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RE: Furious Palestinians burn American flags - 12/20/2017 2:03:18 PM   

Posts: 10691
Joined: 5/6/2016
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ORIGINAL: DaddySatyr




ORIGINAL: DaddySatyr
I wonder what remnants of colonialism remain in the UK (and the rest of Europe) that they feel so entitled they believe they have the right to tell any other sovereign nation what they can and can't do?

Are you for real?
You people have spent the last sixty years telling sovereign nations what to do, and replacing their governments if they don't do as they're told. You seriously think that you're in a position to act butthurt because the unelected scrotum in the white house is bitching about people who didn't vote for him refusing to gratefully kiss his sagging arse?
The fact that you can come out with that with a straight face, and then bitch about "entitlement" is so beyond irony it beggars belief.

I'm on record (many times) here espousing my isolationist beliefs.

What that means is two things:

1) Yes, I'm for real


B) My admonishing the rest of the imperialistic governments in the world doesn't mean I support my country, doing the same thing. The equivalency doesn't exist. Had you asked that question, I would have answered. There's no reason to assign a view to me which I do not hold (other than erecting a straw man).

P.S.: I almost never have a "straight face". I tend to smile ... a lot; especially when people on the interwebz imagine they know anything about me.

If you don't like me generalising about your country, don't go making generalisations about the rest of the UN.


On the level and looking for a square deal.

(in reply to DaddySatyr)
Profile   Post #: 181
RE: Furious Palestinians burn American flags - 12/20/2017 2:52:02 PM   

Posts: 10663
Joined: 12/10/2016
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That's true but far outside the hitters' box. The Amish did not endure a long, humiliating time with their faces in the North African sand like the Algerians and Moroccans under the French Boot. The days of brutal Western colonialism are over and the price is being paid. Politicians in the West for their own selfish electoral purposes refuse to acknowledge the historical blame. You would think the defeats in Vietnam would have been a serious wake up alarm.

Muslims don't strap bombs to themselves and blow themselves up over something that they would have done themselves if they had the power, 100 years ago or any other time

Would YOU blow yourself over what some empire did before you were born, and specifically target women and children to die with you

Avenge an empire that no longer exists, for no reason

Why do you ascribe such stupidity to Muslims

They do it to please their bloodthirsty god. They do it in the quest for an empire of their own, in the name of Allah, exactly as the Koran demands


Hunter is the smartest guy I know

(in reply to vincentML)
Profile   Post #: 182
RE: Furious Palestinians burn American flags - 12/20/2017 6:19:58 PM   

Posts: 9980
Joined: 10/31/2009
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That's true but far outside the hitters' box. The Amish did not endure a long, humiliating time with their faces in the North African sand like the Algerians and Moroccans under the French Boot. The days of brutal Western colonialism are over and the price is being paid. Politicians in the West for their own selfish electoral purposes refuse to acknowledge the historical blame. You would think the defeats in Vietnam would have been a serious wake up alarm.

Muslims don't strap bombs to themselves and blow themselves up over something that they would have done themselves if they had the power, 100 years ago or any other time

Would YOU blow yourself over what some empire did before you were born, and specifically target women and children to die with you

Avenge an empire that no longer exists, for no reason

Why do you ascribe such stupidity to Muslims

They do it to please their bloodthirsty god. They do it in the quest for an empire of their own, in the name of Allah, exactly as the Koran demands

You give too little credit or have no understanding of the impact of historical events upon the individual psychology of civilizations' discontents. Your first sentence which serves as a universal declaration of what motivates Muslims in your misguided psychology reveals your confusion. There have been previous rebellions by the disenfranchised groups against the Colonial groups. The asymmetrical uprisings have been a constant companion and counterpoint to the story of militant colonization.

Unfortunately, you live among the "winners" and your historical environment ~ the time and place of your birth ~ make it difficult for you to recognize the push-back story of pissed off rebels that has always been a part and parcel of the history of the "winners." The propaganda of the "winners" has kept you blinded to the reality of life on the other side of the have/have-not line that has always served as a demarcation of the rich and the poor. You are conned instead to believe in some essential theocratic motivator that became the myth of the downtrodden. The wonder of it is that you serve to broadcast the propaganda of the Colonialists. But, I guess that allows you to avoid the embarrassment of living a life of plenty while the majority of humans toil for very little compensation. There is monumental inequity in the social justice that divides the super rich from the impoverished. Between them are the tools and fools who serve their banker/military masters to propagate the lie that we are innocent. It's not our fault that Haitians have little to eat. Well, actually, it is.



Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter. ~ MLK Jr.

(in reply to BoscoX)
Profile   Post #: 183
RE: Furious Palestinians burn American flags - 12/20/2017 7:12:37 PM   

Posts: 10663
Joined: 12/10/2016
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That's true but far outside the hitters' box. The Amish did not endure a long, humiliating time with their faces in the North African sand like the Algerians and Moroccans under the French Boot. The days of brutal Western colonialism are over and the price is being paid. Politicians in the West for their own selfish electoral purposes refuse to acknowledge the historical blame. You would think the defeats in Vietnam would have been a serious wake up alarm.

Muslims don't strap bombs to themselves and blow themselves up over something that they would have done themselves if they had the power, 100 years ago or any other time

Would YOU blow yourself over what some empire did before you were born, and specifically target women and children to die with you

Avenge an empire that no longer exists, for no reason

Why do you ascribe such stupidity to Muslims

They do it to please their bloodthirsty god. They do it in the quest for an empire of their own, in the name of Allah, exactly as the Koran demands

You give too little credit or have no understanding of the impact of historical events upon the individual psychology of civilizations' discontents. Your first sentence which serves as a universal declaration of what motivates Muslims in your misguided psychology reveals your confusion. There have been previous rebellions by the disenfranchised groups against the Colonial groups. The asymmetrical uprisings have been a constant companion and counterpoint to the story of militant colonization.

