Doms looking for a domestic sub, do you support them? (Full Version)

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Daddyplease -> Doms looking for a domestic sub, do you support them? (7/8/2016 11:31:11 PM)

This is just something that never occurred to me before and now I'm curious. If you (a Master/Dom) are looking for a domestic or live-in sub, would you provide for the sub or would you expect him/her to have a career and just assume their submissive role at home?

peppermint -> RE: Doms looking for a domestic sub, do you support them? (7/9/2016 9:53:13 AM)

It depends on the Dom and the circumstances. Very few people are able to fully support another by providing clothing, food, shelter, health insurance, and an IRA. In that case the sub would need to work. A Dom who is wealthy might take on a sub who doesn't work and provide all those necessities.

DarkSteven -> RE: Doms looking for a domestic sub, do you support them? (7/9/2016 10:33:59 AM)

I'd want her to have a career. What if something happened to me? Also, from experience, when I come home, I want some time to decomoress. I don't want someone that's been jonesing for adult conversation all day.

OsideGirl -> RE: Doms looking for a domestic sub, do you support them? (7/9/2016 3:36:23 PM)

I'm really unhappy being a "stay-at-home". I'm a much happier person having my own career and paying someone else to clean the house.

Lookin4Lace -> RE: Doms looking for a domestic sub, do you support them? (7/9/2016 9:50:53 PM)

I agree with the majority above, and i tend to look at it this way, if my sub cant take care of themselves what makes me think they can take care of me or my needs, the ones that can are so few and far between it just a safe bet to be sure first off if things become more then you can reign in the reins and go from there, but it really depends on the dynamics of the agreement

crazyml -> RE: Doms looking for a domestic sub, do you support them? (7/10/2016 8:55:01 AM)


Daddyplease -> RE: Doms looking for a domestic sub, do you support them? (7/14/2016 7:59:15 PM)

Okay, good. Just the thought of this being my only life makes me uncomfortable so I'm glad that's not what's usually sought.

kiwisub22 -> RE: Doms looking for a domestic sub, do you support them? (7/16/2016 7:32:40 PM)

If my late dom could have afforded it, I would have been a stay-at-home submissive.

On the other hand, I might not have been so interesting after a diet of Maury and the View, so perhaps it would be best to work at least part time.
Now my sweetie and I are saving for retirement, so being a stay-at-home anything would be financially imprudent.

Hatari -> RE: Doms looking for a domestic sub, do you support them? (7/20/2016 6:30:39 PM)


ORIGINAL: Daddyplease

This is just something that never occurred to me before and now I'm curious. If you (a Master/Dom) are looking for a domestic or live-in sub, would you provide for the sub or would you expect him/her to have a career and just assume their submissive role at home?

I think that a girl who wants to stay at home for the best part of 10/12 hours a day while I am out working is going to get very bored, lonely and shrivel. Part of my job is to enable my girl to grow both in her relationship with me and within herself. That means to me it is important that she works and aims at a career, she will be much more fulfilled within herself and feel much more able to enjoy and grow within the relationship.

Don't forget your girl is not a slave but a partner and needs to feel that she contributes and grows with you.

I is not undomly to cook a meal or even vacuum a room you are not doming the room. :)

OsideGirl -> RE: Doms looking for a domestic sub, do you support them? (7/20/2016 8:12:55 PM)

For us it goes beyond that. My income is enough that we don't need his at all. That means that he gets to do what he loves rather than what he has to do. It means that he can pick and choose his clients. He's much happier doing what he's doing and his income goes to the fun stuff.

He'd also be the first to tell you that he keeps his control out of my business and career. He likes to say that a good manager doesn't need to know how to do every job, he just needs to find the right people to whom he can delegate.

UllrsIshtar -> RE: Doms looking for a domestic sub, do you support them? (8/1/2016 3:19:58 PM)


ORIGINAL: Daddyplease

If you (a Master/Dom) are looking for a domestic or live-in sub, would you provide for the sub or would you expect him/her to have a career and just assume their submissive role at home?

Yes we would.

Our original plan was to have a live in domestic, in which case everything from food and roof, to health insurance and a savings account to put her back on her feet in the event of us breaking up would have been provided to her.
Currently our slave works, because it just worked out easier that way at the moment. It makes her family less worried, gives the household a chance to get some serious savings banked for everybody, and it -for the moment- seems to ease her transition into slavery.

