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RE: "300" The Movie - 3/11/2007 6:10:06 PM   

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Sorry you were disapointed Rosa, I still plan to go next weekend.

(in reply to RosaB)
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RE: "300" The Movie - 3/11/2007 6:13:41 PM   

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That's very kind of you.   

Most everyone else in the group enjoyed it.  So go with an open mind and who knows it might be to your liking.

Again thanks for the kind words.


< Message edited by RosaB -- 3/11/2007 6:16:15 PM >

(in reply to asubmissiveheart)
Profile   Post #: 82
RE: "300" The Movie - 3/11/2007 6:32:06 PM   

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Okay.  We can't keep our mouth shut anymore.

When Frank Miller was growing up, he saw the old movie "The 300 Spartans."  He loved it to death, and it stuck in his head forever after.

Years later, as he was beginning to establish himself as a graphic novelist with stuff like Daredevil, Dark Night Returns and Ronin, he thought back to this memory and wrote 300.

Sin City came later, and we all see the absolute beauty that turned out to be.  Whether or not you enjoy the movie, one thing is hard to refute: outside of Japan, nothing like the Sin City graphic novels has ever been so successful, and we find it hard to simply dismiss that.  Enough of this tangent, though.

When the "Last Samurai" came out, Nathan Algren, the protagonist, mentioned Thermopylae to Matsumoto to inspire him.  This struck a cord with someone, and they started doing research on it, seeing if they might be able to make a movie out of it.  Along the way, they found Frank Miller's "300."  At that point, the road was set.  300 was going to be made into a movie.

What we're getting at here is that this is NOT a historical movie.  "The 300 Spartans" was not historically accurate, "300" was not a historically accurate graphic novel, and "300" is not a historically accurate movie.  MICHEAL.  WE ARE TALKING TO YOU.  We had never seen a post by you until this thread, so now the only evidence we have to "judge" you by is the "I don't like historical movies" comment.  We still don't know exactly what to think of you, because we're not going to judge you off of this thread alone.  Everyone else seems to think some pretty strong thoughts about you, but we're not going to go there.  Because we don't judge a book simply by it's cover.  You shouldn't either.  To help you in this, and to add something interesting to this thread, in our opinion, here is the trivia on this movie from
  • The film was shot in 60 days.
  • The film was shot on green screen in Montreal.
  • There are 1500 cuts in the film, and about 1300 involve some sort of visual effect.
  • The work was photographed completely in Montreal, with the exception of two days of insert shooting in Los Angeles.
  • Ten visual effects vendors contributed to the film, spread over three continents.
  • The filmmakers used bluescreen 90% of the time, and greenscreen for 10%. They chose blue because it better matched the lighting paradigm (green would have been too bright) and because red garments (a la spartan capes) look better when shot over blue.
  • There was one day of location shooting, which was for the horses that were shot for the 'approaching sparta' scene.
  • The script demanded that most of the male cast spend the majority of their screen time bare-chested, as per Frank Miller's original graphic novel. Therefore, in order to adequately present themselves as the most well-trained and marshalled fighting force of the time, the entire principal cast underwent a rigorous and varied training regime for 6 weeks prior to shooting.
  • Sienna Miller and Silvia Colloca were each considered for the role of Queen Gorgo.

      You paying attention to this next one?  Good.
    • According to an interview with, Director Zack Snyder says that fighting styles and formations (particularly the Spartan's phalanx) were purposefully changed - making them historically inaccurate - so they'd "look cool" and work better for movie purposes.
    • The movie never claims to be historically correct. It is based somewhat loosely on Frank Miller's 1998 comic book mini-series. Changes from history were made by Miller and Snyder so as to appeal to a wider audience and create a more exciting and visually stunning action movie, rather than a typical historical epic.
    • Frank Miller was inspired by the original Battle of Thermopylae after viewing the 1962 film "The 300 Spartans" as a child. His perception of the 'hero' concept changed greatly after seeing the Spartans make their sacrifice.

      Expecting a history lesson from "300" would be like expecting a history lesson from "Titanic."  We know someone who was kicked out of a movie theater because they screamed out "THE BOAT SANK, YOU DICAPRIO FREAKS, GET OVER IT."  They weren't kicked out for disrupting the movie-going experience; they were kicked out because too many people demanded their money back for them ruining the end of the movie.

      < Message edited by Lidh2l -- 3/11/2007 6:39:13 PM >


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      (in reply to RosaB)
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      RE: "300" The Movie - 3/11/2007 6:48:59 PM   

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      This message is longer than the movie.

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      Profile   Post #: 84
      RE: "300" The Movie - 3/11/2007 8:40:52 PM   

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      A review from fergus.

      I am hard on 'historical' movies ... but I DID want to give this one a break.

      I *WOULD* have given the film a solid A- because inspite of the deviations from history, the film was damn good.  The parts that are deviations don't take away from the overall story of 300 Spartans making a brave stand against an endless wave of Persians.  There are some really nice historical quotes left in there (though changed as to who said them yadda yadda) ... like the fighting in the shade quote.

      But, I have to give the film a shaky B instead.  The speeches and dialogue made it an unsubtle clumsy propoganda film where "Spartans fighting for freedom vs. the threat from the middle east" was rammed home at every turn.  The obvious message was driven home when the 'evil' senator from Sparta even made a comment about not ALL men being created equal.

