Healthcare....Incentive to buy Insurance (Full Version)

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Lucylastic -> Healthcare....Incentive to buy Insurance (6/26/2017 11:58:46 AM)

Senate leaders try to bolster GOP health-care bill with incentive for consumers to stay insured

Senate leaders worked Monday to modify their plan to overhaul the Affordable Care Act, adding a provision that would penalize consumers for not keeping their plans, by imposing a six-month waiting provision before they could re-enroll.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.), who is hoping to win over a handful of Republicans before bringing the proposal to a floor vote this week, has been conferring with colleagues behind closed doors to see which provisions could bring them aboard. But some of the targeted measures already in the bill have prompted a backlash, with critics arguing they could reduce health coverage for some Americans.

In a sign that the bill remains a work in progress, leaders added a couple of provisions Monday aimed at providing a stronger incentive for younger and healthier Americans to maintain health insurance. The new language says consumers that went without insurance for 63 days or more in the prior year would face a six-month waiting period before coverage begins.

The provision aims to satisfy insurers and minimize the number of Americans who may drop their plans if the bill becomes law.

why is no one talking about this? this is I guess in place of a tax fine of 700$ for no obamacare ?????

mnottertail -> RE: Healthcare....Incentive to buy Insurance (6/26/2017 12:04:17 PM)

everybody got the gimmick. forget the insurance altogether and just go into the hospital. let the taxpayer pay for it, free ride, so you will end up single payer.

AtUrCervix -> RE: Healthcare....Incentive to buy Insurance (6/26/2017 5:11:33 PM)


ORIGINAL: Lucylastic

Senate leaders try to bolster GOP health-care bill with incentive for consumers to stay insured

Senate leaders worked Monday to modify their plan to overhaul the Affordable Care Act, adding a provision that would penalize consumers for not keeping their plans, by imposing a six-month waiting provision before they could re-enroll.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.), who is hoping to win over a handful of Republicans before bringing the proposal to a floor vote this week, has been conferring with colleagues behind closed doors to see which provisions could bring them aboard. But some of the targeted measures already in the bill have prompted a backlash, with critics arguing they could reduce health coverage for some Americans.

In a sign that the bill remains a work in progress, leaders added a couple of provisions Monday aimed at providing a stronger incentive for younger and healthier Americans to maintain health insurance. The new language says consumers that went without insurance for 63 days or more in the prior year would face a six-month waiting period before coverage begins.

The provision aims to satisfy insurers and minimize the number of Americans who may drop their plans if the bill becomes law.

why is no one talking about this? this is I guess in place of a tax fine of 700$ for no obamacare ?????

And yet....10 million are signed up currently because there's a financial penalty if they don't.

Maybe we should just let the market decide.

Is it worth it? Sign up.

Is it not? Don't.

Hillwilliam -> RE: Healthcare....Incentive to buy Insurance (6/26/2017 5:41:06 PM)



Is it not? Don't.

Yeah, don't sign up then I pay for your fucking health care.....freeloading, entitled liberal.

AtUrCervix -> RE: Healthcare....Incentive to buy Insurance (6/26/2017 6:23:43 PM)


ORIGINAL: Hillwilliam



Is it not? Don't.

Yeah, don't sign up then I pay for your fucking health care.....freeloading, entitled liberal.

It's only thus because Obama changed the game...before Obama it want insurance...get's now back want insurance....get some.

MrRodgers -> RE: Healthcare....Incentive to buy Insurance (6/26/2017 8:30:45 PM)




ORIGINAL: Lucylastic

Senate leaders try to bolster GOP health-care bill with incentive for consumers to stay insured

Senate leaders worked Monday to modify their plan to overhaul the Affordable Care Act, adding a provision that would penalize consumers for not keeping their plans, by imposing a six-month waiting provision before they could re-enroll.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.), who is hoping to win over a handful of Republicans before bringing the proposal to a floor vote this week, has been conferring with colleagues behind closed doors to see which provisions could bring them aboard. But some of the targeted measures already in the bill have prompted a backlash, with critics arguing they could reduce health coverage for some Americans.