Unfortunately, you live among the "winners" and your historical environment ~ the time and place of your birth ~ make it difficult for you to recognize the push-back story of pissed off rebels that has always been a part and parcel of the history of the "winners." The propaganda of the "winners" has kept you blinded to the reality of life on the other side of the have/have-not line that has always served as a demarcation of the rich and the poor. You are conned instead to believe in some essential theocratic motivator that became the myth of the downtrodden. The wonder of it is that you serve to broadcast the propaganda of the Colonialists. But, I guess that allows you to avoid the embarrassment of living a life of plenty while the majority of humans toil for very little compensation. There is monumental inequity in the social justice that divides the super rich from the impoverished. Between them are the tools and fools who serve their banker/military masters to propagate the lie that we are innocent. It's not our fault that Haitians have little to eat. Well, actually, it is.

Muslims have recently attacked school girls in Africa, a pop concert in England, Christian women in Syria, a disco in Bali... A Christmas market in Germany. The Boston Marathon, a gay nightclub in Florida...

Look at this:

Indonesia's Crackdown on Gay Men: 'It Doesn't Get Better, Does It'

Muslims persecuting gays some more, how surprising (not)

We are often reminded on these threads that Muslims mostly attack other Muslims, as if thats something that recommends letting them into our country in ever larger numbers

Now you want us to believe that Muslims blow themselves up among civilians because of colonialism that not one of them was alive to see,... That insane howling makes the cut in your howler delusions but out here in the real world, thinking people know that Muslims don't need your tired excuses to slaughter innocents. All they need is their blood-soaked book. Their death cult ideology, and nothing more


Hunter is the smartest guy I know

(in reply to vincentML)
Profile   Post #: 184
RE: Furious Palestinians burn American flags - 12/20/2017 7:19:36 PM   

Posts: 10663
Joined: 12/10/2016
Status: offline

Why don't we see Vietnamese blowing themselves up at American embassies

Americans and Canadians blowing themselves up in England, or Navajos blowing themselves up in Washington

Hindus taking out busloads of British tourists

Why is it that only Muslims act like Muslims

It is because their Koran promises them vast rewards for slaughtering innocents


Hunter is the smartest guy I know

(in reply to BoscoX)
Profile   Post #: 185
RE: Furious Palestinians burn American flags - 12/20/2017 10:16:11 PM   

Posts: 9381
Joined: 8/29/2011
From: Pittston, Pennsyltucky
Status: offline


If you don't like me generalising about your country, don't go making generalisations about the rest of the UN.

It doesn't bother me a bit that that you generalized about my country. At this point, I wear the disrespect that Europe tends to publicly show for my country as a badge of honor. If it bothers Europe, we must be doing something right.

What amused me (yet again) was you, thinking you know the first little bit about my positions/making them up, as you go along. Why not just ask? I know why. If you did, you couldn't set up a position for me that's easy for you to knock down.

My country DOES involve itself in a lot of shit it shouldn't. That doesn't make your country any less wrong for doing so.

If I were running my country, the U.N. would find itself less one member and needing a new landlord.


A Stone in My Shoe

Screen captures (and pissing on shadows) still RULE! Ya feel me?

"For that which I love, I will do horrible things"

(in reply to WhoreMods)
Profile   Post #: 186
RE: Furious Palestinians burn American flags - 12/21/2017 1:41:13 AM   

Posts: 7522
Joined: 10/16/2007
From: Sydney Australia
Status: offline


Why don't we see Vietnamese blowing themselves up at American embassies

The preferred method in Vietnam was setting oneself on fire. This was used primarily by monks to protest against the war, US involvement and the corrupt to the bone puppet Govt of South Vietnam. Tibetan monks continue to use this method to protest against the actions of the Chinese Govt in occupied Tibet to this day


Hindus taking out busloads of British tourists

The Tamil Tigers, a Sri Lankan separtist movement based in the Tamil (Hindu) community area actually credited with first using suicide bombing, during their failed war for independence in Sri Lanka. The Tigers' use of suicide bombing was indiscriminate - they showed no regard whatsoever for any civilian casualties, and often used children as bombers.


Why is it that only Muslims act like Muslims

It is because their Koran promises them vast rewards for slaughtering innocents

As is very obvious from the above, Muslims do not have a monopoly on using suicide as a weapon of war. Even Western Govts are not above using suicide actions as a war tactic. All of the parties to WWII including the US Govt sent people out on 'suicide missions'. We have all been taught to regard those who sacrificed their lives in this manner as heroes.

So your proffered explanation is as stupid and inaccurate as your Islamophobic claims that I have just trashed above.

Why is it that RWNJs insist on parading their vast ignorance and obsessive prejudices so loudly and publicly?

NB: None of this post should be taken as defending the use of suicide bombings in any way shape or form. They are morally repugnant abhorrent, deserving only condemnation. Anyone who organises or executes suicide bombings must be met with the full force of the law.


(in reply to BoscoX)
Profile   Post #: 187
RE: Furious Palestinians burn American flags - 12/21/2017 4:56:10 AM   

Posts: 10663
Joined: 12/10/2016
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ORIGINAL: tweakabelle



Why don't we see Vietnamese blowing themselves up at American embassies

The preferred method in Vietnam was setting oneself on fire. This was used primarily by monks to protest against the war, US involvement and the corrupt to the bone puppet Govt of South Vietnam. Tibetan monks continue to use this method to protest against the actions of the Chinese Govt in occupied Tibet to this day


Hindus taking out busloads of British tourists

The Tamil Tigers, a Sri Lankan separtist movement based in the Tamil (Hindu) community area actually credited with first using suicide bombing, during their failed war for independence in Sri Lanka. The Tigers' use of suicide bombing was indiscriminate - they showed no regard whatsoever for any civilian casualties, and often used children as bombers.


