RE: Modern Contemporary Atheist Mythology (Full Version)

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Real0ne -> RE: Modern Contemporary Atheist Mythology (8/8/2017 2:15:16 PM)









If you lack belief you have no legitimately expressable opinion yet at the very same time you express an opinion that in fact is a belief, a belief there is no God.

So that would also apply if I were to alter that to

"If you lack belief you have no legitimately expressable opinion yet at the very same time you express an opinion that in fact is a belief, a belief there are no pogo-sticking elves in my street" ...?

I'm taking it, then, that you don't agree with the alteration? I can't replace 'belief in God' with 'belief in pogo-sticking elves'? Why not?

sure I dont have a problem with that said the way using my statement, my point still stands, its as senseless with elves as it is with God, its not what objet you insert its purely the contradiction of your statement so you should avoid changing the argument to a strawman as it appears you are attempting to do.

to be perfectly clear

If you lack belief you have no legitimately expressable opinion yet at the very same time you express an opinion that in fact is a belief, a belief there is no elf.

You have nowhere else to go RO. You see, G o d...IS the ultimate strawman. He was invented whole cloth, out of thin air to justify power, human violence, murder, subjugation and prejudice. The religious affairs built around [god] has also proven to be quite profitable. I mean come on man...I could buy ($$) absolution ?

You see RO, in Islam for sure and even to more 'religions' you are going straight to hell and simply for being a their god.

For 1/3 of the religious world, 2 out of every other Muslim, Christian and going to hell. You can't all be right but you can wrong.

Anybody out there doesn't have a god ? Invent one...he'll (she'll) just fine.

Thats not even acceptable rhetoric much less good rhetoric. What you fail to comprehend is that you merely have chosen a different god. This thread is about atheist mythology that as far as I am concerned proves to any reasonable person that the atheists dogma is no more 'fact' than the believers dogma.

I already pointed out proved in another thread that atheists hijacked believer dogma and simply relabelled it, its what every gubmint does and they enforce it as law while at the same time advertising themselves as purely secular while establishing their own flavor of 'religion'.

The 'lack belief' argument is so easy to prove as bullshit I did it with both brains tied behind my head.

No one on the planet nets more profit than the ZioJiz orwellian atheist state.

Look at peons posts, that 100% state indoctrination.

mnottertail -> RE: Modern Contemporary Atheist Mythology (8/8/2017 2:18:06 PM)

what you fail to comprehend realretadzero is everything.

what does this god look like, what are his writings, what are his views?

PeonForHer -> RE: Modern Contemporary Atheist Mythology (8/8/2017 2:28:23 PM)


Look at peons posts, that 100% state indoctrination.

I'm almost glad you said that, RO, because I've been polite to you up to this point - and now I don't have to be. You're a lunatic. You're so utterly and completely indoctrinated with religion yourself that you simply can't imagine how anybody could just reject it because it makes *literally as little sense as elves pogoing up and down my street*. Yes, really, truly - as little sense, and worth as little thought, as just that.

'State indoctrination', you pathetic baboon. How? Is the State ramming Dawkins's theories down my throat on a daily basis? Or ever? On the other hand we get religious programme aplenty here - and on the BBC, the main and only 'state channels'.

WickedsDesire -> RE: Modern Contemporary Atheist Mythology (8/8/2017 2:31:24 PM)

There are some fine loons here 6packmalarkey;)(understand i have a limit) And didn't I quote an easy example of mythology real0ne and I have proven you to be an idiot and a you believe in gods - frankly I dont think you do

Real0ne -> RE: Modern Contemporary Atheist Mythology (8/8/2017 3:16:24 PM)

my belief system is irrelevant to the topic, atheist mythology... geeebus you people are hard up

Real0ne -> RE: Modern Contemporary Atheist Mythology (8/8/2017 3:19:33 PM)




Look at peons posts, that 100% state indoctrination.

I'm almost glad you said that, RO, because I've been polite to you up to this point - and now I don't have to be. You're a lunatic. You're so utterly and completely indoctrinated with religion yourself that you simply can't imagine how anybody could just reject it because it makes *literally as little sense as elves pogoing up and down my street*. Yes, really, truly - as little sense, and worth as little thought, as just that.

