, and I'm not inclined to condemn the OP... especially if he phrases himself as he did here and not more crudely.

Maybe he was pumping her for those details, not her volunteering them.. She is young, he is old enough to be her grandfather.. I expect she thought of him as a grandfatherly type of guy, someone that might have grandkids going to college & know how tight money gets.. I seriously doubt she would have told him squat if she had known that he was just another dirty old man thinking creepy thoughts about her..


As Anderson Cooper said “If he (Trump) took a dump on his desk, you would defend it”

(in reply to pleasnpetrichor)
Profile   Post #: 96
RE: Why not offer a Young girl, an Arrangement? - 5/30/2016 10:29:20 PM   

Posts: 2821
Joined: 12/8/2013
From: Maryland
Status: offline


ORIGINAL: Lucylastic

From a bottom feeder point of view, it must always seems that way


Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage. - Lao Tzu
There is no remedy for love but to love more. - Thoreau

(in reply to Lucylastic)
Profile   Post #: 97
RE: Why not offer a Young girl, an Arrangement? - 5/30/2016 10:34:51 PM   

Posts: 72
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There are a lot of ways of gauging interest other than bluntly asking. Never mind the part where your average sugar baby expects appreciably more than room and board out of the deal. There's a fair amount of social dancing before you float the idea of BDSM with someone. There's certainly a lot of vetting done before the issue of moving in is raised. Trying to skip past all that should raise red flags.

I know I'm in the minority here, but I'm kind of a fan of bluntness in lieu of the social dance. I began a kinky relationship once by asking someone, point blank, if they had ever tied anyone up. If someone propositioned me in the way the OP describes, I would at very least be impressed by their directness. If such behavior warrants red flag raising, then I suspect I'm often the one committing the foul. You are, of course, free to draw whatever conclusions from there...


On top of that issue, OP doesn't know much more about this gal than most of us do about our bartenders. If he wanted a sugar arrangement in general, that would be one thing. As a rule of thumb, when someone is asking how to score a specific relationship type with someone they don't know well, it's time to back away slowly. It falls under the general umbrella of expecting something very specific from a relationship without accounting for what the other person's tastes and interests might add.

I haven't read through the whole thread, but I didn't see anything in the OP to suggest she would not be free to discuss her own tastes and interests, or that he would be not be open to that discussion.


aka gungadin09
aka metamorfosis

(in reply to ReMakeYou)
Profile   Post #: 98
RE: Why not offer a Young girl, an Arrangement? - 5/30/2016 10:42:10 PM   

Posts: 5490
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It should be possible for a female bartender to serve a male client (and be polite and engaging and do her job) without revealing such personal details about her relationship and finances.

You don't spend a lot of time in bars do you?


Not your average bimbo.

(in reply to pleasnpetrichor)
Profile   Post #: 99
RE: Why not offer a Young girl, an Arrangement? - 5/30/2016 11:02:34 PM   

Posts: 72
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Maybe he was pumping her for those details, not her volunteering them.. She is young, he is old enough to be her grandfather.. I expect she thought of him as a grandfatherly type of guy, someone that might have grandkids going to college & know how tight money gets.. I seriously doubt she would have told him squat if she had known that he was just another dirty old man thinking creepy thoughts about her..

That's certainly possible.


aka gungadin09
aka metamorfosis

(in reply to tj444)
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