Don't Women Want The Same Things As Men? (Full Version)

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ilovestarbucks -> Don't Women Want The Same Things As Men? (10/27/2016 9:04:11 PM)

If a man wants sex, all he has to do is join a site and pay a woman for it.
If a man wants to just cuddle, there are sites for that too.
I know one woman who will kiss for $$ per hour.
Holding hands, cuddling, kissing, etc... is all available for a man for a price.

However, don't women want these things too?
Or is it just these activities are overly abundant for women that they don't have to pay for it?

Gunshow -> RE: Don't Women Want The Same Things As Men? (10/27/2016 9:56:20 PM)

There is a large gulf between transactional intimacy and emotional intimacy, and much more so for women. Generally speaking, men are more easily able to substitute transactional intimacy for emotional, whereas for women they are more distinct. An obvious distinction is the level of commitment involved. There are others.

stef -> RE: Don't Women Want The Same Things As Men? (10/27/2016 9:57:32 PM)

Dude, really?

JVoV -> RE: Don't Women Want The Same Things As Men? (10/27/2016 10:10:21 PM)

Women hate that shit. Just go gay.

DaddySatyr -> RE: Don't Women Want The Same Things As Men? (10/27/2016 10:37:05 PM)

I have found cold-hearted, money-thievin' pieces of shit come in both genders. They just go about it, differently.

Findumbs put a price on the dangling of promised pussy.

Don Juans pretend to be loving, caring, and concerned.

Which piece of shit is worse? I think we're in "distinction without difference" territory. Kind of like being the tallest midget in the circus or the kindest serial killer in history.


ilovestarbucks -> RE: Don't Women Want The Same Things As Men? (10/27/2016 10:59:43 PM)



There is a large gulf between transactional intimacy and emotional intimacy, and much more so for women. Generally speaking, men are more easily able to substitute transactional intimacy for emotional, whereas for women they are more distinct. An obvious distinction is the level of commitment involved. There are others.

That's very interesting...

Greta75 -> RE: Don't Women Want The Same Things As Men? (10/28/2016 1:47:16 AM)

I think there are all types of men and women.
I don't want intimacy. Kisses. Sometimes, I just want non complicated, unemotional, just raw sex for sex, tons of orgasmic pleasure. I just feel when emotions comes into anything, it complicates everything. Jealousy, expectations, just too many extra problems. When all I want to do is just have great sex and not worry about all the other nonsense.

But it surprises me, how important kissing is to many men even in casual situations where I don't want commitment. I always mistakenly thought it's a woman's thing.

If I ban a man from kissing me in casual encounters, it could be a deal breaker. But kissing is a dealbreaker for me anyway in casual situations. I really don't want the intimacy. And you can't give orgasms with kisses.

Alecta -> RE: Don't Women Want The Same Things As Men? (10/28/2016 2:16:54 AM)


ORIGINAL: ilovestarbucks
don't women want these things too?
Or is it just these activities are overly abundant for women that they don't have to pay for it?

Oh we want those things too, don't confuse not wanting it with you with not wanting it at all.
As for those who want it and don't much care who from, there are usually plenty of men to snap them up before having to pay becomes even a consideration.
You might be interested to know that some perfectly attractive women DO pay for it... usually when they want a specific skill set, or a degree of privacy. So again, probably not the average "looking to get laid" guy.


you can't give orgasms with kisses.

Greta, isn't "kiss" one of the euphemisms for oral sex in Asia?

Greta75 -> RE: Don't Women Want The Same Things As Men? (10/28/2016 4:07:50 AM)


Greta, isn't "kiss" one of the euphemisms for oral sex in Asia?

However you want to define it. I don't kiss lip to lip or receive oral sex.
Both are not okay with me. And both things does not bring me orgasms or pleasure.

Since a teenager, every kiss I experienced has been lacklustre. EVen when I am inlove with the man. Even when I married a man. I don't enjoy it.

Although currently, I've only met one man who ever kissed me that I have ever enjoyed in my entire life and that is probably the only man I am kissing with. But that's why he is my best sex. He managed to make even kissing feel good. And I am referring to lip to lip. Both me and him hate oral sex, so that's why we are so compatible. He hates receiving blow jobs too. I hate getting eaten. All works out. Sexual compatibility, when everything fits! Just feels amazing!

freedomdwarf1 -> RE: Don't Women Want The Same Things As Men? (10/28/2016 4:25:30 AM)

The problem with you, Greta, is that you seem incapable of anything emotional.
To you, it's only of worth if the cold hard sex is compatible.
That, is very much a male perspective, and a selfish one at that.

