RE: A Moment of Silence in Memory of The Holocaust (Full Version)

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MrRodgers -> RE: A Moment of Silence in Memory of The Holocaust (1/30/2017 5:44:05 PM)

Holocaust(s)...Soviet revolution, WWII and Zionism and all of the rest.

WWII, started by Japan and added to by Germany.

Stalin (Soviets) took out more Russians than Germany did.

I am going to ask you kinkroids to use your brains and if your own real homework. Hitler first 'solution' for the Jews was the same as what America did to the American native Indians...reservations.

Evidence of the creation of the 'Jewish Holocaust' David Ben-Gurion: The Zionist bargain with Hitler.....

It has been the age-old intention of Zionism to intentionally stir up anti-Semitism anywhere possible, and even more commonly, to take advantage of any Jewish suffering anywhere in order to enhance its cause Indeed, hatred of Jews and Jewish suffering is the oxygen of the Zionist movement, and from the very beginning has been to deliberately incite hatred of the Jew and then, in feigned horror, use it to justify the existence of the Zionist state – this is, of course, Machiavellianism raised to the highest degree. Thus, the Zionists thrive on hatred and suffering of Jews, and seek to benefit thereby through keeping Jews in perpetual fear, causing them to ignore the true nature of Zionism, and instead to consider the Zionist state is their salvation.

As far as Zionism is concerned, the founder of Zionism and apostate, Theodor Herzl, sought to intensify hatred of the Jew in order to enhance the cause of political Zionism. Here are some of his “pearls”:

“It is essential that the sufferings of Jews. . . become worse. . . this will assist in realization of our plans. . .I have an excellent idea. . . I shall induce anti-semites to liquidate Jewish wealth. . . The anti-semites will assist us thereby in that they will strengthen the persecution and oppression of Jews. The anti-semites shall be our best friends”. (From his Diary, Part I, pp. 16)

There is a huge amount of literature describing how the Zionists made it very difficult to save Jews during and after World War II. As various individuals and organizations were trying to arrange departures of Jews to western countries, the Zionists worked overtime to prevent this from happening. They expressed the opinion that building up the Jewish population of Palestine was more important than enabling Jews to go to third countries, and they insisted to western powers that Jews should not be accepted anywhere other than Palestine. Indeed, Yitzchak Greenbaum, a famous Zionist, proclaimed that “one cow in Palestine was worth more than all the Jews in Poland.”

The infamous David Ben-Gurion said in 1938:

“If I knew it was possible to save all the children in Germany by taking them to England, and only half of the children by taking them to Eretz Israel, I would choose the second solution. For we must take into account not only the lives of these children but also the history of the people of Israel.”

Moreover, Germany went to war and needed ALL of the slave labor it could get. The use of the term 'death' camp came into vogue because those Jews, Hungarians (gypsies) homosexuals and peasants and all others of which there were many, were captured and taken to camps and eventually died there.

Jews killed by German Reich apparatus during the WW II

.....Gassed in mobile gas vans--700,000 estimated.
.....shot to death by the SS or Police or auxilliaries and others...1.3 millions estimated
.....Gassed in 'death' camps like Auschwitz, Treblinka, Belsen etc....3.0 millions estimated including as many as 1 million or many more...'gassed' after dying from typhus and why the dead and their clothes...had to be burned.

Real so-called death camps are not built with cafeterias, theaters, kidergarden, nurseries, hospitals and soccer fields. The above were.

The Nazis wanted to work all of death.

.....left to die in ghettos and camps due to disease or hunger or both-...1.0 million estimated and by no means, all Jews.

.....grand total of Jews and all others killed, 6 millions estimated and taken as the number murdered by gas or oven alone which was not physically possible but then used by the Zionist to halp get the west to do what ? Create a new state of Israel by dividing Palestine. (look at what's happened since forming the 'new' state of Israel...settlements that if allowed to continue...will wipe Palestine off the map ?

And to think, all of this because of a people that occupied a land, a patch of desert 'given' to them by 'God' and who had done so since 1800 BC (now 3800 years) for only a little more than 400 years.

Dekulakization (Russian: раскулачивание, raskulachivanie, Ukrainian: розкуркулення, rozkurkulennia) was the Soviet campaign of political repressions, including arrests, deportations, and executions of millions of the better-off peasants and their families in 1929–1932.

