RE: Russia offically bans Jehovah Witnesses (Full Version)

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thompsonx -> RE: Russia offically bans Jehovah Witnesses (4/26/2017 6:42:56 AM)


we have a democracy, 50.1% shitting all over 49.9%

So you want the 49.9% to shit all over the 50.1%?

InfoMan -> RE: Russia offically bans Jehovah Witnesses (4/26/2017 6:54:31 AM)


ORIGINAL: thompsonx


I need to stop you right here.

Actually you need to stop being so ignorant and educate yourself.

This is why I desperately need people to stop treating
Islam the same as Christianity. Let explain to you time-line.

1) Old Testament Era
2) Jesus came AFTER Old Testament Correct?
3) Muhammad came AFTER Jesus correct?

This is correct

Angry that Christians believed that Jesus is the son of God, and Jesus implemented
some "turn the other cheek" bullshit that negated the old testament "eye for an eye"

Eye for an eye is not old testament dumbass it is code of hammurabi. It does not call
for removing another's eye but compensating for loss dumbass. Get a clue...get a library card...
learn to read.
Jesus you are phoquing stupid.

Deuteronomy 19:20-21
The rest of the people will hear of this and be afraid, and never again will such an evil thing be done among you. Show no pity for the guilty: life for life, eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot.

thompsonx -> RE: Russia offically bans Jehovah Witnesses (4/26/2017 6:58:30 AM)

ORIGINAL: thompsonx


I need to stop you right here.

Actually you need to stop being so ignorant and educate yourself.

This is why I desperately need people to stop treating
Islam the same as Christianity. Let explain to you time-line.

1) Old Testament Era
2) Jesus came AFTER Old Testament Correct?
3) Muhammad came AFTER Jesus correct?

This is correct

Angry that Christians believed that Jesus is the son of God, and Jesus implemented
some "turn the other cheek" bullshit that negated the old testament "eye for an eye"

Eye for an eye is not old testament dumbass it is code of hammurabi. It does not call
for removing another's eye but compensating for loss dumbass. Get a clue...get a library card...
learn to read.
Jesus you are phoquing stupid.

Deuteronomy 19:20-21
The rest of the people will hear of this and be afraid, and never again will such an evil thing be done among you. Show no pity for the guilty: life for life, eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot.

Code of hammurabi predates the old testament dumbass.
Jesus you are phoquing stupid.

bounty44 -> RE: Russia offically bans Jehovah Witnesses (4/26/2017 7:13:02 AM)

the chronology doesn't matter troll.

greta was referencing Christianity and the old testament and new testament specifically. so that gives the context.

whats more, since it is indeed IN the old testament, it IS old testament and your statement of "its not old testament" is clearly wrong, despite all the weasling and insulting you are going to try to do.

I know---maybe when jesus was referencing that phrase in matthew, he was referring to the code of Hammurabi and not the old testament that his people had been living by for centuries??

thompsonx -> RE: Russia offically bans Jehovah Witnesses (4/26/2017 7:36:00 AM)

ORIGINAL: bounty44

the chronology doesn't matter troll.

Yes it does dumbass...once again you prove that your only experience at college was either in food service or house keeping.

greta was referencing Christianity and the old testament and new testament specifically. so that gives the context.

The reference is from hammurabi not the bible dumbass. The bible copied it from hammurabi dumbass
Jesus you are phoquing stupid.

whats more, since it is indeed IN the old testament, it IS old testament and your statement of "its not old testament" is clearly wrong,
despite all the weasling and insulting you are going to try to do.

Learn to read dumbass...Stop posting phoquing stupid shit and I will not have stupid shit to point out.

I know---

You prove on a regular basis that you do not know shit.

maybe when jesus was referencing that phrase in matthew, he was referring to the code of Hammurabi
and not the old testament that his people had been living by for centuries??

Is it your point that the all knowing son of god was ignorant of the source of the quote?
Jesus you are phoquing stupid.

longwayhome -> RE: Russia offically bans Jehovah Witnesses (4/26/2017 12:43:04 PM)




ORIGINAL: longwayhome
In making such firm distinctions between Islam and Christianity you completely miss all the passages in the Old Testament in particular which can and have been used as justifications for violence. The Bible has also been used to persecute homosexuals, excuse violence against women and to justify war against unbelievers.

