You go to go to hell and you die! (Full Version)

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LaMalinche -> You go to go to hell and you die! (8/2/2006 11:45:19 PM)

Okay, this thread is dedicated to those people that piss us off.  It is a type of anti-popularity contest.  Since popularity contests seem to piss people off, but that is really more of a peeve.

To start the ball rolling. . .

People that piss me off. . . the people who claim to have a sense of humor, I do not claim to have one, but refuse to see the humor in these boards.  I know that I post some funny shit.  But at the same time, some people just refuse to understand the irony of it all. 

So for all of you that do not find me funny. . . You go to hell. . . you go to hell and you die!

Edited to add. . . all right, no names.  Really, no names, unless it is really, really, really important.

joyinslavery -> RE: You go to go to hell and you die! (8/2/2006 11:52:52 PM)

No, YOU die! 

Seriously though, I nominate me.  I hate myself and everything I stand for.  So let me start the name-calling.  I also hate ______________________.  (That's supposed to be a blank but it didn't really come off right.)

IronBear -> RE: You go to go to hell and you die! (8/3/2006 12:36:46 AM)

Heaven for the climate. Hell for the company.

My enemies are told to remain on earth and continue to live in a fucked up society and fucked up environmenmt....

Pimpernell -> RE: You go to go to hell and you die! (8/3/2006 12:48:15 AM)

On the "humour" topic.  What pisses me off is people who say something really nasty and abusive and mean it.  Then when you tell them off they turn around and say "I was just joking."  As if "I hate you and hope you get hit by a car and then little kittens piss in your eyeballs while clowns dance around singing renaissance ballads and all of humanity cheers" is a joke.

God, my mum was cruel.

joyinslavery -> RE: You go to go to hell and you die! (8/3/2006 1:19:18 AM)



Heaven for the climate. Hell for the company.

My enemies are told to remain on earth and continue to live in a fucked up society and fucked up environmenmt....

They must live somewhere near me. 

TheShadows -> RE: You go to go to hell and you die! (8/3/2006 1:34:53 AM)

The person that pisses me off is the person that goes through the 10 Items Or Less line at the grocery store, and CLEARLY has more than 10 Items in the fucking shopping cart.  Can these people not read the sign that says "10 Items Or Less"???  Can these people not count???  And everyone knows that the 10 Items Or Less line is usually CASH ONLY!  But they still think they're the only person in the fucking line, and proceed to write a check for a soda, a box of rubbers, and a quart of oil!!!  *Which is a totally different rant, btw.*  To that person....



mons -> RE: You go to go to hell and you die! (8/3/2006 1:38:29 AM)

why would  you send this to me i do not know of you at all now that is silly and dumb

michaelGA2 -> RE: You go to go to hell and you die! (8/3/2006 1:55:00 AM)

i nominate me, because i piss off everybody...including myself, i should be the one rotting in Hell...but i'm over-qualified

sleazybutterfly -> RE: You go to go to hell and you die! (8/3/2006 2:08:12 AM)

People that piss me off are those that prey on anyone that they feel superior to.  You have a degree in this hand, shit in the other, and they add up to about the same for me.
You go on with your mind games, you get enjoyment out of playing on the fears, the emotions, and the insecurities of others.  I am sure it gives you the biggest hard-on in the world, when you pull someone into your web of lies and deceit. 
People like you should be made to suffer the curse of erectile disfuction, while emotional vampires play golf with your balls.  Here I must wish luck to the vampires in locating the items of their quest.

WayWardSoul -> RE: You go to go to hell and you die! (8/3/2006 3:53:07 AM)

The people that hate me, can go to hell.
The people that don't hate me yet, but will hate me later, can go to hell.
The people that don't hate me, but just don't like me, can go to hell.
The people that just want to tell me what I should think,can go to hell.
The people who want to tell me how I should live, but don't want to pay my bills, can go to hell.
The people I hate, can go to hell.
The people I don't hate, but just don't like, can go to hell.
The people I don't hate yet, or don't like yet, can go to hell.
The people I left out, that I should not of left out, can go to hell.