'State indoctrination', you pathetic baboon. How? Is the State ramming Dawkins's theories down my throat on a daily basis? Or ever? On the other hand we get religious programme aplenty here - and on the BBC, the main and only 'state channels'.

Well I am really glad you got that off your chest, now, atheists pride their religion allegedly as being based upon logic and reason and I have just ripped the rug right out from underneith their feet, take note the hecklers are in full force to distract the point made.

So do you want to tackle the matter and propose a counter point or concede?

For your convenience:

If you lack belief you have no way to express a legitimate affirmative statement yet at the very same time you express a statement that in fact is a belief, a belief there is no elf.

WickedsDesire -> RE: Modern Contemporary Atheist Mythology (8/8/2017 3:25:42 PM)

Lost me with that I am afraid - perhaps you could explain it fully?

PeonForHer -> RE: Modern Contemporary Atheist Mythology (8/8/2017 3:29:52 PM)


If you lack belief you have no way to express a legitimate affirmative statement yet at the very same time you express a statement that in fact is a belief, a belief there is no elf.

I'd argue with that except it's now dark here and I'm late for my appointment with the elves outside for a spot of pogoing.

Real0ne -> RE: Modern Contemporary Atheist Mythology (8/8/2017 3:41:10 PM)

take a pic of one for snotty :)

WickedsDesire -> RE: Modern Contemporary Atheist Mythology (8/8/2017 3:59:07 PM)

Who is snotty again? I thought that was the whore-one or me?

You would all do well to take a picture of yourselves in a moment in time - I feel

MrRodgers -> RE: Modern Contemporary Atheist Mythology (8/8/2017 5:21:46 PM)




Look at peons posts, that 100% state indoctrination.

I'm almost glad you said that, RO, because I've been polite to you up to this point - and now I don't have to be. You're a lunatic. You're so utterly and completely indoctrinated with religion yourself that you simply can't imagine how anybody could just reject it because it makes *literally as little sense as elves pogoing up and down my street*. Yes, really, truly - as little sense, and worth as little thought, as just that.

'State indoctrination', you pathetic baboon. How? Is the State ramming Dawkins's theories down my throat on a daily basis? Or ever? On the other hand we get religious programme aplenty here - and on the BBC, the main and only 'state channels'.

I agree about RO and I am now done.

vincentML -> RE: Modern Contemporary Atheist Mythology (8/9/2017 6:42:49 AM)



my belief system is irrelevant to the topic, atheist mythology... geeebus you people are hard up

It is your belief system that repels atheists and makes them what they are, not important that the belief system is sewn into your pockets because after all who has respect for your opinions in particular. So, let's talk about the Christian belief system. I know, I know, Marini, I am slandering you all, but your belief is your belief. I would not even apologize to Mother Teresa if she were here because the belief is greater than any of you individually and from my point of view it is a shame that you adhere to it.

Of diseases and natural catastrophes, 7.6 million children under the age of five die each year on this planet. I am talking about terribly painful and debilitating diseases like multiple sclerosis and different cancers, and I am talking about such natural catastrophes as hurricanes, flooding, tornadoes, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and other great natural disturbances over which man has no control whatsoever. So if you Christians are talking about a designer God who you say is responsible for all the beauty there is in the universe then I put it to you that he is also responsible for the deaths of those children every year, which are beyond the control of mankind. So what has it come down to? It appears that you all, or as the British like to say and I prefer, you lot have gone to crawling on your knees and worshiping an evil and cruel and murderous designer of nature.

Yes of course there is great death toll taken by man’s stupidity in conducting wars and causing starvation by not distributing food equitably around the world. But there is this whole class of deaths that are beyond man’s control and left up to the responsibility of the designer that you believe in, that you worship. It is not men who have created a virus or worm that invades the eyeball of a child and causes it great pain and ultimately death. It is not man who embeds a microorganism into the brain of a man and causes him to go mad. It is not human kind that invented schizophrenia or bipolar disorder or psychopathology that leads to mass killers and serial killers. These are not social events, but they are natural events created by your designer, your great Creator.

Whenever I hear anybody talk about creationism I can’t help but think about all the horrible pain especially suffered by innocent children. The Creator that you worship is a merciless, evil, sadistic madman. And what is so ironic is that RO castigates atheists for not worshiping such a monster. Well no thank you my friend you can have him, you are welcome to crawl to him. I cannot imagine why you would take such pride of kneeling before such a monster except out of ignorance.

