RE: Lesbian Couple Chemically Altering Their 11-year-old Boy to Prep For Sex-change Surgery (Full Version)

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stef -> RE: Lesbian Couple Chemically Altering Their 11-year-old Boy to Prep For Sex-change Surgery (7/27/2017 4:40:45 PM)


ORIGINAL: Termyn8or

What am I getting here, that some people approve of this ?

Clearly, or people wouldn't be doing it. It's much more common than you might believe.


Too young to vote, drive, have a bank account buy a gun, go in the military, enter into a legal contract, but old enough to do this which is something that will permanently affect their life.

Delaying the onset of puberty by the use of a GnRH agonist isn't exactly the debilitating horror show you seem to think it is. It has been in use for decades to treat adolescents who show signs of precocious puberty. Exactly what are these "permanent effects" that seem to cause you so much consternation?


I say don't let them do this until the kid is eighteen.

Which would negate it's effectiveness as nearly everyone has begun developing secondary sexual characteristics long before they turn 18.


And people disagree with that ? WTF ?

Yes, people disagree with you.

Shocking, I know.

Termyn8or -> RE: Lesbian Couple Chemically Altering Their 11-year-old Boy to Prep For Sex-change Surgery (7/27/2017 8:23:42 PM)

Common sense and sensibility have definitely left the building.


WickedsDesire -> RE: Lesbian Couple Chemically Altering Their 11-year-old Boy to Prep For Sex-change Surgery (7/27/2017 8:55:55 PM)

Awesome credible link

Greta75 -> RE: Lesbian Couple Chemically Altering Their 11-year-old Boy to Prep For Sex-change Surgery (7/27/2017 9:36:20 PM)

This is why I do not approve of gay marriage or a child being raised by same sex couples.

I don't care if same sex couples wanna live together and fuck like rabbits for the rest of their life.

But if they care about proper child development, they shouldn't have kids.

There is no research on earth that says that same sex couples is healthier for children's development than having different gendered parents. This means that it is a preventable not ideal situation for a child to grow up in. And they INTENTIONALLY put a child through something that could be harmful for their development.

What there should simply be is a registry.

I mean, even if I am married, I may want my brother to be the decision maker if I am incapacitated instead of my husband. And for my husband to have no rights to any decisions by my will.

So that same sex couples can appoint their significant other on this registry.

Problem solved for everything. They just want their chosen significant other to have rights over them, like a married couple.

WickedsDesire -> RE: Lesbian Couple Chemically Altering Their 11-year-old Boy to Prep For Sex-change Surgery (7/27/2017 9:59:59 PM)

I find his link wanton of an iota of reality - you I would put over my knee

Its 6am here and the shop doesn't open till 7am and i am out of coffee - if anyone wondered :)

stef -> RE: Lesbian Couple Chemically Altering Their 11-year-old Boy to Prep For Sex-change Surgery (7/27/2017 10:08:43 PM)


ORIGINAL: Termyn8or

Common sense and sensibility have definitely left the building.

When was it ever in your building?

Still waiting to hear about these horrible "permanent effects" you were referring to.

WhoreMods -> RE: Lesbian Couple Chemically Altering Their 11-year-old Boy to Prep For Sex-change Surgery (7/28/2017 4:46:49 AM)


ORIGINAL: Termyn8or


What am I getting here, that some people approve of this ? Too young to vote, drive, have a bank account buy a gun, go in the military, enter into a legal contract, but old enough to do this which is something that will permanently affect their life. In many places you can't even get your ears pierced at that age without parental consent. Of course most do consent but this is a bit more than an ear piercing.

Got it..

I say don't let them do this until the kid is eighteen. And people disagree with that ? WTF ?


Again: why are you advocating the sort of goverment intervention into child raising and spending of public money that you're normally opposed to in this specific case?
If you're picking out specific cases to object to rather than applying your standards universally, then that's a double standard and you're a hypocrite.
Clear now?

BoscoX -> RE: Lesbian Couple Chemically Altering Their 11-year-old Boy to Prep For Sex-change Surgery (7/28/2017 4:56:36 AM)


ORIGINAL: Termyn8or

Common sense and sensibility have definitely left the building.


For the most part, leftists are literally insane.

itsSIRtou -> RE: Lesbian Couple Chemically Altering Their 11-year-old Boy to Prep For Sex-change Surgery (7/29/2017 9:13:45 PM)



For the most part, leftists are literally insane.

so sayeth the one trick gelding...

WickedsDesire -> RE: Lesbian Couple Chemically Altering Their 11-year-old Boy to Prep For Sex-change Surgery (7/29/2017 9:19:45 PM)

mums basement that one

Termyn8or -> RE: Lesbian Couple Chemically Altering Their 11-year-old Boy to Prep For Sex-change Surgery (7/29/2017 11:12:38 PM)


This is ridiculous. We are talking twelve fucking years old. The kid might have never even jacked off yet.

Even if you were talking 15 or 16 maybe I could understand.

You got a pill for when the dog dies, a different one for when the cat dies. Anyone feels sad, drug them up. Kid likes to feel like a girl, let him be a transvestite or whatever. But surgery ? That is a different story. And hormones ? We have enough problems with manufactured drugs in this country.

I think you people are fucking wrong on this issue.

There is not much more to say really. Too young. Which word is not in your vocabulary ? I am not totally against it, but the kid should be eighteen before doing shit like this. If you can't understand that I don't know what to tell you. He is a minor, he is legally incapable of making these decisions, that he may regret later. His guardians are doing wrong.

