How many is enough? (Full Version)

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indigo302 -> How many is enough? (5/13/2004 9:48:32 AM)

I was reading the forums this morning and saw a dominant mention their 10 slaves. While I realize a slave's position is to make life easier for their dominant, I always thought the dominant had a responsibility to the slave as well, to be aware of their well being, etc.

How can one dominant possibly give the time and attention necessary to keep 5-10-15 slaves happy and fulfilled?

How can a dominant support the emotional growth of that many people?

Am I missing something here?

bail1964 -> RE: How many is enough? (5/13/2004 9:57:31 AM)

in this day and age of multitasking i think that they live it to the extreme....
maybe it is a very large household and these slaves are service oriented....

ScorpioMaster -> RE: How many is enough? (5/13/2004 10:24:22 AM)

If he is telling the truth and they are with him then the slaves are very happy to be in that situation. As for me I can only handle two girls at a time but you creat a scedhule that they work around simular to a poloy relationship I am assuming.

Altarboyleather -> RE: How many is enough? (5/13/2004 12:31:07 PM)

The few times that I've met other Dom(me)s with more than 2 slaves at a time, they're usually Pro, or they've got the relationship arranged along "household" lines. Dom's the parent and oversees all the interactions of the other members who may or may not play with one another as well as him/her.

Personally, I prefer a craftsmanly approach. One thing at a time, done perfectly.


MistressDREAD -> RE: How many is enough? (5/13/2004 12:45:54 PM)

Yep indigo
your missing a lot......
We do not look at Ownership
of how many or whats enough
but take those whom desire
to serve in the position they
choose to do so and for whom
they do it for as the need from
the Dominnant is presented and
a slave to fill the need is presented.
A true Dominant in the Alpha position
will always care for the well being
of ALL whom are around Them
regardless of the other persons role.
Keep in mind this does not mean the
Dominant is to soley provide ALL
things for the home and those with
in the home but for the Dominant to
manage it in a way that All whom are
in the servitude of the Dominant give
of their selfs their part and the Dominant
sees that All contibute Their parts to
provide the Whole of the Home with
each slave with in the home provided
with All needs.
Big Differance

as others your missing
the meaning behind
servitude with out
expected return
thats what concensual
slavery is. Your thoughts
show a vanilla attitude.

Your biased assumptions
that I am a He are well
it says a lot to who You are
and if You have two girls
why would You be only
assuming?? Dont You know
or is Your words not truthful??
more then one = poly.

Ive never had a schedule around
any of My slaves as We all live Our
days and time around each other
when I am present in the House 24/7.
There is no need to schedule My time
as when I am there ALL are around
Me if present in the HOME and ALL
are given attention at that time just
as each slave has a position and
purpose to their servitude and provide
it when I am present.To assume that
all slaves are sex objects is a simple
mind. 3/4 of My slaves have no
sexual relation to Me what so ever..
6 of My slaves make up three husband/wife
couplings with 4 of those not in any sexual
relation to Me. 2 of My slaves are Trannies
in change with out sex a issue in Our M/s
relationship. 4 female slaves are straight
and have no sexual relation to Me. 1
male slave is gay and has no sexual
relation to Me.Oh yes half the year I am
not even at My Home but out of theCountry
so if the House were not always running in
order it would fall. My Dominance covers
My whole life and living and sex is only a
small part of My life with even My Sadistic
and bondange needs being greater then
those. As the saying goes a House divided
falls and My Home has been well established
for many many years now as well as My
Dominance......ect ect ect there is more
but this is enough to make My point here.

MistressDREAD -> RE: How many is enough? (5/13/2004 12:54:24 PM)

to address the question about
emotional growth and support..
talk to successfull people
that come from large families
and I beleive you will find the
answer as to how One person
can provide the emotional well
being of all that are with in
the Group no matter what
type of Group it is.
a foot note: I am the first born
what about you indigo?

indigo302 -> RE: How many is enough? (5/13/2004 3:23:16 PM)

So what you're saying is that many of your slaves fill a servant role, as in housekeeping, butler, assistant sorts of things?

Who doles out punishment and emotional support when you are out of the country? or do they look to each other for this?

MistressDREAD -> RE: How many is enough? (5/13/2004 4:56:49 PM)

I give
I do
I am
is My
the point
for you
is that
it works.
slaves I
choose to
have at

iwillserveu -> RE: How many is enough? (5/13/2004 5:31:26 PM)


Of topic, just idle curiousity. Are you hugging the right margin for your self or to see who notices? (If the later, do I get a cookie?[:)])

indigo302 -> RE: How many is enough? (5/13/2004 6:42:03 PM)



I give BOTH and how I do it when I am not at the Houseis My business the point here for you is that it works. However many slaves I choose to have at anygiven time.~smiles~

Actually, the point here for me was to learn. The question wasn't specific to you, but was a general question. The followup questions were for you because you answered the first one.

I'm not sure how submissives/slaves are to learn if they are given the "should be seen and not heard" attitude.

Enjoy your day.


CruelDomina -> RE: How many is enough? (5/13/2004 8:22:56 PM)

My matter how they all got there...the answer is NO ten people cannot be supported in emotional growth. There is no way. Perhaps just a polyamorous guy...or a

Sinergy -> RE: How many is enough? (5/13/2004 9:47:47 PM)

I speak only for myself, but I am happy with just one partner.

ShadeDiva -> RE: How many is enough? (5/14/2004 12:59:31 AM)


ORIGINAL: ScorpioMaster
If he is telling the truth and they are with him then the slaves are very happy to be in that situation.