Why is it that only Muslims act like Muslims

It is because their Koran promises them vast rewards for slaughtering innocents

As is very obvious from the above, Muslims do not have a monopoly on using suicide as a weapon of war. Even Western Govts are not above using suicide actions as a war tactic. All of the parties to WWII including the US Govt sent people out on 'suicide missions'. We have all been taught to regard those who sacrificed their lives in this manner as heroes.

So your proffered explanation is as stupid and inaccurate as your Islamophobic claims that I have just trashed above.

Why is it that RWNJs insist on parading their vast ignorance and obsessive prejudices so loudly and publicly?

NB: None of this post should be taken as defending the use of suicide bombings in any way shape or form. They are morally repugnant abhorrent, deserving only condemnation. Anyone who organises or executes suicide bombings must be met with the full force of the law.

Follow the thread, stupid - your blather doesn't follow, because what vince is trying to tell everyone is that Muslims slaughter innocents in Paris because of shit that happened years ago that doesn't matter anymore

Who else does that

And no, everyone is not "doing it" and it is not "war' as you claim, when they deliberately target innocents in order to reap promised rewards from Allah. They do this in places that they control, they do it until everyone but the Muslims are gone and then they do it to each other

It's called world-wide jihad, and it is purely a Muslim cult thing


Hunter is the smartest guy I know

(in reply to tweakabelle)
Profile   Post #: 188
RE: Furious Palestinians burn American flags - 12/21/2017 5:09:43 AM   

Posts: 9980
Joined: 10/31/2009
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Now you want us to believe that Muslims blow themselves up among civilians because of colonialism that not one of them was alive to see,... That insane howling makes the cut in your howler delusions but out here in the real world, thinking people know that Muslims don't need your tired excuses to slaughter innocents. All they need is their blood-soaked book. Their death cult ideology, and nothing more

Actually, they are alive to see colonialism today. Many Muslims regard the Israeli occupation of Palestine as colonialism. Don't they seem a wee bit irritated by the presence of an armed Jewish nation in their midst? You are so blinded by drinking the kool-aide you think the violence is motivated by a 1400 year ancient prophet they have not seen rather than by the nightly raids of the IDF on their villages or by having their olive crop destroyed by "settler" thugs. No, their violence is motivated by the violence committed against them since 1917 and 1948 and 1967. It is quite simple and common really: a marginalized and exploited underclass will commit violence against an oppressor state. That has been an unrelenting historical theme. Those who do not understand history are easy marks for the ruling propagandists.



Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter. ~ MLK Jr.

(in reply to BoscoX)
Profile   Post #: 189
RE: Furious Palestinians burn American flags - 12/21/2017 5:20:13 AM   

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And no, everyone is not "doing it" and it is not "war' as you claim, when they deliberately target innocents

The attack on innocents is the essence of modern warfare. Check in with the citizens of Tokyo, Hiroshima, Dresden, Berlin, London. Sherman set the trend when he marched on Atlanta: total war against the enemy to demoralize them and destroy their will to fight.



Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter. ~ MLK Jr.

(in reply to BoscoX)
Profile   Post #: 190
RE: Furious Palestinians burn American flags - 12/21/2017 5:36:02 AM   

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Their historic mass slaughter is well documented by their own hand. The Koran commands it. Study their history according to them and understand how and why they revel in mass slaughter

Bosco, you are the one fixed point in changing times.

The line from Holmes to Watson (though Holmes said it fondly, albeit patronisingly). One of my favourites in all the books.

Here: it doesn't matter what arguments and what evidence are levelled at Bosco and his ilk, nothing will ever move in their heads. They take *pride* in not changing their views - it's a fundamental part of their identity as people who eschew pc and *think for themselves* (TM). Muslims are Muslims; it's all in the Koran ... and that is that.
You're thinking of the photo of a couple of squaddies posed in front of the eiffel tower he's been claiming is a snapshot of Paris now for eighteen months or so?


(in reply to WhoreMods)
Profile   Post #: 191
RE: Furious Palestinians burn American flags - 12/21/2017 5:37:01 AM   

Posts: 10663
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And no, everyone is not "doing it" and it is not "war' as you claim, when they deliberately target innocents

The attack on innocents is the essence of modern warfare. Check in with the citizens of Tokyo, Hiroshima, Dresden, Berlin, London. Sherman set the trend when he marched on Atlanta: total war against the enemy to demoralize them and destroy their will to fight.

WW II was all-out warfare for survival, and no apologies are needed for making every effort to stop the Axis powers. Ours was an effort to save lives

After our decisive victory we graciously helped the fallen back to their feet

Islam will deliver the death blow if it ever gains the upper hand though. Again, they attack school children in Africa, dancers in Bali, women in Syria.

Gays in Indonesia

In many Muslim lands, almost every single non-Muslim has been eliminated - this is a historical fact. These are places where there were NO Muslims a relatively short time ago

Your jihadi friends are not the noble warriors of your delusions, and the only reason they attack is to reap promised personal rewards in the afterlife

In other words, they slaughter innocents in the most horrific, terroristic ways they can dream up purely for selfish reasons. The mansions filled with beautiful slave girls echoing in their cult literature and in their cult minds


Hunter is the smartest guy I know

(in reply to vincentML)
Profile   Post #: 192
RE: Furious Palestinians burn American flags - 12/21/2017 5:40:00 AM   

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Their historic mass slaughter is well documented by their own hand. The Koran commands it. Study their history according to them and understand how and why they revel in mass slaughter

Bosco, you are the one fixed point in changing times.

The line from Holmes to Watson (though Holmes said it fondly, albeit patronisingly). One of my favourites in all the books.

