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RE: Why are conservatives happier than liberals?

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RE: Why are conservatives happier than liberals? - 11/15/2006 2:55:46 PM   

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I don't recall global warming being a principle of conservatism.

Perhaps I did not speak my mind correctly.

Global warming is not a sign of conservatism.

The argument over what causes it seems to be an argument between scientists who research the issue and deal in empirical analysis and studies, and conservatives who tend to inarticulately try to claim it is not really happening and the studies are flawed.

I tend to not have much respect for a person that claims somebody else is wrong, but then refuses to put up with the empirical evidence to prove why that person is wrong.  It seems so grade school to me.


Your talking to the wrong person here, I've probably watched, 15 different documentaries on global warming and spent a good amount reading about over the years.

I don't deny global warming, the only debate in my head on the subject is how fast it will occur. If you saw in another thread about a week ago I was looking into buying a solar energy system, and previous posts I've made about it over the year I've been a member.

When I say I am a conservative in certain areas, it means the core principle. As in I'm a fiscal conservative for example, I don't believe in rampant welfare, whether that be corporate or personal, a balanced budget, control of the money supply in the hands of congress, no  fed, A gold standard based system,etc. These issues are not as clear cut as scientific data, thus the reason I say alot of it is opinion and based on personal experience. The root of conservative or liberal views is broad philosphies.

The earth is round or flat isn't a conservative or liberal position. It's a scientific observation. Similiar to Global warming. Years ago I was skeptical about global warming, because there was global cooling scare in the 70's which turned out to be wrong. And science seems to be quick to conclusions and then become more accurate with time. It is getting to the point were Global Warming is moving from a theory to fact. So, I'm not arguing  about something I think is happening.

(in reply to Sinergy)
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RE: Why are conservatives happier than liberals? - 11/15/2006 3:05:47 PM   

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ORIGINAL: popeye1250

Needtouse, "Global Warming" is a "U.N." money scam.
Cofi Anan was on the news  tonight lecturing the U.S. about it again, meanwhile he does nothing about Darfur!
No money there for him and his "Bag Man" lackey son like there is in pushing "Global-Warming."

I don't think it matters really in my view, I don't really care for the U.N. and wouldn't turn to them to solve almost anything.

But the goals of solving global warming, and what is good for the US are in line anyway. As in reduction of pollution burning fossil fuels. It would benefit us any way you look at it, to reduce or eliminate those things. We don't need the UN to do that. We need to spend more on research and promoting better technologies. Simply because whatever you believe in regards to Global Warming it's in our nations economic, security, and health interests to do it.

So, it's not really a issue if someone doesn't believe, there are plenty of reasons to clean up the way we do things otherwise.

< Message edited by NeedToUseYou -- 11/15/2006 3:28:27 PM >

(in reply to popeye1250)
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RE: Why are conservatives happier than liberals? - 11/15/2006 3:21:18 PM   

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This whole thread about conservatives and liberals is bogus. My guess is that the vast majority of people are what they are because of what they perceive to be their own self interest, whether it is through positive or negative reasoning and whether it is positive or negative reasoning depends on the individual's disposition.


There are fascists who consider themselves humanitarians, like cannibals on a health kick, eating only vegetarians.

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RE: Why are conservatives happier than liberals? - 11/15/2006 3:33:06 PM   

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ORIGINAL: meatcleaver

This whole thread about conservatives and liberals is bogus. My guess is that the vast majority of people are what they are because of what they perceive to be their own self interest, whether it is through positive or negative reasoning and whether it is positive or negative reasoning depends on the individual's disposition.

I agree.Thumbs up, you summed it really tightly there.

(in reply to meatcleaver)
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RE: Why are conservatives happier than liberals? - 11/15/2006 4:07:11 PM   

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We're taller.


Small deeds will always mean more than large intentions.

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RE: Why are conservatives happier than liberals? - 11/15/2006 4:20:37 PM   

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We're taller.

Ltrsub, I'm an Independant and I'm 6'0" tall.

Need, what do we do if this global warming is due to increased solar activity as some scientists seem to think?

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RE: Why are conservatives happier than liberals? - 11/15/2006 4:33:00 PM   

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ORIGINAL: popeye1250



We're taller.

Ltrsub, I'm an Independant and I'm 6'0" tall.

Need, what do we do if this global warming is due to increased solar activity as some scientists seem to think?

That's pretty fucking obvious;  Burn more oil, block out the sun.

(Do I have to do all the thinking around here?)


Small deeds will always mean more than large intentions.

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RE: Why are conservatives happier than liberals? - 11/15/2006 4:36:31 PM   

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ORIGINAL: popeye1250



We're taller.

Ltrsub, I'm an Independant and I'm 6'0" tall.

Need, what do we do if this global warming is due to increased solar activity as some scientists seem to think?

Grow gills. LOL. I don't think that is controllable if that is the case. Sometimes when your fucked your just fucked.

(in reply to popeye1250)
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RE: Why are conservatives happier than liberals? - 11/15/2006 4:37:02 PM   

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(Do I have to do all the thinking around here?)

You dont really expect the rest of us to log onto an internet message board
and think, do you?



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(in reply to LTRsubNW)
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RE: Why are conservatives happier than liberals? - 11/15/2006 7:34:51 PM   

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Great scientist in my country have proved that this global warming is cause by methane gas from some farting gypsy.  We will take care of this problem.


ORIGINAL: popeye1250

Need, what do we do if this global warming is due to increased solar activity as some scientists seem to think?

