Opinions of Violet Wands (Full Version)

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MadelineSerenity -> Opinions of Violet Wands (8/14/2006 3:00:02 PM)

My boyfriend just bought a violet wand.  I'm wondering what everyone's opinions are about them because I don't quite know what to expect.

porcelaine -> RE: Opinions of Violet Wands (8/14/2006 3:14:39 PM)

I would love to hear some feedback as well. I've never used them myself.


Bearlee -> RE: Opinions of Violet Wands (8/14/2006 3:24:28 PM)

Go slow, start with a low setting and have him try it on himself FIRST
...and have fun, too!

There's a great book out:  Juice   ...but do you think I can find it right now?  Sorry.  Anyway, it's about all sorts of Electrical Play...  

Edited to add:

I found it:  "Juice: Electricity for Pleasure and Pain (paperback) by Uncle Abdul
Amazon has it starting from $65...but it's worthit if you enjoy good, informative books.

MisPandora -> RE: Opinions of Violet Wands (8/14/2006 3:44:05 PM)

Random thoughts:
-- Mine was expensive and not worth the investment for the number of times I actually use the darn thing.
-- Even the good generators (non-wax core) shouldn't be run for more than 30 minutes at a time.
-- The parts are rather fragile.
-- It's just static electricity.  Imagine collecting a ton of those sparks that come from dragging your feet on the carpet. 
-- It is a mindfuck device, especially on bottoms who've got a terror of electricity.  Spitting a mouthful of water on them and asking them if they're ready to play elicits babbling, pleading and tears.
-- It CAN burn if the static is left in one place on the body, especially if it's a moist or pierced part.

DavidNJohnson -> RE: Opinions of Violet Wands (8/14/2006 3:56:57 PM)


ORIGINAL: MisPandora

-- It is a mindfuck device, especially on bottoms who've got a terror of electricity.  Spitting a mouthful of water on them and asking them if they're ready to play elicits babbling, pleading and tears.
-- It CAN burn if the static is left in one place on the body, especially if it's a moist or pierced part.

Hahah... I agree about the mind fuck part... looks much worse than it is...  rule of thumb, the larger the surface area, the LESS the bite... So the 4 inch globe may look wicked, but the small pencil tip attachments give the most zap..


MisstressStella -> RE: Opinions of Violet Wands (8/14/2006 10:30:50 PM)

Violent Wands are a great addition to your toy box.  I would say start easy and take it up as you can tolerate.  There are risks so read up safety guidelines. Be really careful around metal as  you may get a good bite from it!


MsSonnetMarwood -> RE: Opinions of Violet Wands (8/15/2006 4:20:41 AM)


-- Mine was expensive and not worth the investment for the number of times I actually use the darn thing.

I'd actually have to a agree with this - I sank a lot of money into one and I really haven't used it all that much. 

MistressMaamNH -> RE: Opinions of Violet Wands (8/15/2006 5:07:44 AM)


ORIGINAL: MsSonnetMarwood


-- Mine was expensive and not worth the investment for the number of times I actually use the darn thing.

I'd actually have to a agree with this - I sank a lot of money into one and I really haven't used it all that much. 

The cost is what has always held Me back from using one of these. Being a Sadist, I adore the idea behind the use of electricity in play. The only thing I have is an electric fly swatter--quite painful to be sure, but not very versitle.  This is a timely subject, as one of My subs and I were just talking about this item and a tens unit this morning.  I've seen a violet wand used with mylar strands, and that looked most interesting. But again, do not want to invest so much money in something if I end up not liking it. The Dungeon has hundreds of items, thankfully, very few were bad investments.


MsSonnetMarwood -> RE: Opinions of Violet Wands (8/15/2006 6:17:20 AM)


ORIGINAL: MistressMaamNH

The cost is what has always held Me back from using one of these. Being a Sadist, I adore the idea behind the use of electricity in play. The only thing I have is an electric fly swatter--quite painful to be sure, but not very versitle.  This is a timely subject, as one of My subs and I were just talking about this item and a tens unit this morning.  I've seen a violet wand used with mylar strands, and that looked most interesting. But again, do not want to invest so much money in something if I end up not liking it. The Dungeon has hundreds of items, thankfully, very few were bad investments.


