RE: how to keep my slave from coming to the website (Full Version)

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tamaka -> RE: how to keep my slave from coming to the website (8/28/2017 7:30:40 PM)


ORIGINAL: UllrsIshtar


ORIGINAL: tamaka

and always manages to ensure she always gets exactly what she wants. A master manipulator.

Actually, we both always get exactly what we want. Does that mean that he's a master manipulator too?

But yes, we reevaluate ever single year whether or not we want to stay together. If that, by your definition, precludes me from being a slave, then I'm obviously not a slave by your definition.

You're not. For several reasons. You are a manipulator.

ThatDizzyChick -> RE: how to keep my slave from coming to the website (8/28/2017 7:31:17 PM)

Clearly you do not, or if you do, then you are indeed the lying cunt I think you are. So which is it, are you ignorant? Or are you a liar? those are the only two possibilities, you are stupid or you are a worthless little cunt. I am going for the second

Kaliko -> RE: how to keep my slave from coming to the website (8/28/2017 7:31:55 PM)


ORIGINAL: UllrsIshtar


ORIGINAL: ThatDizzyChick

yeah, well you are not functionally sane, so whatever.

I just don't agree that contractual obedience is a necessary condition in order to speak of 'consensual slavery'.

No body said it was you stupid little cunt.

Various people, throughout the thread, including yourself, said exactly that.

You said that the basic of having a slave is that they do what you tell them to to, and that in consensual slavery obedience is SOP.
Kaliko said: "I do think that if one says they're someone's slave, that obedience shouldn't be an issue. I think that's what makes that person a slave: that obedience isn't an issue."
kiwisub said: "If the slave is not obeying the master, then she isn't really a slave"

Not sure how "contractual" got in there, but I wasn't thinking anything along the lines of a contract, implied or otherwise.

ThatDizzyChick -> RE: how to keep my slave from coming to the website (8/28/2017 7:32:42 PM)


It's just that Ullr read this thread today and pointed it out, which made me notice it, which made me curious as to the reason.

yeah, bullshit.

UllrsIshtar -> RE: how to keep my slave from coming to the website (8/28/2017 7:36:00 PM)




ORIGINAL: UllrsIshtar


ORIGINAL: ThatDizzyChick

yeah, well you are not functionally sane, so whatever.

I just don't agree that contractual obedience is a necessary condition in order to speak of 'consensual slavery'.

No body said it was you stupid little cunt.

Various people, throughout the thread, including yourself, said exactly that.

You said that the basic of having a slave is that they do what you tell them to to, and that in consensual slavery obedience is SOP.
Kaliko said: "I do think that if one says they're someone's slave, that obedience shouldn't be an issue. I think that's what makes that person a slave: that obedience isn't an issue."
kiwisub said: "If the slave is not obeying the master, then she isn't really a slave"

Not sure how "contractual" got in there, but I wasn't thinking anything along the lines of a contract, implied or otherwise.

My apologies if I misunderstood, but I took that statement, in the context of the rest of your post(s) to mean that you believe that if obedience is and issue, then that person isn't a slave.
Which I equate with it being contractual: that there is an agreement -implied or explicitly- that obedience shouldn't be an issue.

If that's not what you meant, then I retract my statement about you.

ThatDizzyChick -> RE: how to keep my slave from coming to the website (8/28/2017 7:41:12 PM)


My apologies if I misunderstood, but I took that statement, in the context of the rest of your post(s) to mean that you believe that if obedience is and issue, then that person isn't a slave.

yeah, and I have been telling you for days nor that that is not what I said, and you keep insisting I did, so fuck you and fuck your bullshit apology.

UllrsIshtar -> RE: how to keep my slave from coming to the website (8/28/2017 7:44:19 PM)


ORIGINAL: ThatDizzyChick


It's just that Ullr read this thread today and pointed it out, which made me notice it, which made me curious as to the reason.

yeah, bullshit.

No really.
I have developmental disorder that causes me to do that. I'm not going to go into the details of which one, and never will in public, because it's none of anybody's business, but for the sake of this specific point, it's functionally very similar to Asperger's (though it's not Asperger's), in that I have a very strong tendency to disregard tonal inflections, and other emotional content out of language, and tend to totally ignore it as irrelevant.

Of course you're right that, "not noticing" is an overstatement. I had noticed it, in the sense that I'd observed it. It's just that I didn't attach any functional relevance to it, and so didn't factor it as being noteworthy.
Especially not seeing that I often swear myself, just to provide emphasis, and when it provides a more pleasing cadence to the sentence, and so I wrote it off as 'filler' of that sort.

Either way, it still doesn't alter my opinion of you, because my opinion of you is not based on what your opinion about me is.

UllrsIshtar -> RE: how to keep my slave from coming to the website (8/28/2017 7:48:11 PM)


ORIGINAL: ThatDizzyChick


My apologies if I misunderstood, but I took that statement, in the context of the rest of your post(s) to mean that you believe that if obedience is and issue, then that person isn't a slave.

yeah, and I have been telling you for days nor that that is not what I said, and you keep insisting I did, so fuck you and fuck your bullshit apology.

That wasn't directed at you, that was directed at Kaliko.

I've tried to engage you several times on what you said, and have given up, because all it results in is you saying that you didn't say it, which seems to get us stuck in a circles, so I decided that it was better to just let it be.