15 millions dead

'repressed ' i.e. arrested and killed or arrested and sent to Gulag for a long duration or to die. With 18 million arrested out of which 7 million shot, yielding a grand total of people repressed...33 millions, of which 22 million murdered.

Dresden, Hiroshima and Nagasaki...terrible 'offender' at war...tragic but by comparison...footnotes.

Figures above quoted by Allan Bullock on page 551 of his book ' Hitler and Stalin Parallel Lives...Fontana Edition

The rest is conversation.

ManOeuvre -> RE: A Moment of Silence in Memory of The Holocaust (1/30/2017 10:07:30 PM)

Wow, thanks, RO, I'll look into cracking a history book....

In the meantime, I have some history hanging on my wall.

There is a K98, manufactured 1939, which my great-grandfather, after much hardship and perhaps a touch of mayhem, took from a dead german soldier. My own mettle testing was less than nothing compared to his.

If it will make you feel any better, I'll name the next caribou it downs after you, but only if it's a male with small parts.

Seriously, man. At least someone like David Irving can weave a coherent narrative. Does he simply use a better thread? What species of rat pelt are you setting upon your spindle??

While I find the modern, self-righteous pacifists who denigrate my generation's works mildly annoying, I think it takes someone exceptional to go digging up 70 year-old arguments and obsess over the position of the second-hand, when the minute- and hour-hands of last century pointed exquisitely to midnight.

WhoreMods -> RE: A Moment of Silence in Memory of The Holocaust (1/31/2017 4:58:54 AM)


I have already posted citations in this thread to your zero, they are called links, you need to click them to enable you to read the citation that is attached to the link, so time to catch up, be my guest, or are you gonna shitweasle out of it with a load of excuses. I already took the first step, now its your turn.

You haven't posted a single link in this thread, you lying little turd. Do you think lying about that makes anything you come out with look more likely to be true?


You and everyone here knows it, because the trash you claim about Eichmann is pure bullshit, the trash you claim about work camps being 'Death Camps' is bullshit and you wont find any evidence to the contrary to post.

In fact, those who think it's bullshit are in a distinct minority.


You remain silent pretending no one will notice how britains churchill murdered thousands sinking the red cross refugee boats full of people.

You don't have a cite for that either, do you?
A cite (rather than a load of piffle coloured blue) would be nice for this as well, but I'm not holding my breath waiting.

As for using Irving's statements as proof that there were no death camps, are you taking the piss? He lost that case, and the court confirmed the defence's argument that there had been death camps. The Leuchter report Irving refers to was deliberately falsified, by gouging huge chunks out of the gas chamber walls to lower the concentration of toxins found in them, rather than just taking surface scrapings as was the normal. Your assertion fails to mention that Leuchter had already been dismissed as an expert witness in the former legal attempt to deny the holocaust that he prepared the document Irving was besotted with. Leuchter also admitted while under examination in court, to have no engineering qualifications that might provide him any intellectual authority to discuss forensics. The man is the Ralph Underwager of holocaust denial.


THE COURT: How do you function as an engineer if you don't have an engineering degree?

THE WITNESS: Well, I would question, Your Honour, what an engineering degree is. I have a Bachelor of Arts degree and I have the required background training both on the college level and in the field to perform my function as an engineer.

THE COURT: Who determines that? You?
— Exchange between Leuchter and Judge Thomas, Her Majesty the Queen vs. Ernst Zündel, District Court of Ontario 1988, p. 8973.[2]:164

tweakabelle -> RE: A Moment of Silence in Memory of The Holocaust (1/31/2017 5:27:28 AM)



[...] the trash you claim about Eichmann is pure bullshit, the trash you claim about work camps being 'Death Camps' is bullshit and you wont find any evidence to the contrary to post.
I never said hitler was not a war criminal despite there is no real evidence to prove that.

The evidence to support the claim that Aushwitz, Belsen Belsen, Treblinka, Dachau and all the other ghastly horrors were death camps is overwhelming. It includes the physical evidence of the camps that still exist today, the written records of the camps and the Nazi overlords who planned and executed the "Final Solution", photographic and video of the camps as well as the accounts of survivors and the confessions of many of those who participated on the Nazi side. No serious historian doubts the veracity of this.

The main evidence that Hitler was a war criminal is World War II, which he single-handedly brought about despite the best efforts of contemporary European Govts to appease Hitler's expansionism. Most accounts put the number of deaths due to WWII at c55 million.''

