People should not have to work for a living. (Full Version)

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zenofeller -> People should not have to work for a living. (8/22/2006 6:32:37 AM)

It really goes against human dignity to have to do stuff, especially stuff other people don't want to do, and especially because someone else told you to do it ! It's like non consensual domination. It stinks.

Besides, people should only do what they feel like, it says so right in the geneva convention or something. Right ?

darkinshadows -> RE: People should not have to work for a living. (8/22/2006 6:40:58 AM)

Oh zeno... I adore your posts!
(But you do realise I am probably your only fan?[:D])
Personally, I think people should work - not because of what other people think, or say, but because we improve ourselves as we work.  We learn more and situations improve.  I am not talking in a monetary way.  When we 'came down from the trees'... we worked.  Its nature and natural to evolve.  If those first humans didn't work, then we would have no fire, no wheels, and no X-box 360.
Peace and Rapture

LaTigresse -> RE: People should not have to work for a living. (8/22/2006 7:01:05 AM)


ORIGINAL: zenofeller

It really goes against human dignity to have to do stuff, especially stuff other people don't want to do, and especially because someone else told you to do it ! It's like non consensual domination. It stinks.

Besides, people should only do what they feel like, it says so right in the geneva convention or something. Right ?

Okay, I quit! I don't know about everywhere else but it is far too nice outside here in Iowa USA, to be inside at a desk.

truesub4u -> RE: People should not have to work for a living. (8/22/2006 7:09:53 AM)

Hmmm... I personally would do just about anything to go back to work. Not because I have to.. but because I want to.

Rule -> RE: People should not have to work for a living. (8/22/2006 7:12:59 AM)


ORIGINAL: LaTigresse
Okay, I quit! I don't know about everywhere else but it is far too nice outside here in Iowa USA, to be inside at a desk.


SusanofO -> RE: People should not have to work for a living. (8/22/2006 7:14:12 AM)

zenofeller for President! Yay!
- Susan

ragazza -> RE: People should not have to work for a living. (8/22/2006 7:15:27 AM)

Sounds great!

I think I will call and quit today than go swimming at the lake for the day, or week, or month !!

Ohhhhhh forgot to ask, how do the bills get paid?


LaTigresse -> RE: People should not have to work for a living. (8/22/2006 7:17:02 AM)


ORIGINAL: ragazza

Sounds great!

I think I will call and quit today than go swimming at the lake for the day, or week, or month !!

Ohhhhhh forgot to ask, how do the bills get paid?


SHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!! Don't ruin our happy place! There are no bills in the happy place.

CreativeDominant -> RE: People should not have to work for a living. (8/22/2006 7:31:51 AM)


ORIGINAL: zenofeller

It really goes against human dignity to have to do stuff, especially stuff other people don't want to do, and especially because someone else told you to do it ! It's like non consensual domination. It stinks.

Besides, people should only do what they feel like, it says so right in the geneva convention or something. Right ?

Wrong. [:D]
Differing thoughts I guess but to me, at least part of human dignity is derived from a willingness to work...doesn't matter whether the work is blue collar, white an honest labor.  A lack of this willingness due to no extenuating circumstances such as disability or illness but only an indulgence of the pleasure-seeking self diminishes dignity.

As for whether it is written down somewhere that people should only do what they might be but having been a soldier who read the Geneva Convention papers several times, I can tell you that it is not in there.  Sorry! [;)]

SusanofO -> RE: People should not have to work for a living. (8/22/2006 7:36:06 AM)

Shhhhhh!!!!! For God's sake, Creative  - go back to sleep![:D]

- Susan

ninella -> RE: People should not have to work for a living. (8/22/2006 7:43:46 AM)

a work makes you feeling useful in RL, and - if you do what you want - it makes you happy.
but that is only my opinion, i know that many people have a work which doesn't make them feeling happy.

SusanofO -> RE: People should not have to work for a living. (8/22/2006 7:45:43 AM)

I was teasing him. I think people should do what pays the bills, and after that - whatever they want to do (that is consensual and doesn't truly harm anyone else).

- Susan

MrDiscipline44 -> RE: People should not have to work for a living. (8/22/2006 7:46:00 AM)


ORIGINAL: truesub4u

Hmmm... I personally would do just about anything to go back to work. Not because I have to.. but because I want to.
I'll put you to work, Jess. "Thats right, work it for daddy. Yeah, work it girl. Work it." [:D]

BrutalAntipathy -> RE: People should not have to work for a living. (8/22/2006 7:46:53 AM)

This was the Lake Geneva Convention, written by Frank Zappa and Mick Jagger in the Stones mobil recording studio. After 6 dime bags of Swiss weed, a quart of raspberry schnapps, and a magic mushroom pizza, they declared that they weren't going to perform any more if they didn't want to. And thus was born the Lake Geneva Convention. It was used as a coaster for a margarita glass shortly thereafter, and as rolling paper the next afternoon.

SusanofO -> RE: People should not have to work for a living. (8/22/2006 7:48:06 AM)

Brutal, you are so funny. LOL!

- Susan

Slipstreme -> RE: People should not have to work for a living. (8/22/2006 8:20:07 AM)

God I wish!

As it goes I am having the hardest time trying to find a job where I will be happy working there. Not to mention I need a job in a vet's office to gain experince, cause as it is, my grades in pre-vet don't look so good. My chances for ever getting into vet school keep dropping, so experience is all I have left. Enter the catch 22. You need experience, to get experience.

SusanofO -> RE: People should not have to work for a living. (8/22/2006 8:23:18 AM)

Oh I hope you get a job at a Vet's office. I think you sound like you'd make a good Vet - wanting it is much of being dedicated to the job, I think. Good luck. 

My doggies love our Vet. They have no qualms about going to the Vet. When I was growing up, my dog then hated the Vet's office. He'd try to jump out the car window when we pulled into the parking lot. Of course, now I have a Beagle and a Lab mix, and they are pretty laid back breeds.

- Susan

BrutalAntipathy -> RE: People should not have to work for a living. (8/22/2006 8:24:13 AM)

Slipstreame, have you thought about a zoo? Most zoos will use volunteers, if that would count as experience.

juliaoceania -> RE: People should not have to work for a living. (8/22/2006 8:32:42 AM)

People should do the work they want to...

That is my opinion

But if people only did the work they wanted to then no one would have name brand sneakers from china, or plastic shit, or modern "civilization". So you see, the reality is, that people who are rich have to have "things". In order to have "things" then poor people have to be induced to work through wage slavery all over the world...Just my commie thoughts.

Slipstreme -> RE: People should not have to work for a living. (8/22/2006 8:34:16 AM)

Unfortunately I am in a situation where, because my slave is moving down with me, I am a poor broke college student, and because my parents do not approve of said person moving down with me, I may end up loosing all financial backing from them. They won't let her live in the trailer they bought for me to live in while in G'Ville, unless she can pay them $300/ month, which she cant afford because of the fact she is a transexual in need of hormones and still has car payments. (Which told me they consider money more important than my happiness.) We will probably have to find another place to live eventually. I need a job. Plain and simple. So will she. So volunteer work won't cut it.

Plus the only thing we have in the semblance of a zoo is the Santa Fe Teaching Zoo, which is run by zoo technology students. I am a UF student, and so can't do that program until I am out of UF.

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