Hold the true terrorists responsible (Full Version)

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TantricOne -> Hold the true terrorists responsible (1/26/2007 1:47:54 PM)

Isn't it obvious that it's a war for economics and not freedom. After all it seems that more than a few terrorists are Saudis, yet why are they not held to account? It's because our administration props up the Saudi gov because of the money.  It's a waste of time to even try to convert a world ruled by fundamental religious zealots to a democracy or even a true parlimentary republic. I support our troops coming home, not fighting battles for those who'd just as soon see us all dead and gone. Only threat they are to us is because of oil. They sure don't have the capacity to attack us in force from thousands of miles away, and if we better protected our borders and screened those coming into our country the money would be better spent, rather than lifes spent in waste on foreign soil. What would the rest of the world do without us if we didn't need the oil, fall apart? I doubt it. Let americans defend our borders and the others take care of themselves for a change. Next thing you know there will be "WMD'S" in Iran(supposedly, again). Let them blow each other up and save us the trouble. We can go in after, clean up, and take the oil. And as far as Israel goes, what the hell did the world expect when it plopped down a jewish state in the middle east, welcome in the region? Get real people, the Jews would have been better off on an island.

gandalf0297 -> RE: Hold the true terrorists responsible (1/26/2007 1:56:53 PM)

Well im high on pain killers so I can recant this later and blame it on the drugs*rotfl* but fact of the matter you would not hear all the whining if they had just said in the first plce"We are going into iraq and take all thier oil and kill sadam so you can drive your suv's down your 6 lane haighway."Most would have just said "getter done!"

starshineowned -> RE: Hold the true terrorists responsible (1/26/2007 3:30:39 PM)

And the true terrorists would be? Well ofcourse anyone that you (generalized) don't agree with what they have done.

If we can get all the "true terrorists" of the world to please stand up and come forward..yes you know who you are...then we can maybe sit down over a nice cup of tea and discuss with them what they feel is a just punishment.

Around and around we go..............

Happy slave of Master Delvin

Sinergy -> RE: Hold the true terrorists responsible (1/26/2007 4:29:56 PM)


ORIGINAL: starshineowned

And the true terrorists would be? Well ofcourse anyone that you (generalized) don't agree with what they have done.

If we can get all the "true terrorists" of the world to please stand up and come forward..yes you know who you are...then we can maybe sit down over a nice cup of tea and discuss with them what they feel is a just punishment.

Around and around we go..............

Happy slave of Master Delvin

Well, the Vikings established a settlement on Greenland and inflicted all sorts of torment on the native Inuit.  When the Vikings had successfully chopped down all the trees and were unable to make iron weapons, the Inuit knew how to survive and the Vikings died off or were killed by Inuit who knew how to fight without iron weapons.

I am not sure who was more of a terrorist, the Vikings for killing the Inuit, or the Inuit for letting the Vikings starve to death.

Or... umm..


Real0ne -> RE: Hold the true terrorists responsible (1/26/2007 6:05:47 PM)


I am not sure who was more of a terrorist, the Vikings for killing the Inuit, or the Inuit for letting the Vikings starve to death.
Or... umm..

now this i have to take issue on.

The vikings were the invading force. Get em out anyway you can.  done deal no hard feelings LOL

Sinergy -> RE: Hold the true terrorists responsible (1/26/2007 6:07:12 PM)




I am not sure who was more of a terrorist, the Vikings for killing the Inuit, or the Inuit for letting the Vikings starve to death.
Or... umm..

now this i have to take issue on.

The vikings were the invading force. Get em out anyway you can.  done deal no hard feelings LOL

By that same logic, the Iraqis are simply fighting terrorism.


LadyEllen -> RE: Hold the true terrorists responsible (1/26/2007 6:33:14 PM)

I like the idea of the legitamacy of armed resistance against an invading force.

Hence enthused, I'm off to burn down the church and kill the priest.


juliaoceania -> RE: Hold the true terrorists responsible (1/26/2007 6:36:38 PM)






I am not sure who was more of a terrorist, the Vikings for killing the Inuit, or the Inuit for letting the Vikings starve to death.
Or... umm..

now this i have to take issue on.

The vikings were the invading force. Get em out anyway you can.  done deal no hard feelings LOL

By that same logic, the Iraqis are simply fighting terrorism.


Well, I have thought this since "Shock and Awe".... exactly what does terrorism do if it doesn't shock and awe you?

Real0ne -> RE: Hold the true terrorists responsible (1/26/2007 9:48:44 PM)


ORIGINAL: juliaoceania






I am not sure who was more of a terrorist, the Vikings for killing the Inuit, or the Inuit for letting the Vikings starve to death.
Or... umm..

now this i have to take issue on.

The vikings were the invading force. Get em out anyway you can.  done deal no hard feelings LOL

By that same logic, the Iraqis are simply fighting terrorism.


