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lacesundone -> Sadism (5/15/2004 10:49:24 PM)

I have been informed by previous Master that He has discovered His own nature is that of a Sadist. i have tried to stop contact with Him, released Him in my heart and soul, cried Him out, prayed about Him, and yet i am BOUND to Him. He is in every hour, no matter what i am doing. He is there. i know i would do anything for Him, no matter what His treatment of me, no matter what form His actions take. i have seen others, thinking it would help. it has not. He is the One i long for. am i a slave? i have never considered it, nor do i even know any information about it. i have always considered that since i have a strong will i must be a submissive. i just would like to know what the heck is happening to me. any insights are welcome. If i sound confused, i am. One minute i am considering leaving the lifestyle behind completely, and in the next, i am wondering if i am trying to escape an inevitable pathway, because it is unknown to me.
my best

Estring -> RE: Sadism (5/15/2004 11:33:26 PM)

Are you a slave? Well as they say, " If it walks like a duck"....
I wouldn't worry so much about definitions. You said you would do anything for him no matter what. Sounds to me like you belong to him.
The fact that you consider yourself strong willed is irrelevant. That is what will drive you to serve with all you are. You know where you belong. What you are doesn't matter.

lacesundone -> RE: Sadism (5/15/2004 11:37:26 PM)

You echo what He said to me..."The words are not important, the experience do You feel?"
Thank You, Sir.

inyouagain -> RE: Sadism (5/16/2004 4:53:42 AM)


ORIGINAL: lacesundone
I have been informed by previous Master that He has discovered His own nature is that of a Sadist.... (snipped)

What does the word previous mean?
How did he become a previous Master?
Was it his choice or your's for him to become your previous Master?
In general, previous means prior to the present one... is there a current Master, one who has replaced the previous Master?
Are you in fact a masochist, or painslut in any way (physical or emotional)?

The old joke says the masochist begs the sadist to be beaten... "beat me, beat me please!"... while the sadist simply replies, "no".

Since your previous Master has continued to update you on his change of lifestyle passion (ie. now a self-discovered sadist), have your communication(s) been initiated by him, or yourself?

Who is chasing who here? (you didn't provide enough clues to determine this)

Bottom line: It apparently did not work before, as you referred to him as your previous Master. If he has released you, then move forwards and accept the loss, if any. If you have never been released by him, are you a "runaway slave" operating on impulse, or have you contemplated and made coherent decisions regarding your previous Master and his desires/needs/wishes of you as his owned slave? What if anything were your limits during your previous Master's relationship with you, or his ownership of you?

Yes, it sounds as if you are confused, but in order to help yourself, the extent of your confusion must be established... what is clear-cut and in focus, and what is blurry in your situation (deliberate non-use of the term relationship). Who is looking backwards here, you... him... or both of you?

You must find yourself in the big picture and determine what you need (especially if you need a sadist), and look hard at the factors that made you use the term previous Master in your post. Has he released you/let you go, and is he now sadistically playing with your head... or could it possibly be the other way around, or both???

Take a long look into the mirror and come clean with the person you see looking back at you... then do what is best for you, and stick with it... one way or the other.

Best wishes


MistressDREAD -> RE: Sadism (5/16/2004 5:35:41 AM)

excuse Me Masters
for My intrusion into
Your areas..........
you are going thru
the stages of greiving
lacesundone and its
as simple as that.
take time away from
all things related to
the Master and BDSM
and refresh you if the
BDSM gets in the way
of your moving on. No
need to leave it just
take a vacation ok.
that is all. Greiving
is different for every
person and sum get
over it quickly and
sum do not. I recognize
your symptoms having
gone thru them My self
when I loss My Own
Belovid 6 years ago
and those same feelings
are as strong in Me
today of Him as the day
He passed so know
this is not sumthing
that is easy to overcome
nor is the greiving process
quick for sum as it is
others so just hang in
there and your mind
and body will catch up to
one another with that
number one equallizer
T I M E. ~smiles~
Oh yes and one more
issue. What your past
Master is or isnot is of
no relevance here. you
allready made the break
from Him.


topcat -> RE: Sadism (5/16/2004 10:02:11 AM)

Midear 'Laces'-

Is it a particular problem for you that he is a Sadist? or is it a matter of his decideing that he is a sadist, and not a Master/Dominant whatever?