I need to stop you right here. This is why I desperately need people to stop treating Islam the same as Christianity. Let explain to you time-line.

1) Old Testament Era
2) Jesus came AFTER Old Testament Correct?
3) Muhammad came AFTER Jesus correct? Angry that Christians believed that Jesus is the son of God, and Jesus implemented some "turn the other cheek" bullshit that negated the old testament "eye for an eye" philosophy, so he came up with the Quran, to BRING THE OLD TESTAMENT BACK! Brought back "Eye for an Eye".

Get it? Where do you think Muhammad got all his ideas for his Quran? That's why Muhammad accuse Jesus of lying that he is the son of God and that he was just a prophet of God. SAME GOD! Angel Gabriel, same Angel Gabriel in old testament was the one who came to give Muhammad all his messages for the Quran.

When Christians start committing atrocities of the old testament, they would be disobeying Jesus.

When Muslims committing atrocities of the old testament, they are obeying Muhammad.

Get it?

I will call out any Buddhist who commit any violence, because Buddha would not even kill a mosquito or an Ant. No living things can be harm. Not even a mosquito that sucks your blood, you aren't allowed to kill it. Any buddhist who dares kill is disobeying Buddha. I grew up in Buddhism okay! And those are the rules. We aren't even allowed to eat meat as we aren't suppose to hurt animals or insects or ANY living creature. (Obviously many of us disobey all the rules, and continue to eat meat and kill mosquitoes. But in Buddhism we know we will be punished in hell for all these crimes, so we know there are consequences in death)

Whereas with Islam. Muhammad has lead by example that it is okay to kill as long as the people are "against you". Muhammad HIMSELF demonstrated by his own actions and example, by committing killings himself! And ordering killings. So Yes, I am pointing my finger at Billions of Muslims OF WHY ARE THEY FOLLOWING A MURDERER? What kind of religion teaches people that killing is okay?

Oh yes Greta, I get it. I really do.

You are completely unable to stand back from the subject and realise that violence has many motivations and justifications.

Your outstandingly unsophisticated understanding of religion stops you from seeing that there are Muslims, Christians, Hindus and Buddhists who promote violence against other human beings and provide religious justifications of what they do. In every case there is a very cogent religious argument used by people of the same faith who abhor violence.

There are those who justify their own dubious actions by reference to their religion. They come from all faiths. Just as there are those who criticise the actions of others by vilifying their religion because they are intolerant and enjoy pigeon-holing people because it is easier than adopting critical thought.

There are many learned interpretations of Islam which emphasize respect, peace and communal living. There are also those who use texts referring to past wars to justify terrorism in the current day. Killing unarmed innocents is no more a central part of Islam than any other religion, yet you insist on spouting bile against all Muslims for the sins of the few.

As for Buddhism, I have no problem with Buddhists and agree that the teaching of Buddha is overwhelmingly contrary to violence.

Yet still Buddhist monks in Myanmar have incited horrible violence against Muslims who have lived in their country for hundreds of years. Not just a few beatings but mob violence resulting in the murders of many defenceless people.

Am I to judge all Buddhists by the actions of these monks? Am I to believe that their religious justifications for what they do when it is communal violence of the most indefensible kind.

No I am not going to judge Buddhists in that way - nor am I going to judge the millions of Muslims in the world based on the politically motivated terrorist hatred of the few.

Greta75 -> RE: Russia offically bans Jehovah Witnesses (4/26/2017 7:23:17 PM)


ORIGINAL: longwayhome
Your outstandingly unsophisticated understanding of religion stops you from seeing that there are Muslims, Christians, Hindus and Buddhists who promote violence against other human beings and provide religious justifications of what they do. In every case there is a very cogent religious argument used by people of the same faith who abhor violence.

I do not have an unsophiscated understanding. You basically trying to say that MOST religion are innately peaceful.

I disagree that Islam is peaceful and I prove that it is not peaceful simply by referencing that they are following a Murderer. This is not even a smear! They are LITERALLY following a WarLord who has taken thousands of Lives! And the FACT that he took lives is an absolute historical truth, cannot be denied by any Muslims.

Buddha and Jesus have not taken lives. If their followers take lives, they are disobeying their religion as simple as that. Their role model has never lead by example to take lives.

So your point would be. Nazis are mostly peaceful. It's just their interpretation of Hitler's message that makes them evil, IF they don't find the peaceful interpretation of it. So just because Hitler gas jews in Gas Chambers. Don't judge the current Nazi followers by what their leader did? Modern Nazis are all peace and love today!