In a sign that the bill remains a work in progress, leaders added a couple of provisions Monday aimed at providing a stronger incentive for younger and healthier Americans to maintain health insurance. The new language says consumers that went without insurance for 63 days or more in the prior year would face a six-month waiting period before coverage begins.

The provision aims to satisfy insurers and minimize the number of Americans who may drop their plans if the bill becomes law.

why is no one talking about this? this is I guess in place of a tax fine of 700$ for no obamacare ?????

And yet....10 million are signed up currently because there's a financial penalty if they don't.

Maybe we should just let the market decide.

Is it worth it? Sign up.

Is it not? Don't.

All well and good unless you have any problems. If you do, then fuck you...just stay sick, crippled and the 'market' will tell you to just die will you please. And I am not talking unaffordable, I am talking, you are 'declined' as ineligible as too fucking sick or fucked up for any fucking policy.

The two main reasons most of the estimated 42 million Americans without health insurance before Obama care was way too much fucking money, or no policy obtainable at all.

The young and healthy who have always felt they never needed it, occasionally joined the elderly poor in the ER.

Their are no incentives available that will have the poor buy health insurance. Plus they have a number of state options confirming no national health insurance standards. So if your governor doesn't want to spend anything on health...fuck you too,

Once again, it's ALL about the fucking money. If the 'market' can't make a profit off your health care whatever the fuck that is...then fuck you.

Hillwilliam -> RE: Healthcare....Incentive to buy Insurance (6/27/2017 2:28:39 AM)




ORIGINAL: Hillwilliam



Is it not? Don't.

Yeah, don't sign up then I pay for your fucking health care.....freeloading, entitled liberal.

It's only thus because Obama changed the game...before Obama it want insurance...get's now back want insurance....get some.

Before Obama it was...If you don't want to pay insurance, you go to the ER and get treated and the cost is passed on to those who DO have insurance.

Fucking entitled libtard freeloaders.

Termyn8or -> RE: Healthcare....Incentive to buy Insurance (6/27/2017 3:04:01 AM)


People don't seem to get it. This country is not financially sound and neither are her Citizens. People live in debt. You think the national debt is high ? Look up the personal debt. Even people making serious good money have these half a million dollar mortgages on their house, and add to the astronomical heating bills due to those vaulted ceilings and of course a few car payments.

Adding a ten grand a year premium with a ten grand deductible just pushes them over the edge.

There has to be an out and nobody is thinking of it. How about instead of a "penalty" maybe you could just pay some extra tax and be able to use the VA ? Ex soldiers do not pay for it, we do anyway. It is given to them for their service, risking their life and all that and I do not begrudge them that one bit. But how about if the rest of us could just buy in to that ?

Then likely the system would expand and put some of these cutthroat motherfuckers out of business. As people find VA services to be adequate, then the sharks of the insurance industry would start dying off of atrophy. As such their rates would go up and send even more people to the public system.

The ACA in its present form has to go, most of us know this. But the republicans probably can't fix it even if they wanted to. The problem is who is paying the bribes. Another problem is insurance is big business in this country so no politician wants to tangle with them. But there are so many people these days that got fucked by the ACA that they can no longer avoid the issue. If they get voted out the gravy train is over.

The natural born problem solver in me wishes for a perfect solution, but you have to work with what you have. The only thing workable that I can some up with given the circumstances is to expand the VA, charge people on their income tax, and I mean a little check box that says "Charge me for medical care at __%" and then you pay that and you are covered. You are not covered for abortions, boob jobs, face lifts or any of that shit, just health.

Honestly, I don't know what else to do. This cartel or whatever has a lock on the market, and by Constitution, if interpreted as broadly as it has, applies, then we can do this and should. Protect this country from a domestic enemy. An enemy that is stealing our money right and left. But the major problem is that our politicians are in cahoots with them. If having a military base ten fucking thousand mailes away is protecting this country, then such a public plan is for healthcare.

They have been raking us over the coals for long enough. Let an adequate competition into the market to at least cool their heels. And I mean adequate. I do not mean a six month course of dilaud for a fucking hangnail. I mean dental is only covered when an abcess(sp) is causing infection. I am not talking about covering Lasik, I am talking do the cataract operation so the guy can WORK. Wear glasses, I did most of my life.