(in reply to popeye1250)
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RE: Why are conservatives happier than liberals? - 11/15/2006 7:38:54 PM   

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From: Kitchener-Waterloo, ON
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A simplistic reply.... conservatives are always 'right'..... 'grins'

(in reply to BORAT)
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RE: Why are conservatives happier than liberals? - 11/15/2006 7:44:33 PM   

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Conservatives are happier because they have accomplish the changes they wanted back when they where liberals. Rember that every conservative veiw once started as a liberal idea. Accomplish your liberal goals and before you know it, you're a conservitive. That's life.


I'm Godzilla and you're Japan

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RE: Why are conservatives happier than liberals? - 11/15/2006 7:56:23 PM   

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Examples of Conservative "works"?

I see -- changing your question from "doctrine" to "works" so you can make a list. Ok, I'll play along even though most on your own list don't meet your own criteria of not being needed anymore, and it appears that the term "conservative work" is also being applied to claim things enacted by liberals:

The Constitution -- interesting that you would claim that a bunch of rebels are conservatives, and even more interesting considering how the current administration is trying to undermine the personal liberties described in the constitution. Nice try, but I'm not buying it, and listing it here looks to me like just another example of conservatives pretending to have cornered the market on patriotism.

The 'bail out' of Chrysler Motors under Lee Iaccoca. -- that was merely a loan guarantee, but it did come from a democratic congress. But then liberals have other high profile financial success stories such as what Robert Rubin did under Clinton with the Mexican financial crisis and also with the meltdown of the Long-Term Capital Management hedge fund -- that stuff makes Chrysler look like chump change..

The Panama Canal --  well, Teddy Roosevelt gets credit for finishing a project started by the French! At least he had sense enough to follow their lead; too bad Dubya didn't. The French also built the Suez Canal; is that a liberal or conservative success story? And if you are fond of large scale construction projects as "proof" that an ideology is righteous, how do you like the Aswan and Three Gorges Dams built by the commies? Anyway, I didn't realize industrial projects rose to the level of "policy"; if I had, I could have mentioned landing a man on the moon as a liberal accomplishment.

US Stock Exchange -- this is a comical example considering the Stock Market crashed in 1929 under the not-so-watchful eye of Herbert Hoover and the conservatives who preceded him. The reason the markets are stable now is because of the SEC which was founded under FDR. Speaking of FDR, I considered mentioning other programs such as Social Security, the TVA, and others but figured they were relatively unimportant compared to something like civil rights.

As for the ones that follow, about all I can say is *yawn*.

Interstate Commerce
Federal Deposit Insurance (this was FDR's too)
UCC Regulations
Lloyds of London
US Patent Office

It makes no sense to me to to diminish women's suffrage and civil rights as liberal accomplishments, and then hold these up as conservative successes. Sure they're useful, but it isn't clear to me that conservatives have an edge; as a matter of fact, based on my observations above on your own list (ignoring your bogus claim of the constitution as conservative), it looks like the edge in terms of overall impact goes to liberals. Thanks! 


"Get a bicycle. You will not regret it if you live." . . . Mark Twain

(in reply to Mercnbeth)
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RE: Why are conservatives happier than liberals? - 11/15/2006 7:57:16 PM   

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they're happier because they know they have 4 more years of screwing with Americans


Are we having fun, yet?

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RE: Why are conservatives happier than liberals? - 11/15/2006 7:59:35 PM   

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It's 2006.  Not 2004.

Film at 11.

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RE: Why are conservatives happier than liberals? - 11/15/2006 8:01:51 PM   

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i thought i'd avoid the rush


Are we having fun, yet?

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RE: Why are conservatives happier than liberals? - 11/15/2006 8:44:25 PM   

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i agree with LM ignorance is bliss ......

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RE: Why are conservatives happier than liberals? - 11/15/2006 8:47:02 PM   

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Yeah, sure, agree with me NOW, after they issued a fatwa for my head in Kentucky.

(in reply to Dorsai)
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RE: Why are conservatives happier than liberals? - 11/15/2006 9:33:04 PM   

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My one and only question regarding liberal doctrine is provide an example of one liberal program that worked or works? 

I don't have statistiscs handy, I confess, but here are some possibilities:

Social Security has, I believe, greatly reduced poverty among the elderly.

The Rural Electrification Administration helped provide, yes, electricity to many homes that had been left behind by the market.

The Tennessee Valley Authority created jobs and power sources in a region that was particularly hard-hit by the Depression.

Head Start reportedly had a large impact on kids' performance later in school.

In my own neighborhood, the Environmental Protection Agency helped restore the health of the Potomac.

The National Park Service, once described by a British diplomat as the best idea America ever had, has helped preserve some of the most beautiful places in America.

The GI Bill of Rights repaid countless veterans with the opportunity to pursue a college education. One article I read said that the vets were some of the best and hardest-working students most campuses ever saw.

Did all these programs work perfectly? Of course not. Any human endeavor leaves room for improvement. (And let's remember that government has no monopoly on inefficiency.) But have they helped people in important ways? I think so.

(in reply to Mercnbeth)
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RE: Why are conservatives happier than liberals? - 11/15/2006 10:10:38 PM   

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My general belief is that "liberals" come up with a lot of ideas and programs.

The ones that conservatives end up supporting, they make them actually work.

It's a partnership, guys.


I don't believe either side has the Holy Grail of how to make society "better".

The US is an "experiment" isn't it?  Something "new under the sun"?  Where people of all beliefs, religions and political viewpoints work in a civil society for their own ends and beliefs, with the hope that in the end, the synthesis is something that is the best from each?

Throwing out things as "liberal" programs or "conservative " programs doesn't make a lot of sense, except in some isolated cases.


< Message edited by FirmhandKY -- 11/15/2006 10:12:09 PM >


Some people are just idiots.

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