And THAT is ridiculous. I am gonna condemn any Nazis for following Hitler the Murderer, just like I am gonna condemn any Muslim for following and flying the flag of Muhammad the Murderer. They deserve to be judge for supporting Murderers! Even IF they chose not to commit the murders themselves. They hail and worship a Murderer!


Yet still Buddhist monks in Myanmar have incited horrible violence against Muslims who have lived in their country for hundreds of years. Not just a few beatings but mob violence resulting in the murders of many defenceless people.

Am I to judge all Buddhists by the actions of these monks? Am I to believe that their religious justifications for what they do when it is communal violence of the most indefensible kind.

What is their religious justification? Buddhist Monks in Myammar does not even use religious justification for their killings. It's more political over there. Perhaps even racial. It's just like Singapore, it's impossible for a Malay to be Buddhist, just like it's impossible for a Chinese to be a Muslim. So we usually use religious following in replacement of race. As you know you are definitely a specific race if you follow a specific religion. That is quite common in Asia.

But Do explain their religious justification? They just happen to decide to disobey Buddha because of their internal disagreements with other religious groups , but they were certainly NOT quoting Buddha and not killing in the name of Buddhism. And they did not say that Buddha approves of their killing or that Buddha told them to kill.

I can explain to you every Muslim killer religious justification. They were just emulating Muhammad. And are killing in the name of Islam. And they will say Allah and Muhammad approves of it and told them to kill.

Personally with Hinduism, they never claim to be peaceful. Unlike the lying Muslims. Hindus own up to their violence, they like their violent gods! They are proud of it! Hindus own up to "eye for an eye". But the only great thing about Hinduism is they are more like "Satanism", where if you read the Satanic Bible. They don't bother you if you don't bother them. So they aren't such a menace like Islam world wide. And Hindus also practice the barbaric Honour Killings, but they own up to it. They don't falsely pretend and lie that it's not part of their religion.

WinsomeDefiance -> RE: Russia offically bans Jehovah Witnesses (4/26/2017 9:01:43 PM)



It never cease to amaze me that my country and NOW, Russia too, have decided that Jehovah Witnesses are more dangerous than Muslims.

What universe is this?

Jehovah Witnesses barely committed any terrorist act and they get banned. A whole Christian Religion!

Yet, nobody is taking any action on Islam.

The Russian Orthodox Church is no joke in Russia. The Russian government is not very welcoming of evangelical religions. When my sister was a missionary in Russia, they had a members son kidnapped and murdered for leaving the Orthodox Church. In fact, kidnappings were common forms of intimidation. One missionary church was bombed.

I don't know much about Jehovas Witnesses, other than they are passively aggressive about proselytizing. I'm not surprised Russia banned them.

Edwird -> RE: Russia offically bans Jehovah Witnesses (4/26/2017 9:37:26 PM)


I can explain to you every Muslim killer religious justification.

And you never miss an opportunity to do so.

So here is some other information:

~From the novel Haven, by John R. Maxim-

-'If a person greets you, let your greeting be better, or at least be sure to return that greeting because God keeps count of all things.'-

"The Q'uran is filled with gentle thoughts such as that one. And The Book of Women spelled out certain rights that were greater than a man's in some ways. It required that Muslim women be treated with honor. A Muslim woman could not be forced into marriage; she could not be divorced without fair compensation; she could not be deprived of a family inheritance."

It took the women of Europe another twelve hundred years before they finally won these same rights. In the meantime, unhappily, a few Muslim men decided that these rights were not what God actually meant.They proceeded to take them away.

"Anyone who visited Cordoba or Grenada couldn't help but admire what the Muslims had built there in the three hundred years they ruled Spain. Cordoba, at its peak, was the world's greatest city. Cordoba, by year A.D. 1,000, had more books in just one of its libraries than were in all the rest of Europe combined. It had baths and lit streets, running water when the English, for example, only bathed when it rained. Everyone could read, everyone studied because the Muslims believed that in knowledge is greatness."

"How it all fell apart is the same old story. Weak leaders, corruption, betrayal."

------------- end of book quote ------------

That last sentence- starting to get a bit too close for comfort, there.