It is bordering on wilful delusion to question the veracity of either the death camps or Hitler's criminal responsibility for both WWII and the Holocaust. But then delusion is your speciality isn't it?

blnymph -> RE: A Moment of Silence in Memory of The Holocaust (1/31/2017 10:24:21 AM)




At the Auschwitz trial held at Frankfurt in the mid-sixties,

the court had to conclude that

1) it lacked ‘almost all the means or evidence available in a normal murder trial’ including

if only that little word "almost" ... had not meant that even then there was sufficient evidence left to get most of the Auschwitz SS staff into jail. Like the execution lists signed by Höss and Mulka which "survived" the burning of Breslau court.

You have no idea how much paperwork was caused by the holocaust, and how much of that survived all attempts of erasing the records. Your personal problem is that you can't even read them.

mnottertail -> RE: A Moment of Silence in Memory of The Holocaust (1/31/2017 12:11:27 PM)

ignorant idiots like to talk who have never left their mothers basement, such as RealZero, regarding things they know nothing about.

The Deutsche volk are punctiliously GENAU at records keeping and at following protocols.

Why I bet, blnymph, your mother has the officially stamped receipt from your first training bra, and the Bürgermeister's BundesRegistratur, has the officially authorized copy of the transaction and fit.

Because of this Deutsche Vorliebe, the Nazi's could destroy documents till Valhalla, and still we would have records aplenty, like the Wannasee conference.

LOL, sorry RealZero, you know nothing. At all.

Real0ne -> RE: A Moment of Silence in Memory of The Holocaust (1/31/2017 12:13:19 PM)



You haven't posted a single link in this thread, you lying little turd. Do you think lying about that makes anything you come out with look more likely to be true?


You are a 'compulsive' liar.


ORIGINAL: Real0ne Post #: 24

Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler

Interview with Doctor Anthony C Sutton on his research about the funding of Nazi party and of Soviet communists by a group of American and European financiers and industrialists.

Antony Sutton, a research fellow at Stanford University's Hoover Institution from 1968 to 1973.

Real0ne -> RE: A Moment of Silence in Memory of The Holocaust (1/31/2017 12:16:43 PM)


ORIGINAL: blnymph




At the Auschwitz trial held at Frankfurt in the mid-sixties,

the court had to conclude that

1) it lacked ‘almost all the means or evidence available in a normal murder trial’ including

if only that little word "almost" ... had not meant that even then there was sufficient evidence left to get most of the Auschwitz SS staff into jail. Like the execution lists signed by Höss and Mulka which "survived" the burning of Breslau court.

You have no idea how much paperwork was caused by the holocaust, and how much of that survived all attempts of erasing the records. Your personal problem is that you can't even read them.

that kind of bullshit may be perfectly acceptable to you but confessions through torture do not stand up in 'any' legitimate court anywhere in the world. Anyone who accepts confessions by torture are as bad or worse than the people they are trying to condemn.

mnottertail -> RE: A Moment of Silence in Memory of The Holocaust (1/31/2017 12:24:25 PM)

LOL. Hoover institution. When america needs hard facts about how to auger in as deep as you can and as destructively as you can during a depression, we know to turn to the Hoover Institution.

Apart from that, I guess Lindbergh raised money for the Nazis, and (mostly oil interests) sold the shit out of their goods to the nazis, and IBM hollerith technology got Watson an Iron Cross for the wonderful ability to track Jews at his subsidary in Germany...

The ones who really helped to finance Hitler, for real and in direct and useful ways were the Dulles brothers of espionage and finance fame. They held the gold the nazis stole across Europe in Switzerland in their bank so that it couldnt be seized, and they could finance their ends with it.

Real0ne -> RE: A Moment of Silence in Memory of The Holocaust (1/31/2017 12:26:11 PM)


ORIGINAL: mnottertail

ignorant idiots like to talk who have never left their mothers basement, such as RealZero, regarding things they know nothing about.

The Deutsche volk are punctiliously GENAU at records keeping and at following protocols.

Why I bet, blnymph, your mother has the officially stamped receipt from your first training bra, and the Bürgermeister's BundesRegistratur, has the officially authorized copy of the transaction and fit.

Because of this Deutsche Vorliebe, the Nazi's could destroy documents till Valhalla, and still we would have records aplenty, like the Wannasee conference.

LOL, sorry RealZero, you know nothing. At all.

You are projecting again.
The nazis had no reason to hide anything, as far as they were concerned they were going to win the war, and had no time to go through and dig out every little detail that could incriminate them.