Here: it doesn't matter what arguments and what evidence are levelled at Bosco and his ilk, nothing will ever move in their heads. They take *pride* in not changing their views - it's a fundamental part of their identity as people who eschew pc and *think for themselves* (TM). Muslims are Muslims; it's all in the Koran ... and that is that.
You're thinking of the photo of a couple of squaddies posed in front of the eiffel tower he's been claiming is a snapshot of Paris now for eighteen months or so?

Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; howler minds howl about people.


Hunter is the smartest guy I know

(in reply to PeonForHer)
Profile   Post #: 193
RE: Furious Palestinians burn American flags - 12/21/2017 3:09:39 PM   

Posts: 21189
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Furious Palestinians burn American flags

Burning American flags? Hell Americans in the land of the free arent even allowed to burn American flags! We better jump in our B2's to free and save those heathens from themselves and lead them to civilized democracy.


"We the Borg" of the us imperialists....resistance is futile

Democracy; The 'People' voted on 'which' amendment?

Yesterdays tinfoil is today's reality!

"No man's life, liberty, or property is safe while the legislature is in session

(in reply to Marini)
Profile   Post #: 194
RE: Furious Palestinians burn American flags - 12/21/2017 5:55:47 PM   

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WW II was all-out warfare for survival, and no apologies are needed for making every effort to stop the Axis powers. Ours was an effort to save lives

No, it was the final gasp of European colonialism, whose death throes began with the fall of empires in 1919. Look at the evidence. After the end of WW2 more than forty new nations (former colonies) were formed and joined the United Nations.

Ours is always an effort to save lives and God is always on our side because we are good and pure of motive , and if you believe that crap I have a bridge in Brooklyn to sell you.


After our decisive victory we graciously helped the fallen back to their feet

No, we occupied and colonized the West while Russia did the same in Eastern Europe. We allowed many Nazi's to escape and we made consumer markets out of servile friendly governments.


Your jihadi friends are not the noble warriors of your delusions, and the only reason they attack is to reap promised personal rewards in the afterlife

Not noble warriors but desperate losers. Colonialism and its fallout are much broader and more interesting topics for the modern world than a failed philosophy like jihadism.


The mansions filled with beautiful slave girls echoing in their cult literature and in their cult minds

Please spare us your fetish dreams, sport. Save them for the "General BDSM" Forum.



Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter. ~ MLK Jr.

(in reply to BoscoX)
Profile   Post #: 195
RE: Furious Palestinians burn American flags - 12/21/2017 7:04:30 PM   

Posts: 10663
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WW II was all-out warfare for survival, and no apologies are needed for making every effort to stop the Axis powers. Ours was an effort to save lives

No, it was the final gasp of European colonialism, whose death throes began with the fall of empires in 1919. Look at the evidence. After the end of WW2 more than forty new nations (former colonies) were formed and joined the United Nations.

Ours is always an effort to save lives and God is always on our side because we are good and pure of motive , and if you believe that crap I have a bridge in Brooklyn to sell you.


After our decisive victory we graciously helped the fallen back to their feet

No, we occupied and colonized the West while Russia did the same in Eastern Europe. We allowed many Nazi's to escape and we made consumer markets out of servile friendly governments.


Your jihadi friends are not the noble warriors of your delusions, and the only reason they attack is to reap promised personal rewards in the afterlife

Not noble warriors but desperate losers. Colonialism and its fallout are much broader and more interesting topics for the modern world than a failed philosophy like jihadism.


The mansions filled with beautiful slave girls echoing in their cult literature and in their cult minds

Please spare us your fetish dreams, sport. Save them for the "General BDSM" Forum.

Make up your feeble mind, gramps. How was it bad that we "let the Nazis escape" if they were no threat

You're all over the place, totally wacked out and desperate. I didn't write anything about god, that's pure straw man

All you have are lies and these childish fallacies along with tons of denial. This is getting boring.

Everyone knows about the virgin slave harems that Muslim boys are promised. At this point you just keep making an ever bigger idiot of yourself


Hunter is the smartest guy I know

(in reply to vincentML)
Profile   Post #: 196
RE: Furious Palestinians burn American flags - 12/22/2017 2:19:56 AM   

Posts: 1035
Joined: 1/9/2008
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That's true but far outside the hitters' box. The Amish did not endure a long, humiliating time with their faces in the North African sand like the Algerians and Moroccans under the French Boot. The days of brutal Western colonialism are over and the price is being paid. Politicians in the West for their own selfish electoral purposes refuse to acknowledge the historical blame. You would think the defeats in Vietnam would have been a serious wake up alarm.

Muslims don't strap bombs to themselves and blow themselves up over something that they would have done themselves if they had the power, 100 years ago or any other time

Would YOU blow yourself over what some empire did before you were born, and specifically target women and children to die with you

Avenge an empire that no longer exists, for no reason

Why do you ascribe such stupidity to Muslims

They do it to please their bloodthirsty god. They do it in the quest for an empire of their own, in the name of Allah, exactly as the Koran demands

You give too little credit or have no understanding of the impact of historical events upon the individual psychology of civilizations' discontents. Your first sentence which serves as a universal declaration of what motivates Muslims in your misguided psychology reveals your confusion. There have been previous rebellions by the disenfranchised groups against the Colonial groups. The asymmetrical uprisings have been a constant companion and counterpoint to the story of militant colonization.

Unfortunately, you live among the "winners" and your historical environment ~ the time and place of your birth ~ make it difficult for you to recognize the push-back story of pissed off rebels that has always been a part and parcel of the history of the "winners." The propaganda of the "winners" has kept you blinded to the reality of life on the other side of the have/have-not line that has always served as a demarcation of the rich and the poor. You are conned instead to believe in some essential theocratic motivator that became the myth of the downtrodden. The wonder of it is that you serve to broadcast the propaganda of the Colonialists. But, I guess that allows you to avoid the embarrassment of living a life of plenty while the majority of humans toil for very little compensation. There is monumental inequity in the social justice that divides the super rich from the impoverished. Between them are the tools and fools who serve their banker/military masters to propagate the lie that we are innocent. It's not our fault that Haitians have little to eat. Well, actually, it is.