Nobody wanted to hear it then, nobody wants to hear it now. Nobody wanted to hear it before WW I, nobody wanted to hear it after.

Well thank goodness we have a bunch of shouters to drown out good sense. It is the way of history.

BoscoX -> RE: Russia offically bans Jehovah Witnesses (4/27/2017 12:34:09 AM)


ORIGINAL: longwayhome




ORIGINAL: longwayhome
In making such firm distinctions between Islam and Christianity you completely miss all the passages in the Old Testament in particular which can and have been used as justifications for violence. The Bible has also been used to persecute homosexuals, excuse violence against women and to justify war against unbelievers.

I need to stop you right here. This is why I desperately need people to stop treating Islam the same as Christianity. Let explain to you time-line.

1) Old Testament Era
2) Jesus came AFTER Old Testament Correct?
3) Muhammad came AFTER Jesus correct? Angry that Christians believed that Jesus is the son of God, and Jesus implemented some "turn the other cheek" bullshit that negated the old testament "eye for an eye" philosophy, so he came up with the Quran, to BRING THE OLD TESTAMENT BACK! Brought back "Eye for an Eye".

Get it? Where do you think Muhammad got all his ideas for his Quran? That's why Muhammad accuse Jesus of lying that he is the son of God and that he was just a prophet of God. SAME GOD! Angel Gabriel, same Angel Gabriel in old testament was the one who came to give Muhammad all his messages for the Quran.

When Christians start committing atrocities of the old testament, they would be disobeying Jesus.

When Muslims committing atrocities of the old testament, they are obeying Muhammad.

Get it?

I will call out any Buddhist who commit any violence, because Buddha would not even kill a mosquito or an Ant. No living things can be harm. Not even a mosquito that sucks your blood, you aren't allowed to kill it. Any buddhist who dares kill is disobeying Buddha. I grew up in Buddhism okay! And those are the rules. We aren't even allowed to eat meat as we aren't suppose to hurt animals or insects or ANY living creature. (Obviously many of us disobey all the rules, and continue to eat meat and kill mosquitoes. But in Buddhism we know we will be punished in hell for all these crimes, so we know there are consequences in death)

Whereas with Islam. Muhammad has lead by example that it is okay to kill as long as the people are "against you". Muhammad HIMSELF demonstrated by his own actions and example, by committing killings himself! And ordering killings. So Yes, I am pointing my finger at Billions of Muslims OF WHY ARE THEY FOLLOWING A MURDERER? What kind of religion teaches people that killing is okay?

Oh yes Greta, I get it. I really do.

You are completely unable to stand back from the subject and realise that violence has many motivations and justifications.

Your outstandingly unsophisticated understanding of religion stops you from seeing that there are Muslims, Christians, Hindus and Buddhists who promote violence against other human beings and provide religious justifications of what they do. In every case there is a very cogent religious argument used by people of the same faith who abhor violence.

There are those who justify their own dubious actions by reference to their religion. They come from all faiths. Just as there are those who criticise the actions of others by vilifying their religion because they are intolerant and enjoy pigeon-holing people because it is easier than adopting critical thought.

There are many learned interpretations of Islam which emphasize respect, peace and communal living. There are also those who use texts referring to past wars to justify terrorism in the current day. Killing unarmed innocents is no more a central part of Islam than any other religion, yet you insist on spouting bile against all Muslims for the sins of the few.

As for Buddhism, I have no problem with Buddhists and agree that the teaching of Buddha is overwhelmingly contrary to violence.

Yet still Buddhist monks in Myanmar have incited horrible violence against Muslims who have lived in their country for hundreds of years. Not just a few beatings but mob violence resulting in the murders of many defenceless people.

Am I to judge all Buddhists by the actions of these monks? Am I to believe that their religious justifications for what they do when it is communal violence of the most indefensible kind.

No I am not going to judge Buddhists in that way - nor am I going to judge the millions of Muslims in the world based on the politically motivated terrorist hatred of the few.

What Buddists do to Muslims is purely payback. And the debt is astronomical

thompsonx -> RE: Russia offically bans Jehovah Witnesses (4/27/2017 2:30:16 AM)


What Buddists do to Muslims is purely payback. And the debt is astronomical

By that same metric what muslims do to Christians is purely payback with the debt being astronomical?
Jesus you are phoquing stupid.

