RE: Forced in Diapers? (Full Version)

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Imakemensquirm -> RE: Forced in Diapers? (8/30/2008 5:15:36 AM)

Yes I find most do better with thicker diapers, but while they enjoy the feel of them a lot, they're not always so happy if you're taking them out in them.  The bulk and that little waddle they cause are difficult to hide.

It's so nice to see all the submissives who are thrilled with diapers coming out to join in on this subject string.  A special hello to stephykate who just enjoyed a special day, shopping and trying on outfits while wearing diapers and rhumba panties, as well as maryjane shoes and ankle socks.  Maybe she'll share some of her story with the rest of you as well as a photo or two, they were adorable. 

stephykate -> RE: Forced in Diapers? (8/30/2008 6:43:38 AM)

I'm posting this at Mistress Lynn's request.  I still can't believe I did this, but here's a snippet.  It was a very intense experience. 

Looking for some sissy-baby shopping, I dress myself in white anklets with ruffles, black Mary Janes, cloth diapers, pink polka dot plastic pants, white nylon shorts and a t-shirt that reads “Diapered Sissy”.  The one thing I also have is a light jacket, so I can “hide” the writing on my shirt if I need to.  (You certainly couldn’t tell I was a diapered sissy by looking at my behind or feet – LOL)  

At the shopping mall, I go into a Burlington Coat Factory, and the first section is the Baby Depot.  I’m looking for a pacifier, so there I am browsing, and coming towards me is a woman who’s also shopping.  It has to be obvious to her that I am diapered; if nothing else the shoes must give me away.  

I continue browsing through the store.  Looking not only at the baby items, but also women's clothes.  As I see people I can duck between the racks to hide my shoes.  After a little while, I'm getting comfortable and it’s now time to trek into the main part of the mall.  I walk out into it and now there is nowhere to hide.  I can no longer hide in the clothing racks if I see someone.   

As I walk through the mall, I see people, but can’t really bring myself to look at them.  Frankly, I have no idea whether anyone is noticing me, but I am sure they have to be.  Who could ignore a 6 foot tall sissy with bulging white shorts, anklets and Mary Janes?

I finish with this mall and drive to another about a half-hour away, and once I arrive I put on my pink rhumba pants over my diapers – you can definitely make out the ruffles through the shorts.  

As I walk towards the entrance, there is a pretty woman, probably in her late 30’s walking towards the mall also.  I can’t believe I do this, but I get her attention and ask her to take my picture with my cell phone and she agrees.  

I give her my cell phone, she looks directly at me, and my jacket is wide open, so she can easily read the “Diapered Sissy” phrase on my shirt and she takes the picture.  I am very surprised that she doesn’t say anything about it, so I ask her if she read my shirt.  

She then looks closely at it, cracks a smile, and lets out the loudest laugh.  I am both humiliated and thrilled.  

I decide, for fun, that I will approach this mall methodically – walk a lap around the entire inside and see what I see.  Just a sissy out for a stroll.  

Within the first few minutes of my walk, I come across a DEB store. These are stores for juniors, and have really cute clothes.  They are brightly decorated with a lot of hot pink and brightly lit. 

In this store, the checkout counter is against the left wall, about half way down and it’s raised up a step or two.   The left side is also the Plus Size side, so I start browsing through the things in the front half of the store, making it up to the registers, where there is a very cute girl, about 20 years old behind the counter.    She smiles at me and asks me if I need any help, but I demure at this point, while I continue browsing. 

I see a rack on the wall of the summer dresses I had seen at another DEB store.   I browse through and pick out the cutest dress.  It’s an empire-style, knee length dress, with spaghetti straps.  The background is white with a print of pink dots.  It has a pink bow that ties in the front and a wisp of crinoline, trimmed in pink, that falls just below the hemline.  It is too cute.  

I find my size, take the dress back to the front counter, and ask the cute girl if I can try it on.  I can’t believe I’m doing this, but there I am.   She says yes and leads me to the dressing rooms that are along the back wall of the store.  The rooms all have hot pink doors that start about a foot above the floor, and can’t be much taller then five and a half feet.  

She unlocks a stall and opens the door for me.  I walk in and lock the door behind me.  I was a little bit uncomfortable that people could see my male hair over the top of the door.  On the side of the room opposite of the door there is a full-length mirror and a small bench to my left.   I hang up the dress and see myself in the mirror. 

I take off my shirt and shorts, and I cannot believe that I am standing, in the dressing room of a woman’s store in just my diapers and rumba pants.

I try the dress on and it is even cuter on me than it was on the rack.  I adore myself in the mirror and take a few pictures.