Though now that you've responded to what I said to Kaliko, I notice we're stuck in the same cycle again, so I'll again leave it be, seeing that it seems to be entirely recursive.

UllrsIshtar -> RE: how to keep my slave from coming to the website (8/28/2017 7:49:31 PM)


Kaliko -> RE: how to keep my slave from coming to the website (8/28/2017 7:49:51 PM)

I won't explain it well because I'm falling asleep at the moment, but I think of slavery in our little BDSM world as more along the lines of mental bondage, hypnotism, etc. Not that one is bound to obey if expected to (or, at least, that's not the only reason), but that one is actually unable to make the decision to disobey.

ThatDizzyChick -> RE: how to keep my slave from coming to the website (8/28/2017 7:50:53 PM)

I don't give a fuck about whatever issues you have. You lied. Over and over. You lied.

UllrsIshtar -> RE: how to keep my slave from coming to the website (8/28/2017 7:51:40 PM)


ORIGINAL: tamaka

You are a manipulator.

I'm flattered that you would think so. Especially seeing that you're attributing me to have achieved mastery in it.

But I'm curious at to what specifics that assessment is based on.

ThatDizzyChick -> RE: how to keep my slave from coming to the website (8/28/2017 7:53:44 PM)


I've tried to engage you several times on what you said, and have given up, because all it results in is you saying that you didn't say it

No, you have tried to engage me on shit I never said. It's not my problem if you are too fucking stupid to understand what I said.

UllrsIshtar -> RE: how to keep my slave from coming to the website (8/28/2017 7:57:43 PM)



I won't explain it well because I'm falling asleep at the moment, but I think of slavery in our little BDSM world as more along the lines of mental bondage, hypnotism, etc. Not that one is bound to obey if expected to (or, at least, that's not the only reason), but that one is actually unable to make the decision to disobey.

So you're talking about internals enslavement (or similar), and the fact that 'obedience shouldn't be an issue' is in function of the fact that conditioning has progressed to the point of disobedience actually becoming more difficult than obedience?

tamaka -> RE: how to keep my slave from coming to the website (8/28/2017 7:59:45 PM)


ORIGINAL: UllrsIshtar


ORIGINAL: tamaka

You are a manipulator.

I'm flattered that you would think so. Especially seeing that you're attributing me to have achieved mastery in it.

But I'm curious at to what specifics that assessment is based on.

I'm sure you are.

UllrsIshtar -> RE: how to keep my slave from coming to the website (8/28/2017 8:04:18 PM)


ORIGINAL: ThatDizzyChick

No, you have tried to engage me on shit I never said. It's not my problem if you are too fucking stupid to understand what I said.

Actually, I did try, several times. Unsuccessfully obviously, but unsuccessful attempts at engagement are common place and happen all the time, so it's not really surprising.

So to appropriate your own statement: It's not my problem if you're failing to detect my attempts to engage you, in the end the conclusion is still the same: engagement on this subject is impossible at the moment, and thus, unless something changes, there's no point in continuing to attempt it.

ThatDizzyChick -> RE: how to keep my slave from coming to the website (8/28/2017 8:08:18 PM)

I did engage, but you decided to go with your lie, and you are continuing with your lie
The facts are simple: You lied. Repeatedly. You are a liar.
Fuck off liar, just fuck off.

UllrsIshtar -> RE: how to keep my slave from coming to the website (8/28/2017 8:36:40 PM)


ORIGINAL: ThatDizzyChick

I did engage, but you decided to go with your lie, and you are continuing with your lie
The facts are simple: You lied. Repeatedly. You are a liar.
Fuck off liar, just fuck off.


I am trying to 'fuck off' Dizzy, but you seem intent on keeping this going.

You're refusing to even state what I'm supposedly lying about, other than that you claim you didn't say something, and then when I post quotes to back up my claim that you did, you divert your assertion by claiming that I don't know what the abbreviation for standard operating procedure standard is.
When I assert that I do know, you again merely claim that I'm lying, without explaining what you feel I'm lying about.

It's an endless recursive circle, and there is no point to it. Yet when I try to disengage and stop the circle, you continue to indicate that you want continue hashing it out, it by replying to posts that aren't even addressed to you as if they're in direct reference to you and this topic.

ThatDizzyChick -> RE: how to keep my slave from coming to the website (8/28/2017 11:44:11 PM)


and then when I post quotes to back up my claim that you did

No you stupid cunt, the quotes do not back up your lies at all, they back up my claim that you are lying about what I said. Unfortunately, your head is so far up your ass you can't see that. Oh well, at least now I know where the stereotype of the dim witted Belgian comes from.

Wayward5oul -> RE: how to keep my slave from coming to the website (8/29/2017 3:56:29 AM)


ORIGINAL: ThatDizzyChick


and then when I post quotes to back up my claim that you did

No you stupid cunt, the quotes do not back up your lies at all, they back up my claim that you are lying about what I said. Unfortunately, your head is so far up your ass you can't see that. Oh well, at least now I know where the stereotype of the dim witted Belgian comes from.

Sorry Dizzy, but you are wrong on this one. In fact, you have been wrongl on a lot of things lately, and your only responses anymore are insults telling people that they fucked up, didn't understand you, then you say hateful things to them.

But the one thing that all those misunderstandings have in common is you.

I know I know, I should pay attention, fuck off with my stupidity, etc. That's about all you have anymore.

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