RE: The original arguments FOR the second amendment (Full Version)

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BlackSinMaster -> RE: The original arguments FOR the second amendment (10/6/2017 7:27:27 PM)

You are under some strange delusion I would not burn almost all & the unfit. I would start with NK myself. Do you know what Is second on my list? It would scare you. I am further confused as to why you point me in the direction of propaganda as you strike me as someone who does not know right from wrong. Therefore you cannot be believed. Incidentally I am a nationalist do you know what that means or does your blinded right label me as left?

BlackSinMaster -> RE: The original arguments FOR the second amendment (10/6/2017 7:37:38 PM)

They could of course convince me or persuade me wee bit. An open offer.


BamaD -> RE: The original arguments FOR the second amendment (10/6/2017 7:55:35 PM)












ORIGINAL: BlackSinMaster

Bamad is one of the most honest people on here. And you are what fukwit?

correct and accurate.....and he knows it.

No, you believe you are but your judgement is clouded by your racist fantasies.

AGAIN bama..... FACTS bamad....... SHOW FACTS not hyperbole, insults or lame ass comparison's to other groups.

u get off ur ass and prove what I said is wrong. I fucking dare u. there's My post - so u, as the NRA likes to say.... "stand and fight" or STFU.

Since no racial figures are kept on NRA members I can't give you the %.
I have pointed out that not one of the laws supported by the NRA has anything to do with race.
You want me to make up numbers since they do not exist.
That is what you have to do to show how few black members they have.
Can you do that? you made the claim so prove it.

LOL.... So in other words, u cant dispute a word I said..... Thank u very much...its about darn time....

And since at no point did I say anything that gun laws specifically said anything to do with race also is a dummy round for u. ....nice try...

The last report about the NRA's "board of directors" is 2015.... since deleted which is why u cant find anything on the nra's website....

I found this in 2016 and used it in a book report...

In part:

Overall, the NRA board members are 93 percent white and 86 percent men. Most are hunters, shooting competitively or for sport. About a third are current or former lawmakers or government officials. About one-tenth are entertainers or athletes; nine percent own, work for, or promote gun companies. Here’s a breakdown of the current board, based on bios posted by the NRA (since deleted) and other sources:

take note of some of the Bios on some of the board Members...LOL!!

So that should settle that point..... move along, bamad... ur part of the problem.....accept it.

Get real.
You claim the NRA is a racist organization which helps WHITE men own guns.
Now you claim that I am bringing laws into it because I want you to name one that helped white people and not black.
Since you have nothing to back up any of your claims you pretend they are must be correct because
one doesn't exist and the other I have demonstrated is pure fiction.

Edwird -> RE: The original arguments FOR the second amendment (10/6/2017 8:51:45 PM)


ORIGINAL: DesideriScuri



ORIGINAL: DesideriScuri
I believe this passage might help explain things....

    Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.
    Bold Mine

'parently, evils have yet to cross that line between sufferable and insufferable for enough people.

Right. We used modified turkey shooters to throw off the Brits, so now more modification of modern already 1,000-X more proficient arms as then is sufficient to worm our way around pertinent legislation and keep neighbors of nutjobs out of the discussion entirely is accomplished thereby.

Context is important, Edwird.

Of course context is important.

That's why you and others quote 240 yr. old sources in speaking to modern issues, right?

And taking literally what was written eons ago and thereby contextually misappropriating it as pertinent to contemporary discussion, right?

LadyPact -> RE: The original arguments FOR the second amendment (10/6/2017 9:04:26 PM)


ORIGINAL: BlackSinMaster

They could of course convince me or persuade me wee bit. An open offer.


Yeah, ummm, no.

That's going to work about as well as the three messages you sent me in the last few hours. (Yes, I count 'friend requests in that.)

Edwird -> RE: The original arguments FOR the second amendment (10/6/2017 9:05:59 PM)

OTOH, I'm a big Bach and Scarlatti fan, but that's an entirely different arena.