Muslims have recently attacked school girls in Africa, a pop concert in England, Christian women in Syria, a disco in Bali... A Christmas market in Germany. The Boston Marathon, a gay nightclub in Florida...

Look at this:

Indonesia's Crackdown on Gay Men: 'It Doesn't Get Better, Does It'

Muslims persecuting gays some more, how surprising (not)

We are often reminded on these threads that Muslims mostly attack other Muslims, as if thats something that recommends letting them into our country in ever larger numbers

Now you want us to believe that Muslims blow themselves up among civilians because of colonialism that not one of them was alive to see,... That insane howling makes the cut in your howler delusions but out here in the real world, thinking people know that Muslims don't need your tired excuses to slaughter innocents. All they need is their blood-soaked book. Their death cult ideology, and nothing more

We suffered from "Christian" terrorism for years in the UK at the hands of group who primarily identified themselves by their religious and cultural distinctiveness. There were logical political justifications on both sides, but nothing that justified maiming and killing people in front of their families and killing large numbers of people enjoying social events or simply out shopping with their families.

You also show a stunning lack of historical knowledge if you think that there has been no Hindu or Buddhist terrorism, or that the major powers of the West have not committed acts of terror over the years against Muslims, Jews and other groups.

None of these acts is acceptable and historical sins do not justify later action against innocent non-combatants.

The point is, BoscoX, that you are completely wrong about Muslims being in a unique position when it comes to acts of communal violence and terrorism, and you cherry pick parts of the Quran as a justification for your partial views. Your eyes are blinded by your prejudice, pure and simple.

(in reply to BoscoX)
Profile   Post #: 197
RE: Furious Palestinians burn American flags - 12/22/2017 2:41:16 AM   

Posts: 7522
Joined: 10/16/2007
From: Sydney Australia
Status: offline


It's called world-wide jihad, and it is purely a Muslim cult thing

If you are stupid enough to persist with your idiotic assertion that the conflict between Palestinians and Israelis is a religious conflict, part of the "world-wide jihad ... purely a Muslim cult thing" you need to come up with a convincing coherent explanation why Palestinian Christians and Palestinian Muslims are not at each other' throats but 100% united in their opposition to Israel's occupation of their homelands.

If the conflict was a religious one, with Islamists attacking all other religions, especially Christianity and Judaism, then surely those same Islamists would have Palestinian Christians firmly in their sights and be attacking them at all and any available opportunity. Equally Palestinian Christians would never ally themselves with a sect whose goal is their complete elimination (according to you) - that would be a suicide pact.

If the conflict was a religious one, then Pal. Christians and Muslims would find themselves on opposite sides of the firing lines. Yet the fact is that both Palestinian religious groups are 100% united in their opposition to Israel's occupation and theft of their homelands. And both groups suffer equally from Israel's abhorrent ethnic cleansing and apartheid. If your thesis had any validity, this simply wouldn't happen - it would be impossible, inconceivable.

So I am looking forward to hear you attempt to explain away the impossible. And if you are unable to come up with a coherent explanation, then kiss goodbye to your insane thesis that the Palestinian/Israeli conflict is a religious conflict and let it die the death it so richly deserves.


(in reply to BoscoX)
Profile   Post #: 198
RE: Furious Palestinians burn American flags - 12/22/2017 5:47:06 AM   

Posts: 10663
Joined: 12/10/2016
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ORIGINAL: longwayhome

We suffered from "Christian" terrorism for years in the UK at the hands of group who primarily identified themselves by their religious and cultural distinctiveness. There were logical political justifications on both sides, but nothing that justified maiming and killing people in front of their families and killing large numbers of people enjoying social events or simply out shopping with their families.

You also show a stunning lack of historical knowledge if you think that there has been no Hindu or Buddhist terrorism, or that the major powers of the West have not committed acts of terror over the years against Muslims, Jews and other groups.

None of these acts is acceptable and historical sins do not justify later action against innocent non-combatants.

The point is, BoscoX, that you are completely wrong about Muslims being in a unique position when it comes to acts of communal violence and terrorism, and you cherry pick parts of the Quran as a justification for your partial views. Your eyes are blinded by your prejudice, pure and simple.

You really can see no differences between the Muslims and their world-wide terrorist jihad that began under Mohammad 1400 years ago, and that has slaughtered hundreds of million innocent people so far (and counting), and a small localized rebellion

That's pretty darn special

Jesus said turn the other cheek. Mohammad said slaughter the idolaters and unbelievers.

Some Christians do not follow Jesus' teachings, while some Muslims do not follow Mohammad's teachings.

Regarding the Hindu thing, show me where Hindus or the Buddhists or the Christians are trying to take over the planet through violence today. Or is your telling us that Muslims are like other people in the dark ages really the very best apology you have for Muslim atrocities

Muslims do not kill because they are mad at George Bush or mad about a French occupation 50 or 100 years ago. That's not why they target a Christmas market in Germany, or a gay nightclub in Florida. It's a religious thing. You decry what you call "cherry picking" the Koran, but those are the verses Muslims "cherry pick' to justify their mass slaughtering civilians all over the planet

(Of course, wherever there are more Muslims there is more slaughter)


List of Killings in the Name of Islam: Last 30 Days

This is part of the list of killings in the name of Islam maintained by Most of these incidents are terror attacks. A handful are honor killings or Sharia executions.
During this time period, there were 110 Islamic attacks in 19 countries, in which 1524 people were killed and 723 injured.

(TROP does not catch all attacks. Not all attacks are immediately posted).