Your problem is you have no conclusive material evidence whatsoever. The best you can do is play on peoples distrust of gubblemint to create some big picture show conspiracy theory.

Jewish SURVIVORS have been interviewed you know that tell the truth about the camps.

blnymph -> RE: A Moment of Silence in Memory of The Holocaust (1/31/2017 12:48:14 PM)




ORIGINAL: blnymph




At the Auschwitz trial held at Frankfurt in the mid-sixties,

the court had to conclude that

1) it lacked ‘almost all the means or evidence available in a normal murder trial’ including

if only that little word "almost" ... had not meant that even then there was sufficient evidence left to get most of the Auschwitz SS staff into jail. Like the execution lists signed by Höss and Mulka which "survived" the burning of Breslau court.

You have no idea how much paperwork was caused by the holocaust, and how much of that survived all attempts of erasing the records. Your personal problem is that you can't even read them.

that kind of bullshit may be perfectly acceptable to you but confessions through torture do not stand up in 'any' legitimate court anywhere in the world. Anyone who accepts confessions by torture are as bad or worse than the people they are trying to condemn.

Sure there were numerous sheets of paper tortured ... waterboarded ... hung (to dry ...) ... whipped ... set to flames

myohmy those files were tough ... and soooooo many ... whole archives full of paper

and still there to read (if one can ...)

Pity - it is obvious you can't

Hättest du mal in der Schule besser aufgepasst, Dummerle

mnottertail -> RE: A Moment of Silence in Memory of The Holocaust (1/31/2017 12:53:05 PM)




ORIGINAL: mnottertail

ignorant idiots like to talk who have never left their mothers basement, such as RealZero, regarding things they know nothing about.

The Deutsche volk are punctiliously GENAU at records keeping and at following protocols.

Why I bet, blnymph, your mother has the officially stamped receipt from your first training bra, and the Bürgermeister's BundesRegistratur, has the officially authorized copy of the transaction and fit.

Because of this Deutsche Vorliebe, the Nazi's could destroy documents till Valhalla, and still we would have records aplenty, like the Wannasee conference.

LOL, sorry RealZero, you know nothing. At all.

You are projecting again.
The nazis had no reason to hide anything, as far as they were concerned they were going to win the war, and had no time to go through and dig out every little detail that could incriminate them.

Your problem is you have no conclusive material evidence whatsoever. The best you can do is play on peoples distrust of gubblemint to create some big picture show conspiracy theory.

Jewish SURVIVORS have been interviewed you know that tell the truth about the camps.

They started to think the Heil Hitler just in case we lose was the way to go once they started eating each other.

My father was a liberator at a couple camps. You got your ass in your mouth. Those russian KGB agents in your little horseshit video are not fooling real Americans.

WhoreMods -> RE: A Moment of Silence in Memory of The Holocaust (1/31/2017 12:54:21 PM)





You haven't posted a single link in this thread, you lying little turd. Do you think lying about that makes anything you come out with look more likely to be true?


You are a 'compulsive' liar.


ORIGINAL: Real0ne Post #: 24

Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler

Interview with Doctor Anthony C Sutton on his research about the funding of Nazi party and of Soviet communists by a group of American and European financiers and industrialists.

Antony Sutton, a research fellow at Stanford University's Hoover Institution from 1968 to 1973.

My bad, missed that one. You have provided a link to a clip of a conspiracy theorist blathering on youtube, and a non functioning link to a wiki page that isn't there. Not very substantial, but at least it's some sort of half baked attempt, I suppose.
Now perhaps you can make an attempt to find something that'll substantiate any of your claims about the holocaust not happening, or Britain (of which, the last time I checked, Wall Street was not a part) starting the second world war.

As for the testimony from the alleged survivors "David Cole" rounded up, lookie here.

mnottertail -> RE: A Moment of Silence in Memory of The Holocaust (1/31/2017 12:56:16 PM)


Hättest du mal in der Schule besser aufgepasst, Dummerle

Nein. nicht besser ist für ihn; Geistige Behinderung, oder?

Real0ne -> RE: A Moment of Silence in Memory of The Holocaust (1/31/2017 1:04:26 PM)


ORIGINAL: tweakabelle



[...] the trash you claim about Eichmann is pure bullshit, the trash you claim about work camps being 'Death Camps' is bullshit and you wont find any evidence to the contrary to post.
I never said hitler was not a war criminal despite there is no real evidence to prove that.

