My Domme Thinks She is Wonder Woman! (Full Version)

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undergroundsea -> My Domme Thinks She is Wonder Woman! (12/11/2006 8:18:16 PM)

Help, my Domme thinks she's Wonder Woman! I don't know what to do!

She keeps trying to lasso me as I am walking around the house. The lasso has not landed on me yet once but many a vases and glasses have lost their lives to it.

She got a pair of red glittery boots to go with her outfit. She made me go to bootblacking class to take care of her boots. But she gets mad when I tell her that the techniques they taught there don't work on her boots. She tells me to ask them to hold a bootblacking classes for red, glittery boots. They have stopped responding to my emails and are threatening to ban me from attending future events!

And she beats me when I say Wonder Woman's invisible plane is half ass. I tell her it should be like the James Bond car where the person inside also becomes invisible. She gets mad and says I have a crush on James Bond and if I like him so much that I should go sub to him instead. I mean, I'm just making conversation and wondering what was going through the mind of the dude who came up with Wonder Woman and her plane.

She comes back and says the plane is made out of glass and it's not supposed to be invisible. I say it's not a good idea to have a plane made out of glass. I mean, what would happen if it ran into a bird or a hailstorm. It would suck if one of the wings fell off. Upon hearing this, she beats me more.

One day she says she wants iced coffee and tells me to use chilled water to make it. I try to say that it won't brew well if the water is cold and that I should make it with hot water and then ice it. She hits me and says, you fool, don't question what I say. Then when the coffee turns out bad, she scolds me for making such horrible coffee and tells me to drink it.

And then, one time....when we were both at band camp.....I made her coffee as usual. She asked why there wasn't extra cream in it. I said, but you always like it black. She said, why didn't you ask me if I wanted the coffee as I always want it or if I wanted it different? I said, but I thought you didn't want me to question your orders and implement them immediately. She hits me and says, don't agrue with me, you fool.

Since the lasso thing didn't work, she now just tosses it up and I'm supposed to run and catch it around me. When I miss, she scolds me and beats me. And when I catch it, she says, Ha, I'd like to see you get out of that. I say that I don't intend to try. She hits me and says, what, you don't think my lasso is good enough to keep you bound? Are you questioning my technique? And so then when I try and do free myself, she beats me and says, what do you think you are doing trying to escape bondage like that.

On top of this, she makes we walk around in underwear and dark socks (yes, dark socks sans pants!) with a cape, and makes me say again and again, I'm Super Sub! I feel odd saying that because, you know, modesty is one of my many fine qualities.

And when we are going home, she says, let's go to the Hall of front of people!

What am I to do?



DiamondOrchid -> RE: My Domme Thinks She is Wonder Woman! (12/11/2006 8:25:27 PM)

LMAO!!!!! If this is for real, I am soooooo sorry! *snickers*.... but... I'll have to get back to you. I just snorted coffee all over my screen.

undergroundsea -> RE: My Domme Thinks She is Wonder Woman! (12/11/2006 8:26:49 PM)


ORIGINAL: DiamondOrchid
I just snorted coffee all over my screen.

OMG! You didn't! She's gonna beat me for that too!




MsCece2u -> RE: My Domme Thinks She is Wonder Woman! (12/11/2006 8:28:01 PM)

Oh lawwwwwwwwd sea I laughted so hard I almost fell out of My chair.  The only thing I can say is learn to run under the lasso faster.

undergroundsea -> RE: My Domme Thinks She is Wonder Woman! (12/11/2006 8:32:19 PM)


The only thing I can say is learn to run under the lasso faster.

It's like reverse basketball! I am trying to think up of some gadget like the tennis ball launchers which will help me practice ;-)



MasterFireMaam -> RE: My Domme Thinks She is Wonder Woman! (12/11/2006 8:34:17 PM)

Tell her if she taps the heels of her red, glittery boots (instead of shoes) together three times, that takes her to Batman's cave (instead of Kansas). He has a cape and all sorts of cool gadgets you'd love to play with...and maybe you'd share with her.

Master Fire

undergroundsea -> RE: My Domme Thinks She is Wonder Woman! (12/11/2006 8:39:51 PM)


ORIGINAL: MasterFireMaam
He has a cape and all sorts of cool gadgets you'd love to play with...and maybe you'd share with her.

Now that would be a lot more graceful than spinning in circles ;-) It makes perfect sense that Batman would have such gadgets. Rubber clothing? Ropes? All the references to holes and things holey? And a friend who is a dominatrix? One doesn't have to be..umm..Matlock to connect the dots.

But doesn't his car turn invisible? Because if it does, it will remind her of what I said about the plane and she will start to beat me in the cave!