Date Country City Killed Injured Description
2017.12.20 Iraq Tarmiyah 1 2 A bomb near a market leaves one dead.
2017.12.20 Somalia Bosaso 2 0 The lives of two security officials are snuffed out by a Jihadi bomb blast.
2017.12.20 Iraq Khanazeer 2 4 A bomb placed outside a school entrance claims two civilians.
2017.12.19 Syria Damascus 3 8 Sunni militants send mortars into a residential neighborhood, killing three.
2017.12.19 Pakistan Thaneel Fatohi 1 0 A woman is shot to death by her conservative brother for leaving her abusive husband.
2017.12.19 India Bata Murran 1 0 A woman is killed in a shooting attack by Jaish-e-Mohammad.
2017.12.18 Pakistan Laiti 1 0 A young woman is honor-strangled by her two uncles to keep her from eloping.
2017.12.18 Afghanistan Lashkar Gah 2 29 A suicide bomber exterminates two bystanders.
2017.12.18 Mali Kidal 1 0 A UN peacekeeper dies following a terror attack by Jihadists.
2017.12.18 Afghanistan Rodat 1 0 A cleric is assassinated by suspected rivals.
2017.12.18 Egypt Arish 1 2 Jihadis lob a shell into an airport, killing one.
2017.12.17 Afghanistan Lashkar Gah 11 5 Eleven local cops are murdered during a vicious attack by the Taliban.
2017.12.17 Afghanistan Kandahar 1 5 A women is disassembled by a suicide car bomber.
2017.12.17 Pakistan Quetta 9 56 Two women are among nine massacred by two suicide bombers at a Methodist church during a nativity service.
2017.12.17 Iraq Maytah 3 0 Two physicians and an engineer are kidnapped and executed by Islamic extremists.
2017.12.17 Afghanistan Mazar-e-Sharif 1 2 Terrorists fix a bomb to a civilian vehicle, killing one of the occupants.
2017.12.16 Gabon Libreville 0 2 Two National Geographic reporters are stabbed by a man shouting praises to Allah.
2017.12.16 Afghanistan Tabar 18 0 Women and children are among eighteen civilians killed when the Taliban target fleeing civilians.
2017.12.16 Yemen Taiz 4 0 Shiite radicals plant a bomb that claims the lives of four government soldiers.
2017.12.16 Iraq Shingal 90 0 A mass grave is discovered in a former ISIS stronghold containing women and children executed by gunshots to "different parts of their bodies."
2017.12.16 Nigeria Gamboru 4 0 Jihadists ambush an aid convoy carrying food to refugees, killing four civilians.
2017.12.15 Somalia Mahaday 1 0 At least one person at a livestock market is laid out by al-Shabaab gunmen.
2017.12.15 Iraq Howeish 2 6 Two Iraqis are obliterated by a Shahid suicide bomber.
2017.12.14 Afghanistan Raig 18 6 Eighteen police are massacred by the Taliban in two separate attacks.
2017.12.14 Pakistan Aman 2 1 An attack by religious militants leaves two dead civilians.
2017.12.14 Somalia Mogadishu 18 15 A Shahid suicide bomber detonates at a police training camp, killing eighteen recruits.
2017.12.13 Iraq Mosul 50 0 Fifty Yazidi victims of Islamic State are found in a mass grave.
2017.12.12 Cameroon Mayo-Sava 1 0 A villager is taken out by a Fedayeen suicide bomber.
2017.12.12 Iraq Mukhisa 1 0 A woman working in an orchard is brutally shot to death by the Islamic State.
2017.12.12 Somalia Puntland 1 0 An expert is killed trying to defuse a bomb planted by a Jihadi group.
2017.12.12 Pakistan North Waziristan 2 0 A roadside bomb takes the lives of two 21-year-old men.
2017.12.12 Iraq Tuz Khurmato 2 20 Jihadis fire mortars into a school, killing two people.
2017.12.11 Nigeria Damboa 4 12 Muslim terrorists attack a security convoy and kill four members.
2017.12.11 Mali Goundam 6 0 Six locals are murdered by al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb.
2017.12.11 India Kellar 2 1 Lashkar-e-Toiba militants open fire on a bank van, killing two security guards.
2017.12.11 Iraq Hammam al-Alil 1 0 A Mukhtar is assassinated by Religion of Peace rivals.
2017.12.11 Afghanistan Nani 3 5 A group fighting for Sharia attacks a checkpoint and murders three soldiers.
2017.12.11 India Handwara 1 0 A woman is killed when Lashkar-e-Toiba militants open fire on police.
2017.12.11 Nigeria Gwoza 4 7 A female suicide bomber detonates in a residential area, killing four bystanders.
2017.12.11 Cameroon Mayo-Sava 1 0 A truck driver is murdered by Boko Haram.
2017.12.11 Nigeria Damboa 2 0 A Boko Haram landmine planted on a highway claims two lives.
2017.12.11 Somalia Mogadishu 1 0 Suspected al-Shabaab plant a car bomb in a journalist's car.
2017.12.11 USA New York, NY 0 3 A man from Bangladesh tries to blow himself up at a bus terminal.
2017.12.11 Cameroon Kerawa 2 0 Two worshippers are killed when a suicide bomber attacks a rival mosque.
2017.12.10 Nigeria Agabifo 10 0 Ten members of a peaceful farming community are machine-gunned by Fulanis.
2017.12.10 Israel Jerusalem 0 1 A security guard at a bus station is brutally stabbed by a Palestinian.
2017.12.09 Pakistan Kot Lakhput 1 0 A 29-year-old religious minority dies during police torture.
2017.12.09 Afghanistan Shirzad 2 0 Two civilians are executed by a Sharia court.
2017.12.09 Iraq Tuz Khormato 1 13 Suspected Shiite radicals lob mortars into a Turkman town, killing a child.
2017.12.09 Iraq Baghdad 2 7 Mujahid take out two civilians with a pair of bomb blasts.
2017.12.09 Nigeria Damboa 2 0 Two security personnel are ambushed and killed by Boko Haram.
2017.12.09 Afghanistan Ghazni 3 2 A Taliban attack on a checkpoint leaves three dead.
2017.12.08 Iraq Asagra 7 0 Seven villagers are murdered by ISIS.
2017.12.08 Iraq Athba 4 0 A car with four occupants is vaporized by an Islamic State bomb blast.
2017.12.08 Afghanistan Wama 3 0 Three police are cut down by ISIS gunmen.
2017.12.08 Afghanistan Sultankhel 1 8 An imam is blown up inside his mosque by Religion of Peace rivals.
2017.12.07 DRC Semuliki 14 53 ADF Islamists attack a UN base, killing fourteen.
2017.12.06 Pakistan Daggar 1 0 A peace committee member is murdered by a fundamentalist group.
2017.12.06 Iraq Makhmour 5 8 Five refugees at a camp are sectionalized by a Sunni rocket.
2017.12.05 Pakistan Mir Ali 6 8 A half-dozen civilians at a bazaar are obliterated by Jihadi sharpnel.
2017.12.05 Iraq Khuzeifi 5 4 Five civilians are shot to death by the Islamic State.
2017.12.05 Iraq Makawi 6 0 A Mujahideen bomb makes quick work of a man, his wife and their four children.
2017.12.05 Yemen Mansura 1 0 A mosque preacher is gunned down by Religion of Peace rivals.
2017.12.05 Syria Homs 8 16 The Islamic State bombs a bus carrying university students, killing eight.
2017.12.05 Myanmar Maungdaw 1 0 A headsman is shot to death in his home by Muslim terrorists.
2017.12.05 Nigeria Sasawa 15 0 Boko Haram roll into a village and machine-gun fifteen souls.
2017.12.04 Nigeria Numan 3 0 Muslim terrorists kill a Christian family of three, inlcuding a pregnant woman - who was raped.
2017.12.04 Iraq Shura 70 0 Seventy victims of Islamic State execution - mostly women and children - are discovered in a mass grave.