The evidence to support the claim that Aushwitz, Belsen Belsen, Treblinka, Dachau and all the other ghastly horrors were death camps is overwhelming. It includes the physical evidence of the camps that still exist today, the written records of the camps and the Nazi overlords who planned and executed the "Final Solution", photographic and video of the camps as well as the accounts of survivors and the confessions of many of those who participated on the Nazi side. No serious historian doubts the veracity of this.

The main evidence that Hitler was a war criminal is World War II, which he single-handedly brought about despite the best efforts of contemporary European Govts to appease Hitler's expansionism. Most accounts put the number of deaths due to WWII at c55 million.''

It is bordering on wilful delusion to question the veracity of either the death camps or Hitler's criminal responsibility for both WWII and the Holocaust. But then delusion is your speciality isn't it?

You serious?

Then you need to start by insuring everyone is on the same playing field.

You claim to sport a phd, so you would fully understand 'scientific method' which ignores political agenda to determine factual correctness of anything in question.

That said lets start at the beginning.

So we have two stacks of what for now I will call 'evidence' one stack shows camp activities and what was all allowed in the camps another stack is a pile of dead bodies.

That said it's your job along with everyone else to 'properly' assess what really happened from qualified factual NOT imagined evidence.

To do that we must look at ALL the material evidence and compare it against testimony and pick a best fit to the evidence, 'NOT' a best fit to politics so we can separate the bullshit from the facts. Most people are still in the matrix and are not capable of such a feat. Where are you?

So if you consider your conclusions correct let's examine what you used so we can all understand how you came to them.

So the following must be addressed to gain a clear understanding, first:

1) what is a death camp ?

2) How can readers determine and assess the difference between a death camp and a labor camp?

3) What physical evidence is at the camps that exists today that supports your conclusion that the camps in fact were 'death' camps, and not labor camps as the Germans claim?

4) What is the final solution?

5) Do you have documented evidence of the final solution?

6) What conclusive evidence do you have that the final solution was in fact some evil genocidal plan?

So present what you have and lets all look at it and see if we can come to the same conclusion.

Personally I have no idea what a 'death camp' is, it sounds like some newspaper hyperbole to create dramatize and sell a story to me.

mnottertail -> RE: A Moment of Silence in Memory of The Holocaust (1/31/2017 1:11:33 PM)

5) Do you have documented evidence of the final solution?

The Wannasee conference notes et al.

you do not need to do all the retarded shit and ask your fucking retarded questions.

The preponderance of the evidence....

Was machten weir? SchloBquell Bier, oder?

Fertig. Alles is uber in Deutscheland Alles ist kaput.

Real0ne -> RE: A Moment of Silence in Memory of The Holocaust (1/31/2017 1:24:45 PM)







You haven't posted a single link in this thread, you lying little turd. Do you think lying about that makes anything you come out with look more likely to be true?


You are a 'compulsive' liar.


ORIGINAL: Real0ne Post #: 24

Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler

Interview with Doctor Anthony C Sutton on his research about the funding of Nazi party and of Soviet communists by a group of American and European financiers and industrialists.

Antony Sutton, a research fellow at Stanford University's Hoover Institution from 1968 to 1973.

My bad, missed that one. You have provided a link to a clip of a conspiracy theorist blathering on youtube, and a non functioning link to a wiki page that isn't there. Not very substantial, but at least it's some sort of half baked attempt, I suppose.
Now perhaps you can make an attempt to find something that'll substantiate any of your claims about the holocaust not happening, or Britain (of which, the last time I checked, Wall Street was not a part) starting the second world war.

As for the testimony from the alleged survivors "David Cole" rounded up, lookie here.

YOU ARE LYING, try reading the thread I made no such claims the holocaust did not happen, Dresden and countless other cities all fell victim to churchhills holocaust and INNOCENT people were TARGETTED AND SYSTEMATICALLY INTENTIONALLY BURNED ALIVE. I do not deny the holocaust I ask 'which one since there has been several throughout history, your painting me as a holocaust denier is another LIE as anyone can see by the OP.

I posted a link with Jewish testimony.

Yeh David Cole is the Jewish guy that outsmarted Pressac, so what?

