RE: Rabbit and deer floggers (Full Version)

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MisPandora -> RE: Rabbit and deer floggers (9/5/2006 5:23:02 PM)


ORIGINAL: bondageangel22

I do not use any products made of/from animals. I am also against animal testing. I am not going to preach as some people in this thread expect me to. it's my decision.
One of the reasons for my disgust is I know that
a) the fur trade is a fucking big business!
b) it didn't get there by being humane, and
c) Yes go on Peta, they have a selection of video's that might wake you sarcastic fuckers up!
The fur used for clothing, and proberly these toys is stripped from the animals whilst they are still alive. Do you think that is fair? Maybe we should try this on alive humans? As a rule I don't think using it from a animal killed for food is an option for ME. But yes as Slipstreme said that's using all the animal and a recycle if you will.

And a final note, which is I was trying to form a discussion and get an answer to my question, I wasn't disrepecting others opnions/choice to use them. Although as you will have seen. Straight away I was attacked for my choice.

I'd be ok with your choice if you were respectful of others, politely didn't buy the items in question, and perhaps didn't give your business to those who peddle leather and other natural fetish garments.  I don't buy the waaah poor me, I've been attacked conversation when I know for a fact that these flogger makers are not the ones out there stripping the pelts off the rabbits themselves.

marieToo -> RE: Rabbit and deer floggers (9/5/2006 5:54:26 PM)


ORIGINAL: MyMasterStephen

.  The person alongside whom you work does not think the same as you, and it is not your right to force your ideas and beliefs upon them, no matter how heartfelt and sincerely you may hold to them.  They are your truths, and yours alone.

I dont mean to be argumentative.  Your post had alot of really excellent points. 
To which I would first add that this young lady opened up a post with complete respect and a valid question, stating her feelings on something in a very polite way.  She was met immediately with sarcasm and mockery of her beliefs,  by several of the posters.  (She reacted to that) from what I could read.  They behaved like dicks. They were called dicks.  But not before she was antagonized and laughed at.

Beyond that...... 

How is it possible to even "force" ideas on the person next to you by stating your own beliefs...or even screaming them?  If I could think of a way that this was possible,  I would agree with you, and then I would say that while we dont have a "right to force" our ideas, we most certainly have a right to voice them as our "truths".   Much like you just did.   

MsEmily -> RE: Rabbit and deer floggers (9/6/2006 10:05:47 PM)

you can actually get microfiber... shami... faux suede floggers....

MasterCurios -> RE: Rabbit and deer floggers (9/7/2006 2:20:01 PM)

well if you find rabbit repulsive than you'll really hate the seal skin floggers i just made=lol  

             Master Curios

MadamShy -> RE: Rabbit and deer floggers (9/7/2006 2:28:55 PM)

you are right MsSonnet

the Rabbit fur that is used is from Rabbit farms that utilize the meat .. yes Rabbit is a Meat just like Cows..

and same goes for the Deer Skin floggers .. there Farmed and the Hides do not come from just hunting and tossing away the Meat .. there from Deer Farms that kill as a food staple just like Cows ... So dear Bondageangel you may relax if you eat a hamburger .. Deer floggers and Rabbit Floggers are Not slaughtered just for there fur ... just like tanning cow Hide they come from Farms that utilize there Meat as a food source ... not just like Mink are farmed for there fur alone ..

there are other animals that are I am sure exploited for there fur and skin

But Not Rabbit and Deer

FelinePersuasion -> RE: Rabbit and deer floggers (9/7/2006 10:12:22 PM)

Her being against rabbits and deers being made into floggers and being an animal rights activist does not make her crazy, and didn't warrent the sacrasim to her question.

ORIGINAL: MisPandora


ORIGINAL: bondageangel22

I realise that these are made from real animal fur and skin. As an activist I'm disgusted. Surely there are alternatives to these inhumane devices?

Call PETA.  We need another group of crazies chasing after us.  *rolling eyes* 

FelinePersuasion -> RE: Rabbit and deer floggers (9/7/2006 10:29:19 PM)

There are other ways to survive with out eating meat. Eating real meat's not nessisary to survival

ORIGINAL: bondageangel22

I eat meat. But I do that to survive,

MisPandora -> RE: Rabbit and deer floggers (9/7/2006 11:23:05 PM)


ORIGINAL: FelinePersuasion

Her being against rabbits and deers being made into floggers and being an animal rights activist does not make her crazy, and didn't warrent the sacrasim to her question.