If we listened more to 200+ yr. old music and less to 200+ yr. old rhetoric, we'd be better off.

Brandenburg Concerto No. 3 in G major, BWV 1048

BlackSinMaster -> RE: The original arguments FOR the second amendment (10/6/2017 10:02:24 PM)

You lost me with that one. But I will hear you out; everyone should, and behold your dangerous warped and twisted splendor for the abject muckery it is. Not something I hold dear myself.

Feel free to post the “That's going to work about as well as the three messages you sent me in the last few hours.” Then show us all the three messages I sent you in the last few hours…..with time stamps, as you seem above board and an honest soul;, between such times as you forcefully try to shove your own mess down anyone decant throats an proclaim them as truisms.

The only reason I am on this thread is - I was simply curious as to how HeavyBlinker (he is one of those rare good oneson here) would deal with your gang of rat lying bastards on here and anyone who enables your not good self.

Personally I am surprised he has lasted this long on here and you, and your lot have not driven another decent person off here with your dribbling warped insanity.
Are you good person or are you a dangerous lying fuk?

Anyway, tell us all the three emails I sent you in the last few hours or do you fib?

But Heavyblinker chooses to hide his profile and sit in judgement so it is unlikely I will intervene even for a piece of filthy rat lying warped bitter twisted shit like you.

Every word he said was correct, not one of you stood up for him. Curious!

I really dont hold any grudges at all. But do you know what I hate? dangerous people like you...that ilk actually makes my radar.

Anyway these three emails I must see them - show us them all for beyond reproach or there is something very, very wrong with you and anyone else who enables your lying garbage.

Are you a good person, tells no lies?

stef -> RE: The original arguments FOR the second amendment (10/6/2017 10:08:15 PM)

Dude, seriously, take your fucking meds.

itsSIRtou -> RE: The original arguments FOR the second amendment (10/6/2017 10:18:21 PM)


ORIGINAL: jlf1961




ORIGINAL: BlackSinMaster

No complaints with him myself. Ask bamad a question he answers with depth and he knows fine well I hate guns

I personally don't hate all guns,..... I like hunting and target shooting Myself. I'm just tired of the indiscriminate sales of "people killer weapons",

the lack of responsibility of too many gun owners whos stolen weapons wind up in poor neighborhoods as currency for drugs.

bama just hates the fact that his race, his political views, etc...... are the problem... and that fact being pointed out.

and he has nothing to counterpoint with other than to lamely try to lump other groups in with it.

People killer weapons, I assume you are referring to the so called assault rifles?

Let you in on a secret, any fire arm can be a people killer.

However, for the record, I own two bolt actions, six semi automatics, 3 shotguns, six pistols, and two NFA registered weapons, along with a number of replica black powder cap and ball and black powder cartridge weapons.

The bolt action rifles I use strictly for deer, but then I was raised never to waste a shot, so never saw the need to carry a semi automatic to hunt deer.

However, I also earn a supplemental income eradicating feral hogs, and in that, the semi automatic is invaluable. As I have said before, I have seen a full grown wild hog hit by a semi and the semi needed a tow truck and the fucking hog wandered off on its own power, not saying it lived happily ever after, but it wasn't laying in the road.

Big boars and sows are not fat like many folks believe, and certainly not flabby like some farm raised pig. The are solid meat and bone, and dense as hell. I have seen adult pigs shake off single 308 and 44 magnum hits and still have plenty of fight, but hit them in repeatedly and you will drop them. Wild hogs are a serious problem in many parts of the country, and a bolt action wont cut it when you are dealing with a pack of the bastards.

Hell, if the state of Texas would allow it, I would use the NFA weapons on the damn things, belt or magazine fed.

But there in is the problem. Those people who do not support an out right ban do support banning certain types of rifles that have a very practical use in the civilian population. The only local that hunts hogs around here with a bolt action uses a freaking elephant gun, and he swears he has had a few that took multiple shots to bring down.