Respond as you see fit. This is not completely thought out but given our system and how it is, there is no other way that I can figure out. We have made these snakes rich and they are not going to give it up anytime soon if they can help it. Expanding the VA would provide true competition and I am sure the industry would lobby against it.

But we have the threat of voting them out, and this is one of those times we really should use it. How to do that is another story. Signed letters are usually regarded more highly than emails and such, and with a shitload of signatures, possibly ore than the margin by which they won the last election, they might just bend an ear to the public. All that lobby money means nothing when you are voted out.

Whatever this post means to you there is an underlying meaning. That is that what we have been doing is not working. It has been open season on the US consumer for too long. Big business has to be reined in and that will ever happen without a threat. An armed revolution won't really work, so then what is left ? The ballot box. We need new politicians who are not part of the old boy network.

In fact that is what got Trump elected, people are sick of the shit. Well we didn't get it. And Obama ran on the same shit and we didn't get it.


WhoreMods -> RE: Healthcare....Incentive to buy Insurance (6/27/2017 5:30:13 AM)


ORIGINAL: Termyn8or
In fact that is what got Trump elected, people are sick of the shit...

Because obviously, if you want the country to start living within its means, the best way to achieve that is by electing a multiple bankrupt whose companies are alleged to owe a billion and a half to their creditors.

Termyn8or -> RE: Healthcare....Incentive to buy Insurance (6/27/2017 5:37:11 AM)

Actually. you're right.


Musicmystery -> RE: Healthcare....Incentive to buy Insurance (6/27/2017 5:38:16 AM)




ORIGINAL: Lucylastic

Senate leaders try to bolster GOP health-care bill with incentive for consumers to stay insured

Senate leaders worked Monday to modify their plan to overhaul the Affordable Care Act, adding a provision that would penalize consumers for not keeping their plans, by imposing a six-month waiting provision before they could re-enroll.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.), who is hoping to win over a handful of Republicans before bringing the proposal to a floor vote this week, has been conferring with colleagues behind closed doors to see which provisions could bring them aboard. But some of the targeted measures already in the bill have prompted a backlash, with critics arguing they could reduce health coverage for some Americans.

In a sign that the bill remains a work in progress, leaders added a couple of provisions Monday aimed at providing a stronger incentive for younger and healthier Americans to maintain health insurance. The new language says consumers that went without insurance for 63 days or more in the prior year would face a six-month waiting period before coverage begins.

The provision aims to satisfy insurers and minimize the number of Americans who may drop their plans if the bill becomes law.

why is no one talking about this? this is I guess in place of a tax fine of 700$ for no obamacare ?????

And yet....10 million are signed up currently because there's a financial penalty if they don't.

Maybe we should just let the market decide.

Is it worth it? Sign up.

Is it not? Don't.

Health care isn't the same as buy a yacht if you want one, don't if you don't want one.

WhoreMods -> RE: Healthcare....Incentive to buy Insurance (6/27/2017 5:46:54 AM)


ORIGINAL: Termyn8or

Actually. you're right.


Show your working out for that one.
If the sorry little twat had recovered from his first bankruptcy, stayed solvent thereafter, and kept all of his successive businesses financially healthy, then you probably could argue that he'd learned a valuable lesson from the experience, and could be trusted to run a national economy as he'd seen catastrophic consequences of a credit bubble bursting on him. Sadly, what he appears to have learned from that and his subsequent bankruptcies and business failures is that he can avoid any personal consequences of financial mismanagement if he lies hard enough. That doesn't really inspire confidence, particularly when his only agenda for a budget is tax cuts for the 1%.

AtUrCervix -> RE: Healthcare....Incentive to buy Insurance (6/27/2017 4:46:25 PM)






ORIGINAL: Lucylastic

Senate leaders try to bolster GOP health-care bill with incentive for consumers to stay insured

Senate leaders worked Monday to modify their plan to overhaul the Affordable Care Act, adding a provision that would penalize consumers for not keeping their plans, by imposing a six-month waiting provision before they could re-enroll.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.), who is hoping to win over a handful of Republicans before bringing the proposal to a floor vote this week, has been conferring with colleagues behind closed doors to see which provisions could bring them aboard. But some of the targeted measures already in the bill have prompted a backlash, with critics arguing they could reduce health coverage for some Americans.

