RE: Being able to tell HNG's (Horny Net Geeks) from True Masters (Full Version)

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Adorhym -> RE: Being able to tell HNG's (Horny Net Geeks) from True Masters (6/20/2004 3:07:06 PM)

i must say, being a new subbie myself.. ive come to know[somewhat ]the difference by just using common sense..and a sense of humor..luse your education[hopefully you have educated yourself to the lifestyel].. but reley on your insticts.. and listen to them! if it feels is.. if it feels is! thine own self be true..ALWAYS.. and may i comment on those who DEMAND RESPECTand feel they must emediately be addressed as Sir.. or feeling is this.. the TITTLE is meaningless... without sincere and genuine respect behind it. I address one as Sir..only if he is one i have respect for..and that respect.. does not occur instantaniously, the moment one says greetings..

j110racer -> RE: Being able to tell HNG's (Horny Net Geeks) from True Masters (6/20/2004 4:12:30 PM)

So I've heard this complaint before. Help me, I am a Master loooking for a Sub, but have only some experience. I am serious, but want to make sure that comes through. The internet is not the best place - better someone is before me.

Sinergy -> RE: Being able to tell HNG's (Horny Net Geeks) from True Masters (6/20/2004 4:27:20 PM)


There are 10 types of people in the world -- those who know binary and those who don't. :-)

I have heard differently. Everybody knows that people are divided up into two distinct categories. These are:

1) People who divide people up into two groups.

2) People who dont divide people up into two groups.

Please make a note of this valuable life tip.



ShadeDiva -> RE: Being able to tell HNG's (Horny Net Geeks) from True Masters (6/21/2004 8:59:30 PM)


want cyber right off the bat (grins.)

Yanno... I keep trying to picture the cyber position one would take to have cyber sex off a bat.

Ummmmmm ... is it a baseball bat ... or a little flying mammal with large ears?

If it's the former, yeah I can't quite picture that ... well okay - I *can* picture a lot of ways one could incorporate a bat.

If it's the latter - suffice it to say:

SQUICK! EW! and I don't WANT to know!



iwillserveu -> RE: Being able to tell HNG's (Horny Net Geeks) from True Masters (6/22/2004 4:07:02 PM)

Shade Diva,

The sub is expected to hold and provide the winged mammal. You have nothing to worry about. (Ask Lady Beckett if she has the pictures of me with a bat.)


ShadeDiva -> RE: Being able to tell HNG's (Horny Net Geeks) from True Masters (6/22/2004 9:25:12 PM)

Hey I used to catch them and do "bat rescue" (and even bat rescue recon from time to time) myself.

Nothing more sad than seeing a group of jocks holding shovels with a crowd of 20-30 kids all screaming and freaking out about a 3 inch long insect eating bat that simply had the misfortune of turning up in the middle of a school yard all arguing about who's going to flatten the poor little thing with their shovels.

Had to deck two shovel holders and grab a shovel myself before I captured enough of their attention to order them to back the fuck off as I stood poor the poor tiny cringing thing and said the first person to swing was in for a battle with shovels. I was kinda a fiery little thing LOL.

SO scared of a harmless creature, and so ready to crush it to pretend they weren't scared. They pretty much freaked when I had a friend that had tagged along fetch me a garbage bag so I could scoop it up and take it to a safe place.

Bats are awesomely cool critters.


xstacee -> RE: Being able to tell HNG's (Horny Net Geeks) from True Masters (6/24/2004 7:51:33 PM)


I demand respect from the beginning
All subs are to call me Sir
They will kneel to me

When ever not in direct contact:
Subs would be required to disclose any real or imaginaray sex.
Keep a journal

Okay -- IMO these kind of requirements from the beginning would be a good hint that you're talking to someone who PLAYS a dominant as opposed to IS a dominant. And I don't care that he's been doing it for more than 30 years. This is fine for someone looking for a quick fix -- a top/bottom play experience. But if what you're looking for is a real honest-to-goodness D/s relationship, then run away from this guy.

D/s is like any other relationship -- it takes time to develop. While you're on your knees in front of him after knowing him for a couple of weeks or less, he's not learning that you love to read or you have a passion for politics or you can't get enough baseball. And reading your journal of "real or imaginary sex" gives him no clue as to who you are intellectually or emotionally. You deserve to be treasured and cherished, and that only happens when you get to know each other as just folks AND as dominant and submissive.

my two cents worth.

ObsidianDoll -> RE: Being able to tell HNG's (Horny Net Geeks) from True Masters (6/27/2004 8:00:37 AM)


ORIGINAL: mastermlm2000

As in my case:

I demand respect from the beginning
All subs are to call me Sir
They will kneel to me

When ever not in direct contact:
Subs would be required to disclose any real or imaginaray sex.
Keep a journal

These are the type of guys that I would have me laughing all day long. Some are obvious (as stated above) some are not. Usually what I do is talk with them, first in e-mails, chats, then phone before I ever meet them. When they sound too good to be true, they usually are.

iwillserveu -> RE: Being able to tell HNG's (Horny Net Geeks) from True Masters (6/27/2004 8:03:46 AM)

Just idle wondering?