For most women, that isn't the norm.
Most women (but obviously not all) are more turned on by the mind and the emotion.
The cold hard sex is usually a secondary consideration.

Your standpoint is typically a male PoV, not a female one.
If a male had your outlook on sexual predation with little or no emotion, they'd be called a chauvinistic bastard.
That is probably why you have such a hard time with sexual topics on these forums.
What makes things worse, you seem to think most other women are like you, and they aren't.

BitaTruble -> RE: Don't Women Want The Same Things As Men? (10/28/2016 4:28:45 AM)


ORIGINAL: ilovestarbucks

If a man wants sex, all he has to do is join a site and pay a woman for it.
If a man wants to just cuddle, there are sites for that too.
I know one woman who will kiss for $$ per hour.
Holding hands, cuddling, kissing, etc... is all available for a man for a price.

However, don't women want these things too?
Or is it just these activities are overly abundant for women that they don't have to pay for it?

I put in effort..that's how I pay.. so, no, I do not require coin.

Greta75 -> RE: Don't Women Want The Same Things As Men? (10/28/2016 4:36:17 AM)


ORIGINAL: freedomdwarf1

The problem with you, Greta, is that you seem incapable of anything emotional.
To you, it's only of worth if the cold hard sex is compatible.
That, is very much a male perspective, and a selfish one at that.

Because duh, I have been in a marriage that everything is compatible except sex. Because everything is so compatible, we become like brothers and sisters. And I say this, because my relationship with my brother is pure harmony, no fights, and we are loving and supportive towards each other all our lives. That was the kind of marriage I had. I felt loved and supported. I just had no sex. He became exactly like my brother. When my girlfriends hear me on the phone with my brother, they think I am talking to my boyfriend. We are so lovey dovey.
I have experienced it and realise it does not work that way either for me. There is no passion. It's so easy to find mental and emotional connection with someone. That's why I got so many male best friends who I don't have sex with. All my life. We share our innermost thoughts and confine in each other and support each other. But no sexual desire.
Everyone is different.
Sex is important to me. And I need a man who thinks sex is important to him too. I meet alot of men who thinks sex isn't the most important thing as when they are looking for a wife, they are just looking for a child bearer, and they don't see their child bearer as someone for sex, so I need to find those who thinks sex is the most important thing.
It's that simple.

One guy told me, that he can't imagine his wife giving him a blow job because that same lips kisses his children. So he loves blowjob, but can't take it from his wife.

bondageerone -> RE: Don't Women Want The Same Things As Men? (10/28/2016 4:49:13 AM)

of course women want the same things,
but in my case, it is women only.
Terri. xx
you really are very immature,
and eating crap at starbucks how disgusting.

bondageerone -> RE: Don't Women Want The Same Things As Men? (10/28/2016 4:50:26 AM)

greta you really are a sad person.xx

Greta75 -> RE: Don't Women Want The Same Things As Men? (10/28/2016 4:53:05 AM)


ORIGINAL: bondageerone
greta you really are a sad person.xx

But you feel disgusted at any men's sexual attention, as you're a lesbian. For me, I obtain nirvana when I meet a man who fits me sexually.
And it's one of the best feelings in the world!

My best sex and I were just talking about, as our sex drive are like identical. We both also started masturbating and enjoying it at the same age of excessively young age. We both love orgasms. He is jealous at how much more I can orgase more than him.

But we were both saying, that, we never felt once enticed by drugs or cigerettes or over indulging in alcohol, because we got our high from orgasms. And we didn't need any of the other things. And both of us grew up with friends that all did everything and tried to peer pressure us into it, but there was zero desire to.

freedomdwarf1 -> RE: Don't Women Want The Same Things As Men? (10/28/2016 4:54:19 AM)




ORIGINAL: freedomdwarf1

The problem with you, Greta, is that you seem incapable of anything emotional.
To you, it's only of worth if the cold hard sex is compatible.
That, is very much a male perspective, and a selfish one at that.

Because duh, I have been in a marriage that everything is compatible except sex. Because everything is so compatible, we become like brothers and sisters. And I say this, because my relationship with my brother is pure harmony, no fights, and we are loving and supportive towards each other all our lives. That was the kind of marriage I had. I felt loved and supported. I just had no sex. He became exactly like my brother.
I have experienced it and realise it does not work that way either.
Everyone is different.
Sex is important to me. And I need a man who thinks sex is important to him too.
It's that simple.