In a sign that the bill remains a work in progress, leaders added a couple of provisions Monday aimed at providing a stronger incentive for younger and healthier Americans to maintain health insurance. The new language says consumers that went without insurance for 63 days or more in the prior year would face a six-month waiting period before coverage begins.

The provision aims to satisfy insurers and minimize the number of Americans who may drop their plans if the bill becomes law.

why is no one talking about this? this is I guess in place of a tax fine of 700$ for no obamacare ?????

And yet....10 million are signed up currently because there's a financial penalty if they don't.

Maybe we should just let the market decide.

Is it worth it? Sign up.

Is it not? Don't.

All well and good unless you have any problems. If you do, then fuck you...just stay sick, crippled and the 'market' will tell you to just die will you please. And I am not talking unaffordable, I am talking, you are 'declined' as ineligible as too fucking sick or fucked up for any fucking policy.

The two main reasons most of the estimated 42 million Americans without health insurance before Obama care was way too much fucking money, or no policy obtainable at all.

The young and healthy who have always felt they never needed it, occasionally joined the elderly poor in the ER.

Their are no incentives available that will have the poor buy health insurance. Plus they have a number of state options confirming no national health insurance standards. So if your governor doesn't want to spend anything on health...fuck you too,

Once again, it's ALL about the fucking money. If the 'market' can't make a profit off your health care whatever the fuck that is...then fuck you.

Dude! It's always about the money.

It's never not been about the money.

(It will never not be about the money).

AtUrCervix -> RE: Healthcare....Incentive to buy Insurance (6/27/2017 4:52:10 PM)


ORIGINAL: Musicmystery




ORIGINAL: Lucylastic

Senate leaders try to bolster GOP health-care bill with incentive for consumers to stay insured

Senate leaders worked Monday to modify their plan to overhaul the Affordable Care Act, adding a provision that would penalize consumers for not keeping their plans, by imposing a six-month waiting provision before they could re-enroll.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.), who is hoping to win over a handful of Republicans before bringing the proposal to a floor vote this week, has been conferring with colleagues behind closed doors to see which provisions could bring them aboard. But some of the targeted measures already in the bill have prompted a backlash, with critics arguing they could reduce health coverage for some Americans.

In a sign that the bill remains a work in progress, leaders added a couple of provisions Monday aimed at providing a stronger incentive for younger and healthier Americans to maintain health insurance. The new language says consumers that went without insurance for 63 days or more in the prior year would face a six-month waiting period before coverage begins.

The provision aims to satisfy insurers and minimize the number of Americans who may drop their plans if the bill becomes law.

why is no one talking about this? this is I guess in place of a tax fine of 700$ for no obamacare ?????

And yet....10 million are signed up currently because there's a financial penalty if they don't.

Maybe we should just let the market decide.

Is it worth it? Sign up.

Is it not? Don't.

Health care isn't the same as buy a yacht if you want one, don't if you don't want one.

Except for one very important issue: We can't afford to pay our current bills.

All these moron Republicans that run off saying "well....why don't we all just run around singing Kumbaya" (or Democrats saying "Don't you even CARE????") missing the point.

It's more money than we have.

This isn't and has never been an "us vs. them" issue or....a Republicans against Democrats issue.

We have 10 bucks. The current bill is well over 150.

Out of that 10 bucks...we all have to pay for food, gas...etc.

At SOME point...someone has to say......"STOP!"

It is simply....mathematically....IMPOSSIBLE to pay the bill (our debt)...unless we all can agree that....we all have to take a cut.

It's over unless...we all agree to say..."ok....I'll do more with less"...or even..."I'll do less with less".

(And there will be pain).

This ain't about buying yachts.

Venezuela (an entirely BANKRUPT country) sells more wheat to the world than the U.S. did just 6 years ago (we were once, as some older folks may recall....the "Breadbasket of the World"..No longer). "They" (the world} doesn't need us anymore. Yes...we sell more oil but...the price is declining...even as it improves our balance of trade (and trade deficit).