The state record for a boar caught alive in a hog trap is 800 pounds and he damn near tore the trap apart. The biggest killed in Texas hit 890. There was one in Georgia they claim topped the scales at 1200 pounds.

Now, you want to face one with a bolt action 308? Be my guess, since if you dont kill a big boar, you are going to piss it off, and unless you are in a tree stand, you might be in for a bad night.

On another subject, some say gun owners dismiss the numbers, we dont. Hell we are even pro sensible, enforceable gun regulations. What we are against is for non shooters to decide what the hell a sensible gun regulation is or what we can and cannot own.

No, not every gun owner wants a belt fed machine gun, and not every gun owner needs what people refer to as an assault rifle.

Hell, gun owners really dont have an issue with the back ground checks. The NRA supported the Brady Bill and has announced it will support a ban on bump stocks.

As for the statement the NRA is racist, I have to remind people that Charlton Heston, a life time member and life time gun owner marched with Martin Luther King jr. The NRA does not publish the ethnic demographics of its membership simply because they do not feel it is important. The NRA fought bans in cities with large ethnic populations not out of racism, but because those ethnic store owners have the right to own firearms to protect their businesses, a point made in the riots in LA after the King verdict.

There is ample footage of Korean, African American, Hispanic Americans defending their businesses with guns, and the NRA supported their rights to do so.

I at no point accused the nra as a organization, to be itself racist, (it does have plenty of members who are....)

bamad dragged that distraction out his own self......

I said that the nra's leadership is majority white, conservative men. and IMO that until enough of those conservative white people get killed by gun nut whites,

that the white male dominated gun lobby starts losing its own members to its own policies, and possibly by the hands of its own members...... not a damn thing will not even remotely change.

LadyPact -> RE: The original arguments FOR the second amendment (10/6/2017 10:26:44 PM)


ORIGINAL: BlackSinMaster

You lost me with that one. But I will hear you out; everyone should, and behold your dangerous warped and twisted splendor for the abject muckery it is. Not something I hold dear myself.

Feel free to post the “That's going to work about as well as the three messages you sent me in the last few hours.” Then show us all the three messages I sent you in the last few hours…..with time stamps, as you seem above board and an honest soul;, between such times as you forcefully try to shove your own mess down anyone decant throats an proclaim them as truisms.

The only reason I am on this thread is - I was simply curious as to how HeavyBlinker (he is one of those rare good oneson here) would deal with your gang of rat lying bastards on here and anyone who enables your not good self.

Personally I am surprised he has lasted this long on here and you, and your lot have not driven another decent person off here with your dribbling warped insanity.
Are you good person or are you a dangerous lying fuk?

Anyway, tell us all the three emails I sent you in the last few hours or do you fib?

But Heavyblinker chooses to hide his profile and sit in judgement so it is unlikely I will intervene even for a piece of filthy rat lying warped bitter twisted shit like you.

Every word he said was correct, not one of you stood up for him. Curious!

I really dont hold any grudges at all. But do you know what I hate? dangerous people like you...that ilk actually makes my radar.

Anyway these three emails I must see them - show us them all for beyond reproach or there is something very, very wrong with you and anyone else who enables your lying garbage.

Are you a good person, tells no lies?

I can manage that.

So, the first message included your first real name and again, phone number. That "why are you here" stuff was kind of stupid. The other two were "friend requests."

I may be a computer twit, but I know how to take screen shots. [:D]For what it's worth, I'm kinda familiar with ToS. If you're actually inviting me to post this stuff, I'm relieved of infractions. (I know you're really desperate to have the sliver of hope that people will call you, but posting that crud on the internet isn't the way to do it.)

Dude, you can't possibly be this desperate.

BlackSinMaster -> RE: The original arguments FOR the second amendment (10/6/2017 11:24:23 PM)

I am absolutely lost cat stood on my keyboard, earlier mid post, hours ago known as a few – not that that has any relevance to what you typed, or this thread, and I am fairly certain MsKarma the cat did not email anyone.