So the fact that you had a failed marriage because you did not match sexually, you've gone totally the other end of the scale and virtually dismissed the emotional part??
That would be a failing on your part.
So, you had a failed marriage by picking the wrong partner.
Most people tend to go looking for the right one (a better match all round) rather than change their whole outlook and write off one of the most intrinsically beneficial and rewarding parts of a relationship based on one failure - which was just as much your fault as the guy's.

Sex is usually important, I agree.
But to base a relationship just on sex is just as likely to fail as one without it.
For most people, both male and female, quite a bit of both is required.

As I mentioned on another thread, your approach to a relationship really is the definition of a 'slut' whether you like it or not.
And, I might add (again), it's not the norm for most women.
So when you project your personal opinions, you should not assume (or declare) that that is the way women think, feel or act.

Greta75 -> RE: Don't Women Want The Same Things As Men? (10/28/2016 4:59:51 AM)


ORIGINAL: freedomdwarf1
So the fact that you had a failed marriage because you did not match sexually, you've gone totally the other end of the scale and virtually dismissed the emotional part??

Yes! Because I will easily come to care for someone who matches me sexually anyway. The emotional part is the easy part. The sexual compatibility part is the most difficult thing to find.

As I mentioned on another thread, your approach to a relationship really is the definition of a 'slut' whether you like it or not.

Just like the definition of a "[n-word removed by admin]" is literally someone who is of African descent. Does this mean it is okay to call someone a "[n-word removed by admin]"?
The word "slut" is wrong, because it is derogatory to describe a specific sexual orientation. A very natural sexual orientation too. I was born to embrace my sexuality and enjoy sex. I've never felt ashamed of having sex. Always thought it was beautiful.

And African descent people were born African descent.

freedomdwarf1 -> RE: Don't Women Want The Same Things As Men? (10/28/2016 5:00:17 AM)




ORIGINAL: bondageerone
greta you really are a sad person.xx

But you feel disgusted at men's sexual attention. For me, I obtain nirvana when I meet a man who fits me sexually.
And it's one of the best feelings in the world!

And only while the sex is happening.
Emotions last a shitload longer than the physical sex.
I know quite a few women who can get off just by the emotions attached to their man without any physical contact.

You really are missing out on a whole lot of life with your approach.
If it works for you, then fair enough.
But it wouldn't be enough for an awful lot of women.

And if you're wondering where this is all coming from - it's mainly my wife's opinions backed up by my own.

To repeat her comments: she must be a very hollow and terribly shallow person.
And that was the nice bits!

freedomdwarf1 -> RE: Don't Women Want The Same Things As Men? (10/28/2016 5:02:34 AM)


Just like the definition of a "[n-word removed by admin]" is literally someone who is of African descent. Does this mean it is okay to call someone a "[n-word removed by admin]"?
The word "slut" is wrong, because it is derogatory to describe a specific sexual orientation. A very natural sexual orientation too. I was born to embrace my sexuality and enjoy sex. I've never felt ashamed of having sex. Always thought it was beautiful.

And African descent people were born African descent.

The coloured bretheren call each other "[n-word removed by admin]" all the time round here.
And some street girls I know are quite happy to be called a slut.
The words aren't always derogatory.

Greta75 -> RE: Don't Women Want The Same Things As Men? (10/28/2016 5:03:38 AM)


ORIGINAL: freedomdwarf1
And only while the sex is happening.
Emotions last a shitload longer than the physical sex.

No, emotions doesn't come during Nirvana. It comes after Nirvana and all the time that you aren't having sex. Because not every person can deliver you to Nirvana stage. Takes a very special strong connection and compatibility. My best sex for example share an abusive mother like I had. We have so much past in common, and the emotional connection is intense. It feels like we are two little kids holding hands and hugging each other for comfort. And our spirits left both our body and meshed.

I believe that some woman can get off on emotional connection only. As this is BDSM. There is a type of kink for everything. People get off on anything.

It's like some dominants can also train their sub to cum from giving blow jobs, or train them to cum on verbal commands.

The brain is where all the power is. How can you control the signals of the brains. It's all about that.

Emotional may feel like it comes from the heart, but it is still how the brain is stimulated to think.

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