ORIGINAL: MisPandora


ORIGINAL: bondageangel22

I realise that these are made from real animal fur and skin. As an activist I'm disgusted. Surely there are alternatives to these inhumane devices?

Call PETA.  We need another group of crazies chasing after us.  *rolling eyes* 

Re-read my statement?  It says that PETA are the crazies.  We need them chasing us to add to the fun of the CWA, etc.

Owned1 -> RE: Rabbit and deer floggers (9/7/2006 11:36:02 PM)


ORIGINAL: bondageangel22

I realise that these are made from real animal fur and skin. As an activist I'm disgusted. Surely there are alternatives to these inhumane devices?

This is the origional post, what I see here is red flags, as an activist Im that an excellent point?

I also believe the jury is out on how polite the first post was.

I am truly tired of hearing how it is disgusting and inhumane to kill animals,  we are long past the inhumane ways animals were killed in the wild they are raised better than you or I farmers are slaves to their animals and yes then they are killed.  Wow the circle of life.

Have you seen how animals treat each other in the wild they are far less humane than a farmer ever is.

I for one, eat meat, all types, wear leather I LOVE leather, I get beat with leather I beat with leather.  I wear makeup that more than likely has been tested on animals, sorry I would sooner a rabbit lose its eye than me.  I also take drugs that was tested on animals cause that keeps me alive and guess what I am the top of the food chain.

I have a dog and she is part of my family but shoot she is not one of my kids she is not human she is an animal.

If you are an activist and you have your own thoughts great for you, but do not tell me I am disgusting and inhumane for using parts of animals 

I am not always politically correct I think this is one of those times.

An example from experience from an "activist"  I was wearing a leather coat I walked into the bank this activist approached me and said,,,,,, Do you know an animal died so you could wear that coat.......I looked straight at her and said Now you know so I will have to kill you too.    She ran away faster than any rabit I have seen hop.


Owned1 -> RE: Rabbit and deer floggers (9/7/2006 11:37:56 PM)


ORIGINAL: MisPandora


ORIGINAL: bondageangel22

I realise that these are made from real animal fur and skin. As an activist I'm disgusted. Surely there are alternatives to these inhumane devices?

Call PETA.  We need another group of crazies chasing after us.  *rolling eyes* 

Dayum Pandora, the more I read you the more I like you!!!!


topcat -> RE: Rabbit and deer floggers (9/9/2006 8:06:40 AM)

Dear BA-

Second time I have had cuase to recommend A&G...
Excellent product, excellent service, and no, I am not a shareholder<g>.
Stay warm,

subbie333 -> RE: Rabbit and deer floggers (9/14/2006 10:17:16 AM)


I realise that these are made from real animal fur and skin. As an activist I'm disgusted. Surely there are alternatives to these inhumane devices?

OK, this original post is not necessarily PC, possibly inflammatory, and, slightly confusing.

Many things in this world are made from animal "parts".  The BDSM world is no more guilty than other industry that uses them.  My understand of cowhides is that they are a useless by product of the food industry.  So, if BDSM people don't use these hides, they would get thrown away (causing an environmental problem?).  Therefore, if one wishes to reduce the use of animal products in the BDSM world, it would be more productive to first reduce the use of animals in the food industry.

i understand how an "activist" can be "disgusted" at something.  Good for you, and, i hope that you can continue your activism in a positive and constructive way.


i am not sure what you mean by "Surely there are alternatives to these inhumane devices?".  Let's break this down and see what we can do.  First, animals are not humans, so, it would be impractical to treat them as humans (can i get my cat a driver's license now that she is 16?).  To be part of the human race you have to NOT be afraid of the vacuum cleaner.  Letter B, yes, i believe that it is wrong to hit animals with floggers made from rabbit and deer fur, but, that is just my opinion.  Ternary, to make a flogger from a live rabbit or deer would be impractical.  "Care and feeding of your flogger" would take on a whole new meaning.  Quarterly, of course there are alternatives to these inhumane devices, and, they include other inhumane devices such as whips, paddles, canes, TENS units, and, needles.  Cinco de Mayo, alternative devices that are not inhumane would depend upon the individual, their ability to deal with pain, and, what constitutes humiliation and suffering to them.  Caged in a dog pen would be inhumane to some, while forcing someone to go to "Karaoke Night" might be inhumane to others.  Sexthly, some people enjoy the feel of rabbit and deer fur, while others enjoy the feel of silk, freshly cut grass, mayonaise, or, spackle.  Different strokes for different folks.  In conclusitorium, um, what was the question again?



