why is there not ladies who your serious (Full Version)

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MasterBillinwi -> why is there not ladies who your serious (5/6/2004 7:52:29 AM)

im a master in wisconsin its hard to find a serious women on here or anyother website are alot of this poeple just wannabe's slave or sub? are they all talk and no action? why did people mess with other people feelings?

Estring -> RE: why is there not ladies who your serious (5/6/2004 9:14:20 AM)

It's the cheese!

EStrict -> RE: why is there not ladies who your serious (5/6/2004 11:15:27 AM)

That's not nice Sir, Master is from WI :) And he does love cheese. I don't know if he sought people online when he was there though, it was almost before computers...

In answer to you Bill, I would suggest maybe giving up online and trying to go some RL functions? I don't know where you are in WI, but if you give an area, I'm sure someone can tell you were there is a munch.

sub4hire -> RE: why is there not ladies who your serious (5/6/2004 1:53:22 PM)


ORIGINAL: MasterBillinwi

im a master in wisconsin its hard to find a serious women on here or anyother website are alot of this poeple just wannabe's slave or sub? are they all talk and no action? why did people mess with other people feelings?

I must agree with Sandy here. I live in California but I know real life people all over the states. I do know of a few in Wisconsin. I have to admit they do not do munches. So, I'm not sure of the munch situation. Although you could check most any directory at all to find out if they do exist. If they don't, why not just start one of your own?

shazam101 -> RE: why is there not ladies who your serious (6/2/2004 5:53:47 PM)

I will have you know that I am from Wisconsin and there are alot of us out there looking for a serious relationship. However when nothing is filled out on your profile I tend to reply and tell you to fill it out so i can get a little idea of who you are. However, if you are nasty you dont get answered. However, I do not ever remember seeing you on any other site either. So maybe you arent looking to hard, or you are to picky, or not picky enough, keep searching. Also it is very hard to look for or comunicate with someone if you are not a member of said sites as there is no comunication on your part to the said party. I was surprised that you could do so much on this site without paying. ssshhhhh! I dont want to say that to loud. You didnt hear that from me.

Estring -> RE: why is there not ladies who your serious (6/2/2004 7:02:12 PM)

I think it's obvious from Billin's post why he is having problems.
By the way, you state that I am Who I am was partially written by Donna Robertson. Which part, and who wrote the rest?

shazam101 -> RE: why is there not ladies who your serious (6/2/2004 8:17:33 PM)

I am Who I am

I am like noone
Who ever was
Who ever will be
So why?
-why can't you
-be happy [/quote]

is witten by her and alot of it was missing as you couldnt have more than 255 characters.
I changed the last part (the last sentence)

sudja -> RE: why is there not ladies who your serious (6/7/2004 9:39:32 PM)


I think it's obvious from Billin's post why he is having problems.

I think you said it all.


sirmagic -> RE: why is there not ladies who your serious (6/8/2004 8:50:10 PM)

As with all things in life you get what you give.
Things don't just happen we have to make them happen, this also applies to matters of the heart and finding completeness. There are those who sit behind their computers and expect it to come to them, and those of us who sally forth. If it was me, I would work to establish a local munch and take it one day, one week and one year at a time.

But then that's just me. If I don't like something, I ask the all important question:[8|]
" What can I do to change this and create the outcome I want ?"

Sir Magic

Sinergy -> RE: why is there not ladies who your serious (6/8/2004 11:18:24 PM)


As with all things in life you get what you give.

I do a lot of framing and building with wood. My daughter once asked me why
I didnt just buy them at Home Depot, my response was "What you get from something
is directly proportional to what you put in to something."

In my opinion, most people dont realize that half the satisfaction of owning something (bet it car or flower planter or sub) is the knowledge and memory of having taken something and made it into exactly what the person wants

I would suggest to people that they proofread their copy on their profile, and when they post something to try to use the proper protocol of the language the site is posted in.


Sinergy -> RE: why is there not ladies who your serious (6/8/2004 11:24:31 PM)

Speaking of proofreading, I apologize for double typing my nick and not proofreading.



dommeTulsa -> RE: why is there not ladies who your serious (6/9/2004 10:37:58 AM)

That serious thing works both ways... When I get flooded with 100's of emails and messages etc and the guys have no profile information etc.. and you have to ASK a dozen times to get a tiny bit of information it makes it hard to decide who is serious and who is just looking to play..

