Kristin's Training - Part 1 (Full Version)

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hobgoblin -> Kristin's Training - Part 1 (1/10/2005 4:15:02 PM)

Kristin's Training - Part 1 - by hobgoblin

Kristin and I met through Alt some time ago. Through the course of our cordial and candid chats online I learned Kristin was an attractive and successful 33 year old corporate woman. She imparted to me that her lifei4r to this point had been driven largely by materialistic ambition. While she was satisified professionally, she went on to say she felt incomplete and unfulfilled as a person, as she had made little time to devote to her own sexual exploration. She felt she had missed out on much of what life had to offer and she was bent on making up for lost time. She confided in me that although she was very much the one in control at the workplace she had always secretly wished to used as a sex slave, and to be forced to accept whatever a Dominant man would care to give.

Beyond this, her vanilla fantasies were relatively tame and unimaginative for someone her age, and they lacked the extreme depravity which I would be happy to introduce her to soon enough. After a few correspondences she understood that I was going to challenge her mentally and physically and push her far beyond her imagined limitations. We agreed there were to be no limits and that her mind and body were to become mere extensions of my will.

When we settled on a weekend date I instructed her to fast 24 hours prior to our rendezvous and to drink nothing the day of meeting. I explained our first session would amount to basic training and would last the entirity of the weekend, from Friday evening to a time to be determined on Sunday. She eagerly agreed but expressed nervousness as this was to be her first real time encounter of this nature.

Fast forward.

After we entered the motel room together she turned to me and said in a hushed voice that she couldn't believe she was actually doing this. Her voice grew softer still as she went on to say that she had been wet for the entire day before our meeting, and her growing hunger only provided a constant reminder of what lay in store for her, heightening her anticipation. I grinned and told Kristin to sit on the bed at the center of the room. I remained standing as we began reviewing the ground rules she was expected to adhere to while in service to me. Her eyes widened, as she listened attentively. She was to do exactly as I say, when I say it. She was to speak only when spoken to. She was to bow her head and avert her gaze at all times unless addressed directly. She was to refer to me as 'My Lord'. Violation of any of these rules as stated would result in her being severely disciplined. With that, I indicated her training had now officially begun and asked if she understood the ramifications of what had just been said. Kristins eyes widened further still and she nodded slowly.

I commanded her to stand and remove her clothing. She hastily sprung to her feet and began disrobing as if to showcase her enthusiasm as a beginner eager to learn. After she shed her garmets I carefully looked her naked body over for the first time. She stood before me no taller than 5 feet, with her head bowed slightly in deference. Her form was well contoured by perky, b-cup breasts jutting outward at attention, and a tight, plump ass that betrayed her many hours of lower body workouts in the gym. Her nipples were small, highlighted by flesh toned areolas, and her frame was petite and toned. She looked pale and weak from 24 hours without food, and nearly half a day without water.

The moment had arrived to adorn her body with the jewelry of bondage that would remain in place for the totality of the weekend. While standing, I ordered her to extend her arms to shoulder to height, and spread her legs apart to shoulder width. I fastened individual locking rubber cuffs to her dainty wrists and ankles, along with a matching collar around her long, delicate, crane-like neck. She began sweating visibly despite her attempts to conceal her fear and anxiety. I lowered the Japanese blindfolds over her eyes, and advised her to enjoy the view, as the darkness was to be all she would see for the next 48 hours. At that, her inhalations grew noticeably deeper and exhalations slower in an effort to remain composed. I ordered her to lie prostrate on her back at the center of the bed. I hoisted her legs and pushed them as far against her torso as possible to measure her range of motion, and was pleased at the discovery of her considerable flexibility. With the area above her knees contacting the bed on either side of her head, I attached knee cuffs and connected them via a single very short metal link chain to the ring on the front of her collar, lifting her pelvis and exposing her perineum. To ensure sufficient immobilization I then secured her wrists to her skyward ankles. I whispered to her this was to be the position she would be spending most of the duration of the weekend in, and that she was fortunate to be allowed to remain in such a pose, as it provided for convenient access to all of her orifices. She managed only a barely audible, murmured response as the implications of this rushed through her mind.

The time had now come to rename Kristin with a new, more appropriate moniker. I explained that in service to me her new name was to be 'fuck meat'. I went on to say it was a most befitting name for her because that's all she represented to me. I then related to her that we would begin by focusing on critical aspects of oral servicing that she would be expected to provide as well as anal intercourse, as I demand perfection in both of these areas first and foremost. I mentioned that if she excelled, as a reward I would see to it that she would be well fed throughout our time together. Kristin let out a great sigh of relief and thanked me. She went on to plead that she be allowed to service me and receive her reward very soon. In a voice of duress, she added that her stomach was cramping terribly, and it became apparent she wasn't far from tears. I reminded fuckmeat that speaking would become a much more secondary use for her mouth during our time together. I repeated that her mouths new primary uses were to be as lubricant dispenser, post-coital pipe cleaner, cum receptacle, and urinal, as was detailed in our online conversations.