WickedsDesire -> RE: Modern Contemporary Atheist Mythology (8/9/2017 6:59:00 AM)

You chose what jobbies to jam up your nostrils with the lying cunt nutters: let me refresh your savage flared nostrils inbetween the goat cock fukings you fuking pathetic sick mess of lies...I see they took out your spine - spineless lying cunt

MrRodgers -> RE: Modern Contemporary Atheist Mythology (8/9/2017 8:48:56 AM)











If you lack belief you have no legitimately expressable opinion yet at the very same time you express an opinion that in fact is a belief, a belief there is no God.

So that would also apply if I were to alter that to

"If you lack belief you have no legitimately expressable opinion yet at the very same time you express an opinion that in fact is a belief, a belief there are no pogo-sticking elves in my street" ...?

I'm taking it, then, that you don't agree with the alteration? I can't replace 'belief in God' with 'belief in pogo-sticking elves'? Why not?

sure I dont have a problem with that said the way using my statement, my point still stands, its as senseless with elves as it is with God, its not what objet you insert its purely the contradiction of your statement so you should avoid changing the argument to a strawman as it appears you are attempting to do.

to be perfectly clear

If you lack belief you have no legitimately expressable opinion yet at the very same time you express an opinion that in fact is a belief, a belief there is no elf.

You have nowhere else to go RO. You see, G o d...IS the ultimate strawman. He was invented whole cloth, out of thin air to justify power, human violence, murder, subjugation and prejudice. The religious affairs built around [god] has also proven to be quite profitable. I mean come on man...I could buy ($$) absolution ?

You see RO, in Islam for sure and even to more 'religions' you are going straight to hell and simply for being a their god.

For 1/3 of the religious world, 2 out of every other Muslim, Christian and going to hell. You can't all be right but you can wrong.

Anybody out there doesn't have a god ? Invent one...he'll (she'll) just fine.

Thats not even acceptable rhetoric much less good rhetoric. What you fail to comprehend is that you merely have chosen a different god. This thread is about atheist mythology that as far as I am concerned proves to any reasonable person that the atheists dogma is no more 'fact' than the believers dogma.

I already pointed out proved in another thread that atheists hijacked believer dogma and simply relabelled it, its what every gubmint does and they enforce it as law while at the same time advertising themselves as purely secular while establishing their own flavor of 'religion'.

The 'lack belief' argument is so easy to prove as bullshit I did it with both brains tied behind my head.

No one on the planet nets more profit than the ZioJiz orwellian atheist state.

Look at peons posts, that 100% state indoctrination.

Well there is no atheist dogma and the only fact required for atheists, is their disbelief.

You have shown no proof at all of anything really and the govt. has nothing to do with it.

MrRodgers -> RE: Modern Contemporary Atheist Mythology (8/9/2017 8:50:36 AM)



my belief system is irrelevant to the topic, atheist mythology... geeebus you people are hard up

But you still haven't given us any atheist mythology.

MrRodgers -> RE: Modern Contemporary Atheist Mythology (8/9/2017 8:56:29 AM)






Look at peons posts, that 100% state indoctrination.

I'm almost glad you said that, RO, because I've been polite to you up to this point - and now I don't have to be. You're a lunatic. You're so utterly and completely indoctrinated with religion yourself that you simply can't imagine how anybody could just reject it because it makes *literally as little sense as elves pogoing up and down my street*. Yes, really, truly - as little sense, and worth as little thought, as just that.

'State indoctrination', you pathetic baboon. How? Is the State ramming Dawkins's theories down my throat on a daily basis? Or ever? On the other hand we get religious programme aplenty here - and on the BBC, the main and only 'state channels'.

Well I am really glad you got that off your chest, now, atheists pride their religion allegedly as being based upon logic and reason and I have just ripped the rug right out from underneith their feet, take note the hecklers are in full force to distract the point made.

So do you want to tackle the matter and propose a counter point or concede?

For your convenience:

If you lack belief you have no way to express a legitimate affirmative statement yet at the very same time you express a statement that in fact is a belief, a belief there is no elf.

I 'believe' and in fact...I know, there is no evidence of a god.