As to if you are a slave- It seems to me that to be a slave requires a stronger act of will than to be a submissive- but that's just the way that I use the terms. To me a submissive is self driven to submit, whereas a Slave makes it a choice of will- but this of course is a seperate debate, and one we need not have here.

Please do clarify what exactly is the cause of your confusion.

Stay warm,

Perempt -> RE: Sadism (5/16/2004 12:39:48 PM)

Among all the confusing threads in your situaton, there are at least two which should be considered separately:

1. is your relationship over? you call him previos Master, and yet you still want to be His....and he, apparently, is still responding to your questions.

2. Are you a slave?

The answer to one question doesn't necessarily answer the other, i.e. you could resume with your Master while He considers whther or not He is a Sadist without your becoming a slave, necessarily. He could work within your lmits, as many Sadists do.

Contrarily, you could leave Him behind, and find, over time, with Someone else, that you ARE a slave
(your discussion shows that the idea has some appeal to you, along with the trepidation that all beginning slaves feel.)

Whether or not He would work with you in exploring His own Sadism, while you keep negotiating limits in the manner of a sub, is up to Him. you have no control over that. However, I don't share the usual belief thay once you've broken up, it's all over, turn the page, move on. There are damn few bdsm couples that stay together permanently, and in every such heavenly instance there were times that they broke up and reconciled. If broken relationships never mended, there would be NO ong-term couples.

The second question--whether you are truly a slave- is up to you to discover. If you are, your drive to find a Master whom you will give yourself too will not go away.,,and that may be as much a curse as a blessing. But, though you FEEL an urgency to answer this question there is no rush to do so, it will be there six months from now just as today (if not, it isn't real). you should take your time in finding this out....better not to try when you still feel wounded from your break-up. Make friends with one who is, or who has served as a notes, ask for advice, choose a truustworthy Master carefully. And don't decide quickly.

Good luck.

lacesundone -> RE: Sadism (5/17/2004 8:08:32 AM)

Wowwee wow. it seems there is a lot to mull around here. the answer to every question, just about, is "i don't know." i am in a learning patch here. ideas and thoughts are coming faster than i can process them, it seems. my spirits are up, i am seeking the truth about myself more than ever before, and i am excited. i know little about sadism, and one is always a little excited about something new, aren't they? is it over? it ain't over till it's over! and i am definitely not that. i appreciate the responses and will look at everything when i wake. love to You all

ShadeDiva -> RE: Sadism (5/20/2004 9:45:38 PM)

I'll merely post something along the same lines as to what I replied in another thread:

There are levels and levels of sadism. They really do not have much to do with being a dominant/top/slave/submissive/bottom. It can co exist, or not. You can be vanilla and a sadist.

That being said sadism takes on as many forms as the imagination allows.

Forcing you to wear a color you despise, say you LOATHE pink, and for a week all you are allowed to wear is pink. If YOU aren't comfortable, and the person enjoys consciously creating that discomfort ... well, as far as I am concerned they are a sadist.

Main Entry: sa·dism
Pronunciation: 'sA-"di-z&m, 'sa-
Function: noun
Etymology: International Scientific Vocabulary, from Marquis de Sade
Date: 1888
1 : a sexual perversion in which gratification is obtained by the infliction of physical or mental pain on others (as on a love object); compare MASOCHISM
2 a : delight in cruelty b : excessive cruelty
- sa·dist /'sA-dist, 'sa-/ noun
- sa·dis·tic /s&-'dis-tik also sA- or sa-/ adjective
- sa·dis·ti·cal·ly /-ti-k(&-)lE/ adverb

Pain is the main problem with this defintion, we all tend to immediately think of EXTREME pain, but that's OUR baggage, not the fault of the term itself:

Definition 1:
Main Entry: [1]pain
Pronunciation: 'pAn
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English, from Old French peine, from Latin poena, from Greek poinE payment, penalty; akin to Greek tinein to pay, tinesthai to punish, Avestan kaEnA revenge, Sanskrit cayate he revenges
Date: 14th century
2 a : usually localized physical suffering associated with bodily disorder (as a disease or an injury); also : a basic bodily sensation induced by a noxious stimulus, received by naked nerve endings, characterized by physical discomfort (as pricking, throbbing, or aching), and typically leading to evasive action b : acute mental or emotional distress or suffering : GRIEF
3 : plural : the throes of childbirth
4 : plural : trouble, care, or effort taken to accomplish something <was at pains to reassure us>
5 : one that irks or annoys or is otherwise troublesome — often used in such phrases as pain in the neck
- pain·less /-l&s/ adjective
- pain·less·ly adverb
- pain·less·ness noun
- on pain of or under pain of : subject to penalty or punishment of <made to leave the country on pain of death>