I'm right there with you.  Although I have bought a few "dogs" in my time, particularly when I was new to all this and shopping at the cheap sex toy store, most of the things I've bought I've really enjoyed.   The couple of really high ticket items I've bought - a couple of my single tails and a tomcat - are ones I love to use.  Only the wand is one that is in that category price wise that I really haven't used much.  

Slipstreme -> RE: Opinions of Violet Wands (8/15/2006 4:18:42 PM)

I loved it. My firend Mike and I were fucking around with a violet wand at a play party where one of us was holding a contact that attaches to the violet wand (you become part of the circuit) and we went about trying to shock each other.

Some rules of thumb, if you are playing mortal kombat, do not use any knives (they deliver one helluva shock when used with the violet wand, which is nice, if you are motionless and not trying to shock them back with a chain flogger). We ended up getting about an inch too close to each other, and my hand is scarred because of it.

Note on the chain flogger, the handle also needs to be conductive if you are part of the circuit, naturally. However impact play will do nothing to help electrocute your target. Just brush it against the skin, and boy do each of those metal balls deliver shocks!

Violet wand play is really cool with the lights off. The sparks jumping is very mesmurizing to watch. Touching the bulb to skin does nothing. Hold it slightly away from skin. There are sometimes light bulb attachments that will light up when someone is shocked. Heck, once I was stepping on one's handle and as Mike came around with the knife the light lit up from my feet!

Unless you like sharp burning shocks, do not wear D ringed bondage pants. I know they look cool and everything, but man is the shock severe when the person grabs at your rings and chains. Clothes amplifies the shock, distributing between the fabric spaces and all over your skin. This is especially true about cloth over the nipple area.  

Don't make animal growls and yips. That will only make the other sadists in the room interested and encourage more of your torture because they like the sounds you make :P (But hey, this isn't always a bad thing)

Apparently there is a technique called "Violet wand branding" I have heard of that uses the wand to mark a pattern in the skin through the shocks. The effects supposedly last about six weeks, and the process is supposed to be extremely painful. (I want to try it *raises hand*) Although I dont have any experience with that.

Violet wands are hands down a helluva lot of fun. Good luck. Beware of your pets. If you are part of a violet wand circuit, you can shock them too, even accidently if they brush against you.. Take care, and remember the knives thing.

Yes, I have always had a fascination for electricity, which is probably why I took to it so well. I was never really afriad of the thing (although yes, we were playing with it on high). So it is not always a mindfuck device, depending on who you are with.

MasterBenedict -> RE: Opinions of Violet Wands (8/22/2006 6:19:20 PM)

I think that they're GREAT! But then again I AM ADominant

FelinePersuasion -> RE: Opinions of Violet Wands (8/22/2006 9:54:54 PM)

I really doubt the enjoyment of it or not has to do with orentation, but glad you like it. People should have at least 1 thing they like very well.

ORIGINAL: MasterBenedict

I think that they're GREAT! But then again I AM ADominant

OrdredeDivinite -> RE: Opinions of Violet Wands (8/23/2006 2:59:35 AM)

A dark room, a reclining nude submissive, a couple of yards of very light sheer material covering the submissive, a Violet Wand with the body contact making the Top conductive. Now you just take a pair of conductive foil floggers and flog everywhere. It creates a wonderful lightshow that is beautiful and seductive to behold and a light buzzing occassionally biting for the submissive. Just one of the many uses. A flavor among many, but agreeably one of the most expensive.

In Leather,

MstrssPassion -> RE: Opinions of Violet Wands (8/23/2006 4:40:51 AM)

Love it...

It is a great addition to a "toy box" but it is not a primary tool.

The accessories are rather expensive but many are worth the investment.

Viper001 -> RE: Opinions of Violet Wands (8/23/2006 9:21:43 AM)


-- Mine was expensive and not worth the investment for the number of times I actually use the darn thing.
-- The parts are rather fragile.