2017.12.04 Yemen Sanaa 1 0 Yemen's former president is shot to death by Shiite militia praising Allah.
2017.12.04 India Qazigund 1 2 Lashkar-e-Taiba open fire on a security patrol, killing one member.
2017.12.04 Syria East Ghouta 2 7 Sunni radicals fire missiles into a populated area, killing two civilians.
2017.12.03 Iraq Qara Tapa 3 0 Three Iraqis are kidnapped, murdered and dumped by a Jihadi group.
2017.12.03 Philippines Shariff Aguak 2 7 Bangsamoro Islamists murder a older man and his 13-year-old grandson.
2017.12.03 Afghanistan Jalalabad 6 13 A suicide bomber strikes outside a soccer stadium, claiming six lives.
2017.12.03 Iraq Mahmoudiya 3 1 Mujahideen bombers take down three bystanders.
2017.12.03 Iraq Shajarah 3 0 Three farmers are flattened by an Islamic State bomb planted on their tractor.
2017.12.02 Yemen Sanaa 1 0 Ansar Allah storm a TV station and kill an employee.
2017.12.02 Afghanistan Olai Shah 1 0 An elderly man bleeds to death after being hit by a Taliban IED.
2017.12.02 Iraq Jazira 80 0 Eighty religious minorities are found in a mass grave - victims of ISIS execution.
2017.12.02 Iraq Kabusi 60 0 Forty children and twenty women are found murdered by the Islamic State.
2017.12.02 Afghanistan Jalalabad 2 10 Two people are killed during an Islamic State attack on a TV station.
2017.12.02 Nigeria Maiduguri 15 53 Two suicide bombers clear out fifteen patrons at a market.
2017.12.01 Somalia Hees 2 0 A brutal Islamist ambush leaves two dead.
2017.12.01 Iraq Madaen 1 7 Mujahideen plant a bomb at a market that kills one.
2017.12.01 Syria Deir Ezzor 10 0 Video surfaces of ten religious minorities beheaded by the Islamic State, which afterwards tossed their head 'from a high place.'
2017.12.01 Iraq Rawa 25 33 Two dozen people are reportedly killed in their own homes by ISIS booby-traps.
2017.12.01 Pakistan Peshawar 9 37 The Taliban storm a university campus disguised in burkas and gun down nine innocents.
2017.12.01 Afghanistan Khorasan 1 0 Two child members of the Islamic State chop off a man's arms before beheading him.
2017.12.01 Pakistan Chaman 1 2 Terrorists kill a child at the gate of a Christian community.
2017.11.30 Nigeria Kwaya Kusar 2 2 Two children are hacked to death at their school by a man thought to be with a Islamic group opposed to Western education.
2017.11.30 Afghanistan Farah 4 0 Muslim extremists open fire on a police vehicle, killing four occupants.
2017.11.30 Pakistan Spinkai 5 1 A teacher is among a group of five people purged by Taliban bombers.
2017.11.30 Iraq Mosul 1 0 Terrorists gun down an oil company executive.
2017.11.30 India Nautan 2 0 A Muslim family murders their 14-year-old daughter for having an affair with a Hindu boy - as well as the boy.
2017.11.30 Pakistan Kot Digi 3 9 Deobandi followers fire on a rally for a rival theological group, killing three members.
2017.11.30 Israel Arad 1 0 A soldier is stabbed in the throat outside a mall by Palestinians.
2017.11.29 Iraq Hit 40 0 Forty victims of ISIS execution are found in a mass grave.
2017.11.29 Yemen Aden 5 12 An ISIS suicide car bomber kills five people outside a finance institution.
2017.11.29 Pakistan Islamabad 2 4 Gunmen spray bullets into a Shiite mosque, killing two worshippers.
2017.11.29 Iraq Mosul 14 0 Fourteen civilians are found murdered by ISIS.
2017.11.29 Nigeria Wuna 5 0 A group fighting for 'Allah's law' rampages through a village, burning homes and killing at least five residents.
2017.11.29 Syria Tal Dakweh 1 0 A pilot is chained to the ground and set on fire by the caliphate.
2017.11.29 Iraq Baaj 340 0 The remains of three-hundred and forty religious minorities are discovered in a mass grave.
2017.11.29 Somalia Nyongoro 2 3 Two guards are killed during an al-Sahaab ambush on a passenger bus.
2017.11.28 Kenya Nyongoro 2 3 al-Shabaab ambush a pick-up truck and shoot two passengers to death.
2017.11.28 Iraq Tarimiya 2 6 Mujahideen bomb a market, killing two patrons.
2017.11.28 Afghanistan Maroof 8 0 Three women and a child are among eight civilians blown to bits by Taliban bombers.
2017.11.27 Afghanistan Manar 12 0 Twelve local soldiers are murdered by the Taliban during an assault on their post.
2017.11.27 Iraq Baghdad 11 31 Multiple suicide bombers storm a market and take down eleven civilians.
2017.11.27 Afghanistan Khogyani 1 0 A mosque official is assassinated at the helm by Religion of Peace rivals.
2017.11.27 Iraq Butaya 1 2 An ISIS bomb takes down a woman and injures her husband and daughter.
2017.11.27 Iraq Mosul 3 0 Three Iraqis are shot in the head by caliphate members after being forced to dig their own graves.
2017.11.26 Iraq Baaj 98 0 Ninety-eight 'devil worshippers' are discovered in a mass grave following ISIS execution.
2017.11.26 Pakistan Peshawar 1 0 Suspected fundamentalists shoot a transgender person to death.
2017.11.26 Iraq Rawa 3 0 Jihadis set off a bomb inside a hospital, killing three.
2017.11.25 Pakistan Quetta 6 17 A Fedayeen suicide bomber takes six others with him.
2017.11.25 India Shopian 1 0 An off-duty soldier is abducted and brutally shot to death by religious extremists.
2017.11.25 Nigeria Magumeri 4 6 A 5-year-old boy is among four who lose their lives to a Boko Haram attack.
2017.11.24 Somalia Afgoye 3 3 Three people bleed to death following a hand grenade attack near a restaurant.
2017.11.24 Pakistan Islamabad 1 9 A policeman is killed by hardliners protesting 'blasphemy'.
2017.11.24 Pakistan Peshawar 3 6 A suicide car bomber takes three other persons with him.
2017.11.24 Syria Daraa 8 4 A young girl is among eight innocents cut down when terrorists open fire on a mini-bus.
2017.11.24 Iraq Baghdad 2 4 Two Iraqis lose their lives to a Jihad bomb blast at a market.
2017.11.24 Mali Douentza 1 A UN peacekeeper is murdered by Islamic extremists.
2017.11.24 Mali Menaka 4 21 Three UN peacekeepers and a local soldier are killed by Jihadists.
2017.11.24 Egypt Rawda 311 128 A hardline group detonates a bomb at a Sufi mosque and then opens fire on fleeing worshippers, mowing down over three-hundred, including twenty-seven children.
2017.11.23 Iraq Baghdad 1 3 Mujahideen plant a bomb at a market that kills a bystander.
2017.11.23 Afghanistan Jalalabad 8 15 Children are among the casualties when a suicide bomber strikes a crowd.
2017.11.23 Syria Damascus 2 10 A Sunni group sends mortars into a neighborhood, killing two unfortunate residents.
2017.11.23 Nigeria Sabon Gari 7 0 Islamists stage a middle-of-the-night raid, pull seven farmers out of their beds and shoot them point-blank.
2017.11.22 Georgia Tbilisi 1 0 Suspected Islamic State members kill a local soldier at an apartment building.
2017.11.22 Iraq Rambousi 73 0 A mass grave is found containing seventy-three Yazidi victims of ISIS execution.
2017.11.22 India Keran 1 2 Islamic militants murder a border guard.