She works from home (in fact she kept the job she had before accepting her collar) as does my husband, and I'm a housewife, so the transition 'working out of the house' to 'being a slave at home' is really quite minimal, seeing that everybody in the household is home all day anyways.

At some point in the future she'll probably be required to quit her job, and in that case, everything that's currently provided for her will be provided for her as well. The only difference would be that all 3 of us would be saving less overall.

UllrsIshtar -> RE: Doms looking for a domestic sub, do you support them? (8/1/2016 3:21:22 PM)


ORIGINAL: DarkSteven

I'd want her to have a career. What if something happened to me?

Life insurance and disability insurance.

If my husband would become unable to work, we'd have to tighten the belt, but we'd be fine. I might get a job, or not, depending on how much help he'd need at home.

If he died I'd actually financially be better off.

Neither costs that much these days if you shop around.

EvilBearMaster -> RE: Doms looking for a domestic sub, do you support them? (8/24/2016 10:38:47 PM)

Must have a job that will provide health insurance - most likely a demeaning job below its skills -- sent out to work cathd -asslocked
and in chastity - not permitted to make friends or talk other than to acknowledge orders from its manager

Likely a dish/potwasher/toilet cleaner

OsideGirl -> RE: Doms looking for a domestic sub, do you support them? (8/24/2016 10:44:29 PM)


ORIGINAL: EvilBearMaster

Must have a job that will provide health insurance - most likely a demeaning job below its skills -- sent out to work cathd -asslocked
and in chastity - not permitted to make friends or talk other than to acknowledge orders from its manager

Likely a dish/potwasher/toilet cleaner

So, your goal is to make it so that they'll have a hard time getting a job if the relationship ends. Because you're talking about stuff that would ruin their resume and their references.

Nothing says "good Dominant" like ruining your submissive's future.[8|]

stef -> RE: Doms looking for a domestic sub, do you support them? (8/24/2016 11:21:10 PM)



So, your goal is to make it so that they'll have a hard time getting a job if the relationship ends. Because you're talking about stuff that would ruin their resume and their references.

Nothing says "good Dominant" like ruining your submissive's future.[8|]

I think the wankforce is strong with this one.

Mastergrey1697 -> RE: Doms looking for a domestic sub, do you support them? (8/25/2016 1:07:09 AM)

I'm torn with the idea of a domestic sub. In some ways as long as the sub has a life to go back to its great, but it's also easily corruptible.

JamesTd -> RE: Doms looking for a domestic sub, do you support them? (8/25/2016 5:11:46 AM)

I would probably prefer her to be a stay at home sub, but I'm ok for her working too. I would support her to have a career and other activities besides her just being my sub. But in reality I've met both types of subs.

littleone35 -> RE: Doms looking for a domestic sub, do you support them? (8/26/2016 5:44:26 PM)

I have a pert time job dpn't need it bit ot gets me ut of the house and give me a little spending mpney.

MaxSunshine -> RE: Doms looking for a domestic sub, do you support them? (8/27/2016 1:40:10 PM)

I like my slaves to have jobs they enjoy but don't need so they can focus on me.

freedomdwarf1 -> RE: Doms looking for a domestic sub, do you support them? (8/27/2016 2:09:49 PM)

Of course, most of these replies are from folks in the US.
Over there, you don't have a sensible social safety net for those not working.

Here in the UK, where healthcare is totally free everywhere and our benefits system is such that most people can at least exist without being homeless and in abject poverty, you don't need to work or have health insurance to survive.
We could quite happily take on a live-in sub without any worries.
It doesn't cost a cent more to heat a house for 3 instead of 2.
All we need is bed space and a little extra food for one extra mouth to feed.
The benefits, even for a single person, is more than adequate for food and basic clothing when there are no other expenses to take into consideration.

This is where living in the US is a distinct disadvantage for a lot of subs.
Life over there is just soo expensive by comparison and so many things to consider when taking on a third (or fourth) person in any dynamic.
I thank Aneurin Bevan for our NHS (social healthcare system) - its a brilliant concept.

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