WhoreMods -> RE: Modern Contemporary Atheist Mythology (8/9/2017 10:40:44 AM)





my belief system is irrelevant to the topic, atheist mythology... geeebus you people are hard up

But you still haven't given us any atheist mythology.

Don't hold your breath waiting: he's not much good at substantiating ridiculous statements* on here.

*(Or "lies" to use a more accurate term)

Real0ne -> RE: Modern Contemporary Atheist Mythology (8/10/2017 9:19:55 PM)

dont piss yourself

Real0ne -> RE: Modern Contemporary Atheist Mythology (8/10/2017 9:27:55 PM)













If you lack belief you have no legitimately expressable opinion yet at the very same time you express an opinion that in fact is a belief, a belief there is no God.

So that would also apply if I were to alter that to

"If you lack belief you have no legitimately expressable opinion yet at the very same time you express an opinion that in fact is a belief, a belief there are no pogo-sticking elves in my street" ...?

I'm taking it, then, that you don't agree with the alteration? I can't replace 'belief in God' with 'belief in pogo-sticking elves'? Why not?

sure I dont have a problem with that said the way using my statement, my point still stands, its as senseless with elves as it is with God, its not what objet you insert its purely the contradiction of your statement so you should avoid changing the argument to a strawman as it appears you are attempting to do.

to be perfectly clear

If you lack belief you have no legitimately expressable opinion yet at the very same time you express an opinion that in fact is a belief, a belief there is no elf.

You have nowhere else to go RO. You see, G o d...IS the ultimate strawman. He was invented whole cloth, out of thin air to justify power, human violence, murder, subjugation and prejudice. The religious affairs built around [god] has also proven to be quite profitable. I mean come on man...I could buy ($$) absolution ?

You see RO, in Islam for sure and even to more 'religions' you are going straight to hell and simply for being a their god.

For 1/3 of the religious world, 2 out of every other Muslim, Christian and going to hell. You can't all be right but you can wrong.

Anybody out there doesn't have a god ? Invent one...he'll (she'll) just fine.

Thats not even acceptable rhetoric much less good rhetoric. What you fail to comprehend is that you merely have chosen a different god. This thread is about atheist mythology that as far as I am concerned proves to any reasonable person that the atheists dogma is no more 'fact' than the believers dogma.

I already pointed out proved in another thread that atheists hijacked believer dogma and simply relabelled it, its what every gubmint does and they enforce it as law while at the same time advertising themselves as purely secular while establishing their own flavor of 'religion'.

The 'lack belief' argument is so easy to prove as bullshit I did it with both brains tied behind my head.

No one on the planet nets more profit than the ZioJiz orwellian atheist state.

Look at peons posts, that 100% state indoctrination.

Well there is no atheist dogma and the only fact required for atheists, is their disbelief.

You have shown no proof at all of anything really and the govt. has nothing to do with it.

I fully recognise your problem. [sm=lalala.gif]

Dr. Haidt compared the writings of the new atheists to people like Ann Coulter, Sean Hannity, and Glenn Beck who are known for their dogmatic positions. The study analyzed the entire text of each of their newest books for words and phrases that denote dogmatic opinions. Phrases like: “always” “never,” “certainly,” “every,” and “undeniable.” and in atheist Sam Harris’s book these dogmatic phrases represented over 2.5% of every word in the book. That’s five dogmatic words for every 200 words in the book!

oops I guess you are wrong.

No religion condemns polyamory as a sin except the gubmint, looks like you are wrong again.

Real0ne -> RE: Modern Contemporary Atheist Mythology (8/10/2017 9:38:10 PM)






Look at peons posts, that 100% state indoctrination.

I'm almost glad you said that, RO, because I've been polite to you up to this point - and now I don't have to be. You're a lunatic. You're so utterly and completely indoctrinated with religion yourself that you simply can't imagine how anybody could just reject it because it makes *literally as little sense as elves pogoing up and down my street*. Yes, really, truly - as little sense, and worth as little thought, as just that.

'State indoctrination', you pathetic baboon. How? Is the State ramming Dawkins's theories down my throat on a daily basis? Or ever? On the other hand we get religious programme aplenty here - and on the BBC, the main and only 'state channels'.

I agree about RO and I am now done.

peon just used that to jump in an escape pod to abandon ship before it settled on the bottom and hoping people wouldnt notice LOL

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