I will give you the benefit of the doubt as I neither like you nor dislike you. But I have to decide whether to view you as dangerous– normally I reserve that for bad predatory stereotypes, who are guys and talk a dangerous game.

Please share these 3 messages in the last few hours I allegedly typed to you on here for all to see verbatim.

No one has had access to my computer today, or has logged in via my wifi, other than me and my cats. Were you the lady who called me and bita fake together, and my lady?

Incidentally do you know only one person on this site knows my "real name (well she did travel half way around the world- was that the one you accused of her posting fake pictures of us together)" so you are at lie 4 alone in this thread. Lie 5 if you cannot spill your "screen grabs" Technically you are at lie 6 but but I lost count

I sense a Trump pattern. You have been guilty with this in the past with me have you not? Why is that?

Anyway show us these three mails I sent you in the last few hours. You can of course back up your nonsense?

If you cannot show the three emails, how about even one, then will you admit to lying? Your lies do not particularly bother me,. The why however does.

stef -> RE: The original arguments FOR the second amendment (10/6/2017 11:44:15 PM)



Dude, you can't possibly be this desperate.

I fear he has already proven you wrong on this. Several times.

Edwird -> RE: The original arguments FOR the second amendment (10/6/2017 11:57:34 PM)



Dude, seriously, take your fucking meds.

It's that Whippet's Descrier fellow again.

Collarchat's own Bruce the Robert, from scotchland.

bounty44 -> RE: The original arguments FOR the second amendment (10/7/2017 3:25:05 AM)

bama, you realize youre talking to wickedsdesire there right?

bounty44 -> RE: The original arguments FOR the second amendment (10/7/2017 3:28:01 AM)


ORIGINAL: DesideriScuri


ORIGINAL: bounty44
lastly: (or maybe not)

"How many national rifle association (NRA) members are black?"
"The NRA doesn't keep records of race, so this information is not obtainable..."

Do you mean to tell me they don't care about the racial makeup of their membership; that they might treat each member the same, regardless of skin color?!?

That's got to be racist on some level. [:D]

laughs...and we're right back to this thing aren't we?:


heavyblinker -> RE: The original arguments FOR the second amendment (10/7/2017 3:55:53 AM)

I don't think the NRA is racist, because they know that they are also causing guns to end up in the hands of criminal gangs in Central America.

There is racism on the right, but not from the NRA-- they're about selling as many guns as possible, not limiting their customer base. If the US were more like North Korea and put everyone in the military, they probably wouldn't have to do this.

They also block scientific studies into gun violence (through the GOP of course!):


In the 1980s and 1990s, research on gun violence in the United States was going strong. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's (CDC) National Center for Injury Prevention and Control (NCIPC) funded studies on gun violence, and research was bearing fruit, said Fred Rivara, a professor of pediatrics at the University of Washington and Seattle Children's Hospital. In particular, Rivara said, agency-funded research had revealed that residents of homes with guns had a higher likelihood of violent death in the home. [The History of Human Aggression]
However, once those findings came to the attention of the National Rifle Association (NRA), a political firestorm ensued. Congress members who supported the NRA first attempted to remove all funding from the NCIPC. That failed, but Congress did manage to remove $2.6 million from the CDC's overall budget, the exact amount spent on firearm injury research in the past year, Rivara wrote Dec. 21 in a commentary in the Journal of the American Medical Association.
More chillingly, Congress added language to the budget appropriations bill forbidding any CDC funding that might "advocate or promote gun control."
"The net effect is that we don't have any research going on in the public health sector about ways to prevent gun violence," Rivara told LiveScience.

22 years of all research into gun violence blocked by the right... which is probably why everyone keeps wondering why this keeps happening, and nobody ever really comes up with any solid answers. Oh hey, it must be the drugs he was on. He was just a psycho. He hated Trump supporters.

Good thing there's no actual research being done that might prove it's something else!

But NRA-funded private (AKA corrupt) studies still take place, so long as they get the desired result I am sure.

jlf1961 -> RE: The original arguments FOR the second amendment (10/7/2017 7:34:21 AM)

IF the NRA was as powerful as many claim, you would be able to get a gun at the local 7-11, and there are worse pro gun groups around than the NRA.

