RE: Do Mistresses like Cross-Dressers ? (Full Version)

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LotusSong -> RE: Do Mistresses like Cross-Dressers ? (9/17/2006 8:12:20 PM)

The Domme is the one in charge.
You seek out a Domme for what reason then?

(let's chat a bit so we can understand better)

sissifytoserve -> RE: Do Mistresses like Cross-Dressers ? (9/17/2006 8:17:10 PM)

In charge doesnt mean I can do whatever the hell I want with nothing to answer for.

I for one have NO wish to be with a dominant who DENIES their conscience.

Lorelei115 -> RE: Do Mistresses like Cross-Dressers ? (9/17/2006 8:20:29 PM)

Um.. back to the original post.. I am a Mistress and I like cross dressers. Then again, I am bisexual as well. I wonder if that has something to do with it? I'm not into the "forced" cross dressing though. If you want to cross dress, do it and be proud of who you are, don't expect me to "force" you to accept your own nature. Just a thought.

Lashra -> RE: Do Mistresses like Cross-Dressers ? (9/17/2006 8:28:07 PM)

It's funny that you mention being bi, so am I and I don't mind cross dressing at all. In fact I myself wear some mens clothing/shoes upon occasion. I always have. Love those biker boots with the steel toes in 'em [:D]


Lorelei115 -> RE: Do Mistresses like Cross-Dressers ? (9/17/2006 8:31:16 PM)

*laugh* and I have a pair of eningeer boots I COULDNT be without! [:D] Maybe it IS a bi thing.

lunamor -> RE: Do Mistresses like Cross-Dressers ? (9/17/2006 9:13:23 PM)


I find most cross-dressers and TVs and trans-genders are caught up in themselves rather than service.

Well, at the risk of provoking another sissy-hissy, I gotta say I'm with LadyHugs because that's been my experience too. I've organized several parties and used to actually seek out sissies to serve, thinking they'd be not only decorative but of course useful as well. Instead I found they were more interested in tottering around on their heels and showing off than in serving.

I'm happy to meet them, willing to know them and can appreciate and enjoy their "look" when it's done well, but so far I've only met one who is more interested in service than in dressing up.

Sissytoserve, we're not saying ALL but we are saying MOST. And as Doms we are probably in a better position to observe CDs, TVs and TGs in action than you are!


sissifytoserve -> RE: Do Mistresses like Cross-Dressers ? (9/17/2006 9:19:29 PM)


ORIGINAL: lunamor

I find most cross-dressers and TVs and trans-genders are caught up in themselves rather than service.

Sissytoserve, we're not saying ALL but we are saying MOST. And as Doms we are probably in a better position to observe CDs, TVs and TGs in action than you are!


You have NO idea what really goes on in the mind of a crossdresser...WHATSOEVER....don't be so arrogant to assume so.

Well guess what...mabye some us don't WANT to serve you because of how ABUSIVE you are towards US?

You know what? DON'T seek a US a favor. Take your superiority complex elsewhere. We're more than just "decorotive..and useful" so piss off.

WE aren't WAL-Mart to trim your damn tree. Treat me like an object and I will DAMN well get IN YOUR FACE!!

You exploitive USERS need to have your stuff handed to you...before you HURT someone else.



LadyHugs -> RE: Do Mistresses like Cross-Dressers ? (9/17/2006 10:17:21 PM)

Dear sissifytoserve, Ladies and Gentlemen;
You wrote;

ORIGINAL: sissifytoserve



Personally, I am friendly with several cross dressers however, those who want to serve are more caught up in their own attire, appearance and attempting to mimick being a female that the dominant, like me is totally forgotten. I find most cross-dressers and TVs and trans-genders are caught up in themselves rather than service.


I find a lot of "dominants" judge all crossdressers in one lump instead of looking at each as an individual.