I change back into my t-shirt and shorts (but leave my jacket off) and go to checkout, where the same girl helps me again.  Once she’s all done, I ask her to take my picture, which she does.  

Heading back out into the mall, I continue on my tour with growing confidence.  I come across a Payless Shoes and go in, to see what’s new. 

I find the shoes in my size and the girl working there approaches me and asks me if I need any help.   I point down at my feet with the anklets and Mary Janes and ask her for something like these.  She picks out a couple of Mary Jane styles for me, but nothing that’s any better than what I already have on.

Imakemensquirm -> RE: Forced in Diapers? (8/30/2008 7:04:53 AM)

Now that wasn't so hard stephykate, was it?  This will give Gwynsbitchboi something to think about since he's likely going to be having a little outing soon, that is if those plans haven't been changed.  I hope they haven't, we are all looking forward to hearing about it. 

So lets all say thanks to stephykate for being so brave, especially for walking around with his white shorts bulging proudly from his thick diaper and frilly rhumba panties.  It's hard to believe that such a good sissy baby is still looking for a Domme.

Mistress Lynn

GreedyTop -> RE: Forced in Diapers? (8/30/2008 7:35:04 AM)

well done stephykate!  Thanks for sharing!! :)

Gwynsbitchboi -> RE: Forced in Diapers? (8/30/2008 12:20:25 PM)

wow, sounds intense stephykate, you are a brave brave girl.  as for squirm's comment, no, nothing has been changed.  i'm told it will be just a couple of weeks for the outfit and then, well, let's just say i'm in for a slightly messier experience than kate :/  as for being dressed as a woman, i don't know if i'd look the part.  my stature isn't exactly... becoming as a woman :(

stephykate -> RE: Forced in Diapers? (8/30/2008 12:41:04 PM)

I guess I didn't mention it, but my diaper was soaked that day.  I had the diaper on for about seven hours by the time I tried on that dress.  I took it off a couple hours later and it couldn't hold any more pee -- the pee trickled out of the plastic pants.  I couldn't tell how much of an aroma I had as I wore the wet diaper, but when I changed back into my regular clothes (I was not able to shower), I definitely smelled of urine.

I've done shorter trips in messy diapers -- you definitely know you smell with those.

Like the rest of us on this board, I am looking forward to hearing about your experience.

lostkitten2 -> RE: Forced in Diapers? (8/31/2008 9:21:59 AM)

WEll, if it's a hard limit, and you find it disgusting, then it would make an ideal humiliation tool.

I used to think anal sex was absolutely disgusting and I would never do it, not I love it, but I had to be coerced into trying it.

Sometimes those things we fight the most are the things we wind up loving the most once we open our minds to them.

SaraZeal -> RE: Forced in Diapers? (9/5/2008 3:54:05 AM)


ORIGINAL: lostkitten2

WEll, if it's a hard limit, and you find it disgusting, then it would make an ideal humiliation tool.

I used to think anal sex was absolutely disgusting and I would never do it, not I love it, but I had to be coerced into trying it.

Sometimes those things we fight the most are the things we wind up loving the most once we open our minds to them.

This might actually be part of the fear as well.

I bet many guys are afraid of trying anal sex for fear of actually liking it and then hating themselves for it (because it might, in their eyes or their partner's, degrade their masculinity).

Gwynsbitchboi -> RE: Forced in Diapers? (9/5/2008 8:16:54 AM)

Hmmm, that reminds me of my first anal experience with Gwyn, although the two of us were totally into the humiliation and loss of masculinity aspects. I loved it, being made the bitch, my ass used for her pleasure.  I remember us laughing about it later as she dressed me in pretty panties and told me that anytime i was in her company, I was to wear panties or diapers or even both.  Being redressed or fucked in front of her girlfriend always lent an extra air of humiliation which drove the both of us wild.  It was even more thrilling when we would be out in public somewhere and I'd find out she had a strap on tucked away under her cloths when she took me into a bathroom or whatever.  Once she even took me across the hood of my own car while a pair of wet panties she ordered pee to wet still hung around my ankles!  I always loved the idea of being taken and throughly ravished.  I think she was to because she produced a pair of hand cuffs and rope once or twice.  There's nothing more humiliating or thrilling then when you're bound and dressed as a woman, all while being taken like one, and in front of your Domme's girlfriend.  I wonder what it would be like to have that kind of role reversal in a dressing room or lover's lane, hmmmmm.....

