Update to my previous thread (Full Version)

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Shalyn -> Update to my previous thread (9/2/2006 6:00:00 PM)

In my last post here, I was trying to find info and such on finding an online Dom. And I thank all of you for your replies. It helped greatly. I talked things over with my boyfriend today. He knew i had thoughts of this before today but i let him know more today about it all. I had told him i had been looking for someone to be my Master and was serious about it. As we got more into the conversation, he told me something that he had kept from me because it was in the past and he didnt want to tell me at the wrong time. It seems as tho my boyfriend and I have much more in common than I knew. He told me that he has had training being a Master but it had been years ago but He would love for me to let him by my Master and he would teach me as much as he knows.
No, Im not just jumping into something here as I would have been if I would have kept up my search here. We have been friends for 8 years now and we are engaged now. We know each other pretty well already. In my opinion, I believe this will be good on both of our parts. Not only will we both be full filling to each other but it will bring us closer together in our relationship.
So he asked me about it earlier if I would consider letting him collar me and I have said yes to him. Im very happy about it but I would like to hear what all of you have to say also.
Thanks, Shalyn

behindmirrors -> RE: Update to my previous thread (9/2/2006 6:24:51 PM)

I'm happy for you, and that sounds wonderful- stable, and that you both already know each other well and are ready to do this. Please do keep me updated on how things go, and I wish you both the best.

LuckyAlbatross -> RE: Update to my previous thread (9/2/2006 6:27:27 PM)

Interesting that you kept the tidbit of information that you were engaged and seeking an affair private before now.  But I'm glad you outed yourself and can enjoy doing what you want openly and with the person you want to have a lifelong supposedly honest relationship with.

Shalyn -> RE: Update to my previous thread (9/2/2006 6:33:55 PM)

Thank you behindmirrors for the reply

And thank you also for your reply LA. Yes I was keeping that info private for my own reasons and that was probaly not the best thing for me to do as I see now. Im sorry about that but i guess i was going at the whole thing here the wrong way.


Celeste43 -> RE: Update to my previous thread (9/2/2006 6:40:58 PM)

Best possible outcome to the situation. Congratulations and keep communication lines open.

Masterbat -> RE: Update to my previous thread (9/2/2006 10:27:17 PM)

well it is good you have found a master

Mavis -> RE: Update to my previous thread (9/2/2006 10:48:17 PM)

Fabu!   the game will be much improved with all the cards on the table.  Enjoy :)

jonathan -> RE: Update to my previous thread (9/3/2006 3:14:33 PM)

you made a wise decision. Have to be honest in a relationship, and you got lucky finding out that he could fulfill that part as well. In my experience, you're in for some sublime emotions. All of my real time has been within already established vanilla relationships where this becomes a topic of discussion, or it was settled up front that i was submissive. Hopefully, the trust that is already there will make it easier for you to let go. That's how it was, and is, for me. Being in a relationship that can stand on it's own and then includes D/s can reach a deep level of initmacy.

you mentioned that you are engaged. There have been threads about being married to your Dom/Domme. Might want to take a look at those.

bandit25 -> RE: Update to my previous thread (9/3/2006 3:25:01 PM)

Maybe I'm the only one here, but I don't understand why you care what the hell we think.  It's what you think that counts.  This is a very bizarre post.

Shalyn -> RE: Update to my previous thread (9/3/2006 4:53:59 PM)

Thank you all for your responses.


Maybe I'm the only one here, but I don't understand why you care what the hell we think.  It's what you think that counts.  This is a very bizarre post.

I was trying to hear what others had to say is all. Yes, I know its what I think that counts.

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