I have stated, that I have friendly relationships with several cross dressers.  I highly doubt if that can be seen as anything less than dealing with cross dressing individuals on a 'one on one' basis as an individual person.
If you were at my side watching how a good many sissy sorts, cross dressing sorts and such petitioned to be of service but, only wanted to parade around in their fetish garments, not working at all but, token petting with a feather duster, it can sour any reasonable dominant's tastes for such behavior.  If sissy maids, cross dressers that I have come across got their body out of the lavatory (bathroom), taking hours to paint their face, admire their beauty in the mirror and the like, pepper questions on how they looked and more; you can perhaps understand my general dismay.  And, I will add young lad--that a good many hard working sissy maids and cross-dressers will agree that most sissy maids and cross dressers, are all about themselves and not 'service.'  So, when a clutch of sissy-maids and cross-dressers complain of like individuals; I have no arguement but a mutual agreement.
That said, there are those dominatrix out there, who do not wish to have fetish sorts but, servant slaves/submissives.  Just as you may be entitled to your bias and or prejudice, each individual dominant has the same entitled choices.  But, I think what is paramount to understand, that those who identify in any role, that goes off into a rude tangent only makes the logic in avoiding sissy sorts and or cross dressers even more clearer, if there was a pre-disposition to do so.
If I have a sissy maid or cross dresser, they will get dirty.  Their frocks have no place in real cleaning and or service in my house.  And, I'll be getting dirty along with them, as it speeds up the cleaning process along.
Respectfully submitted for consideration,
Lady Hugs

sissifytoserve -> RE: Do Mistresses like Cross-Dressers ? (9/17/2006 10:25:50 PM)

Friendly or exploitive ONE SIDED relationships?

Aren't you a "female supremacist"? "Superior" to us?

We are "LESSERS" to you.... aren't we.? At least you are foolish enough to think so.

You can rationalize your ridiculous, unfounded, supremacist comments all you want. MOST crossdressers tend to be very GIVING and LOVING....and they tend to get S**t on..a LOT.

If anyone is "all about themselves" its people who think they are BETTER than you.


I will NEVER serve someone who looks at me as a "lesser".

Best be careful who you play never know.

LadyHugs -> RE: Do Mistresses like Cross-Dressers ? (9/17/2006 10:39:38 PM)

Dear sissifytoserve,
I highly doubt if I would be considered a female surpremacist-- I do have a female's taste.
If you're so negative, so defensive, I highly doubt if any would wish your company, as we would be subjected to less than civil behavior, attitude and such to make it an enjoyable exchange; to which you thrive of such discourse.


ORIGINAL: sissifytoserve

Friendly or exploitive ONE SIDED relationships?

Aren't you a "female supremacist"? "Superior" to us?

We are "LESSERS" to you.... aren't we.? At least you are foolish enough to think so.

You can rationalize your ridiculous, unfounded, supremacist comments all you want. MOST crossdressers tend to be very GIVING and LOVING....and they tend to get S**t on..a LOT.

If anyone is "all about themselves" its people who think they are BETTER than you.


I will NEVER serve someone who looks at me as a "lesser".

Best be careful who you play never know.

I do see the published 'threat' by your own words; "Best be careful who you play never know."  -- Threat is dutifully noted and documented.
Lady Hugs

firefey -> RE: Do Mistresses like Cross-Dressers ? (9/17/2006 10:41:18 PM)

sissifytoserve you are, perhaps, the first cross dresser/tv/tg that i have ever met that hasn't been a fan of being objectified.  playing in the hollywood/la scene i've been introduced to and know quite a few.  and where i think the major difference lies is in the act of cross dressing versus the act of submission.
the first is a fetish, and a state of mind that is all about the gratification of the fetishist.  most tv's i've known get their enjoyment from the process of transforming themselves from a man into a woman (or woman to man, but less often) and then going out and flaunting themselves.  if they have an arm to lean on and be admired from, even better.
the second is a state of mind whereby the focus of one's gratification comes from service to another.  therefore, it's not about the submissive.  of course i acknowledge the two way street that is dominance and submission.  i cannot fully be myself without the person in my service.  but at that time, it is all about me and what i want and what i need and how i want things done.  if i want purple jell-o, my pet better get to the store and buy a box of jell-o mix, come home and make it.  end of story.  i don't think i'm better than them, which i would have to think for me to feel superior, i just know that my sexual gratification comes from the taking of controll and their's comes from giving it to me.
i'm not sure what happened to you to make you so embittered, but your transference issues are something you might want to fix before you go hunting for your "one."  it's not attractive in any kind of relationship.  and doubbley so where one or both parties has a deviant desire.

sissifytoserve -> RE: Do Mistresses like Cross-Dressers ? (9/17/2006 10:49:41 PM)

What I see is one-sidedness when (as far as I'm concerned there should be equality and balance of energies. The sub gives to the dom..and the dom give to the sub. Both of their talents.