Well, I have thought this since "Shock and Awe".... exactly what does terrorism do if it doesn't shock and awe you?

In a word yes.  We are in fact the terrorists. Its no secret that us oil men and the brits wanted to control the middle east oil fields. 

As for awe and shock take it from the best there was;
“Demoralize the enemy from within by surprise, terror, sabotage, assassination. This is the war of the future.”
--Adolf hitler

What if democracy is the real enemy of shock and awe?   There was nothing shocking about blowing the hell out of iraq.  The rockets didnt make any more shock and awe than ones used in ww2 they were just a little smarter like big hairy canary deal.  Whats shocking about that?  Misleading as far as i am concerned but not shocking.

i do not think it is general knowledge that Hitler was a 33rd degree mason.  Masons as well as the illuminati do things "by the numbers".  Hitler was a 666, bush i think is also a 666.  Bush and blair are all 33rd degree masons as well as many cabinet members in the house and congress aas well as military and all branches of governemnts.  i do not even have to think twice to KNOW for a fact that any cia, nsa, homeland security, fbi, sec, director(s) ae all gauranteed to be a 33rd degree masons and many also a part of the illuminatti as puppets.  i do not even have to think twice about it.  Its just the way business is done.  Not all masons are bad, good masons wrote our constitution, however the illuminati infiltrated the masons and now we have bad masons running our government.

Lets examine history:
jfk assasination, sends a clear message to all politicians that if you go against the wishes of the illuminati you wil die.
Vince foster, suicide
Everyone involved in the kennedy assasination.
very clear messages of intimidation to tow the line  or you will commit suicide,
Shocking how bush treats the constitution, violates the law and gets away with it.  Signs bills not yet passed through congress, blocking investigations into 911, payoffs and bribery, providing false reports, sabotaging our republic.

911, and the truth will come out, if not before after the next 2 years are up if he does not completely take over by then.   Keeping in mind the only thing left to do is get our guns.

911 was the "new pearl harbor. Synthetic terror to move the masses.

"The great masses of the people will more easily fall victims to a big lie than to a small one."
“Make the lie big, make it simple, keep saying it, and eventually they will believe it”
“It is not truth that matters, but victory”
"Great liars are also great magicians."
"The victor will never be asked if he told the truth."
--Adolf hitler

and a couple of my favorites:
“How fortunate for leaders that men do not think.”
“All propaganda has to be popular and has to accommodate itself to the comprehension of the least intelligent of those whom it seeks to reach.”
--Adolf hitler

Take a look at our country.
Losing the education race by leaps and bounds.  Revisionist history is all thats taught.  How many people know we should not have to pay federal income tax?  How many people know that corporations are suppossed to be footing the war taxes not us!  How many people know about the posse comitatus act and connected that with waco.  How many of our kids know anything about the constitution?  Their rights as an american?  How many of our adults know what the patriot act really is?  It gives the government the same power hitler had!
"The man who has no sense of history, is like a man who has no ears or eyes."
--Adolf hitler

The combination of apathy and dependency i think is the biggest problem here.  our government created a dependent culture who has seen so much in the way of violence its taken for granted.

Add to that the assasinations of presidents, synthetic terror, sabotage of our republic, dummying down of our public education over a long period of time to insure the dots are difficult to connect,  and the result is the demoraliazation of america.

Shock and Awe.  Propaganda used against the us citizen by the us government.

Now that may sound a bit off but do not forget that bush is a practicing member of skull and bones death cell.  The illuminati have cells all over th eus in the form of think tanks.  They are tapped on the shoulder, told what to do and expected to follow through regardless of what is asked of them.  Bush is a puppet as was clinton as was reagon and carter.

If the government firing a cruise missle into their pentagon for a sick fuck ritual isnt shock i do not know what is LOL

Look at the constant misinformation by the bush regime, i mean nothing is ever what it appears to be, its one bullshit line after the next.  If that does not make a statement i do not know what does!!  Now thats shock and awe!

cyberdude611 -> RE: Hold the true terrorists responsible (1/26/2007 10:23:14 PM)


In a word yes.  We are in fact the terrorists. Its no secret that us oil men and the brits wanted to control the middle east oil fields. 

I don't dispute that we may be interested in the oil, but we are not terrorists. A terrorists are a person, group, or organization that uses violence and fear for the purpose of political, religious, or ideological pursuasion. We are a legitimate government.