How often do you get the respect you demand in the begining. If you don't get do you move on?

IWantYou -> RE: Being able to tell HNG's (Horny Net Geeks) from True Masters (6/27/2004 6:18:17 PM)


ORIGINAL: sweetobsession

i've been having a problem..i have come across alot of Masters and Mistresses on the net who seem like they would be perfect for me..they say all the right things and well yanno all the stuff that a slave craves but then when i finally give in and start feeling for them they turn out to be a hng or one of the worst Masters or Mistresses that i come across and i was wondering how can i figure out what they truely are before i get that far with them?

IWantYou -> RE: Being able to tell HNG's (Horny Net Geeks) from True Masters (6/27/2004 6:24:30 PM)


see sweetobsession.. even a Dom can have misadventure here and that's where your should be.. not in r/t. Work at leaving your heart out of things until your intuition says its OK to do and of course someone who you have been telling all of your dealings with a desired Dom/Master.

Do yourself a favor.... find the places people in tyhe lifestyler hang out, meet on a regular basis and who know each other to some degree. Go to munches, play parties or just for coffee with a few. Get and keep other sub and maybe a few Dom as mentors you can ask questions of. Play safe, be safe and keep it SSC. IWY(Rob)

sweetieboop -> RE: Being able to tell HNG's (Horny Net Geeks) from True Masters (6/27/2004 7:37:30 PM)


Should I change my name then? :-)

I agree with Estring on this one. You ARE an exception to the rule (and an exceptional man [;)]) Don't change your name. :)

MasterPotential -> RE: Being able to tell HNG's (Horny Net Geeks) from True Masters (6/29/2004 7:11:32 PM)

Bi-nary..... is that the opposite of a straight-nary?

warlock51 -> RE: Being able to tell HNG's (Horny Net Geeks) from True Masters (7/3/2004 3:11:30 PM)

I rarely get involved with the on-line fray affair. But this topic genuinely intrigues me. Finally, I here the echo of a fellow Master who subscribes to my basic theory.
Estring, I couldn't agree more! To all you (FEMALE) sub's out there, all I can do is give you one of my mottoes. A MAN MUST FIRST MASTER HIMSELF BEFORE HE SHOULD PRESUME TO MASTER ANOTHER. Sad to say it, but many male dom's are essentially working out the frustration of getting their tail kicked throughout grammar school. Oh, if I did take your lunch money in grammar school, I'm (kinda) sorry. You are what you are. One can improve as a dom; but I think you can't become one. You emerge from the womb hardwired that way.

the warlock

tanna -> RE: Being able to tell HNG's (Horny Net Geeks) from True Masters (7/5/2004 5:35:17 AM)


ORIGINAL: mastermlm2000

As a master who has been at this, well let's say over 30 years, you can't tell the BS from the real thing until you meet unless:

As in my case:

I demand respect from the beginning
All subs are to call me Sir
They will kneel to me

When ever not in direct contact:
Subs would be required to disclose any real or imaginaray sex.
Keep a journal

This is exactly the kind of man I would avoid. Respect is earned and submission is a gift only given to those who have shown they are worthy. I do not call anyone Sir until he has shown me that he truly deserves that title.

In my experience the HNG's usually want to get right down to talking about sex. Sex is usually one of the first topics they will bring up, especially wanting to know if you like anal. *rolls eyes*

Common sense applies when dealing with others on the internet. Trust your instincts as well. You can usually tell from first contact if they are someone that you'd like to know better.

You should also know yourself, what you want for yourself, limits, expectations, and generally the type of person that you could best connect with, and that would eliminate a lot of the wasted time dealing with those who do not fit what you seek.

On another note, a personal journal is a good idea. It can help you to sort out your thoughts on a particular issue, or on a prospective Dominant that you are corresponding with.

Good luck,

Thanatosian -> RE: Being able to tell HNG's (Horny Net Geeks) from True Masters (7/7/2004 9:06:43 AM)

<----feeling particularly smart-alecky today, so will tweak a couple of chains here


the TITTLE is meaningless

Main Entry: tit·tle
Pronunciation: 'ti-t&l
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English titel, from Medieval Latin titulus, from Latin, title
Date: 14th century
1 : a point or small sign used as a diacritical mark in writing or printing
2 : a very small part

Adorhym, sounds like you are absolutely correct[:)]


Bi-nary..... is that the opposite of a straight-nary?

no - the opposite of a straight-nary would be a gay-nary - a bi-nary simply goes 2 ways[;)]

Laura -> RE: Being able to tell HNG's (Horny Net Geeks) from True Masters (7/8/2004 11:57:38 AM)


ORIGINAL: mastermlm2000
I demand respect from the beginning
All subs are to call me Sir
They will kneel to me

Those have to be given, not demanded. You have no respect if you have to demand it. I'm not typing this to piss you off but to me you sound just like every fake Dom I've ever met online. They always make demands and expect respect and submission to be handed over freely, as if it's worthless and easy.

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