NO..I DON'T like being objectified.

Appreciated and wanted YES. Needed..yes. My gifts...willingly given to a DESERVING dominant. NOT to one who could give 2 $--ts about me.

But as you each their own.

I see explotation and weak, petty 8 year old level "all for myself and the hell with the consequenses" mentality
here among those who claim to be "dominants".

People who pitifully build themselves up by dumping on others and EXPLOITING their feelings and supressedkarma....only to use it for their own selfish agenda.

Its rotten.

SubNY278 -> RE: Do Mistresses like Cross-Dressers ? (9/17/2006 10:53:21 PM)

I just find it interesting that crossdressers and male subs in general are often all thrown into the same pot, something I have noticed in other threads on the forums as well.  I, for one, got into the BDSM lifestyle as a result of an early interest in crossdressing, which came about on its own (no one forced me to crossdress, I hadn't read about it anywhere, and I was still quite young).  As I grew older, I began to explore my interest and came across information about the D/s lifestyle, which interested me more and more.  My real-life experiences have confirmed this interest as well.

Right now, I enjoy crossdressing, but I actually rarely do it on my own.  I really would rather do it for a Domme that would understand and enjoy seeing me in those clothes as much as I would enjoy wearing them.  That said, it's wrong to say that all crossdressers just want to get dressed and aren't about the service.  This sub, for one, values both the act of dressing and the service that goes along with it... I don't see why it's so hard for one to understand that both can co-exist.  My yearning to serve does not go away if I am not dressed, but it is something that is a plus for me as a sub.  I've never crossdressed in public and have no real desire to, it's something however that I would love to share with a Domme as part of a larger context of service. 

Unfortunately though I've noticed that stereotypes work both ways on sites like this, and it's disconcerting for a submissive like me that has been searching quite a while to find a Domme to get to know as an individual, and to serve.  Perhaps the actions of many male subs are partially responsible for this, but I personally don't like being lumped into the same category as other subs who just send out form letters, who are pushy, who flake out at the last minute, who only care about a couple of fetishes they personally enjoy over what their Domme desires, etc., because I know I am none of those things, and despite that, I have had extremely limited success in my search and have seen countless postings generalizing all male subs as one and the same.  I feel that frame of thinking begins to reinforce itself to the point that even when a genuine, honest sub comes about, many (certainly not all) Dommes are already too blinded by cynicism to take a closer look.

firefey -> RE: Do Mistresses like Cross-Dressers ? (9/17/2006 11:01:50 PM)

knowing that i'm neither 8, nor is my karma compleatly out of whack, nor have i seen one domme on this thread saying to hell with the concequences of my actions  i have to reiterate that i think you are having some transference issues.  no one here has attacked the cross-dressing/tv/tg community.  however, the question was raised, "do dommes like tv's?"  and the answer seems to be ambivilance for that particular fetish or a like of the fetishist but a disagreement with the idea of a tv who is service oriented.  based on experience.  i'm willing to cede that you are the supream exception to this very general rule.  but in a word, back off
technically two words i know, but ones i am willing to stand behind.  if you feel that someone is being unfair or confrontational you have every right to say so with grace and dignity.  insead you choose to roll around in verbal mud and fling yourself on the walls and anyone in the way.  not only messy but compleatly ineffectual.

sissifytoserve -> RE: Do Mistresses like Cross-Dressers ? (9/17/2006 11:11:06 PM)


ORIGINAL: firefey

knowing that i'm neither 8, nor is my karma compleatly out of whack, nor have i seen one domme on this thread saying to hell with the concequences of my actions i have to reiterate that i think you are having some transference issues. no one here has attacked the cross-dressing/tv/tg community. however, the question was raised, "do dommes like tv's?" and the answer seems to be ambivilance for that particular fetish or a like of the fetishist but a disagreement with the idea of a tv who is service oriented. based on experience. i'm willing to cede that you are the supream exception to this very general rule. but in a word, back off.

technically two words i know, but ones i am willing to stand behind. if you feel that someone is being unfair or confrontational you have every right to say so with grace and dignity. insead you choose to roll around in verbal mud and fling yourself on the walls and anyone in the way. not only messy but compleatly ineffectual.