As I scanned her folded form before me, my eyes soon came to rest at her tense, puckered asshole, and my instincts took over reflexively. Without warning, I shoved and twisted my index finger deep inside, being sure to create as much friction as possible to gauge her threshold for pain. Her surprised, anguished shriek was piercing. Laughing, I asked fuckmeat if she thought we would be needing generous amounts of saliva from her mouth to oil her hole. Fighting back tears, and her lips trembling, she cried out that we would. Removing my index finger from her anus, I placed it into her mouth, which was almost as dry as her asshole from lack of hydration during the day. I told fuckmeat she had to the count of 10 to lubricate my finger before it was to be returned to her ass. It seemed she was to learn the hard way as she managed to coat my finger with only a meager amount of saliva in the time alotted. At the moment of expiration I immediately rammed the half dry, barely moist finger back into her ass. She gasped and gritted her teeth, followed by rapid shallow breaths.

I suggested we try for two fingers, and neglecting to carefully consider her own position, she pressed her lips together and shook her head from disinclination. I slapped her across the face with the back of my hand at this mild act of defiance, and chided her by saying the situation she finds herself in can worsen easily, as I would be glad to demonstrate for her now. Fuckmeat seemed crestfallen as I explained to her that she was to receive a light punishment commensurate with her act of insubordination. This was to quell any thoughts of resistance that may have been mounting within her, I explained.

I began slapping away with my bare hands at her small, supple breasts until the surface area of her tits became uniformly red. She winced as I tightly squeezed her breasts, clenching her tender flesh as I balled up my fists. She grimaced mightily while I measured the pliancy of her nipples by pinching, pulling, and twisting them in great excess. I then turned my attention to her cunt and resolved to give it a good spanking. I bombarded her bald, smooth pubic mound with volley after volley of hard, fast, open palm strikes. I adjusted my aim a little lower to contact her outter labia and commenced landing blows. Her body rippled as the force from each impact traveled from her inner thighs outward. Soon her pussy lips had swelled and become flushed and puffy. It was then that I noticed my hand becoming increasingly wet after each follow through. It was apparent fuckmeat was thoroughly enjoying her first punishment, maybe even more so than I was enjoying administering it.

With her nipples still hardened from prior manipulation I brought out the three-way tweezer clamps connected together by a heavy chain. I clamped the first tweezer on her left nipple with a moderate grip, and by her pronounced wincing it was evident that consistent pain, although mild, wasn't something she was at all used to. I attached the second clamp onto her right nipple, and she gnashed her teeth. I made my way down between her open thighs and lifted the loose skin covering her clitoris. It stiffened instantly at the sudden exposure to air. I flicked with my fingers until it inflated suitably and then attached the third and final clamp. At that moment she let out a long gutteral groan and her whole body tensed as though she had been shocked by a bolt of lightning. Her inner thighs quivered uncontrollably and it appeared as though she had come hard, near instantaneously.

To verify she had creamed herself I rammed several fingers in her now swollen cunt, and discovered large quantities of thick, mucous-like cum. I loaded my fingers with the viscous substance and returned them to her mouth, and without prodding from me, she hungrily sucked them clean. I repeatedly shoveled her own cum into her mouth until the supply was exhausted and she had consumed it all. However, her hunger persisted and emboldened her to ask for more.

With that, I admonished fuckmeat with a hard smack to the face and exclaimed that I hadn't given her permission to orgasm in the first place, and that she should consider herself very fortunate that she was fed at all. At this she hesitated to respond, so I smacked her face again, with greater velocity, and demanded an apology. With tears lining her face an apology was promptly surrendered, but her delayed reponse led me to question her sincerity. I retrieved the 10 inch, multi-tailed rubber whip and informed fuckmeat she would now be receiving an additional 30 lashes. I raised up and unfurled the short whip across her engorged labia and counted each stroke aloud. She drew in air convulsively as her entire body flinched from the impinging rubber tails. After 30 thrashes had been counted her pussy was bloated, ruddy and drenched with wetness.