David Cole in Auschwitz full documentary 1992

WhoreMods -> RE: A Moment of Silence in Memory of The Holocaust (1/31/2017 1:28:47 PM)

Sadly, the argument that there's no documented evidence is a popular get out clause used by holocaust denier who are delighted that no document in Schicklegruber's fair hand saying "round up all of the kikes and kill them" has yet emerged. Circumstantial evidence, bags full of human hair, lampshades and soap made out of corpses, piles of corpses, testimony of inmates* and the servicemen who liberated the camps, traces of prussian blue in walls and the existence of vans designed to gas those crammed into the back is apparently not good enough as evidence. Not even this sort of thing from Goebbel's diary:

With regard to the Jewish Question the Fuehrer is determined to make a clean sweep. He prophesized that if they brought about another world war, they would experience their annihilation. This was no empty talk. The world war is here. The annihilation of the Jews must be the necessary consequence. This question is to be viewed without sentimentality. We’re not to have sympathy with the Jews, but only sympathy with our German people. If the German people has again now sacrificed around 160,000 dead in the eastern campaign, the instigators of this bloody conflict will have to pay for it with their own lives.
(from Josef Goebbel's diary entry for the 13th December 1941)

is good enough. Great, innit?

*(unless said inmates are insisting that they had a swimming pool and an orchestra, obvs)

PeonForHer -> RE: A Moment of Silence in Memory of The Holocaust (1/31/2017 1:31:46 PM)


if only that little word "almost" ... had not meant that even then there was sufficient evidence left to get most of the Auschwitz SS staff into jail.

It beggars belief, really. 'Almost no evidence' has convicted people who've committed just one murder. 'Almost no evidence' of the deaths of six million people is actually a very large amount of evidence indeed.

WhoreMods -> RE: A Moment of Silence in Memory of The Holocaust (1/31/2017 1:33:51 PM)


YOU ARE LYING, try reading the thread I made no such claims the holocaust did not happen, Dresden and countless other cities all fell victim to churchhills holocaust and INNOCENT people were TARGETTED AND SYSTEMATICALLY INTENTIONALLY BURNED ALIVE. I do not deny the holocaust I ask 'which one since there has been several throughout history, your painting me as a holocaust denier is another LIE as anyone can see by the OP.

Really? So what was this then?



Its a total ducking your bullshit session and not a debate at all with you because you simply move the goalposts and pretend no one will notice you neither proved nor provided evidence for a damn thing you claim, all we ever get from you is beer farts and belches and we are supposed accept it all as fact, well try giving us just one fact.

Since you have your head so far up irving ass, here is what the expert witness said regarding the irving/zundel exhibits:


I was called as an expert witness as a historian to give evidence at the Ernst Zundel case, where Zundel's researchers showed me the Leuchter Report, the laboratory tests on the crematoria and the gas chambers.

As a person who, at the University of London, studied chemistry and physics and the exact sciences, I knew that this was an exact result. There was no way around it. And suddenly all that I’d read in the archives clicked into place.

You have to accept that:

1) if there is no evidence anywhere in the archives that there were any gassings going on;

2) that if there’s not a single German document that refers to the gassings of human beings— not one wartime German document; and

3) if there is no reference anywhere in the German archives to anybody giving orders for the gassings of people, and

if, on the other hand, the forensic tests of the laboratories, of the crematoria, and

4) the gas chambers and Auschwitz and so on, show that there is no trace, no significant residue whatsoever of a cyanide compound,

5) then this can all only mean one thing.’0

and that one thing of course TO YOU and your ilk is that hitler used the labor-camps as a personal bar b q pit and served jew stew every day for lunch at the dinner table. [8|]

I numbered it so you can make your case for 'death camps' line item by line item, despite the fact the EXPERT witness that TESTIFIED actually understands the forensics and is correct in its interpretation and as usual once again you are pissing in the wind.

There a citation for you from zundle/lecter/irving crews star witness.


At the Auschwitz trial held at Frankfurt in the mid-sixties,

the court had to conclude that

1) it lacked ‘almost all the means or evidence
available in a normal murder trial’ including

2) ‘the bodies of the victim,

3) autopsy reports,

4) expert reports on the cause of death,

5) evidence as to the criminals,

6) murder weapons, etc

So dodge duck and dance to your heart content, and shift those goal posts!!! [8|]

As for moving the goalposts, you've yet to provide a scrap of evidence that as many died at Dresden as even the lowest body count of executed civillians (jewish or otherwise) killed by the Nazi authorities during that other holocaust that you feel is off topic. If you want to get anal about your OP, start by proving your claim that nearly half a million died at Dresden. You could also state which other German cities were carpet bombed, while you're at it.

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