RE: A Moment of Silence in Memory of The Holocaust (Full Version)

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Curmudgeonly1 -> RE: A Moment of Silence in Memory of The Holocaust (2/6/2017 9:37:42 PM)

It's OK, folks. You can all calm down now.

I have done the research and I can confirm that mnotterclue does indeed have a certificate in 'Google Translate'.

We should all kneel in obeisance to his mental superiority.


WhoreMods -> RE: A Moment of Silence in Memory of The Holocaust (2/7/2017 4:01:52 AM)


How about it whoremods, do we need evidence for holocausted Jews, snotty says just fucking believe it, no evidence required, whats your vote?

Apparently no evidence is needed for any of the ridiculous shite you've spent this thread spouting, so your demands that anybody else should produce proof seem both pathetic and hypocritical. As you're not going to substantiate your own claims, you have no business expecting anybody else to.

mnottertail -> RE: A Moment of Silence in Memory of The Holocaust (2/7/2017 5:02:13 AM)


ORIGINAL: Curmudgeonly1

It's OK, folks. You can all calm down now.

I have done the research and I can confirm that mnotterclue does indeed have a certificate in 'Google Translate'.

We should all kneel in obeisance to his mental superiority.


As RealRetard has a certificate in mental retardation and tinfoiling, we just chose different courses of study.

Curmudgeonly1 -> RE: A Moment of Silence in Memory of The Holocaust (2/7/2017 9:45:19 AM)

Hmm, looks more like a question than a demand to me.

But whaduino, I don't even believe in lampshades.

Or Santa Claus.


WhoreMods -> RE: A Moment of Silence in Memory of The Holocaust (2/7/2017 10:45:24 AM)


ORIGINAL: Curmudgeonly1

Hmm, looks more like a question than a demand to me.

But whaduino, I don't even believe in lampshades.

Or Santa Claus.


If the OP can't be arsed to stick to facts that can be documented, I don't see why anybody else should be expected to.
So, it isn't just Ilse Koch who did beastly things in concentration camps, it's Dyanne Thorne as well:

mnottertail -> RE: A Moment of Silence in Memory of The Holocaust (2/7/2017 11:06:07 AM)

I own that documentary.

WhoreMods -> RE: A Moment of Silence in Memory of The Holocaust (2/7/2017 11:12:52 AM)

It's one of the classics, beyond any doubt.

mnottertail -> RE: A Moment of Silence in Memory of The Holocaust (2/7/2017 11:28:45 AM)

I own the other two as well, after her conviction at Nuremburg she could only get work playing Caitlyn Jenner.

WhoreMods -> RE: A Moment of Silence in Memory of The Holocaust (2/7/2017 11:44:18 AM)

Haven't seen that one, but the name of her character sounds more Italian than German, so she won't be skinning anybody in a death camp anyway.

mnottertail -> RE: A Moment of Silence in Memory of The Holocaust (2/7/2017 11:53:38 AM)

it was a marriage of convenience, just like the last time when hitler wed mussolini.

WhoreMods -> RE: A Moment of Silence in Memory of The Holocaust (2/7/2017 11:56:33 AM)

Got ya.

Real0ne -> RE: A Moment of Silence in Memory of The Holocaust (2/7/2017 3:04:30 PM)

You should invest in glasses because you didnt respond to any of this:

The allies never denied what they did, hell they bragged about their crimes, and today you apologize for them!


We have proof and plenty of it that churchill and eisenhower comitted atrocities on a scale never before see by mankind, you continue to apologize for them sell them as acceptable atrocities despite the fact they were in violation of the international law.

What do you have to gain from continuing to sweep this under the carpet?

I responded line item by line item to all your false claims and characterizations which you cant support 'any' of it and simply continue to dodge the bullet like your other felch gobblers out here.

waiting for you to support your claims? Anything at all? Little more than nothing?



Its a total ducking your bullshit session and not a debate at all with you because you simply move the goalposts and pretend no one will notice you neither proved nor provided evidence for a damn thing you claim, all we ever get from you is beer farts and belches and we are supposed accept it all as fact, well try giving us just one fact.

Since you have your head so far up irving ass, here is what the expert witness said regarding the irving/zundel exhibits:


I was called as an expert witness as a historian to give evidence at the Ernst Zundel case, where Zundel's researchers showed me the Leuchter Report, the laboratory tests on the crematoria and the gas chambers.

As a person who, at the University of London, studied chemistry and physics and the exact sciences, I knew that this was an exact result. There was no way around it. And suddenly all that I’d read in the archives clicked into place.

You have to accept that:

1) if there is no evidence anywhere in the archives that there were any gassings going on;

2) that if there’s not a single German document that refers to the gassings of human beings— not one wartime German document; and

3) if there is no reference anywhere in the German archives to anybody giving orders for the gassings of people, and

if, on the other hand, the forensic tests of the laboratories, of the crematoria, and

4) the gas chambers and Auschwitz and so on, show that there is no trace, no significant residue whatsoever of a cyanide compound,

5) then this can all only mean one thing.’0

and that one thing of course TO YOU and your ilk is that hitler used the labor-camps as a personal bar b q pit and served jew stew every day for lunch at the dinner table. [8|]

I numbered it so you can make your case for 'death camps' line item by line item, despite the fact the EXPERT witness that TESTIFIED actually understands the forensics and is correct in its interpretation and as usual once again you are pissing in the wind.

