Permant Hair Removal (Full Version)

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SwitchNCgal -> Permant Hair Removal (1/18/2005 9:17:25 PM)

I'm just wondering how many people here have considered/done permant hair removal of all hair on their bodies or just certain areas..... and why they did or didn't.

I'm considering doing some in lets just say intaimate reagions because I'm sick of the hard job of shaving there, mostly i'm intrested in other women's points of view but that doesn't mean that men can't share as well.

I'm also wondering if this was done in conjuction with any jewelry or other permant body mods.

Shayna -> RE: Permant Hair Removal (1/18/2005 10:00:30 PM)

I've talked to a lot of people about laser hair removal and what I've heard is that it is expensive and for many women it doesn't work; the hair grows back. Recently I've stopped shaving altogether and now once a month I get a professional waxing job. It's awesome! No hair for 3 weeks.

SwitchNCgal -> RE: Permant Hair Removal (1/19/2005 12:11:48 AM)

well laser works best on fair skin and dark hair, other wise it is pretty worthless and Electroysis would be the way to go. (they take a needle and insert it in the root of the active hairs and then send an electric current to destroy the root so the hair can't grow back)

Plus Hair grows in cycles not all the roots are active at the same time. They grow in 6-8 week cycles so you have to have treatments for about a year for the hair removal to be premant and most laser companies say "premant hair reduction" a very differnt thing to "premenat hair removal" that electroysis is able to promise but it is more expensive and the sessions take a lot longer.

Kinkypupper -> RE: Permant Hair Removal (1/19/2005 12:25:19 PM)

i "shave" daily and have for many years. I do not like to "eat" a furburger and oonversely i do not expect any female i am with to do either.. so i expect them clean shaven and i respect that.
I have found that there are spas that do lazer hair removal.. its not a "removal" persay but a "thinning" and each timeit grows back thinner and finer.. it will take 5-6 treatments tho.. and is not cheap...
It is something tho that i am doing
other then that a nice norelco three head rotary shaver to keep things smooth works VERY WELL

bumblebee -> RE: Permant Hair Removal (1/19/2005 1:45:45 PM)

I think these things can vary a great deal from one individual to another. I have fair skin and dark hair so I thought laser hair removal would work for me. It took a very long time, cost a lot of money and though the hair is thinner it's not gone to the extent I had hoped. If you are going to do it I'd shop around a bit first. I went to the first place I found and probably could have done better. Some laser treatments claim to be pain free as well, which mine was not. I have a fairly high pain threshold and it got to be almost more than I could stand.

As for electrolysis I'd advise the same and also recommend that you ask about possible scarring. I have some very fine marks left from all the needles.

MyLadyPolgara -> RE: Permant Hair Removal (1/19/2005 7:09:00 PM)

whilte it's true that electrolysis is more permanent, it can also be even more expensive. Often the technicians doing the procedure don't charge by the limb, they charge by the hour, and the most that can usually get done in an hour is two to three inch square of skin. For natural blondes it might be a bit more since generally blondes have thinner hair (there are exceptions of course) and brunettes thicker, but it still takes forever. I just opt for shaving most of the time and treat myself to a full waxing occasionally.
take care,



well laser works best on fair skin and dark hair, other wise it is pretty worthless and Electroysis would be the way to go. (they take a needle and insert it in the root of the active hairs and then send an electric current to destroy the root so the hair can't grow back)

Plus Hair grows in cycles not all the roots are active at the same time. They grow in 6-8 week cycles so you have to have treatments for about a year for the hair removal to be premant and most laser companies say "premant hair reduction" a very differnt thing to "premenat hair removal" that electroysis is able to promise but it is more expensive and the sessions take a lot longer.

RiotGirl -> RE: Permant Hair Removal (1/19/2005 8:20:24 PM)

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ShadeDiva -> RE: Permant Hair Removal (1/19/2005 9:30:56 PM)

Waxing saves time.

A lot.

It didnt hurt me at all but my waxer said I was very lucky with very fine hair and rootballs that just slide out, and that not all women are so lucky.

I miss my waxer, and have been forced to shave for years.

While waxing, I never had bumps, ingrown hairs, rashes, or irritation. The hair would take about 3 weeks to come back, and it grew in les and less over time. I still after 4 years of not seeing her have little bald or thin patches in my hair. I suspect had I kept it up (or rather had she not moved lol) I'd be much less hairy by now.

I loved it.

And oh may - the endorphians! I walked away glowing. LOL. For dayyyyyys. Much different than pain released endorphians too, they had a very different texture to them.


SwitchNCgal -> RE: Permant Hair Removal (1/20/2005 1:37:26 PM)

yeah I know about the scaring possiablity and the hourly rate charge for electroliysis but I *HAVE* to have permant hair removal to at least one part of my body and was just wondering what the other girls had to say about it. As for waxing I've thought about it but don't know the first thing about it other then you melt wax (special wax that is) and coat the area to be waxed and then pull it with the hair i think (direction of growth, that is) and vola!!!!! no more hair for almost a month. As for electrolysis I've looked into that and there is a place that caters to girls like me and the rest of the world called E2000 in Dallas, TX.