We've been selling our seed corn for decades...whether through ridiculous union demands (see Illinois), or expectations that exceed what we produce ( cards and personal debt...which by the way, has grown faster that government debt for 35 years).

We need to quit lying to ourselves...beating our chests and (imagining) that we are the King of the World.

(We're not).

We saved the world 70 years ago....we had tremendous economic advantages because of same.

(No one gives a shit anymore).

The bill is now (loooong) over due, and we've been eagerly racking it up for decades (and...for the record...on the world's backs).

It's not's not's not even us against's just math.

Hate...and even point viscerally at every presumed demon all you want.

We did ourselves. The bill is due and we can't pay it.

Everyone has to put something on the table.


(It's math).

Musicmystery -> RE: Healthcare....Incentive to buy Insurance (6/27/2017 6:13:56 PM)

Yes, we can afford to pay our current bills. We just chose not to by gutting our revenue.

AtUrCervix -> RE: Healthcare....Incentive to buy Insurance (6/27/2017 6:41:56 PM)


ORIGINAL: Musicmystery

Yes, we can afford to pay our current bills. We just chose not to by gutting our revenue.

Ahhh....and considering that current taxes fall short by well over 90% of current debt (if we opted to pay everything off over the next 50 years with no increases in benefits...or interest).....who should be taxed more...and by how much?

(By the way...revenues haven't been gutted...and we still can't pay off the debt. Obama raised taxes and that wasn't enough to pay off the debt. Who pays more...and by how much?)

Real0ne -> RE: Healthcare....Incentive to buy Insurance (6/27/2017 6:52:15 PM)

here again I have posted out here countless times and not a peep, I figure its too complicated for this bunch.

Good ole lucy out here beating her drum every fucking post to get HC into law and I told her, again countless time it CANT WORK IN AMERICA.

You cant bring in insurance companies PERIOD. It DOES NOT WORK in a captailst society, and if they should get lucky and get something to work it will be a shit hole when they are finished.

Now get the insurance companies completely out of the picture (which they will never commit that MORTAL SIN against the 'COMMERCE' GOD!) and cap over the top hospital charges, suck medicare and medicaide under the same roof and a small percentage raise in taxes and they might stand a chance in pulling it off.

The bottom line is you cannot mix consumer and gubmint under the same umbrella, you heard it here first, way back when the clinton mobsters introduced it, r1 called it, and now I offer you all a nugget of cheez with your fucking whine!

ALL common law countries created under or connected to britain using the rothschild banking scheme operate in debt!


and the moral of that story is anything britain touches is or goes bankrupt, the ME is next! R1 makes the call here and now.

Musicmystery -> RE: Healthcare....Incentive to buy Insurance (6/27/2017 7:07:58 PM)




ORIGINAL: Musicmystery

Yes, we can afford to pay our current bills. We just chose not to by gutting our revenue.

Ahhh....and considering that current taxes fall short by well over 90% of current debt (if we opted to pay everything off over the next 50 years with no increases in benefits...or interest).....who should be taxed more...and by how much?

(By the way...revenues haven't been gutted...and we still can't pay off the debt. Obama raised taxes and that wasn't enough to pay off the debt. Who pays more...and by how much?)

All fine questions. But the truth of the matter is still that we wanted stuff, were paying for it, chose not to, added more stuff, and could pay for it but still choose not to, accumulating debt instead.

Point--it's simply not true we can't afford things. We can afford a HUGE military, for example. The better question would be (a) which things do we want because they are worth it and (b) how much are we willing to pay for the things we think are worth it.

THAT would be a honest discussion. Instead--smoke and mirrors, with dishonest politicians hoping that growth will magically tide them over, while moronic voters keep rubber stamping their idiotic structural deficit.

Real0ne -> RE: Healthcare....Incentive to buy Insurance (6/27/2017 7:09:59 PM)

what they are saying is pay for it with WHAT?

I drive down the streets and it looks like a fucking ghost town!

Musicmystery -> RE: Healthcare....Incentive to buy Insurance (6/27/2017 7:10:40 PM)

Hmmm. You should move somewhere nicer.

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