What's more it occurs to me that RM actually has a point here. Why didn't they just adopt a girl ?

You tell me people, who support this bullshit. If they wanted a girl they could have specified. Isn't that even a little bit suspicious ? In light of that viewpoint, RM might be right, that they are Man haters. Think about this. When you adopt, you can pick and choose. Why did they pick a boy ? If they wanted a girl, why didn't they pick a girl ? All sold into white slavery in Israel or some shit ? I don't buy that.

What these cunt are doing is wrong, and nothing you say can change that. If he was older maybe it would be a different story, but he isn't. It is wrong because he does not have the intellectual capacity to make such decisions of this nature. This is the same fucking reason he is not allowed to drive a car, have a gun, have a bank account, enter into a legal contract. He can't even get a tattoo in many areas. (I mean geographically)

These drugs they give him are pushing him into something that might just be a fad. If he regrets it later, who does he sue ? There will be nobody to sue. He will be fucked, or actually not fucked.

And some of you think it is OK to fuck with a kid's development in this way ? That is sickening. It is more Orwellian than Orwell. Each should be allowed to grow in their own way, without this type of intervention. If you do not agree, then so be it. But then you change the world like that, I will be glad to be gone.

If you don't even think that people should be of the age of majority before making such decisions, you are sick. Maybe those who associate kinksters with perverts are right.


LadyPact -> RE: Lesbian Couple Chemically Altering Their 11-year-old Boy to Prep For Sex-change Surgery (7/29/2017 11:30:51 PM)


What do y'all feel about Jazz Jennings?

WickedsDesire -> RE: Lesbian Couple Chemically Altering Their 11-year-old Boy to Prep For Sex-change Surgery (7/29/2017 11:33:02 PM)

I think Respectman an idiot with no identity or a brain, and, you a fuking idiot moron with no identity and bereft of brain - btw did you vote for Trump?

PeonForHer -> RE: Lesbian Couple Chemically Altering Their 11-year-old Boy to Prep For Sex-change Surgery (7/30/2017 1:58:02 AM)


But at 12 years old it is a different story. Why don't you let the kid have a gun, drive your car, have heroin and booze ? BECAUSE THEY ARE TOO FUCKING YOUNG.

What's all this anti 2nd Amendment commie bullshit? The 2nd says 'people' - aren't children people, too?

WhoreMods -> RE: Lesbian Couple Chemically Altering Their 11-year-old Boy to Prep For Sex-change Surgery (7/30/2017 5:19:54 AM)




But at 12 years old it is a different story. Why don't you let the kid have a gun, drive your car, have heroin and booze ? BECAUSE THEY ARE TOO FUCKING YOUNG.

What's all this anti 2nd Amendment commie bullshit? The 2nd says 'people' - aren't children people, too?

Not if they're being raised by a lesbian couple, no.

Musicmystery -> RE: Lesbian Couple Chemically Altering Their 11-year-old Boy to Prep For Sex-change Surgery (7/30/2017 5:33:04 AM)

Not everyone should be allowed to play with the Internet.

It's not protected by the Bill of Rights, after all.

Kaliko -> RE: Lesbian Couple Chemically Altering Their 11-year-old Boy to Prep For Sex-change Surgery (7/30/2017 6:07:35 AM)


Here is an older, but slightly more balanced, article about this child. Transgender kids: Painful quest to be who they are

But here is what I honestly still don't get.

From the article:

"Transgender children experience a disconnect between their sex, which is anatomy, and their gender, which includes behaviors, roles and activities. In Thomas' case, he has a male body, but he prefers female things likes skirts and dolls, rather than pants and trucks."


"Throughout his childhood, Thomas wanted to read Wonder Woman comics rather than Superman, wear rhinestone-studded hairbands instead of baseball caps and play with dolls rather than action figures. And, his parents said, he kept insisting he was a girl."

Reading Wonder Woman, wearing skirts, and playing with dolls doesn't make a person female. So why are we trying to change the body to match the perception?

Also from the article: "Moreno and Lobel allowed their child pick his own clothes at age 8. Thomas chose girl's clothing and also picked four bras." Yeah, no eight year old needs bras, male or female, save for the few early-developed young girls that we know are out there. This alone tells me that the guardians are a little fucked in the head. A training bra, maybe, for a young girl who is interested in what's ahead of her, sure. Four bras? For what, dress up? That's fucked up.

LadyPact -> RE: Lesbian Couple Chemically Altering Their 11-year-old Boy to Prep For Sex-change Surgery (7/30/2017 9:21:08 AM)

I had multiple training bras. Wearing the same one, for a full school week, would have been disgusting. Does anybody here want to wear the same undergarment for five days in a row? Live in a high humidity area, do ya? When was the last time you changed your socks?

Kaliko -> RE: Lesbian Couple Chemically Altering Their 11-year-old Boy to Prep For Sex-change Surgery (7/30/2017 9:36:04 AM)

I meant to buy one so they can see what it's about. When the time comes to actually wear a bra, training or otherwise, of course more than one is necessary.

PeonForHer -> RE: Lesbian Couple Chemically Altering Their 11-year-old Boy to Prep For Sex-change Surgery (7/30/2017 10:20:05 AM)






But at 12 years old it is a different story. Why don't you let the kid have a gun, drive your car, have heroin and booze ? BECAUSE THEY ARE TOO FUCKING YOUNG.

What's all this anti 2nd Amendment commie bullshit? The 2nd says 'people' - aren't children people, too?

Not if they're being raised by a lesbian couple, no.

Hmm. I hadn't thought of that.

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