RE: HELP! (not made up!) (Full Version)

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angaothsi -> RE: HELP! (not made up!) (1/26/2007 10:35:32 AM)

Not buying the story but not all mutes are deaf

polyamorous -> RE: HELP! (not made up!) (1/26/2007 11:02:27 AM)

Well the fates struck again and the wheel of fortune is spinning again. The two oldest were blood sisters and went with their slave mother to see their Master father, he had sold them and know they are supposed to be mine now. They said they would be back in five days but took all their things, which may make sense as they had little and need to change several times in five days but they took their ownership papers that match their brands, that worries me. The one who's father, an Iraq citizen that took her there and had her tongue and vocal cords removed, seems it is easy to get done there, is still with my slave as is the one that can talk a little but is afraid to that has the house in her name. Time will tell, the two there indicate they want to be mine, the actions of the others worries me but I wish them the protection of the Higher Spirit no matter what they choose.

mnottertail -> RE: HELP! (not made up!) (1/26/2007 11:05:36 AM)

Have the chickens come home to roost from the vaginal egging on?


LaTigresse -> RE: HELP! (not made up!) (1/26/2007 11:08:36 AM)

I do not know but the prior post have had me laughing so hard I had to make a quick trip to the water closet.

sweetbear61 -> RE: HELP! (not made up!) (1/26/2007 12:06:22 PM)

thanks twicehappy :) Just this story really seems like a Fanasty to me.......  my opinions!!! but you know what thay say about opinions


angaothsi -> RE: HELP! (not made up!) (1/26/2007 12:26:39 PM)

I'm so sorry, but, can I buy this story in hardback? I don't care what you said about podunk towns and local cops a story this fucked up would invlove Feds, and then the story would be out on the wires, it's too sensational to NOT be picked up. slave mother, master father, if he sold em in the first place (shudders) why the hell would they seek him out.

chainedfarida -> RE: HELP! (not made up!) (1/26/2007 12:56:00 PM)

Wow, new to everything, cant make out if this is real or not...

second on chian
House of Samauri

Solinear -> RE: HELP! (not made up!) (1/26/2007 1:04:23 PM)

This story is a little less fantastic than the stuff that my kids make up about Annakin Skywalker and Padme... a *little* less.

BTW, 6 slaves in the same house does not mean you're polyamorous, just that you've got 6 women that feel helpless and will do whatever you say because they're terrified, traumatized and victimized, particularly the ones who just came from the psychopath's house.

polyamorous -> RE: HELP! (not made up!) (1/26/2007 1:12:22 PM)

   The two oldest were only 45 miles from the place they were raised, actually all four were within an hour of where they had been raised. They took all their things including their ownership with marks matching their brands, each was different and went to their Father who is a Master and sold them in the first place and their mother whom is his slave. I am thinking I lost them.
  The other two youngest were picked up by one of their mothers and will be visiting for two days or less (so I am told) with their parents, all in BDSM (Fathers Masters, mothers slaves). None of the four had seen their parents in four years and they were living near each other before with their parents.  So one parent of one of the youngest picked the two youngest both up and is dropping the one off at her parents and will be bringing them both back. The  two the youngest ones left most their things and ownership papers and talked with me on the internet and the one can speak a little bit, but is afraid too, did speak to me on the phone a little, said she loved me and she and the other intend on being mine and back in two days or less.
  As for the papers, well they get the news from the sheriff's office and he is not going to say too much as he needs to protect his family.
  It will no doubt be covered in a day or so a man was arrested for assault and battery and other charges and had outstanding warrants, that would be about all that was released. But I doubt he was wanted enough to get national coverage, even a local murder caught does not always get national coverage, I live near Camden NJ that used to be the murder capital of the USA and when they caught a murderer here it barely hit the news.
  Only time and the Higher Spirit can tell where this is going.

LaTigresse -> RE: HELP! (not made up!) (1/26/2007 1:15:32 PM)

I get the movie rights!!!

BlindDescent -> RE: HELP! (not made up!) (1/26/2007 1:19:55 PM)

Sounds like group therapy for all is in order. The OP would be catastrophically inept to try to sort this out alone. This is not a business//this is not a family...this is a collection of damage that is past damage control. Should it or any of it be true; go to local red cross or other disaster resources. Victims assistance, et al from some agency must be by the nearest city. LDT...long distance therapy won't work...just as you know an LDR is futile in this circumstance. Don't bite off or think you can solve more than you can chew will consume you and ruin what you think you already have. 