I asked fuckmeat if I should continue where I left off before I was so rudely interrupted, or if she still had any lingering protestations. Without hesitation she nodded her capitulation, and I expressed that her compliance indicated she may be a smart girl after all. With the clamps still compressing her nipples and clit, and with her renewed cooperation, I replaced my index and middle finger into her mouth. Now she had a 10 second window to adequately lubricate two fingers. Not surprisingly, her second attempt was much improved over the first. Both fingers slid into her ass with much less effort and her outward display of discomfort was reduced to a whimper. I praised fuckmeat for her sudden proficiency. She smiled, but not for long, as I mentioned my new confidence in her had convinced me that she could easily accept a third finger. She fought her urge to protest as I dangled three fingers in her mouth to be wetted. After I pulled them from her mouth I couldn't help but chuckle, as this go around my fingers were absolutely dripping with her drool. I told her she was a fast learner as I again drove my fingers inside her taut ass. She sobbed as I pushed them in and pulled them out slowly, over and over. I continued fetching lube from her mouth as necessary over the next 30 minutes or so until her asshole was reasonably dilated. I congratulated fuckmeat at her success as a lubricant dispenser and commented on how inviting her newly expanded asshole was. She blushed, her face still covered in undried tears, as a faint smile stretched across her face.

I entered fuckmeats ass again, with my cock taking over where the fingers had left off. She let out small yelps with each thrust, as I fucked her ass until nearly raw. I made sure to dip my cock in her mouth to have lubricant re-applied as necessary, all the while occassionally yanking on the chain connecting her nipples and clit to overwhelm her with spasms of stimulation. Nearing the point of ejaculation I pulled out and decided a reward was in order for fuckmeat in the form of her second feeding. I allowed her the privilege of nursing my cock to climax, and drained my balls in her yielding mouth. Fuckmeat was a natural cumslut, and quickly swallowed the hot spunk, rapaciously sucking any remaining residue from my phallus. When there was no more semen to be extracted, she impatiently asked for more and reiterated how very hungry she was. I laughed aloud, as it seemed her mouth would make for an excellent cum bucket.

I would, however, heed her cries, and did agree fuckmeat was deserving of more, but she would have to wait until my penis had become flaccid. In the meantime, I placed a rubber open mouth gag in her mouth and buckled it in place. I straddled her forehead with my testicles dangling over the sides of the bridge of her nose below. I pressed my knees against the sides of her head to effectively lock her in place. I advised her to breath only through her nose from this point onward as I lowered my limp dick into the opening of the gag. A few minutes passed before my bladder finally began to empty. As the first few trickles of hot urine flowed I warned fuckmeat that if she allowed a drop to spill she would be punished severely. It wasn't long before the stream of urine began flooding her mouth rapidly, and I instructed her to drink more quickly like a good pisswhore. She thirstily gulped and gulped it down with all felicity but it seemed not quite fast enough to prevent the resevoir of piss collecting in her mouth from rising ever higher. Just when it seemed overflow was imminent, and that she wouldn't be able to swallow the deluge fast enough, the jetting piss receded to a dribble, and my bladder could offer no more. I commented that she very narrowly evaded spillage, and that she may not be so lucky in the future as there would be plenty more where that came from. I shook off the remaining drops into her forcibly opened mouth and I sat back against her forehead, watching my piss steadily drain away and disappear down her throat.

Pleased with my new urinal, I dismounted her head, removed the rubber gag, and commended her by saying how very proud I was of her, and she beamed from the positive reinforcement. I remarked at how well she seemed to have taken to my cum and piss so early on. This was a good development I told fuckmeat, as her diet was to consist of only the same for the remainder of the weekend to acclimate her palate sufficiently, and she was now completely dependent on the contents of my testicles and bladder for sustenance.

Fuckmeat had performed reasonably thus far, although the night was still young, our time together had just begun, and many new and much more interesting experiences yet awaited her.

Part 2 coming as time allows...

FangsNfeet -> RE: Kristin's Training - Part 1 (1/10/2005 4:49:58 PM)

It's a story I like. I have similar ideas and past experiences myself. Continue to live long and have fun.


liltxsubby -> RE: Kristin's Training - Part 1 (1/10/2005 6:08:56 PM)

very descriptive and well written

hobgoblin -> RE: Kristin's Training - Part 1 (1/10/2005 9:27:10 PM)

Thanks for the kind words.

hobgoblin -> RE: Kristin's Training - Part 1 (1/10/2005 9:32:36 PM)

This is my first ever attempt at writing a short story, so I really appreciate your saying so.

SirSTRYKER -> RE: Kristin's Training - Part 1 (2/28/2005 11:00:25 AM)

This hits close to home. I have an attorney who is well known in another country who also loves being used as a slave to escape her reality. Small world. Great writing. Keep it up friend, you're on the right track.

Unlovedforever -> RE: Kristin's Training - Part 1 (4/19/2010 9:00:47 AM)

really hot

VirginPotty -> RE: Kristin's Training - Part 1 (4/30/2010 1:06:24 PM)

Wow, great story! Can't wait to read Pt. 2![:D]

subbisherri -> RE: Kristin's Training - Part 1 (5/14/2010 4:17:45 PM)

"post-coital pipe cleaner"

What a fabulous term!!!

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