Definiton 2:

Main Entry: [2]pain
Date: 14th century
transitive senses
1 : to make suffer or cause distress to : HURT
2 : archaic : to put (oneself) to trouble or exertion
intransitive senses
1 : archaic : SUFFER
2 : to give or have a sensation of pain
Cruelty has all sorts of meanings as well but we will focus on the root, cruel:

Main Entry: cru·el
Pronunciation: 'krü(-&) l
Function: adjective
Inflected Form(s): cru·el·er or cru·el·ler; cru·el·est or cru·el·lest
Etymology: Middle English, from Old French, from Latin crudelis, from crudus
Date: 14th century
1 : disposed to inflict pain or suffering : devoid of humane feelings
2 a : causing or conducive to injury, grief, or pain <a cruel joke> b : unrelieved by leniency
synonym see FIERCE

That being said the words in THIS definition that will trip folks up is conducive and leniency, folks tend to read that as meaning it HAS to only one thing when that isn't what that word really HAS or is being used to mean:

Main Entry: con·du·cive
Pronunciation: -'dü-siv, -'dyü-
Function: adjective
Date: 1646
: tending to promote or assist <an atmosphere conducive to education>
- con·du·cive·ness noun

Main Entry: le·nien·cy
Pronunciation: 'lE-nE-&n(t)-sE, -ny&n(t)-sE
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): plural -cies
Date: 1780
1 : the quality or state of being lenient
2 : a lenient disposition or practice
synonym see MERCY

So in all reality we could easily phrase this in this manner:
A sadist is someone that delights in tending to promote without leniency either distress (think mind fuck, standing on your tippie toes for 3 hours), promoting discomfort, irritation, or extertion (think of doing situps or push ups for a few hours, or kneeling on rice, demanding hundreds of sentences, playing with nettles, or will punish without deterring from that course and gettign pleasure from seeing you comply even if you don't really into doing so at the time.

The terms we use are what WE make of them - this is WHY compatiblity and clear and honest and open communication is SO vital - he announces he's a sadist and you are having visions of being flayed and having turpentine poured into the wounds.

Being a sadist doesn't HAVE to turn him into a heartless vicious person that will really and honestly harm you.

We come in all forms and all levels of intensity - the only thing limiting us is ourselves and those that we play with. I can be downright fucking evil just by having someone that HATES getting dirty do my weeding in my garden for me barefoot, without gloves, right after I watered. lol. I change my sadistic sense to whom Im interacting with, someone that HATES cleaning with find scrubbing garbage cans, and cleaning the floor with their toothbrush (not being informed until they have finished that I already purchased and have a brand new toothbrush for them) whereas for another person that would be pure HEAVEN and they would consider it the ultimate reward.

So yanno, talk to the guy with an OPEN mind.


lacesundone -> RE: Sadism (5/22/2004 9:24:22 AM)

Thank You, ShadeDiva, for the thoughtful response, which gives much to ponder. the key is especially, i think to enter with an open mind. that is my goal.
be well,

ShadeDiva -> RE: Sadism (5/22/2004 9:42:46 AM)


ORIGINAL: lacesundone

Thank You, ShadeDiva, for the thoughtful response, which gives much to ponder. the key is especially, i think to enter with an open mind. that is my goal.
be well,

Well sweetie - I will sorta disagree with you on that one *smile*

In my opinion - the actual KEY - is open and honest communication that leaves no stone unturned, no angle left unsighted, and no room for miscommunication, and approaching such communication with that open mind, while laying out the ground work to have more moments of freely flowing communication in the future since something of this magnitude cannot be addressed in a single conversation alone to it's ultimate depths.

THAT is what you should be focusing on - how to learn to communicate with each other - otherwise you will find yourself freaking out down the road about something else.

Right now it sounds like to me he said *chair* and your brain leapt to thinking he was thinking of an electrocution chair when he said chair, while he was thinking of a tickle chair (then again for some one is as bad as the other or worse, LOL). In any case, it would be a miscommunication easily fixed if only one merely *asks* for clarification, *before* they react.



Ravenwood -> RE: Sadism (6/1/2004 10:28:28 PM)

It is a safety net of sorts to say that one is submissive and not a slave.
However,at some point when one has been in the presence and shared time with the one that can read you better than you can read yourself...the lines between sub and slave will begin to blurr. Suddenly before you know it,what once were limits,have now become desires,needs,cravings....

