"Tell me about yourself" help (Full Version)

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WillWork2Serve -> "Tell me about yourself" help (10/14/2006 6:15:31 PM)

I've never been good at writing, especially when its about myself.So when somebody ask me to tell them about myself, I either cant think of anything or I tend to sound like an idiot.Does anybody have any advice for people like myself?Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Spankinatrix -> RE: "Tell me about yourself" help (10/14/2006 6:26:24 PM)

I would love to help with this!  In fact, I have a list of questions that I expect submissives to answer when they're writing with an interest in learning more about serving me.  That way they know exactly what to say and I get to see if they can follow basic directions.  Feel free to use it as a guideline for your own profile and/or emails.

1.) What are your goals on collarme, and in seeking to serve me?
2.) What, if anything, stands out in my profile...aside from having a photo.
3.) In what ways do you believe you are best able to serve?
4.) Do you have experience with live kink/bdsm? Explain.
4.5) Give general sexual experience level, as well. Include genderfuck activities/interests.
5.) List all munches, play groups, houses, etc. that you belong to (or have in the past), with references.
6.) Give detailed information about any parental or romantic relationships you are currently in. Briefly note your living situation.
7.) Give your current job, in basic terms (such as: computer tech. or professor), but not the company or any of that.
8.) What days/times are you available to meet and serve?

masochistboy -> RE: "Tell me about yourself" help (10/14/2006 6:36:32 PM)

^wow that really helps Spankinatrix. Like WillWork2Serve, i always give vanilla responses or have no idea. i mean, the question is pretty vague anyway.

DiurnalVampire -> RE: "Tell me about yourself" help (10/14/2006 6:42:38 PM)

I would add in
What are your longterm goals in the lifestyle.
What are your hard limits, if you have any, and why.  Personally, if you cant explain WHY a limit is a hard limit and not up for negotiation or pushing, you have to have a reason.
How/why did you get into the lifestyle (my questions tend to assume lifestyle, you can substitute kink if youd prefer)


MisPandora -> RE: "Tell me about yourself" help (10/14/2006 10:18:00 PM)

It worries me when a guy can't think of ANYTHING to tell me when I ask him to tell me about himself......

Perhaps before continuing to seek for someone to partner with, you might know yourself and understand how to market yourself before thrusting yourself on the market :-)

MasterFireMaam -> RE: "Tell me about yourself" help (10/14/2006 10:50:41 PM)

While I don't expect anyone to fill out this questionnaire right off the bat, perhaps this will help with ideas about yourself.


Master Fire

DivaDuchess -> RE: "Tell me about yourself" help (10/16/2006 1:19:55 PM)

I love a good game of 20 questions but ... let's think for a moment.  First ask yourself  ... "self, how old am I?" ... the proceed to the really important trigger question ... "What have I done with my life".  Once you've done those two, just start writing what you have learned, taught, experienced.  It's not that hard.  I get nervous when someone tells me they don't have anything to say about themselve.  I have to wonder what rock they have been living under to have nothing to say for themselves.

littlesarbonn -> RE: "Tell me about yourself" help (10/16/2006 1:29:53 PM)

I often don't do very well at this because I tend to give TOO MUCH information. Or I don't know what more to say. My profile is VERY extensive, leaving very little for further explaining. So, when a woman writes me "tell me more", I usually don't do well beyond that. I sometimes don't even respond because it gives me so much of an impression that the person either hasn't taken time to read my profile, or is just doing the female version of trolling because after reading a profile that is EXTREMELY extensive, one would think that the first question would be a lot more specific. So I just throw up my hands and give up. If I give a lot of information, I get no response. If I give very little, I get no response. Or if I do get a response, it's a one-liner that so many women claim they will not allow from potential submissives.

MsKatHouston -> RE: "Tell me about yourself" help (10/16/2006 1:47:15 PM)

Something that bothers me is when I ask that question, I get a response of "30 yo SWM, 5'11, 190lbs, brown hair, blue eyes."

That tells me nothing and is clearly in your profile.  Also a complete rehash of the profile.  It also worries me if someone can not think of something to discuss.  If you can not talk about yourself, something you should be intimately familiar with, how can you hold an interesting conversation with me if we go out to dinner?

I can understand the balance that needs to occur.  However, if you put together some highlights of what you'd like a lady to know plus an invitation to ask for more information, that should work pretty well.  A few sentences, unless detailed questions are asked, should suffice.  However, one liners will generally not give us enough information about you.

dicipline2 -> RE: "Tell me about yourself" help (10/16/2006 8:44:50 PM)

Some men are uncomfortable writing but could carry on a conversation, were it verbal, for hours. My best advice is not to be intimidated by the written word, lol.

Imagine yourself having a face-to-face conversation with this person. Write what you would say. Give an Introduction and some basic information about yourself. Education, Interests (non-BDSM as that is evident by your presence on this site) hobbies, etc.

