RE: A Moment of Silence in Memory of The Holocaust (Full Version)

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mnottertail -> RE: A Moment of Silence in Memory of The Holocaust (6/19/2017 7:52:30 AM)



exterminate any mountains lately?

lots of em you gobble anymore retarded turds lately? can you say that in German, Yeah, didnt think so.

You are the next to stupidest fucking retard on the site, and that aint much of a commendation.

Real0ne -> RE: A Moment of Silence in Memory of The Holocaust (6/21/2017 8:28:06 AM)


ORIGINAL: mnottertail



exterminate any mountains lately?

lots of em you gobble anymore retarded turds lately? can you say that in German, Yeah, didnt think so.

You are the next to stupidest fucking retard on the site, and that aint much of a commendation.

Never have, you have no need to fear, I will never infringe on your patented gobble turf. Well since I consistently hand you your ass thats a pretty bad review you just gave yourself.

Why dont you where no zionist has gone before and help the whore come up with the missing 6 million jews? He hasnt been able to provide material evidence for so much as one, and has resorted to [sm=lalala.gif] felching and choking on ziojiz.

WhoreMods -> RE: A Moment of Silence in Memory of The Holocaust (6/21/2017 8:31:49 AM)

Still waiting on those 475,000 corpses at Dresden.
Find those, then we can talk about how many jews died.
Still got nothing after five months, I take it?

Real0ne -> RE: A Moment of Silence in Memory of The Holocaust (6/21/2017 8:46:56 AM)



Still waiting on those 475,000 corpses at Dresden.
Find those, then we can talk about how many jews died.
Still got nothing after five months, I take it?

yep ssdd, [sm=lalala.gif]

yep, citations from the mayor, local police, and even people the germans held as prisoners of war isnt good enough for you, thats one hel of a conspiracy theory you got going there.

You are lying again, you have nothing to talk about, now or then or anytime!


since even your zionist overlords cant scrounge up 6 million ffs

WhoreMods -> RE: A Moment of Silence in Memory of The Holocaust (6/21/2017 8:54:06 AM)


yep, citations from the mayor, local police, and even people the germans held as prisoners of war isnt good enough for you, thats one hel of a conspiracy theory you got going there.

You've yet to produce any such thing, just lies and forgeries, mostly falsely attributed by somebody with an agenda to push.
I'm aware you obviously can't tell that from a citation, but you'll need to raise your game a bit if you expect anybody else to regard you as anything other than a bullshit artist.

Real0ne -> RE: A Moment of Silence in Memory of The Holocaust (6/21/2017 9:04:26 AM)




yep, citations from the mayor, local police, and even people the germans held as prisoners of war isnt good enough for you, thats one hel of a conspiracy theory you got going there.

You've yet to produce any such thing, just lies and forgeries, mostly falsely attributed by somebody with an agenda to push.
I'm aware you obviously can't tell that from a citation, but you'll need to raise your game a bit if you expect anybody else to regard you as anything other than a bullshit artist.

Thats it continue pissing all over yourself, anyone can go back in the thread and see that I posted citations countless times and you hand wave everything away pretending you seen nothing. That is yet another failure on your part not mine. Its you who doesnt know what a citation is and its you who has been incapable of showing anything not to be a citation. In other words you are the laughing stock of the board.

WhoreMods -> RE: A Moment of Silence in Memory of The Holocaust (6/21/2017 9:14:39 AM)






yep, citations from the mayor, local police, and even people the germans held as prisoners of war isnt good enough for you, thats one hel of a conspiracy theory you got going there.

You've yet to produce any such thing, just lies and forgeries, mostly falsely attributed by somebody with an agenda to push.
I'm aware you obviously can't tell that from a citation, but you'll need to raise your game a bit if you expect anybody else to regard you as anything other than a bullshit artist.

Thats it continue pissing all over yourself, anyone can go back in the thread and see that I posted bullshit countless times and you pointed out that fakes, forgeries, chunks of text with no provenance, and animated slideshows I assembled myself are not proof of anything. That is yet another failure on your part not mine. Its me who doesnt know what a citation is and its me who has been incapable of proving anything. In other words I am the laughing stock of the board.


Real0ne -> RE: A Moment of Silence in Memory of The Holocaust (6/21/2017 9:27:21 AM)

thats it, continue to prove you have no counter argument with your useless laughable ziojiz.


still cant find material evidence of a single gassed jew I see! [8|]

WickedsDesire -> RE: A Moment of Silence in Memory of The Holocaust (6/21/2017 9:34:13 AM)

an official police report were leaked to the neutral press by Goebbels's Propaganda Ministry ... doctored with an extra zero to make the total dead from the raid 202,040

Fan of Goebbels's Propaganda Ministry and writing style are you real0ne?

WhoreMods -> RE: A Moment of Silence in Memory of The Holocaust (6/21/2017 9:34:32 AM)



thats it, continue to prove you have no counter argument with your useless laughable ziojiz.

still cant find material evidence of a single gassed jew I see!

What part of "prove that half a million died in the bombing of Dresden, as was stated in the opening post in this thread, and needs to be verified first" don't you understand?
And as you appear to be unable to answer that question (still), try this one instead:
What purpose does humouring you in this thread serve now that you're spreading your bullshit over the rest of the board instead of containing it out of the way in here?

WickedsDesire -> RE: A Moment of Silence in Memory of The Holocaust (6/21/2017 9:42:24 AM)

Be a good Nazi lap dog bitch and contain it in this one please real0ne

he has been smearing a lot everywhere whoremods Total arse rampage is the medical term I believe. Cured with a big stick I believe.