Imakemensquirm -> RE: Forced in Diapers? (9/20/2008 4:12:02 AM)

I'm still waiting to see your diaper punishment, but if you want to send along some shots of your rolereversal lover's lane night, hey I'm sure there are lots here that would love to see that as well. 

stephykate -> RE: Forced in Diapers? (9/20/2008 11:25:58 AM)

I was looking back through the old posts, and Gwynsbitchboi seemed to start about this a month ago.  I can't believe it would take that long to make this happen.

He seems to be very concerned about being made to mess on demand and practicing this.  This is extremely difficult to do and do successfully.  My experience has been that when I poop a diaper, like I'm pooping on the toilet, I can get some mess out, but not the whole thing.  It seems like the pressure of the poo in the diaper, just won't allow any more to come out.

My suggestion is that when the time comes, Gwyn has you go into the bathroom and squirt two or three liquid glycerin suppositories.  (These are not the same as the hard suppositories, nor are they a huge amount of liquid like fleet enemas).  What ever she chooses to do with you next is up to her -- you will mess yourself within 10 minutes, because of what she has done to you, and not be able to control it.

I've done this and had coffee in an outdoor cafe with a mistress while  they've gone to work.  She told me my face was priceless. 

I can't wait to hear the story.

Imakemensquirm -> RE: Forced in Diapers? (9/20/2008 12:47:10 PM)

Yes little stephykate, glycerin suppositories are very helpful for little sissy babies.  It's a drag sitting and waiting as they struggle to mess their diapers, so I often use these to make it so much easier for them.  They are almost always shocked at how quickly they work and by how explosive the result is.  Thank you stephykate, for bringing this idea forward, I'm sure it will prove to be helpfull

stephykate -> T-Shirt Ideas (9/20/2008 5:47:10 PM)

If you have read my story above, you know I have a t-shirt that reads "Diapered Sissy" and I have worn it in semi-discretely in public.  I just ordered a t-shirt that reads "Princess Potty Pants" (a name I had seen in a story recently).  I wanted to ask what other ideas people here might have for a t-shirt.  (I had to call the company because I realized I had spelled Pottie with an "ie" and wanted it spelled with a "y".  The customer service woman was too nice.)

Thanks in advance.

Gwynsbitchboi -> RE: T-Shirt Ideas (9/20/2008 9:09:03 PM)

hmmm, good ideas from both. as for how long it's taking, leatherist has been working on the baby pants for a little while now.  because he's doing this pro bono, it's taken a bit of a back seat since he has other paying jobs to contend with, but i haven't complained because like i said, he's doing it pro bono. as for practicing, i made a video which i hope you'll find amusing, as for my exploits as Gwyn's "catcher", im not sure she has any photos or videos of that but if she does, im sure she'd be willing to share :)

stephykate -> Messing (9/21/2008 4:15:32 AM)

On the video, after the first push or two, your're done and can't get any more into your shorts.  With the LGSs, as I mentioned and Mistress Lynn confirmed, you will not be able to control it once you release the first bit.  You won't have just one or two pushes worth of stuff in your pants.

You'll be able to hold the LGS for five or ten minutes, and then the cramping becomes too intense.  Once it does everything comes out.  Your diaper is loaded.  There's nothing more humiliating than a grown person unable to control their bowels.

diaperedbaby -> RE: Messing (9/21/2008 6:24:20 AM)

They do work pretty fast. I am sure there is a post in here somewhere but you could also give him a banana enema.
I have had that done and it is something else.

Imakemensquirm -> RE: T-Shirt Ideas (9/21/2008 7:15:10 AM)

I just watch a video that Gwynsbitchboi sent to me.  It was supposed to be him rehersing messing in his diaper.  Was I ever disappointed!  First there was no diaper.  There wasn't even a pair of sissy panties, but instead there was grey dull boxer briefs.  I'm beginning to wonder if he is really a bitchboi at all, but instead isa just another guy trying to get attention, thinking that once he's got someone's attention he can regain control.  Maybe I'm not being fair, but I've seen nothing to show that he is indeed a sissy, or that he could or would accept a forced diapering. 

GreedyTop -> RE: T-Shirt Ideas (9/21/2008 7:25:20 AM)

it works for them .... obviously, Gwyn feels he is her bitchboi, and so does he.

Gwynsbitchboi -> RE: T-Shirt Ideas (9/21/2008 11:21:26 AM)

you know squirm, i didnt have any diapers and i'm still waiting for leatherist, like i said before. you keep hinting that i won't be able to do this but you know what, we've done this before, so it's actually nothing new, so take your comments and shove them :)

GreedyTop -> RE: T-Shirt Ideas (9/21/2008 11:23:25 AM)

*Smooches*  hi, sweetheart!!

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