What I would like to know is for waxing since that seems the way to go for most of the gals here is what do they recommend as a home waxing kit? For a complete novice and Anti-pain loving person (hey don't get me wrong the pain sluts may enjoy it but I sure don't!).

ShadeDiva by norelco do you mean a men's face razor or do they make one like that for women?

proudsub -> RE: Permant Hair Removal (1/20/2005 2:42:31 PM)

Here's a rather long thread on shaving for those interested:
razor burn

harmony3709 -> RE: Permant Hair Removal (1/20/2005 3:02:13 PM)


well laser works best on fair skin and dark hair, other wise it is pretty worthless

I asked a dermatologist about doing laser (she offered the services at her office) and she told me she wouldn't even try it on me because I have fair skin and am a natural blonde. When I asked why, she said that mainly it was the color of the hair -- and that meant your NATURAL hair color, because she explained that when she asked me if I colored my hair -- but she said that fair skin also made it more difficult. (This was the only opinion I ever got on the subject, so maybe that was only her personal experience.)

I also think that waxing is good for at least thinning the hair and find that the more I do it, the longer it seems I can go between waxing. I too have lost my waxer through a move and so am doing without, but I do think I have to shave less often and the hair is much easier to shave because it's so thin and grows very slowly.


Shayna -> RE: Permant Hair Removal (1/20/2005 5:06:54 PM)

I pay for my waxing. I'd be open to someone else doing it if they knew what they were doing (friend, sub/Dom), but when I've done it on myself, it's been a mess. It's hard to hold your skin taught and pull the cloth at the same time.

I don't think it hurts much either - and being hairless rocks :)

SwitchNCgal -> RE: Permant Hair Removal (1/20/2005 5:13:06 PM)

yeah but not many will do the intamtie areas and many don't want a T-Girl in the house.

sweetnygirl -> RE: Permant Hair Removal (1/22/2005 7:15:31 PM)

I just had a brazilian wax done for the first time yesterday since I was tired not only of shaving every day but also cutting myself constantly(I'm a little klutzy). I saw stars a few times & it stung, but nothing I couldn't deal with. I'm looking forward to not needing to shave every day. My waxer said I should only have to get it done once a month, much better than shaving every day & dealing with razor burn.

ShadeDiva -> RE: Permant Hair Removal (1/22/2005 7:58:38 PM)

I think KinkPupper stated the norelco dealie.

As for waxing - call.

Call every beauty salon, and see if they will do a bikini or brazilian wax on a male.

They will say yes, or no.

Mark down which ones say yes, and then work through them til you find one you bond with the waxer at.

If none seem great find the best one, and every time you see a new salon or waxer place open, call them and ask if they do males.

Some will - some won't. Only way to determine who will and who won't - is to ask. And the phone is the most anoymous way to do it. Do it from a payphone if you're afraid of caller ID.

Get in contact with your T-Gyrl support networks in your area, or the crossdressers, etc. THEY will know who to go to.

Just some ideas.


SwitchNCgal -> RE: Permant Hair Removal (1/23/2005 2:59:50 AM)

The CDers around here are mean or down right hostile to anyone but their little group besides they decend ont he city from upto 2-3 hours away to play here and most are from out of town (I did try that earlier, and I have a phone on my school campus that I can use with impunity if I so desire so the caller ID will be the University instead of a person.)

As for other T-girls in my area sorry I'm the only one that I know of in the city that is my age, i know of 2 more but they do this sort of thing themselves or have had it all removed ready and besides they are well over twice my age, not that is a bad thing it just means our proities are different.

Now at the state capital 3 hours away where there are 3 cities together I've joined a support group that caters to Girls my age and the first meeting I was able to go to turned out to be the belated winter holiday and new years party. It only lasted from 8 til 12 but we younger girls (it was done with the support group for the older girls as well) wouldn't stand for that I finally had to leave the next day in the evening almost 24 hours after the party originally started and go home as the rest of the girls returned to continue that night. Next month I'm going back for the actual meeting and the fellowship that occurs afterwards since it is a monthly thing, they may be able to guide me towards a friendly waxer in one of the 3 cites there.... I would ask now but all but 1 of them (myself included) had blonde moments and forgot to trade contact info.

Thanks Shade your advice to myself and others has yet to not make sense to me, and you are far enough away to see things that those asking questions are too close to to see the simiple answer "would have bitten you if it were a snake!" to qoute my parents.

Now I'm curious what is a decent price to pay for such work? I'd like to have an idea of what the girls pay for that work so that can I'll know when one adds an obsence mark-up and so that I can add that to my list of monthly expenses, because I'm sick and tired of nicking and even putting a 2" long scape on my legs and arms (I wonder do salons do FULL body waxes?). (I lost my good leg razor on my last vacation along with the rest of my toiletries and those two small bags where all that I can't find.... *sigh*)

ShadeDiva -> RE: Permant Hair Removal (1/27/2005 12:29:52 AM)

Try this site - it has slow moments, but the gals there are veryt nice, haven't seen a shred of cattiness yet.

Good luck!


SwitchNCgal -> RE: Permant Hair Removal (1/27/2005 1:08:05 AM)

Thank you I'll check it out after this session here.

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