Greta75 -> RE: Russia offically bans Jehovah Witnesses (4/27/2017 2:33:03 AM)


"The Q'uran is filled with gentle thoughts such as that one. And The Book of Women spelled out certain rights that were greater than a man's in some ways. It required that Muslim women be treated with honor. A Muslim woman could not be forced into marriage; she could not be divorced without fair compensation; she could not be deprived of a family inheritance."

Obviously full of shit. Considering Muhammad married a 9 yr old. How can a 9 yr old give consent? That's forcing her into marriage. Of course, if you read the Quran and Hadiths, it says, that Aisha wanted to marry Muhammad and adored him and was very happy with the marriage lol. And she was Muhammad's favourite, he pamper her with dolls and swings. What kind of husband talks about pampering his wife with dolls and swings! How pedophilia is that !

Islam is also the only religion that teaches that it is okay to lie and mislead in the Quran.

I think "fair compensation" is very subjective here.


Everyone could read, everyone studied because the Muslims believed that in knowledge is greatness."

Does Muslims believe in education and improving knowledge? Yes! They do! This means nothing! They still are permitted to beat their wives as per their religion! I don't care what inventions they did or what marvel they built. They still encourage beating of wives.

thompsonx -> RE: Russia offically bans Jehovah Witnesses (4/27/2017 2:37:57 AM)


Everyone could read, everyone studied because the Muslims believed that in knowledge is greatness."[/quote]
Does Muslims believe in education and improving knowledge? Yes! They do! This means nothing! They still are permitted to beat their wives as per their religion! I don't care what inventions they did or what marvel they built. They still encourage beating of wives.

As does Christianity...
Jesus you are phoquing stupid

Edwird -> RE: Russia offically bans Jehovah Witnesses (4/27/2017 3:17:35 AM)



"The Q'uran is filled with gentle thoughts such as that one. And The Book of Women spelled out certain rights that were greater than a man's in some ways. It required that Muslim women be treated with honor. A Muslim woman could not be forced into marriage; she could not be divorced without fair compensation; she could not be deprived of a family inheritance."

Obviously full of shit.
Obviously you are. When are you ever not?


Considering Muhammad married a 9 yr old. How can a 9 yr old give consent?

Isabella of Valois was married at age seven to King Richard II and was Queen Consort of England.

Milesnmiles -> RE: Russia offically bans Jehovah Witnesses (4/27/2017 3:51:06 AM)




ORIGINAL: Milesnmiles

You've really thought this out haven't you?

There is nothing you've said thus far that indicates you have any idea what thought actually is.


As long as everyone does as you think and say they are "free" to do anything they want.

News you can use- not I or any other single person in my neighborhood or my society dictate what all others do or think, and I in fact made that plain for those with even minimal reading and comprehension skills.

Boy, you do live 'way out there,' in more ways than one.


But what happens if it is not you that sets the standard for everyone else but someone else?

What happens if you learn basic reading comprehension?

Just imagine the possibilities.

Talk about a lack of basic reading comprehension.

You are the one saying what should be done to JWs not your neighbors. You are the one saying what Freedom is not your neighbors.

That is what we are talking about.

So start thinking about the true consequences of your "suggestions" for everybody and not just yourself and answer the post with something other than mindless name calling.

Milesnmiles -> RE: Russia offically bans Jehovah Witnesses (4/27/2017 4:21:07 AM)


If you've ever seen me depriving others' trying to go online to a JW site or standing in front of one of their few churches (there was one in my old neighborhood) trying to block entrance, then provide evidence and tell the world about it, by all means.

That is not what we are talking about and you know it.

Many millions more have found benefit from many things they sought on their own, including religious venture.

Yes, so what?

Millions find benefit from choosing when to forgo total privacy and go out in public or go to the library or get on the phone or go online or go to social gatherings, knowing they have privacy when they choose when they get back home or turn off the computer and make supper and get the kids in the bath and read a book, etc.

Again yes but so what?

What -you- 'think' (if one could call it thinking) is that it is a 'benefit' having what they thought was their privacy invaded by -others'- notion of 'Joy by way of Armageddon!'

The problem is you "thinking" that everyone feels the same way about this as you do, in fact the Supreme Court disagrees with you.

I could point out Amazon (not that I'm a fan), but even just my local walk-to grocery store benefits more people that JWs, by far, and I can be at home all day (on those days) and never have to worry about them knocking on my door.