But, I find it funny as hell when the GOP lawmakers are condemned for stopping any gun legislation, while liberal support of those Dem lawmakers who fight any legislation that would actually make it possible for certain people to be prevented from purchasing guns in the first place, in the name of the right to privacy.

When a liberal screams that back ground checks dont work, I will agree with them, but then add the caveat that if every law enforcement agency, state and county magistrate court, and mental health care provider were required to report to the National Crime Information Service any information that would put a person in one of the prohibited categories effectively making it impossible to purchase a firearm, I get:

It would cost money the states and counties dont have.

My response is: How, the clerks have to input the information into their own computer records, all it would add is a command to send that to the damn data base, how much more would that cost in labor? 5 cents?

It is an invasion of privacy for a person's mental health status to become accessible by anyone with access to that system.

The only people that access that system are law enforcement and gun dealers, so, we dont want them to have guns, but we are not going to make it impossible to buy guns, AND lets also not put information in a data base that might clue some officer that answers a call on the individual that they have a mental or emotional condition that might need some specialized handling, so when the cop shows up, they dont fall back to their training on threats to safety and blow the fucker away?

Hey, you folks remember the recent incidents where cops have killed mentally and emotionally unstable individuals and it came out later they had been under treatment?

And people have screamed that cops need better training in dealing with those types of individuals?

Gee, what would have happened if the cop in question had a heads up that the suspect was being treated for a mental or emotional issue and for whatever reason, went off the deep end?

Could that have prevented the suspect from getting shot?

Lets take one example, Seung-Hui Cho and Virginia Tech.

Total dead 32

Wounded 17

Cho had been diagnosed and treated for a couple of severe mental health issues, but because of Federal Privacy laws, not only did Virginia Tech not know, but his name was not flagged on the National Crime Information Service database (you know the thing they use for back ground checks to keep crazy people from buying guns) so even though he was treated for them, he could buy guns...

And he did, and used them on his fellow students.

Well, the state of Virginia closed the loophole in their own laws that allowed for him to not be reported, and low and behold in 2008, George W. Bush, president, Republican, and avid gun enthusiast, signed a bill that strengthened the NICS requirements concerning people with mental health issues be reported....

Well, it still left one big hole in the problem, the part that would have made the reporting mandatory at all levels of government from city up was watered down, leaving it to the states to decide.

Oh there were sound arguments, Federal dictating to states what they have to do (state's rights,) privacy issues (oops, wasnt it the privacy consideration that allowed this nut case to buy a couple of guns and kill some folks?) and cost.

Yes a couple of republicans agreed with these arguments, but it was a lot more dems that were raising hell about it (Dems still seem to be stuck on state's rights while creating more federal agencies.)

So, while the NCIS rules were strengthened, the participation in the system is still voluntary.

And the NRA supported the stronger version of the bill, I mean hell, crazy people shooting folks makes them look bad, makes all gun owners look bad and they want more people to buy guns and no one to complain about it....

So, once more (and no one on the anti gun or more gun restriction side is going to answer, they never do) how in the fuck are new gun ownership regulations going to work if the key part of ANY gun regulation still has voluntary participation?

How is a gun retailer going to know if someone is prohibited from purchase if the information is not there?

Does the retailer need to hire a shrink to screen all potential gun buyers prior to running the back ground check?

Or is the retailer supposed to be psychic?

Hell, the libs supported new laws making it harder to forge ID's, hence the 3d bar code on the back of the dang things, and the week wait while the state sends you your new ID with all the new stuff on it because it is too expensive to have the equipment in the smaller offices to print the damn thing where you got it.

Hell the NRA supported the stricter NCIS bill, and they have repeatedly said they support making participation mandatory for all jurisdictions, which would help keep prohibited people from buying guns (Real fucking evil of them.)