On second thought, I don't want any of you going to hell. That is where I am going, so I don't want to see any of you there. Go find some where else to go, that I wont be.

cuddleheart50 -> RE: You go to go to hell and you die! (8/3/2006 4:00:19 AM)

No one has really pissed me off, but only one person has made me cry, I hope no one goes to hell....

pqwinny -> RE: You go to go to hell and you die! (8/3/2006 5:38:12 AM)

Some folks think life is hell.  Some days i agree.  So in case it's true...all those with no sense of humor, decency, kindness or intelligence can stay right here while the rest of us slip off to Utopia ( which i hope has a two way mirror like a police interrogation room for the purpose of deriving a sense of satisfaction)

LaTigresse -> RE: You go to go to hell and you die! (8/3/2006 6:39:33 AM)

Wellllll, since I don't believe in going to hell or heaven for that matter it's rather irrelevant but the traits that bug me the most that I can think of right now.
Whiners, I soooooooooooooo hate whining, piss bitch and moannnnnnnnnnnnnnnn whoa is me, everyone feel sorry for meeeeeeeeeeee bullshit!! Get over yourself already, get off your ass and do something about it! You have a freakin brain, USE IT!
Your happiness is no one elses responsibility, get your big boy/girl undies on and take responsibility for crying out loud. Quit making all the rest of us listen to your issues when you don't have the gonads to do something about it.

Arrogant asses that think they are the know all and end of of any particular subject. Anyone that does not agree with them is just wrong, stupid, clueless. Those are the people that tend to be the most ignorant.

People that actually get emotional over other peoples internet rants! Come on already! Get over it! Get off your ass and start living life. Turn the fecking computer off and go be a productive member of society!

[:D] Thats it for the moment![:D]

LotusSong -> RE: You go to go to hell and you die! (8/3/2006 8:44:54 AM)


ORIGINAL: LaTigresse

Wellllll, since I don't believe in going to hell or heaven for that matter it's rather irrelevant but the traits that bug me the most that I can think of right now.
Whiners, I soooooooooooooo hate whining, piss bitch and moannnnnnnnnnnnnnnn whoa is me, everyone feel sorry for meeeeeeeeeeee bullshit!! Get over yourself already, get off your ass and do something about it! You have a freakin brain, USE IT!
Your happiness is no one elses responsibility, get your big boy/girl undies on and take responsibility for crying out loud. Quit making all the rest of us listen to your issues when you don't have the gonads to do something about it.

Arrogant asses that think they are the know all and end of of any particular subject. Anyone that does not agree with them is just wrong, stupid, clueless. Those are the people that tend to be the most ignorant.

People that actually get emotional over other peoples internet rants! Come on already! Get over it! Get off your ass and start living life. Turn the fecking computer off and go be a productive member of society!

[:D] Thats it for the moment![:D]

What she said :)  Ditto.

Gauge -> RE: You go to go to hell and you die! (8/3/2006 8:46:28 AM)

People that piss me off and make me want to go postal on their stupid ass:

- Those that stop in the middle of the street to drop something off or pick someone up when there is a good clear 50 feet of parking space where they could pull over and get the fucking hell out of my damn way

- People that think that their car horn is a doorbell

- People that want to say that a smoker can't sit outside and smoke in a designated area just because it might harm them... look, it's a big fucking planet... move the fuck over!

- The health care profession... you know, those bastards in the hospitals complain about medical malpractice lawsuits and then only ever see a patient once or twice. The same doctor rarely sees the same patient all the time. If there was consistency in care, you might not have to fucking worry if a lawyer is going to sue your sorry ass

- Drug companies. They rake in tens of billions of dollars each year and they have the audacity to charge some poor schlep that can't afford to feed themselves $50 a pill for medicine they can't live without. I want those ass clowns to eat catfood for a year... then see what it is that they are doing to the general public

- Politicians that are 'stunned' at the price of fuel and 'vow' to do something about it. Give me a fucking break. First of all, when was the last time they actually paid for gas for their own car with their own money? Second of all, they have taken lobbying money for so long that they are so far up the Arab's asses that they can burp sunshine. Go to hell, burn and... fuck you... stay alive and suffer!