Concur with one caveat.
Unlike most toys/tools, this one can't simply be tossed into the toybag and trucked around for playparties, etc. immho, this decreases the value of a violet wand *unless* one's prime interest is electrical play.
I've watched Uncle Abdul "play" at quite a few events/parties and truly admire his skill with wands, tens units, etc. However, I've also seen all the "stuff" he has to drag into the space and the amount of time it takes to set up the equipment. [&:] Thank you, but no thank you.


"Juice: Electricity for Pleasure and Pain (paperback) by Uncle Abdul
Amazon has it starting from $65...but it's worthit if you enjoy good, informative books.

Since you've already bought the unit, Ms Bearlee's recommendation is worth noting. For safety information, if nothing else. :)


RobertMaddox -> RE: Opinions of Violet Wands (8/23/2006 9:51:32 AM)

I actually volunteered for a violet wand demo and LOVED IT.  I was bottoming at the time, sure, but it looked like so much FUN.  Turns out a metal guitar pick (one that can be worn on the finger instead of just held makes a wonderful feeling like a knife slitting into the skin and leaves a lovely little trail of burnt skin less than a cm wide.  I'm still wondering what the temp branding aspects for the thing could be. (envisions curls of ivy and tribal designs of great intricacy spiraling along the back, shoulders, arms, neck, face! Shivver)

I'd say to get it as a group dungeon accessory - make it a community resource so more use is gotten out of it and the individual out of pocket is far less.  I'm still wanting to try a Van De Graff generator connected to a bondage chair.  Doesn't that sound FUN?

Slipstreme -> RE: Opinions of Violet Wands (8/23/2006 11:16:03 AM)


I really doubt the enjoyment of it or not has to do with orentation, but glad you like it. People should have at least 1 thing they like very well.

ORIGINAL: MasterBenedict

I think that they're GREAT! But then again I AM ADominant

I think he meant, he loves shocking other people with it. :P


I'm still wondering what the temp branding aspects for the thing could be. (envisions curls of ivy and tribal designs of great intricacy spiraling along the back, shoulders, arms, neck, face! Shivver)

I've heard that there is a way to brand with the wand, but I don't think it is permanent. I have heard though, you don't want the design to be too intricate or all you will get is a blob. I will probably ask about it at the next play party, which is where I found out about the fact such activity exists. Maybe someone will be there who has had experience doing or seeing such brandings done so I will know a bit more about the process involved. It is supposed to be rather painful indeed.

alwayshis1 -> RE: Opinions of Violet Wands (8/23/2006 3:32:24 PM)

i love most of the many attachments that you can get with the wand, and actually find some extremly relaxing, like a comb attachment. one warning is to make sure you dont have on undies with anything metal on them. i have cute red undies that have little sparkles in them, that i had on the first time, and just a little metalic thread pulled the electricity, giving an unexpected shock. most i know that own a wand, have a nice case that holds all the attachments about the size of a large camera bag, and set up time is not that long. its a great toy to play with, and the settings can be adjusted for all levels endurance.

LeatherRose -> RE: Opinions of Violet Wands (8/28/2006 9:48:43 PM)

The first time I was introduced to a violet wand was at a play party with a bunch of us subs (I was one back then) being the victims of course.  All the other girls were screeching and whining.  Then it's my turn and all I do is laugh!  It tickled me.  Pissed off the other girls, but boy was my hubby happy and proud!
We have one with 25 attachments, and we love to play with it.  Our second child was conceived during a marathon weekend session with the wand during a thunderstorm.  That was so cool!  Lightning outside, wand inside.  We nicknamed our son Sparky.  Hee hee!
We like the variety of attachments, and my husband loves to take pictures of the marks afterwards.
Warning:  Some people do develop a rash after having one used on them.  And yes with the right attachment you can brand someone.
Eclectic Electric is the best website and dealer I feel.  They are extremely informative on their site.
Best of luck,

TheDiva -> RE: Opinions of Violet Wands (4/12/2007 1:48:49 AM)

I ordered one from huse.com and was thinking of taking it with me on a trip. However, I haven't had occasion to fly with any kind of bdsm toys since the pre 9/11 days. Would checking it to go underneath seal its fate? Somehow I can't imagine them allowing it as a carry-on if a 3 oz. tube of toothpaste is a no-no. TIA

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