Hell, the NRA has even stated they support automatic registration at point of purchase, which would make the fact retailers have to keep a record of all gun sales and who bought the damn things make sense, I mean shit, a room full of boxes with the damn hard copies of the ATF paperwork is a fucking fire hazard, seriously. Even the NRA thinks it makes more sense to keep 5 years worth of sales records IF the information was transmitted to the ATF at point of sale. One local shop is paying for 3 storage units to store their entire gun sales history so they are following the fucking regulations just in case someone needs the information.

However, the liberal more gun regulations groups wants every firearm to be registered with law enforcement, so the guy buying the gun has to fill out the same fucking paperwork twice, once when they buy the gun, once again with local law enforcement, and again if they move to a different state. Information that is already collecting dust in some back room because to keep their dealer licenses, the retailers have to store all that fucking paperwork until they go out of business or it disintegrates due to the age of the paper.

But the answer is always more regulations because the present ones dont work.

The simple fact is that the present ones dont work because they cant work with the way the fucking system is, and every gun owner knows it.

The NRA knows it.

The ATF knows it.

The cops knows it.

Everyone that deals with firearms on a daily basis knows it.

Everyone with an ounce of common sense knows it.

Everyone except those idiots screaming for tougher gun laws, that will cost millions if passed to print, and still wont work for the same fucking reasons the ones we have now dont work.

And because they dont work is the very reason some of the people are screaming for a complete ban of private gun ownership.

Nnanji -> RE: The original arguments FOR the second amendment (10/7/2017 7:46:51 AM)




ORIGINAL: DesideriScuri



ORIGINAL: DesideriScuri
I believe this passage might help explain things....

    Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.
    Bold Mine

'parently, evils have yet to cross that line between sufferable and insufferable for enough people.

Right. We used modified turkey shooters to throw off the Brits, so now more modification of modern already 1,000-X more proficient arms as then is sufficient to worm our way around pertinent legislation and keep neighbors of nutjobs out of the discussion entirely is accomplished thereby.

Context is important, Edwird.

Of course context is important.

That's why you and others quote 240 yr. old sources in speaking to modern issues, right?

And taking literally what was written eons ago and thereby contextually misappropriating it as pertinent to contemporary discussion, right?

Ya...240 year old philosophy just has to go. Those old white men need to be deconstructed into nothing. All the way back to the Greeks. And those damn Chinese philosopher as well. Why? Because edweird says so.

Nnanji -> RE: The original arguments FOR the second amendment (10/7/2017 7:49:43 AM)




In one major sense, I really don't care. I'm not going to visit the USA (as a fair few people here, no doubt, will be immensely cheered to hear [:)]). I could have been at that gig - I have pretty eclectic musical tastes and, were I to visit the USA, I'd say 'yes' to an invite to some good old country stuff were my host to suggest it. An intensive dose of 'Americana' in a night? Yes, I'd be up for that. However if I'd got shot and killed at said venue, I *know* what my family and friends would have said, here in England: "What the fuck was he doing? You go to the USA, you risk being on the arse end of some American fruitcake who loves shooting his gun too much."

I mean, Jesus Christ ... of all the harmless, ordinary things anyone could do ... go to an open air gig, sink a few pints of pissy weak
American beer, listen to some probably crap music, dance around to it ... the last thing you'd ever expect is to *get a fucking bullet put through you*.

British society is somewhat fucked up. American society, on the other hand, is outright insane. I would recommend y'all sort it out.

There it is. Get on with it.

I'd welcome you Peon. And I'd also show you that we can actually brew a few good pints.

MrRodgers -> RE: The original arguments FOR the second amendment (10/7/2017 8:01:56 AM)






It is not a free society or a democracy when the will of a minority is the driving force for the whole.

True. But the problem we have here and now is that one man exerted his will, and to the ultimate degree, on 59 people.

A lot more than just the 59 he killed.
Did you know the last of the guy in Texas with a brain tumour's victims died in 2001? I think there was a call to extend the statues of limitation on murder over that.

There is no statute of limitation on murder.

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