Again so what, the fact your local walk-to grocery store doesn't knock on your door doesn't stop people from benefiting from JWs knocking on their door.

But hanging up on a telemarketer or subsequent number-blocking is denying that caller and that company their 'freedom' by your reckoning.

I really wish you would start thinking, an individual action, as you mention here, is different than a ban on JWs as you have mentioned. One is you exercising your personal freedom and the other is limiting the freedom of others.

People doing much more useful things for society than JWs (like selling oranges or magazine subscriptions or gutter cleaning) gave up the door-to-door thing decades ago.

You are now using your personal opinion to decide what is useful and what is not which is fine for you individually but you can not decide what is useful for others.

You can twist it all you want, but it doesn't change a thing.

The subject is only twisted in your mind because you are looking at it subjectively and not objectively.

-People making their own home the way they see fit-, best as they are able, is freedom, or at least making as much effort to that end as possible.

And if people's notion of good home excludes door knockers, then tough shit.

Great, if that is what you want for your own home fine but that is not what you said, you said that JWs should be arrested and fined and that is no longer just you own home, that is deciding for everybody else as well and then you limiting the freedom of others.

Greta75 -> RE: Russia offically bans Jehovah Witnesses (4/27/2017 5:38:39 AM)



Considering Muhammad married a 9 yr old. How can a 9 yr old give consent?

Isabella of Valois was married at age seven to King Richard II and was Queen Consort of England.

Edward, we are talking about a fucking prophet who is the messenger of God! Even IF he was ignorant. You'd think his God would inform him that fucking 9 yr olds IS NOT OKAY!

A King is not responsible for claiming that his practices is what God wants him to do and others to follow in order to go to heaven.

You are the one championing Islam as THE RELIGION that gives women a CHOICE in marriage!

Alot of Kings are fucking assholes and perverts and corrupted and evil.

But a Prophet of God? THE ORIGINATOR of a religion that 1.6 Billion people follows him as the role model for them? He is held to higher standards!

Greta75 -> RE: Russia offically bans Jehovah Witnesses (4/27/2017 5:43:58 AM)


ORIGINAL: thompsonx
As does Christianity...
Jesus you are phoquing stupid

Really? Jesus teaches you to beat your wife? This is new to me. Show me proof that Jesus preached to his followers to beat their wives. Do show me evidence.

thompsonx -> RE: Russia offically bans Jehovah Witnesses (4/27/2017 5:48:40 AM)


Obviously full of shit. Considering Muhammad married a 9 yr old. How can a 9 yr old give consent? That's forcing her
into marriage. Of course, if you read the Quran and Hadiths, it says, that Aisha wanted to marry Muhammad and
adored him and was very happy with the marriage lol. And she was Muhammad's favourite, he pamper her with dolls
and swings. What kind of husband talks about pampering his wife with dolls and swings! How pedophilia is that !

Haven't you bragged on these very forums of your sexual escapades as a child? What is the age of consent
around the world?
In that third worlds shithole called Singapore it is legal to marry and have sex with a girl who has reached puberty.
Even in Idaho the age of consent used to be 10.
Jesus you are phoquing stupid.

Islam is also the only religion that teaches that it is okay to lie and mislead in the Quran.

Now you are making shit up...which is the nicest way I can think of to call you a lying punkassmotherphoquer.
The Christian bible on the other hand does condone lying check out corinthians 9:19-23.
Jesus you are phoquing stupid.

bounty44 -> RE: Russia offically bans Jehovah Witnesses (4/27/2017 6:41:11 AM)

there are two books of "Corinthians" troll.

the verses you reference in first Corinthians have to do with the apostle paul's evangelism and have absolutely nothing to do with lying.

there are no verses 19-23 in second Corinthians in the 9th chapter.

regardless, no troll, the bible does not "condone" lying.

there are numerous instances of lying being criticized and condemned, liars being punished and there's even one of the ten commandments concerning it---"thou shall not bear false witness"----and tons of admonitions towards being honest and seeking truth.

please apply your favorite saying to yourself.

oh, and in terms of your statement about Christians being taught or even free to beat their wives---you know, the one that greta called you out on that you ignored:


If I disagree with another poster I will deliniate my disagreement with validation from reputable sources. When proved wrong I admit it and thank the poster for disabusing me of my ignorance. I have been proved wrong in less than a half dozen cases with more than 20,000 post.

have at it troll.

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