Keep them out.


Hunter is the smartest guy I know

(in reply to longwayhome)
Profile   Post #: 199
RE: Furious Palestinians burn American flags - 12/22/2017 5:54:19 AM   

Posts: 10663
Joined: 12/10/2016
Status: offline


ORIGINAL: tweakabelle



It's called world-wide jihad, and it is purely a Muslim cult thing

If you are stupid enough to persist with your idiotic assertion that the conflict between Palestinians and Israelis is a religious conflict, part of the "world-wide jihad ... purely a Muslim cult thing" you need to come up with a convincing coherent explanation why Palestinian Christians and Palestinian Muslims are not at each other' throats but 100% united in their opposition to Israel's occupation of their homelands.

If the conflict was a religious one, with Islamists attacking all other religions, especially Christianity and Judaism, then surely those same Islamists would have Palestinian Christians firmly in their sights and be attacking them at all and any available opportunity. Equally Palestinian Christians would never ally themselves with a sect whose goal is their complete elimination (according to you) - that would be a suicide pact.

If the conflict was a religious one, then Pal. Christians and Muslims would find themselves on opposite sides of the firing lines. Yet the fact is that both Palestinian religious groups are 100% united in their opposition to Israel's occupation and theft of their homelands. And both groups suffer equally from Israel's abhorrent ethnic cleansing and apartheid. If your thesis had any validity, this simply wouldn't happen - it would be impossible, inconceivable.

So I am looking forward to hear you attempt to explain away the impossible. And if you are unable to come up with a coherent explanation, then kiss goodbye to your insane thesis that the Palestinian/Israeli conflict is a religious conflict and let it die the death it so richly deserves.

Show me where I wrote that "all Muslims" slaughter Christians, howler

You really need to step outside of your cartoonish delusions sometime, and read what people really post


Hunter is the smartest guy I know

(in reply to tweakabelle)
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