Ive seen dominants in this thread making accusations about "MOST CROSSDRESSERS".....are this negative diatribe..or that negative diatribe.

I myself have been at the hands of similar sadistic, predatory, self-centered, off kiltered "dominants". Its about time someone corrects THEM.

I won't be a victim of that again....and I suggest any crossdresser reading this better wise up.

Call it "transference" it what you will. I'm sick of my demographic being accused of this and that....degraded...exploited.

Im F***ing tired of it. Go ahead and rationalize it. I flat out disagree with you. "No one here has attacked the TV/TS/TV/CD community" ????

You're Blind.

And by the way...nothing is ever resolved by someone rolling over and just taking it.

Call it "ineffectual." One person reading this who may find another way of seeing things is cool by me.

LadyHugs -> RE: Do Mistresses like Cross-Dressers ? (9/17/2006 11:12:42 PM)

Dear SubNY278, Ladies and Gentlemen;
I do agree that roles and or genders, sometimes are put into a generalized 'pot' per se.
That said, it is important to understand that each individual, to include myself, are made up from different threads or ingredients if you will, that creates the individual recipe/tapestry we are at this time and place.
In my early days, to dress a male in women's attire was called 'peticoat' and it was a form of discipline/punishment/humiliation.
I am not into humiliation so, I avoid any veins that may cause such as much as possible.
In anybody's search for the right energy exchange and or power exchange, it must be right for those individuals involved and not that of the peanut gallery.  Regardless of other's opinions and or observations, to be honest about what 'makes us tick' will be progress into a relationship and or understanding.
I hope you do find your dominant lady, lad.  I do want everybody to find their happiness.  In my service, I would prefer the butler type over a maid but, that is my personal desire in a slave/servant.  Yet, my eyes are open, as well as my mind's eye to all possibilities.  That is perhaps why I am open to a female who identifies more with the masculine side, as to serve in that capacity. 
This should be the same with one and all -- We, in a general sense, know what our internal desires are, as well as the ones to fill that role.  It may take time but, each individual is worth the investment in themselves first and then look for one who will invest wisely in a joint manner.
Respectfully submitted for consideration,
Lady Hugs

firefey -> RE: Do Mistresses like Cross-Dressers ? (9/17/2006 11:19:05 PM)

where on this thread has anyone said cross-dressers are bad people?  where is it said they could never been anything other than self-serving gits without an ounce of any saving grace? 
show me, please where you think the poor maligned cross-dressing community has been so wronged on this thread.  and yes, if i meet and know 30 tv's, and 1 or 2 of them are into service, i would say most are not.  even if the ratio is 20 to 10, that's still most. 
you however have said that every woman on here claiming to be/posting as a dominant is a self-absobed supremicist who doesn't give a shit about anyone but themself and their 8 year old ego.  just who is attacking whom here?
and i did not sugest you just take it, i said respond with some dignity.  you are doing no favours to any cross-dresser here or anywhere by acting like a 4 year old having a tantrum.

sissifytoserve -> RE: Do Mistresses like Cross-Dressers ? (9/17/2006 11:24:13 PM)


ORIGINAL: firefey

...]you however have said that every woman on here claiming to be/posting as a dominant is a self-absobed supremicist who doesn't give a shit about anyone but themself and their 8 year old ego. just who is attacking whom here?

Don't put words in my mouth.

If you are going to point out what I better QUOTE what I said instead of WISHING I said something YOU WISH to blame me for.

DiurnalVampire -> RE: Do Mistresses like Cross-Dressers ? (9/17/2006 11:26:48 PM)

Strictly personal opinion, I do like crossdressers.  I find females asthetically more pleasing, and males sexually more pleasing.  My boy is a blend of the two, astheticaly he dresses as I like to see him.  That does mean being my little girl for me, and he is quite comfortable in the role, although it is dreadfully part time for the next several months.
But, as always this is just my opinion and I am well aware very few share it.


firefey -> RE: Do Mistresses like Cross-Dressers ? (9/17/2006 11:27:17 PM)

Quote:   I see explotation and weak, petty 8 year old level "all for myself and the hell with the consequenses" mentality here among those who claim to be "dominants".

People who pitifully build themselves up by dumping on others and EXPLOITING their feelings and supressedkarma....only to use it for their own selfish agenda.   End Quote.


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