Those left outside looking in will never know that blurring of needs and desires...they are to busy telling the world what they don't want...most times,the very things they make a big point of saying they don't like or don't the very thing they so need the most.

Such is Life

ModeratorThree -> RE: Sadism (6/2/2004 7:09:48 PM)


i am seeking the truth about myself more than ever before, and i am excited.

This one sigle line means a great deal, I say "great for you". One must find ones self and come to an understanding before they can venture further. This, of course only in my opinion is the ultimate truth to ones self. And in my belief, the first step in becoming what you will be tomorrow or the day after.

Life throws things at us, and sometimes we have to rethink a situation, or decide if it is "this" (being generic) is what we truely seek. It can be applied in all facets of life. While at this time in life you find yourself "bound" to someone, it may in fact be a part of self discovery. A part of you that is learning, and a part that needs to learn. In the end you may come away grateful for the expierience, but none the less wiser. I say follow your heart, but let your mind lead, if that makes any sense at all. Allow yourself to grow and learn on a daily basis and find out what it is about this one person that leads you on your path. Be it discovery of how you feel emotionally to this one person, or how you feel as an individual that is growing and learning.

Never stop discovering YOU, for you are a lifelong journey with a great deal of things to learn.. and most of all, revel in the excitement of the process.

I encourage you to continue with self discovery, first and foremost. While people and situations adhere themselves to our lives, they are stepping stones to what we shall become.


*Please excuse my ramblings.. lol, had an accident and I feel the meds may be taking over *snickers*

Sinergy -> RE: Sadism (6/3/2004 3:09:45 AM)


A sadist is someone that delights in tending to promote without leniency either distress (think mind fuck, standing on your tippie toes for 3 hours), promoting discomfort, irritation, or extertion (think of doing situps or push ups for a few hours, or kneeling on rice, demanding hundreds of sentences, playing with nettles, or will punish without deterring from that course and gettign pleasure from seeing you comply even if you don't really into doing so at the time.

I think the most sadistic thing I ever did to my first submissive, who begged me to punish her when she misbehaved (almost constantly, btw) was to super glue her nose to the wall at a play party and told her to behave herself while I went and enjoyed the party.

I eventually unglued her (3 hours into the party) and she was both quite contrite and (oddly enough) extremely randy.


inyouagain -> RE: Sadism (6/3/2004 5:49:36 AM)

How does a sadist unglue superglue? [:D]

Your statement would be taken more seriously had you professed a more realistic scenario, such as supergluing your first sub's nose to a mirror... or other nonporous object, and not to a porous wall.

Granted the thought was somewhat sadistic, but reality bites.


Sinergy -> RE: Sadism (6/3/2004 8:56:05 AM)


Your statement would be taken more seriously had you professed a more realistic scenario, such as supergluing your first sub's nose to a mirror... or other nonporous object, and not to a porous wall.

Take it however you choose to take it.


ShadeDiva -> RE: Sadism (6/4/2004 7:04:11 PM)

I might mention that would depend *entirely* upon *what* the wall was covered with.

One CAN superglue things to enamel based paint (do NOT ask - LOL!) as well as fake wood paneling, or any kind of slick wall paneling, and um, you can superglue stuff to paint that isn't enamel based too, now that I think about it.

You can superglue rocks too. I've seen a kid that superglued a nerf ball to a stucco wall - both were what you could call porous.

Use enough of that stuff - it WILL fill in the holes on nearly any porous thing and then attach itself to itself and whatever other object you push into it.

So yanno, not enough info to say it is true or not really, IMO.

And acetone will usually remove most superglued stuff I've come across.


Sylverdawn -> RE: Sadism (6/4/2004 7:27:14 PM)

I dont know if you did know.. but acetone is a carcinogen .. people have a limited tolerance to it... so be careful how frequently you use it..

ShadeDiva -> RE: Sadism (6/4/2004 7:32:28 PM)

Yeah I know.

But I don't superglue a lot of stuff. Or large surfaces. hehehe

But if I superglue my fingers together fixing something - well I'll sure as hell use a bit of it to get my fingers back! LOL!

That being said, anything in massive excess could prolly be considered a carcinogen, *grin*


Estring -> RE: Sadism (6/4/2004 10:07:36 PM)

Actually, superglue will glue to anything but what it was intended for. [:D]

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