As for awe and shock take it from the best there was;
“Demoralize the enemy from within by surprise, terror, sabotage, assassination. This is the war of the future.”
--Adolf hitler

What if democracy is the real enemy of shock and awe?   There was nothing shocking about blowing the hell out of iraq.  The rockets didnt make any more shock and awe than ones used in ww2 they were just a little smarter like big hairy canary deal.  Whats shocking about that?  Misleading as far as i am concerned but not shocking.

i do not think it is general knowledge that Hitler was a 33rd degree mason.  Masons as well as the illuminati do things "by the numbers".  Hitler was a 666, bush i think is also a 666.  Bush and blair are all 33rd degree masons as well as many cabinet members in the house and congress aas well as military and all branches of governemnts.  i do not even have to think twice to KNOW for a fact that any cia, nsa, homeland security, fbi, sec, director(s) ae all gauranteed to be a 33rd degree masons and many also a part of the illuminatti as puppets.  i do not even have to think twice about it.  Its just the way business is done.  Not all masons are bad, good masons wrote our constitution, however the illuminati infiltrated the masons and now we have bad masons running our government.

Lets examine history:
jfk assasination, sends a clear message to all politicians that if you go against the wishes of the illuminati you wil die.
Vince foster, suicide
Everyone involved in the kennedy assasination.
very clear messages of intimidation to tow the line  or you will commit suicide,
Shocking how bush treats the constitution, violates the law and gets away with it.  Signs bills not yet passed through congress, blocking investigations into 911, payoffs and bribery, providing false reports, sabotaging our republic.

911, and the truth will come out, if not before after the next 2 years are up if he does not completely take over by then.   Keeping in mind the only thing left to do is get our guns.

911 was the "new pearl harbor. Synthetic terror to move the masses.

"The great masses of the people will more easily fall victims to a big lie than to a small one."
“Make the lie big, make it simple, keep saying it, and eventually they will believe it”
“It is not truth that matters, but victory”
"Great liars are also great magicians."
"The victor will never be asked if he told the truth."
--Adolf hitler

and a couple of my favorites:
“How fortunate for leaders that men do not think.”
“All propaganda has to be popular and has to accommodate itself to the comprehension of the least intelligent of those whom it seeks to reach.”
--Adolf hitler

I'm not even going to respond to this section. It's just a bunch of conspiracy garbage. When you have evidence, and I mean actual proof and not some crap put out by pro-anarchy websites, then get back to me.

What are you going to tell me next? That there are aliens at Area 51?


Take a look at our country.
Losing the education race by leaps and bounds.  Revisionist history is all thats taught.  How many people know we should not have to pay federal income tax?  How many people know that corporations are suppossed to be footing the war taxes not us!  How many people know about the posse comitatus act and connected that with waco.  How many of our kids know anything about the constitution?  Their rights as an american?  How many of our adults know what the patriot act really is?  It gives the government the same power hitler had!
"The man who has no sense of history, is like a man who has no ears or eyes."
--Adolf hitler

I got a quote for you as well...
"Education is a powerful weapon whose power is determined by who holds it in his hands and at whom it is aimed."
-Joseph Stalin

In my opinion, government should never be controlling education and the curriculum. This is why the Nazis favored public education, it made it even easier to teach the people only what they wanted to them to know. But free public education is loved by the left-wing and the socialists around the world. So until those left-wingers figure out government is the problem and not just the leaders, this is the type of world our kids will continue to grow up in.


The combination of apathy and dependency i think is the biggest problem here.  our government created a dependent culture who has seen so much in the way of violence its taken for granted.

Add to that the assasinations of presidents, synthetic terror, sabotage of our republic, dummying down of our public education over a long period of time to insure the dots are difficult to connect,  and the result is the demoraliazation of america.

The sad thing is that I dont think the government is trying to dumb down the population. The population is just dumb. I work with the public every single day. And I cant even begin to tell you how completely stupid people really are.

"The best argument against democracy is a five-minute conversation with the average voter."
-Winston Churchill


Shock and Awe.  Propaganda used against the us citizen by the us government.

Government is nothing but a conspiracy against the people. That's the way it has always been and always will be. Like George Washington said, "Government is a necessary evil." Without government forcing the population to follow the law, the human race will tear itself apart. We will destroy ourselves and this planet in the process.


Now that may sound a bit off but do not forget that bush is a practicing member of skull and bones death cell.  The illuminati have cells all over th eus in the form of think tanks.  They are tapped on the shoulder, told what to do and expected to follow through regardless of what is asked of them.  Bush is a puppet as was clinton as was reagon and carter.

Skull and Bones is nothing but a rich-boy club at Yale. The only scary thing about it is that Bush is so damn stupid to think the whole master plan thing is real.


If the government firing a cruise missle into their pentagon for a sick fuck ritual isnt shock i do not know what is LOL

Again, evidence?
Look, you can try to connect all the dots you want, but without evidence that vast majority of people will think of you as nothing more but a anti-government kook.


Look at the constant misinformation by the bush regime, i mean nothing is ever what it appears to be, its one bullshit line after the next.  If that does not make a statement i do not know what does!!  Now thats shock and awe!

No! That's impossible! Politicians never lie!