I wouldnt write something like "Hi, Im Joe Somebody! I make (some huge amount of money) and I am very succesful!" This kind of boastfulness will back fire and is not common courteousy. I know there will be women rolling there eyes at this but please understand that men get by in this world by coming to the point and being very blunt. It is a common trait to our gender.

I also wouldnt write "Hi! do you like to do (some obscene act)" and damn it, dont show pictures of your body parts! would you walk up to a lady in a bar and flash her to try to pick her up? lol. That works in the wild when the male bird shows his flashy feathers to get the females attention but some need to make their flashiness into a refined set of maners and intelligent discussion.

I hope this helps.....

DivaDuchess -> RE: "Tell me about yourself" help (10/17/2006 3:04:43 AM)

Hmmm ... how about my fellow Mistresses *s* ...  Give them a close ended response, with a very specific intent ... such as a 'scenerio' situation.


And then see if the prospect has the IQ above that of the average garden salad and can reply with intelligence.  So instead of just saying 'tell me about yourself' ... be more specific ...

"TELL ME ABOUT YOURSELF, and how you would react to (insert scenerio)"...

MsCece2u -> RE: "Tell me about yourself" help (10/17/2006 4:57:00 AM)


ORIGINAL: littlesarbonn

My profile is VERY extensive, leaving very little for further explaining. So, when a woman writes me "tell me more", I usually don't do well beyond that. I sometimes don't even respond because it gives me so much of an impression that the person either hasn't taken time to read my profile, or is just doing the female version of trolling because after reading a profile that is EXTREMELY extensive, one would think that the first question would be a lot more specific.

littlesarbonn I went and read your profile.  If a woman ask you the tell me more about yourself question you are correct she hasn't taken the time to read your profile.  It would seem to me that any additional questions directed to you would be more specific in nature.  Good luck on your new book.

MsCece2u -> RE: "Tell me about yourself" help (10/17/2006 5:00:55 AM)

Normally if I reply to an email with tell me about yourself, it means that your profile is more than likely not complete or gives absolutely no information at all.  However my questions tend to be like the ones that Spankinatrix posted.  Though I do normally want to know more about the vanilla activities that a submissive enjoys.  So when a Domme ask those questions I would say tell her about past accomplishments and experiences, goals, and hobbies.  If those don't satisfy what she wants to know then she should respond more specific questions.  There is nothing wrong with asking her if there is something specific she wants to know.

MsKatHouston -> RE: "Tell me about yourself" help (10/17/2006 5:33:46 AM)

After thinking about this for a little while I did come to the conclusion that I do not always immediately look at someone's profile.  When I look at someone's profile is usually determined by my interest.  So, Someone who approaches me first with something like "May I serve you?" or "I would be interested in getting to know you better" or some one liner, it is usually followed up with a "tell me about yourself".  If he or she can put in a few bits of information that will hold my interest, then I will go look at their profile.

undergroundsea -> RE: "Tell me about yourself" help (10/17/2006 8:00:03 AM)

I have no trouble talking about myself!

For instance, I can talk about my favorite color. Most men like either black or blue as their favorite color. I try to be a little different. So I say my favorite to be black and blue <wink, wink>. I suppose I am also a bit indecisive at times.

And I can talk about my favorite college football team! Wohoo! I can recite their stats for the last five years off the top of my head. And if you want to know something from seven years ago, no problem. I have a folded sheet of paper in my wallet that has the archives. And I also have an autograph of Johnny Blue in my wallet! Who is he? He almost got onto the Texas team as a place kick holder! How many people can make that claim? And I can talk about where I was when Texas won the Rose Bowl. And I can talk about where I was when Texas beat Kansas two years go. I mean not that that game was as big as the Rose Bowl but I remember so I might as well share, right?

And I can talk about my car! How much horsepower it has. And how quickly it goes from 0 to 25. And I can talk about the time I went out and spun my tires as I turned corners! I could keep a woman entertained for hours. I have so many exciting stories to tell. And I won't just bore someone with words alone. I have photos of my car in my wallet! The engine, the tires. You would feel like you have known the car for years.

And I love to talk about my tools. Last time I was on a date I talked about my tools. Wait....was it.....yes, that's right. I'm sorry, that was 4 years ago so it's a little hard to remember. Anyway, I think my date was intimidated and overwhelmed by my extensive knowledge and expertise about tools. I think she was conscious that she was not able to contribute to the conversation much because she was reluctant to see me again. I guess not all of them can keep up with you, huh?

And I love my Ham radio! I think they are not as popular amongst women as they are amongst men. But if women learned more about them, they would love them as much as men! And that's where I come in. I am just a wealth of information for women. I can draw a diagram of a Ham radio on a dinner napkin with the flux capacitor and everything in no time. And I love to draw diagrams on dinner napkins. That's why I don't go to any place that has cloth dinner napkins. Anyway, one time I was drawing a Ham radio diagram and the waitress came by to fill the iced tea. I thought she might also like to know how they work so I got her attention. I said, hey I was explaining here how this radio works and I thought you might also like to know....you see this thing here...it goes to this thing...