I'd disagree with that automatic assumption. Plenty of women or men for that matter will stay in a very unpleasant and unhappy relationship - whether it is merely a two person relationship or twenty person relationship.

The mere fact that someone is with someone and putting up with their crap doesn't make them happy to be there automatically, and there is really no way anyone could possibly ascertain if everyone is happy with the way things are going without knowing the facts as well as being in contact with all the people involved.

I know plenty of submissives that stuck it out because they had personal baggage along with a hefty dose of denial (and even sometimes quite a bit of emotional blackmail to go along with it) keeping them in an unhealthy relationship - their mere presence did not signify anything other than than that they had a perception that this was the best relationship they could ever expect or hope for.

Assumptions are a bad thing. Let's not assume they are pleased or not ... because we simply are unable to determine that at any level in all reality.



MistressDREAD -> RE: How many is enough? (5/14/2004 1:42:19 AM)


So what you're saying
is that many of your
slaves fill a servant
role, as in
butler, assistant
sorts of things?

No indigo
I am not
saying that.
slaves fill
a BDSM n
a slaves
roll to
and My
but All
the slaves
also tend
to house
duties and
Me having
sex with
them or
not does
not take
this slaves
chore away.
I understand
you looking
only to one
aspect of
this type
of relationship
as the emotional
side but there
is so much
more to it
then this indigo
First there
is the slavery
then there is
the Dominace
and suplication
then there is
the BDSM and
Poly and then
there is sex
There is
always from
day one
caring and
affection and
I love My
posession however
with any.
actually I
was huggin
the left margin
but here Ill
hug the right
one to give
equal attention
~wink~ and
I do it for Me.
I hope indigo
that you are
learning what
ever it is that
you are trying
to learn. This
type of life
and living for
Me and My
family works
of the sooth
sayers whom
would like to
think that it
dont ( maybe
they have issues
with just one
an cannot handle
even a
single relation
ship hence
would feel less
then seeing
another that
does, I dunno)
Ill not even
address Your
biased opinion
to assume
that only a
Mormon or
Guy can be
a successful
Home provider
I agree Diva
that people
as is human
nature do
stay in unhappy
and unhealthy
however I can
assure You that
My slaves are
neither unhappy
nor unhealthy
and enjoy Our
Poly Home as
do I.

Thanatosian -> RE: How many is enough? (5/14/2004 6:14:00 AM)


ORIGINAL: indigo302

I was reading the forums this morning and saw a dominant mention their 10 slaves. While I realize a slave's position is to make life easier for their dominant, I always thought the dominant had a responsibility to the slave as well, to be aware of their well being, etc.

How can one dominant possibly give the time and attention necessary to keep 5-10-15 slaves happy and fulfilled?

How can a dominant support the emotional growth of that many people?

Am I missing something here?

While not exactly on topic ( I dont think he was a dominant ) my question is:

What about king Solomon - the guy had 700 wives and 300 concubines - how could he have possibly fulfilled his duties to all of them? unless maybe he suffered from satyriasis? I dunno, maybe he was a closet masochist - can you imagine putting up with 1000 hormonal women???????

sorry to have twisted the thread here, but this just popped into my mind when I read the original message

we now return you to your normally scheduled thread[;)]

Thanatosian -> RE: How many is enough? (5/14/2004 6:19:54 AM)

on a somewhat more serious note - I, also, have always thought a dominant was responsible for the slave - including, but not limited to, food, shelter, medical attention (routine and emergency), clothing, education, additional training, etc.

the guy must be richer than Bill Gates - can you imagine shoe shopping for/with 10 women? (of such things are nightmares made[;)])

indigo302 -> RE: How many is enough? (5/14/2004 6:27:15 AM)


First there
is the slavery
then there is
the Dominace
and suplication
then there is
the BDSM and
Poly and then
there is sex

I understand there are many sides to a relationship. My train of thought is that these are also human beings who have emotional and physical needs to be fulfilled. No matter how much of a 'slave' someone is, they are above all human beings with the need for emotional and physical intimacy, even if only a hug from day to day. And being that there are only 24 hours in a day.....

indigo302 -> RE: How many is enough? (5/14/2004 6:29:43 AM)


ORIGINAL: Thanatosian

I dunno, maybe he was a closet masochist - can you imagine putting up with 1000 hormonal women???????

*chuckles* To be blunt....HELL NO....I can hardly stand myself on PMS, no way I could be in the company of 999 others at the same time! We'd kill each other...

indigo302 -> RE: How many is enough? (5/14/2004 6:31:42 AM)


ORIGINAL: Thanatosian

on a somewhat more serious note - I, also, have always thought a dominant was responsible for the slave - including, but not limited to, food, shelter, medical attention (routine and emergency), clothing, education, additional training, etc.

the guy must be richer than Bill Gates - can you imagine shoe shopping for/with 10 women? (of such things are nightmares made[;)])

I think ( as I have no experience) in a household such as has been described, there must be some slaves who work and provide financial support for the home, otherwise, it would be impossible to sustain the expenses etc.

LOL slaves get shoes????? [;)]

Thanatosian -> RE: How many is enough? (5/14/2004 6:35:58 AM)


LOL slaves get shoes?????

well - you know - the 6 inch stiletto heels, the ballet toe ankle boots,etc. - you know - your typical HNG wet dream shoes to wear with thigh high stockings and a corset[;)]

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