TSOslavec -> RE: why is there not ladies who your serious (6/12/2004 5:38:18 PM)

As a slave, reading your post here, it sounds to me like you are whining. slaves/submissives, the serious ones that participate in this lifestyle are intelligent. When i read a post such as this, that is presented with this attitude and a lot of spelling errors, i certainly would not take you seriously. As an intellectual slave, and i think that i speak for all slaves with intelligence, we look at the whole package. It is difficult enough to submit to a Master which is why we as slaves look at everything you do and say, as well as how you present yourself. D/s isn't a game or a fad, it is something that takes a tremendous amount of effort and commitment. It sounds to me as if you are looking for instant gratification and you have little to no experience, and if that is the case, i'm sure you can find what you are looking for in a chat room.

Voltare -> RE: why is there not ladies who your serious (6/13/2004 12:49:29 AM)


boy do you have a knack for the obvious. But hey, for the sake of posterity, I'll elaborate: Online, you are what you type. If you use half sentances, don't know how to open a dictionary to correct words, or u r just 2 plain laze 2 make hole werds, then like Kid Rock 'you get what you put in, still I ain't got mine, I ain't got mine, I been givin, just ain't been gettin.'

N stuff.


BigBrooklyn -> RE: why is there not ladies who your serious (6/29/2004 11:30:49 AM)

Feeling the same pain here my friend. [:@] It seems that I have ran into much of the same. Being that I have a sub already and am looking for a second makes it even harder. I am finding that the players and bullshitters are amounting to serious emotional damage to the one I have. I have had her for nine and a half years and she is broken over the last bout.

There are so many that just want a little ass smacking and name calling. It is the low self esteem thing I think. There are too many damaged women out there to determine who is real and who is not. It seems to be a constant battle to wee through the B.S.

Good Luck in your endeavorers.

sbmssvkitten -> RE: why is there not ladies who your serious (6/29/2004 12:01:33 PM)

i find that how mather how much detail i put on my profiles on this and other websites that i am owned and not looking i get emails like this: e_mail me at , sending more photos of yours, and your willingness to relocate to serve me better.I'm greek and living in Greece or greetings you got permission to contact this Master!!
that is one big reason a lot of subs see red with most mails and attempted contacts. as most people can't be bothered to read profile sor even after being told that the sub isnt looking they keep insisting and say well they won't give up and one ay they will get you anyways.

*please do not include other's email addy's or information in post's. Thanks! Mod3*

LadyBeckett -> RE: why is there not ladies who your serious (6/29/2004 1:32:30 PM)

Where O where are you tonight...why have you leffffft me here all alonnnnnne....

Present yourself in a manner that speaks to the type of submissive, or Dominant that you are seeking to attract. Estring and Stephen have already said that, in so many words, of course. Kitten literally had me laughing right out loud with her post, even though I know it's true. lol

You can't post "Here subbie subbie subbie..." on your profile and expect a flock of professional, intelligent, experienced submissives to throw themselves at your feet. lol

It is absolutely true that there are a lot of HNG's and those who will get right to the wire and for whatever reason back down at the last minute to return to the safety of the internet exchange, however there are just as many who are serious in their search for the real time experience. It is a process.

Camwyn -> RE: why is there not ladies who your serious (6/29/2004 7:45:01 PM)


You have been a member for how long? Why is it everyone expects an instant fix these days!?!? Aside from which I've only experienced two 'instant' things that were really satisfying...Kool-Aid on a hot day, and my slave's responses <chuckle>

And, as everyone has pointed out...spelling and grammar are incredibly important when you are communicating in a solely text-based medium...

One of the first subs I ‘spoke’ with online would IM in very proper grammar, etc. She did it because she had been taught that it showed respect for the one you were conversing with...and who’s going to want to meet you if they don’t feel you respect them?


Sinergy -> RE: why is there not ladies who your serious (6/30/2004 6:26:43 PM)




boy do you have a knack for the obvious. But hey, for the sake of posterity, I'll elaborate: Online, you are what you type. If you use half sentances, don't know how to open a dictionary to correct words, or u r just 2 plain laze 2 make hole werds, then like Kid Rock 'you get what you put in, still I ain't got mine, I ain't got mine, I been givin, just ain't been gettin.'

N stuff.




redflame -> RE: why is there not ladies who your serious (7/1/2004 7:23:54 PM)

the complaint i hear most often are from submissives, that there is not enough real Doms to go around.. in this ones opinion... take a risk, be yourself and you might be surprised how many will respond

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