You should have seen the confused, surprised expression on her face. She was astounded by my act of kindness and that someone--a stranger--would volunteer to explain all that to her for nothing. But she was very responsible. She did not stay for even two words because she said she had customers waiting.

So anyway. Who wants to know more about me?



littlesarbonn -> RE: "Tell me about yourself" help (10/17/2006 8:03:25 AM)




ORIGINAL: littlesarbonn

My profile is VERY extensive, leaving very little for further explaining. So, when a woman writes me "tell me more", I usually don't do well beyond that. I sometimes don't even respond because it gives me so much of an impression that the person either hasn't taken time to read my profile, or is just doing the female version of trolling because after reading a profile that is EXTREMELY extensive, one would think that the first question would be a lot more specific.

littlesarbonn I went and read your profile.  If a woman ask you the tell me more about yourself question you are correct she hasn't taken the time to read your profile.  It would seem to me that any additional questions directed to you would be more specific in nature.  Good luck on your new book.

Thank you. I only wish I had more time available to write the next one. After going back to school for another graduate degree, practically every professor I come across wants to write a paper with me. I guess I shouldn't really complain.

dicipline2 -> RE: "Tell me about yourself" help (10/17/2006 8:34:21 AM)

LMAO...undergroundsea....your eccentric. I do that too.... *frowns* I get pretty goofy and I become a chuckler so I got to be careful. I also got to be careful not to discuss a topic which most women find boring as hell. DONT TALK ABOUT PHYSICS HOMEWORK! lol.

I think most women, as a general rule, find science and technology boring which rules out your ham radio, lol.

joyinslavery -> RE: "Tell me about yourself" help (10/17/2006 1:48:15 PM)


ORIGINAL: undergroundsea

I have no trouble talking about myself!

For instance, I can talk about my favorite color. Most men like either black or blue as their favorite color. I try to be a little different. So I say my favorite to be black and blue <wink, wink>. I suppose I am also a bit indecisive at times.

And I can talk about my favorite college football team! Wohoo! I can recite their stats for the last five years off the top of my head. And if you want to know something from seven years ago, no problem. I have a folded sheet of paper in my wallet that has the archives. And I also have an autograph of Johnny Blue in my wallet! Who is he? He almost got onto the Texas team as a place kick holder! How many people can make that claim? And I can talk about where I was when Texas won the Rose Bowl. And I can talk about where I was when Texas beat Kansas two years go. I mean not that that game was as big as the Rose Bowl but I remember so I might as well share, right?

And I can talk about my car! How much horsepower it has. And how quickly it goes from 0 to 25. And I can talk about the time I went out and spun my tires as I turned corners! I could keep a woman entertained for hours. I have so many exciting stories to tell. And I won't just bore someone with words alone. I have photos of my car in my wallet! The engine, the tires. You would feel like you have known the car for years.

And I love to talk about my tools. Last time I was on a date I talked about my tools. Wait....was it.....yes, that's right. I'm sorry, that was 4 years ago so it's a little hard to remember. Anyway, I think my date was intimidated and overwhelmed by my extensive knowledge and expertise about tools. I think she was conscious that she was not able to contribute to the conversation much because she was reluctant to see me again. I guess not all of them can keep up with you, huh?

And I love my Ham radio! I think they are not as popular amongst women as they are amongst men. But if women learned more about them, they would love them as much as men! And that's where I come in. I am just a wealth of information for women. I can draw a diagram of a Ham radio on a dinner napkin with the flux capacitor and everything in no time. And I love to draw diagrams on dinner napkins. That's why I don't go to any place that has cloth dinner napkins. Anyway, one time I was drawing a Ham radio diagram and the waitress came by to fill the iced tea. I thought she might also like to know how they work so I got her attention. I said, hey I was explaining here how this radio works and I thought you might also like to know....you see this thing here...it goes to this thing...

You should have seen the confused, surprised expression on her face. She was astounded by my act of kindness and that someone--a stranger--would volunteer to explain all that to her for nothing. But she was very responsible. She did not stay for even two words because she said she had customers waiting.

So anyway. Who wants to know more about me?



This is, quite simply, your greatest post ever. 

MisPandora -> RE: "Tell me about yourself" help (10/18/2006 8:49:54 AM)

Sea --

If you can design, set up and get on air a base with a yagi antenna, you pass one of my tests LOL

undergroundsea -> RE: "Tell me about yourself" help (10/23/2006 8:26:01 AM)

Joyinslavery and discipline2, I am glad the silliness was not lost ;-)


ORIGINAL: MisPandora
If you can design, set up and get on air a base with a yagi antenna, you pass one of my tests LOL

I know little about Ham radios and am lucky that I had the spelling right! Doing a lab in college which had us put together a predesigned circuit for frequency and amplitude modulation (techniques used for FM and AM transmission) is the closest claim I can make ;-)



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