RE: Telling friend you are a slave and she should be more submissive (Full Version)

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DesFIP -> RE: Telling friend you are a slave and she should be more submissive (12/2/2017 6:30:07 AM)

Not clueless. It seems obvious that he gets off on violating consent.

LadyPact -> RE: Telling friend you are a slave and she should be more submissive (12/2/2017 10:43:21 AM)


ORIGINAL: focalss
I want the Nobel Prize in Psychology or Sexology now. I have found the one topic in the world that women won't talk about with their friends. Women talk about everything including talking about talking to the point men don't listen. Until now. No submissive has ever told a vanilla friend she is submissive. Or maybe just the posters here.

For what it's worth, this is a part of the reason that I got on this thread. It seems it's more directed at women, rather than specific to kink role.

Telling a vanilla friend that I happen to be into BDSM, if they ask me first, isn't the same thing as you are trying to portray. I'm sure if somebody tried real hard, they could figure out by my posting habits which nights I'm off doing my thing My neighbors could probably tell how often Engie's car is in front of my house overnight than anybody else could.

There's something else, too. (I'm kind of a stickler about this, so hear me out.) Any person in a dynamic or relationship that chooses to discuss such things with friend, relatives, whatever, is effectively outing the other person. If a person isn't single, or it hasn't been discussed prior, why is the so-called s-type removing the decision of the Dominant about who they will or won't be "out" to?


By the way, I never suggested anything. I asked if a submissive woman ever told another friend she is submissive and to try it or see how the submissive lives which I believe has been known to happen but maybe I am wrong on that in which case no Nobel Prize. I don't believe many men would tell their vanilla male friends btw.

Well, the Noble Prize thing is nothing more than a delusion of grandeur.

To do the reverse, I would never suggest to another vanilla friend that they can solve their relationship problems by including S/m into their lives. Or that the woman in the household should make all of the decisions. Or that poly is the right choice for every couple who has an imbalance in the frequency of their sex lives. Or anything else.


I did not say tell everyone in the world you are submissive except on this internet message board where I guess it does mean that and it also means to tell all your family, all your friends, acquaintances, coworkers, everyone in the town you live in, and in the USA, put up a billboard and make a video of it send out DVDs and force them all to watch and participate.

I'm going to stick my neck out and say that you posted an exhibitionist fantasy. People have those. There's nothing wrong with that.

However, not everyone gets turned on by the idea of being "punished" or disciplined in front of others, especially if you can't distinguish the difference between those that you "tell" or who you ask. I get it. A lot of male so-called s-types want this kind of thing, think female s-types have more liberty of expression, and so on.

My position happens to be that if anyone thinks they are counseling anyone on how to deal with dynamic/relationship problems, the LAST thing they should be doing is showing how messed up even a punishment dynamic is the solution. Why should anybody who lives a D/s or M/s lifestyle go to the "last resort" because an s-type has screwed up so bad that they need physical discipline? Are you really saying that you are not adult enough, while promoting this relationship style, that the GOOD idea is to require a physical punishment in front of others?


When people have said things they posted about I have asked about it for either prurient reasons sometimes or curiosity, mostly.

I think some of the replies are looking to pick a fight which is up to them and I enjoy it to a point when they start talking nonsensically.

Horse Hockey.

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