- People that own Humvees and bitch about gas prices. First of all, your car looks stupid and so do you. You didn't buy the car because it is an environmentally friendly or economic automobile to drive. You didn't buy the car because it was a solidly built, mechanically sound fuel saver... you bought it so that others would look at you. You bought it because it is a status symbol. Just stop kidding the rest of us and yourselves.

- Illegal immigrants that demand immunity. I say, let's let all the murderers and rapists and thieves have immunity first, then let the illegal immigrants go free too. Has everyone actually forgotten what the fucking word illegal means?

- The government telling me what I can and cannot do in my own bedroom. Why is it that you care? Fuck off and go change the country back into the proud nation that it should be.

- The meatwhistles that think because I am anti-war means that I don't support the troops. I do support the troops... I do not want them to die. I want them home safe and sound. Is that not a noble sentiment? Does this make me a person that is not patriotic when I care about their lives?

- The fuckheads that can do documentary films on illegal activities that go undetected by law enforcement and yet our law enforcement officials are 'clueless' as to where these people are and how they are doing things. HELLO??? If the guy with the camera can find out where these people are... it should be a cinch for the police.

- People that do not clean up after their dog and then get all indignant when you ask them to pick up their dear little pet's feces. I don't walk into your home and shit on your carpet and leave with a smile on my face... but it is really tempting to do so when I see you not clean up after your animal. Stupid people should not be entrusted with the responsibility to care for an animal.

- Anyone that would, for any reason, hurt or harm a child. There is a special place in hell for you people and I, for one, will be laughing my ass off while you get fire and brimstone shoved into your colon.

- Bible thumpers that think that they are better than the rest of us hellbound sinners. You know what muletard? Jesus never won people over by being superior... he won them over because he accepted people at face value and offered them a choice. The only people that he really got furious at were 'good, God fearing church people.' Think that one over the next time you are yelling at a homosexual or firebombing an abortion clinic.

- Finally, the thing that pisses me off more than anything is that little, yellow dancing banana. Stop pumping your fists in the air and smiling at me. There is no place in hell that is good enough for you. You can take your peanut butter and jelly with a baseball bat and die the death of a thousand deaths. I will personally piss on your grave you noxious creature.

LaTigresse -> RE: You go to go to hell and you die! (8/3/2006 10:12:26 AM)


What Gauge said![:D]

Oh, and adding........Anyone that thinks/says/types/mutters under their breath, hormonal hell, can be fixed with a bottle of pills.

Evanesce -> RE: You go to go to hell and you die! (8/3/2006 10:12:34 AM)

To the whining, sniveling, complaining, useless, worthless, brainless, hopped up, doped up, drunken, lazy, stupid, ignorant, insipid fools who think the rest of the world owes them something simply by virtue of their taking up space on this planet, and who will never in a million years accept the fact that their pathetic, pitiful lives are the result of their own choices and not the fault of parents, teachers, friends, the ignorant schlep hawking slurpees at the 7-11, or some government conspiracy to keep them that way...

eroticangel -> RE: You go to go to hell and you die! (8/3/2006 10:23:09 AM)

wow!!!!!! this is wonderful!

LaTigresse -> RE: You go to go to hell and you die! (8/3/2006 10:57:34 AM)

Graphic designers that go on vacation and think I can operate all 4 of their computers they have networked to each other and can produce something that does not look like sanskrit IF I can ever get the computer that produced the sanskrit to talk to the computer that makes the plate for the press to print the sanskrit! AND a boss that runs out the door like a little wussy boy! Sheesh, I didn't threaten his life, just the computers. He was just standing too close to the computer thats all.

VandalHeart -> RE: You go to go to hell and you die! (8/3/2006 5:45:28 PM)

People that start threads I threatened to start and was seriously considering starting only to have me help them refine them and come up with a better name for the thread in question not only piss me off on a regular basis, but I love them so punishing them is kind of hard sometimes.  [8D]

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