P.S.  The only thing better than a person with a perverted sense of humor is a pervert with a perverted sense of humor.  You people are hilarious!

Sab -> RE: Rabbit and deer floggers (9/14/2006 12:41:10 PM)

Eat meat! [sm=mrpuffy.gif][sm=evil.gif]

marieToo -> RE: Rabbit and deer floggers (9/14/2006 12:57:10 PM)




ORIGINAL: bondageangel22

I realise that these are made from real animal fur and skin. As an activist I'm disgusted. Surely there are alternatives to these inhumane devices?

If you are an activist and you have your own thoughts great for you, but do not tell me I am disgusting and inhumane for using parts of animals 

Where was the statement,  "hey Owned and all others who use animal products, you are disgusting and inhumane"?  I eat animals and use animal products too.  Yet her OP didnt strike me as offensive.  Shes says that as an "activist" she is disgusted and she finds the practice (using animal products) as inhumane.  These are her own feelings.  She is free to express them, dont you think?

Where did she say that you or I are 'disgusting' or "inhumane" people?.  SHE is disgusted at the usage of animals.  She did not say that WE are disgusting or inhumane people.

Its like me saying  "As a non smoker, Im disgusted when I see smoking".  Am I calling smokers disgusting people?  No, Im just disgusted at the thought of breathing in smoke. 

MisPandora -> RE: Rabbit and deer floggers (9/14/2006 1:02:33 PM)

Indirectly.....she absolutely is.

marieToo -> RE: Rabbit and deer floggers (9/14/2006 1:08:02 PM)


ORIGINAL: subbie333

i am not sure what you mean by "Surely there are alternatives to these inhumane devices?".  Let's break this down and see what we can do.  First, animals are not humans, so, it would be impractical to treat them as humans (can i get my cat a driver's license now that she is 16?). 

Inhumane means barbaric or savage. Her usage of the word was correct.

marieToo -> RE: Rabbit and deer floggers (9/14/2006 1:14:42 PM)


ORIGINAL: MisPandora

Indirectly.....she absolutely is.

The only thing she absolutely did was express her own feelings about an issue.  If everyone wants to whine, and pout and go off like little kiddies in a sandbox throwing stones at her,  and go into self defense mode over  something like that, Id say there are some seriously insecure and overly sensitive people around here.  

marieToo -> RE: Rabbit and deer floggers (9/14/2006 1:18:52 PM)

The OP isnt even here.  Which doesnt surprise me.

So,  Im going to leave all you non-judgemental, bdsm, free-to-express-yourself,  hypocrites to yourselves.....

EbonyFtshGoddess -> RE: Rabbit and deer floggers (9/14/2006 1:39:23 PM)


you can do a google search for mineral makeup. mineral make up is a little bit more expensive than traditional cosmetics but it's not only better for your skin, it doesn't contain any animal products or synthetics.

i use for my mineral makeup.

they are also trying to introduce a new line that is mixed with some synthetic components, but their standard line is just crushed minerals.

they have sample sizes so i'm sure your sister will like them. i don't use anything synthetic or animal tested on my skin so this is perfect.

SweetDommes -> RE: Rabbit and deer floggers (9/14/2006 1:47:36 PM)

You know, I just came into this thread, and I have to make a few comments.

1 - the OP comes across as feeling superior and condescending to those who use the animal products that she is "disgusted" by. 
2 - people reacted to that attitude, as I probably would have, if I had come across the thread earlier.

Beyond that, of course there are alternatives - anyone who has been to a toy store/site should know that (which is one of many reasons that I say the OP was coming across as condescending).  Even people who haven't been to a toy store know that there are fake fur and fake leather products that aren't BDSM related, so ... um ... pardon me as I revert to elementary school, but ... DUH!!!  I think that she came and posted it as a way to say "shame on all you people who use real leather and fur" - especially as she obviously has no clue about skinning animals (as shown by her comment about skinning critters while they are still alive) and how things are made, etc.

Call me hypocritical if you wish, but her attitude in the post just rubs me the wrong way, so I'm not exactly sorry to see that she's no longer posting here.

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