There a citation for you from zundle/lecter/irving crews star witness.


At the Auschwitz trial held at Frankfurt in the mid-sixties,

the court had to conclude that

1) it lacked ‘almost all the means or evidence

available in a normal murder trial’ including

2) ‘the bodies of the victim,

3) autopsy reports,

4) expert reports on the cause of death,

5) evidence as to the criminals,

6) murder weapons, etc

So dodge duck and dance to your heart content, and shift those goal posts!!! [8|]

and that is all we seen from you, snotty, tweak, blynmp, duckin and a dancing


Hell you dont even know how it came to war in the first place, much less defend the 'beliefs' you preach day in and day out.

mnottertail -> RE: A Moment of Silence in Memory of The Holocaust (2/7/2017 4:31:04 PM)

you got a translation for that word, felchgobbler?

Dont be a realretard, you can give us alloidal and foef for years>>>>> Massenausbürgerung

Was machten wier? ScheiBegaukeln, oder?

Curmudgeonly1 -> RE: A Moment of Silence in Memory of The Holocaust (2/7/2017 4:48:34 PM)

Don't expect anything approaching a serious response.

Any acknowledgement of their atrocities would undermine their biggest industry a bit and we can't have the light of truth being shone on their holohoax. Too much money to be made.


Real0ne -> RE: A Moment of Silence in Memory of The Holocaust (2/7/2017 5:37:08 PM)

what had me in stitches lmao was your post about snotty the clueless google queen. He still doesnt get it! You would think his first clue would be that our resident self proclaimed german girl would jump on that translation but wont touch it, well other than to say I pulled it out of context to dodge the bullet herself. lol Snotty was singing about how he knows how to read german [sm=accordion.gif] and google affiliated sites are the only places that comes up with snotties translation.

Outside the US iron curtain whats left of the battered free world has the correct translation. I very much doubt any of the 4 stooges has a clue about the underlying motivations for ww2, since they have graduated from drinking koolaid to a more solid diet..... [img][/img].

then another good laugh, he doesnt even know how research it.

mnottertail -> RE: A Moment of Silence in Memory of The Holocaust (2/7/2017 5:38:13 PM)

there are no serious responses to retards, cmon realzero translate
Massen mass
aus= out
berg(e)= mountain

tell me it means deport (they have a word for that .... uh deport)
tell me it means denaturalize (they have a word for that denatural (whatever the ending is ierein or some such thing)

then tell me the meaning of masseneinebergerung.

and tell me why the nazis pick such a funny word in their own language, when they have better and more common words to choose that would be misunderstood the way you want them to, when they are caught or intercepted or translated for any reason.

I await the retards, but you wont get anything but ignorant felchgobbling from them.

Real0ne -> RE: A Moment of Silence in Memory of The Holocaust (2/7/2017 5:45:35 PM)


ORIGINAL: mnottertail

There are none, Retardedflechgobbler. You could use starting in 1936, or from 1936, and some other words here and there, but that is a matter of word choice, not context or mistranslation, and there is only one way to translate Massenausbürgerung.

mass extinction, mass extirpation, mass annihilation. uber. fertig.

I have an accurate ubersetzung.


mnottertail -> RE: A Moment of Silence in Memory of The Holocaust (2/7/2017 6:28:03 PM)

thats what it means realretard.

Real0ne -> RE: A Moment of Silence in Memory of The Holocaust (2/7/2017 10:59:59 PM)

so as the self proclaimed expert german linguist you went from cockgarble:

mass extinction, mass extirpation, mass annihilation. uber. fertig.

to over the top lunacy:


Now you want me to translate what you cant, seriously? You cant get the correct translation? snotty the german linguist scholar? the same snotty that was bragging about how you were going to correct the accepted translation of the 'final solution to the jewish question'? What a joke! If you didnt have an imagination youd have nothing at all.

blnymph -> RE: A Moment of Silence in Memory of The Holocaust (2/8/2017 12:49:38 AM)



Du kannst gar kein Deutsch, der andere so ungefähr.

Lernt es doch erstmal beide - die üblichen Übersetzungsprogramme können nämlich mit zusammengesetzten Wörtern oft nicht umgehen.

Sich mit dir über Nuancen und Usancen bürokratischen Sprachgebrauchs in Vergangenheit und Gegenwart auszutauschen, ist von Vornherein zwecklos, weil dir jegliches Grundlagenwissen und Verständnis fehlt.

Was du auch immer für ein Anliegen hast (abgesehen von deiner Naziapologetik), du schadest zumindest dem Gedenken und der Auseinandersetzung um Opferschicksale weitaus mehr als du glaubst zu nützen.

Schwachköpfe wie du, die ein Verbrechen mit einem anderen rechtfertigen, machen es leider kaum möglich, sich neutral mit den Ereignissen auseinander setzen zu können, immer noch, nach nunmehr fast 72 Jahren.

Du bist einer von den Drecksäcken, die bei Betroffenen nur Brechreiz verursachen. Und natürlich den Applaus der anderen Drecksäcke, den du so genießt.

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