WhoreMods -> RE: A Moment of Silence in Memory of The Holocaust (6/21/2017 9:48:44 AM)


ORIGINAL: WickedsDesire

Be a good Nazi lap dog bitch and contain it in this one please real0ne

he has been smearing a lot everywhere whoremods Total arse rampage is the medical term I believe. Cured with a big stick I believe.

Maybe we should just leave the little turd to it, then. There's no point keeping this drivel on the front page so people can have a quick look if he seems to be talking less idiotically in another thread if he's just going to come out with the same nonsense in every other thread he posts in, is there?
Still, it's minimised his presence for nearly five months, I suppose...

WickedsDesire -> RE: A Moment of Silence in Memory of The Holocaust (6/21/2017 10:32:51 AM)

Too feardy pants to use the letter J on any other threads myself.

I do have a pointy stick - think it reaches to the penal colony Australiashire, Just not too the:
Goebbels's Propaganda Ministry

Real0ne -> RE: A Moment of Silence in Memory of The Holocaust (6/21/2017 2:28:49 PM)

your a fokin brit, no surprise you are a feardy panties to use the letter j.
That and I have made a perfectly clear distinction between J and Z, and the only J's I talk about are 'Orthodox J's', not 'Z's who hijacked 'J's no different than if someone stole christianity and used it to some putpose that runs completely counter to the teaching of christianity. The citations I posted were no from goebells, just the opposite, in fact one was from a POW, captured and held by the germans. Another fact we know is that the whores brain goes on auto shut down at the merte mention of 'J' and the zionist coup.

so why would a prisoner of war, held by the evil ones validate the the 1/2 million the brit zionists murdered?

Real0ne -> RE: A Moment of Silence in Memory of The Holocaust (6/21/2017 2:56:46 PM)





thats it, continue to prove you have no counter argument with your useless laughable ziojiz.

still cant find material evidence of a single gassed jew I see!

What part of "prove that half a million died in the bombing of Dresden, as was stated in the opening post in this thread, and needs to be verified first" don't you understand?
And as you appear to be unable to answer that question (still), try this one instead:
What purpose does humouring you in this thread serve now that you're spreading your bullshit over the rest of the board instead of containing it out of the way in here?

Nothing of the sort is stated in the opening post you are making shit up yet again, and several citations were given.

I am not spreading anything all over the board, again you lie through your ziosucker. The only thing I have done is defended myself from your endless attacks 'all over the board'.

you have it backwards it is me who is humoring you, since I posted valid citations to the points that I made and you failed to post anything but masturbation that you are praying everyone will believe is a substitute for a citation.

Yad Scam and the rest of the rothschild zioperps are still looking for 1.5 million more jews so they can even remotely get close to 6 million 'murdered' no validation required, just get your name on the list.

The lies started the second the allies took occupation.


Not only have you failed to show anything is out of order with the citations you failed to show so much as one jew was ever gassed.

The lies were so pervasive the commander had a issue an order to prosecute anyone that continued to spread those lies.


They were lies then and they are lies now, you have shown nothing to the contrary and continue to spread the same lies here.

WickedsDesire -> RE: A Moment of Silence in Memory of The Holocaust (6/21/2017 3:03:33 PM)

I am fuking Scottish you Aussie penal colony savage..criminality and syphilis and kangaroo cock rabies course through your veins and genetic alphabet git spaghetti, and have clearly deranged your brain into the state of complete woe, that festers on these forums.

How many times have i told you where, who and when, your figures originated from - are you calling me a fuking liar?

Real0ne -> RE: A Moment of Silence in Memory of The Holocaust (6/21/2017 4:16:04 PM)

If its nazi propaganda it would have been released to the public, and the least you can do is show me something, anythnig like a Der Stürmer publication since that was one of the several main propaganda outlets the nazis used, I have no interest in the zionist allegations of nazi propaganda that you posted, as I have said before, so cough it up.

As we can see the terrortory was flooded with zionist propaganda.

Real0ne -> RE: A Moment of Silence in Memory of The Holocaust (6/22/2017 6:55:32 AM)

Still nothing?

Still quoting taylors hunches guesses and fantasies about what happened a fact. Everyone is waiting for your documentation that taylors fantasy musing has any subatance in truth what so ever or is just more zionist lies and propaganda.

From your link:

Frederick Taylor states that "there is good reason to believe that later in March copies of—or extracts from—[an official police report] were leaked to the neutral press by Goebbels's Propaganda Ministry

Why would I or anyone else give a rats ass what taylor 'believes' when the local german government did estimates based on refugee movements and present population say otherwise?

The fire was so intense burning human bodyparts were found 16 miles from the dresden as a result of the 100+ miles per hour winds the fire created.

Why do you continue to post zionist propaganda as fact? You claimed that geobells added a zero but it looks like that is not true, he did nothing more than report official estimates by turned in by dresden city officials.

Just where is this good reason to believe? There isnt any reason to believe what so ever much less a good reason. Take taylors word for it, like whore, take whores word for it that 6 million were gassed when xionists are still begging to find 1.5 million more jews? riiiiiight

anything? anything at all for us?

WickedsDesire -> RE: A Moment of Silence in Memory of The Holocaust (6/22/2017 9:03:39 AM)

an official police report were leaked to the neutral press by Goebbels's Propaganda Ministry ... doctored with an extra zero to make the total dead from the raid 202,040

The city authorities at the time estimated no more than 25,000 victims, a figure that subsequent investigations supported, including a 2010 study commissioned by the city council.

tweakabelle -> RE: A Moment of Silence in Memory of The Holocaust (6/22/2017 9:12:07 AM)


ORIGINAL: WickedsDesire

I am fuking Scottish you Aussie penal colony savage..

Please WickedDesire, RealOne is not Australian. We take no responsibility for him whatsoever. To the best of my knowledge he's American.

We Aussies have enough embarrassment on these boards suffering from the handicap of RM - please don't make it worse.

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