Seriously dude, do you think there is a single politician that hasn't told a lie?

seeksfemslave -> RE: Hold the true terrorists responsible (1/27/2007 1:09:25 AM)



“Make the lie big, make it simple, keep saying it, and eventually they will believe it”

Does that include your claim that 9/11 was a government conspiracy ?
Federal income tax is unconstitutional ?

I dont think the quote is working 4U lol

starshineowned -> RE: Hold the true terrorists responsible (1/27/2007 4:52:47 AM)

Just a reply..

It's always good to be informed. It is always good to have information for, against, and I don't have a clue..available to you in order to make up your own mind. The best the rest of us can hope for is that the mind your using is a rational one.

Well Wishes
Happy slave of Master Delvin

Real0ne -> RE: Hold the true terrorists responsible (1/27/2007 6:30:34 AM)


ORIGINAL: cyberdude611

Again, evidence?
Look, you can try to connect all the dots you want, but without evidence that vast majority of people will think of you as nothing more but a anti-government kook.

Seriously dude, do you think there is a single politician that hasn't told a lie?

Evidence?  Do you honestly believe a 153 foot airplane can fit into a 16 ft hole in the wall and then evaporate as the government would have us believe?  Sorry but that one is hilarious.  Show me some pics of 757 parts then from the crash site.

The point of that statement was that nothing bush says is what is really is.  That is vastly diffferent than a campaign lie.

Real0ne -> RE: Hold the true terrorists responsible (1/27/2007 8:26:44 AM)


ORIGINAL: seeksfemslave



“Make the lie big, make it simple, keep saying it, and eventually they will believe it”

Does that include your claim that 9/11 was a government conspiracy ?
Federal income tax is unconstitutional ?

I dont think the quote is working 4U lol

How about this:
The IRS Has Been Losing High Profile Jury Trials
Since August, 2003, the government has failed to prove its claims in income tax-related cases to at least three juries. These recent acquittals support claims that government has no authority to tax wages as income and no “law” compels employers to withhold a portion of employees’ wages.


As far as 911 is concerned i would think if its not obvious that the wtc buildings were synthetic terror, the pentagon is undisputably a conspiracy.  i mean isnt it?  q 153 foot wide plane in a 16 foot hole?  i guess i assume people woudl agree that is an obvious one is it not?

sleazy -> RE: Hold the true terrorists responsible (1/27/2007 2:26:09 PM)


Evidence?  Do you honestly believe a 153 foot airplane can fit into a 16 ft hole in the wall and then evaporate as the government would have us believe?

Yeah, especially if the whole is a heap bigger than 16ft (clue, count the number of floor levels and realise that the ground, thats first to you americans, is obscured by spray from the fire tender, then look for a pic where the tender is not spraying across the frame)

juliaoceania -> RE: Hold the true terrorists responsible (1/27/2007 2:31:51 PM)


I don't dispute that we may be interested in the oil, but we are not terrorists. A terrorists are a person, group, or organization that uses violence and fear for the purpose of political, religious, or ideological pursuasion. We are a legitimate government.

So as long as someone is legitimately in charge of a government, they cannot be a terrorist... It is ok to scare the shit out of people as long as you have a constitution which allows it... omg how evil is that?

sleazy -> RE: Hold the true terrorists responsible (1/27/2007 2:44:39 PM)


ORIGINAL: juliaoceania
It is ok to scare the shit out of partners as long as you have a contract which allows it... omg how evil is that?

With a couple of tiny little edits it becomes fun as well as evil [;)]

luckydog1 -> RE: Hold the true terrorists responsible (1/27/2007 4:44:00 PM)

Yes, let's do the pentagon argument(cruise missile, amazing).  Got any websites to back up your assertions Real.  I would enjoy knocking holes in your fantasies this weekend.  Though perhaps that should be a new thread?

Sinergy -> RE: Hold the true terrorists responsible (1/27/2007 5:11:01 PM)


ORIGINAL: cyberdude611

I don't dispute that we may be interested in the oil, but we are not terrorists. A terrorists are a person, group, or organization that uses violence and fear for the purpose of political, religious, or ideological pursuasion. We are a legitimate government.

Like it or not, so was Saddam Hussein and the Baathist party.


edited to ad a / thingie

Real0ne -> RE: Hold the true terrorists responsible (1/27/2007 9:44:03 PM)


ORIGINAL: sleazy


Evidence?  Do you honestly believe a 153 foot airplane can fit into a 16 ft hole in the wall and then evaporate as the government would have us believe?

Yeah, especially if the whole is a heap bigger than 16ft (clue, count the number of floor levels and realise that the ground, thats first to you americans, is obscured by spray from the fire tender, then look for a pic where the tender is not spraying across the frame)

the big hole?   Do show it to me please because i could not find a big hole

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