MsCece2u -> RE: My Domme Thinks She is Wonder Woman! (12/11/2006 8:40:06 PM)

Well have you tried tossing the lasso up and seeing how long it takes to fall.  Timing is everything.  Though I do like the idea of going to batman's cave.  Boy the things One could do with his toys

MochaMistress -> RE: My Domme Thinks She is Wonder Woman! (12/11/2006 8:44:43 PM)

I think you should go buy her the headband, belt and bracelets to go with her boots. And present them to her in a beautiful ceremony in the Hall Of Justice. Also take her to the rodeo so she can observe the proper techniques for using a lasso. And stop dissing her glass plane. OOOOhhhhh did you she the new James Bond movie Casino Royale. Oh dang that little tight ass is just hot. Take your Mistress to see that she will love the torture scene. I almost wet my panties.


undergroundsea -> RE: My Domme Thinks She is Wonder Woman! (12/11/2006 8:52:46 PM)



Well have you tried tossing the lasso up and seeing how long it takes to fall.  Timing is everything. 

That's a wonderful idea! I will get her some light, fluffy rope--it will take more time to fall ;-)



undergroundsea -> RE: My Domme Thinks She is Wonder Woman! (12/11/2006 9:00:42 PM)


ORIGINAL: MochaMistress

I think you should go buy her the headband, belt and bracelets to go with her boots. And present them to her in a beautiful ceremony in the Hall Of Justice. Also take her to the rodeo so she can observe the proper techniques for using a lasso. And stop dissing her glass plane.

Very useful suggestions. I am imagining an invitation for such a ceremony.....umm, and please come dressed as a superhero!


OOOOhhhhh did you she the new James Bond movie Casino Royale.....the torture scene.

I have not yet seen it. I remember the torture scene at the beginning from Die Another Day. There was an Asian woman with a delightfully sadistic smile who was a central figure in the torture. It was driving me crazy. They would show a quick snip and then move on or make it blurry.

And of course there was the sadistic woman from Goldeneye.

I am thinking we have a friend amongst the crew that makes the Bond films ;-)



MochaMistress -> RE: My Domme Thinks She is Wonder Woman! (12/11/2006 9:12:17 PM)

Yes I do believe we do. Because the scene in Casino Royale was so one the money.

Oh yes she must have all of her superfriends there for the ceremony. I'm not a super hero. I'm more of a super villan. Cat Woman, but I do believe that would be the puuurrrrfect gift for her. And taking her to see the new Bond movie.


BlkTallFullfig -> RE: My Domme Thinks She is Wonder Woman! (12/11/2006 9:38:58 PM)

You're not serious are you?  You owe me a drink now spilled!
[sm=biggrin.gif]    M

undergroundsea -> RE: My Domme Thinks She is Wonder Woman! (12/11/2006 10:04:53 PM)


ORIGINAL: BlkTallFullfig

You're not serious are you?  You owe me a drink now spilled!
[sm=biggrin.gif]    M

It's all in jest ;-)



theRose4U -> RE: My Domme Thinks She is Wonder Woman! (12/11/2006 10:14:26 PM)


Batman's cave (instead of Kansas). He has a cape and all sorts of cool gadgets you'd love to play with...and maybe you'd share with her

Batman you get the utility belt. Kink at hand. Can't find a flogger quickly, lose your favorite quert at the bottom of the bag? Fogetta bout it!! You've got the domina belt.

masochistboy -> RE: My Domme Thinks She is Wonder Woman! (12/11/2006 10:18:02 PM)

No offense undergroundsea, but that was so LOL!!!!!!!!
Dude it would suck to be in your position. If She's being unreasonable, sit down with your Domme and tell Her how you're feeling and what's on your mind.
If She doesn't listen i'd ask for a short break. i couldn't put up with someone like that. If it's like a roleplay or something, then that's ok, but if She's acting like this in everything, then you really have to sort it out.

SweetSarijane -> RE: My Domme Thinks She is Wonder Woman! (12/11/2006 10:20:46 PM)

Seriously rolling on floor laughing my ass off....too funny!!!! Bravo!  [sm=biggrin.gif][sm=applause.gif]

LadyEllen -> RE: My Domme Thinks She is Wonder Woman! (12/12/2006 1:26:08 AM)

I cant believe you're all making fun of him.

Just 'cause its not your kink.

Sea - its super you've found such a wondrous woman and you're a hero for sticking with such a tight situation.


PS - I always wondered why WW didnt have a whip; now wouldnt that have just sealed the deal?

Lashra -> RE: My Domme Thinks She is Wonder Woman! (12/12/2006 4:48:51 AM)

Personally this sounds like fun to Me. Why don't you dress up as some villian so you can chase each other around the house. Of course with her being Wonder Woman she will win but, the fun is in the chase. [;)]


semasssub -> RE: My Domme Thinks She is Wonder Woman! (12/12/2006 4:59:42 AM)

She needs to gag your sorry ass mouth, then beat you, you should never talk to her like that!

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