AquaticSub -> RE: HELP! (not made up!) (1/26/2007 1:37:39 PM)


ORIGINAL: polyamorous

It is all true, I will not tell the town to protect the girls but all the news will know is a man with warrants was arrested for assault, they may add more later but the sheriff will try to keep it down, do you blame him? It is his brother.
The facts are as I stated, I did find out today the girl was the buyer of the house for her Master, but he lost, she gets to keep it and he will be in prison for several lifetimes.
I am only doing what a trained therapist said to do to have them reclaim their lives and the house for me as they want to please me. Why pay rent as my slave is now when we own a big empty house?

Because terrible things happened to these women here?

Is there a brain up there in your mutiple heads? If all this is true, I would never want to set foot in that house again. Sell the damn house and buy another one. Stick those girls in therapy and I don't care how much it costs you. Keep them there. Hell, maybe you should consider telling them "You aren't ready to be owned, I'm not taking you on." Your mother is in the hospital and this, if true, is a huge deal that requires your full attention. I think all of you need to be therapy because you need to be counseled on how to handle these slaves and repair the damage.

If this is all true, which I have a hard time believing. With the media the way it is we hear about someone leaving their kid in the car for five minutes or a kindergardener giving his teacher a hug and her suing him for sexual haressment. We'd hear about this.

twicehappy -> RE: HELP! (not made up!) (1/26/2007 2:16:12 PM)

Stop already, my hip waders aren't tall enough to read anymore........

MadRabbit -> RE: HELP! (not made up!) (1/26/2007 2:26:09 PM)

4 slaves, all 18-22 in the same household? Christ, given the relative trouble I have of finding people remotely my age who are into BDSM, much less into the kind of D/S I am, that alone is defiently fantasy.

Or I need to move to Kentucky.

But...yeah...lump me in the "not buying it" category.

Too many loopholes and stretches in this one. I would make a list, but given the responses, dont think I really need to... 

On a side note, I have found my candidate for the title of "Most Likely to Begin a Cult"

LaTigresse -> RE: HELP! (not made up!) (1/26/2007 3:32:20 PM)



On a side note, I have found my candidate for the title of "Most Likely to Begin a Cult"

Yanno, I was thinking the exact same thing earlier today!!!!

Coupleseeking321 -> RE: HELP! (not made up!) (1/26/2007 3:50:49 PM)



On a side note, I have found my candidate for the title of "Most Likely to Begin a Cult"


MsOpal -> RE: HELP! (not made up!) (1/26/2007 3:55:13 PM)

Dang, this one is better than a Dr Who!!!  I am thinking this just gives a bad name to the beautiful mountains of Kentucky ... I guess all those men in the woods are "masters" who sell their daughters to the neighbors.  I have heard some wierd stuff and back in the woods, well ... but this is better than most fiction I have paid good money for.  Who says CM isn't worth what we pay for it?  But wait for it ....  he is in NJ, right?  All we need now is some "youse guyse" to be sent down to rescue the girls from the fathermasters and motherslaves.  Now that I think of it, I saw this on Texas Rangers with Chuck Norris once!
~~ more popcorn please!

NWDomDommeCpl -> RE: HELP! (not made up!) (1/26/2007 4:10:44 PM)

Dear god this guy still continues to fact
 "He doth protest his innocence too much"
If you are such a caring Master and you believe all that you have said here.How come you havent reported this idiot of a Master to the papers yourself.
If you know he has had these womens tongues removed or members of their own family,then why not report him/them for it.
All I know is this,in the United Kingdom in the smallest of places to live, if something as big as this had happened then the major newspapers would get a whiff of the story,if not by the police but by caring neighbours/friends or just the ones who know,then the TV people would be there,until it was spread all over the country and then over the world.
There are many British stories reaching USA,Australia etc same as Foreign stories reach here also.
This isnt a small petty theft crime this guy has committed,its a major incident.
Its Murder and it doesn't matter that his brother is the sheriff,in fact he should make sure he reports every detail of these crimes to the proper authorities,not let his own brother get away with anything.
As a law abiding citizen you should make sure the whole world knows what he has done and be glad you have hopefully saved others from the same fate.
Or maybe your using their misfortune to line your own pocket.

elsie -> RE: HELP! (not made up!) (1/26/2007 4:34:43 PM)


I have to agree, IF this really happened/is happening, SOMEONE would have reported it if not for concern of the people involved but for a finacial compensation for a huge story.  We all know for a fact that murder is a Federal crime, the Feds would have been involved and the girls would have been taken from the enviroment for victim counseling and/or witness control.

This is just too hard not to see the holes in it.


mnottertail -> RE: HELP! (not made up!) (1/26/2007 4:46:52 PM)

anyone gonna go do the snopes research?


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