      Okay, don't get me wrong .... I don't MIND a propoganda film if the propoganda is at least done well .... or in a good context.  If they wanted to do a good propoganda film about Americans under seige fighting for good American values, they could've done an EXCELLENT film about the boys at Bastonne, or the Crossing of the Delaware, or some subject matter pertaining to Americans!  Since this was Spartans, there was no reason to try to frame their society as some sort of champion of the free individual.  Their story is inspiring enough as it is without attmepting to draw paralelles between them and our current world political situation.

      Beyong that, it really was a good film, and even with my above criticisms, worht paying theater prices for.  A lot in the film WAS historical, at least as a foundation, and the fighting scenes were excellently done.


      (in reply to asubmissiveheart)
      Profile   Post #: 85
      RE: "300" The Movie - 3/11/2007 11:03:31 PM   

      Posts: 3319
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      From: Orange County, California
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      Okay I just saw 300...yes it is not historically fact it is more comic book.  The 1962 movie 300 Spartans was more historically accurate.  I will say it is a film interesting ...I watched it and was not bored.  In fact I was with my fellow Renaissance Group and we got a few ideas on how to improve our Pike Line.  The costumes...well the Spartans had armor...and the King of Persia?  Not to mention some of the other Persian charactors.  I am still trying to figure out how you could use a Rhino as a battle weapon, the Elephants were not used at this time period.  There were some truths from the movie, like only certain Spartan Women were allowed to bear children.  New borns were exaimed and if inperfect were killed, female babies, many were killed right off..males were the ones wanted.  This is why Sparta died, a limited number of Women were allowed to have children, the gene pool was small,  inbreading, and a negative population growth.  The temple scene was more of the Temple of Delpha which was near Athens.  It is believed that the Spartans were betrayed when a "Goat Trail" was used to get around them.  The following battle where the movie ended was actually a sea battle not land, The Greeks did win it and this is the last time Persia attempted to conquer Greece.  The Queen of Sparta did make a quote that is still used by the Special Forces of the Greek Army .."Come back carrying your shield or on it".  This is said to be what Spartan Mothers told their Sons as they left for battle.


      "The love of a slave girl is the deepest and most profound love that any woman can give a man. Love makes a woman a man's slave, and the wholeness of that love requires that she be, in truth, his slave." Magicians of Gor, page 31

      (in reply to fergus)
      Profile   Post #: 86
      RE: "300" The Movie - 3/12/2007 5:37:18 AM   

      Posts: 2634
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      From: Vegas
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      Look up towards what Lidh2l said people...not historical, I dident go intending it to be historical, its a movie based off a comic book inspired by another movie that was then based of history, did any of you really think that with that many seperations from history that it would be accurate?

      And what the fuck? propaganda? Yes i'm sure Spartans fighting persians a few thousand years ago is a direct correlation, despite that the comic was made in 98 I believe, and that the comic was inspired by a movie made over 30 years ago, and i'm being generous.

      Fuck...a fun movie cant be just fun anymore it seems.


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      (in reply to Nosathro)
      Profile   Post #: 87
      RE: "300" The Movie - 3/12/2007 5:52:49 AM   

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      Greetings Master Nosathro,

      this girl muchly enjoyed the film...after all, it was filled with 300 Gorean, sorry Spartan Men, who made her belly burn.  Though not quite historically accurate, enough so that she enjoyed it. 

      well wishes,
      fairer than she


      The Nuclear Bomb of Awesome, rockin' the MoFo Hawk, still a bad-ass with a bouncy attitude, and spreading joy as a predator in Hello Kitty panties

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      (in reply to Nosathro)
      Profile   Post #: 88
      RE: "300" The Movie - 3/12/2007 6:24:04 AM   

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      Hello. =)

      We just saw it yesterday, and I loved it! It really captured the whole heroic mood of the Bronze Age. Of course, things were exaggerated, like the Persian gold body ornamentation, but that might have been exactly the way the Spartans saw them. Exotic, decadent, foreign, corrupt.

      Historical battles that happened that long ago are always dramatized and embellished. Watching the way it was shot, I could almost imagine hearing this splendid story told and re-told in old Greece. There was definitely a mythical quality about it all that's just fabulous. Don't get me wrong, I love historical fact. I just think that sometimes, stripping a larger-then-life heroic tale of it's dramatic passion just takes away the power of it. 

      On a side note, I hated Troy for just that reason. They totally "de-mythed" it and in my opinion, ruined the whole thing by doing so.

      So yeah, "300" got a thumbs up from me. And there really is something about brawny half-naked men swinging swords around that just makes my day, anyway.


      (in reply to fairerthanshe)
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      RE: "300" The Movie - 3/12/2007 9:38:30 AM   

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      I saw it on Saturday and thoroughly enjoyed it.

      The action scenes were phenomenal and my companion quite enjoyed the male eye candy. BTW Lena Headey as Queen Gorgo is both quite nice eye candy and the best actor in the movie. Her scenes are really the best part of the movie.

      (in reply to StellaByStarlite)
      Profile   Post #: 90
      RE: "300" The Movie - 3/12/2007 10:05:46 AM   

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      ORIGINAL: Nosathro

      I am still trying to figure out how you could use a Rhino as a battle weapon,

      Lovely idea, but since a Rhinocerous is not remotely submissive to a human being, this would not work at all.

      It is like trying to use a Hippo as a weapon.  This would be large mammal that kills the most humans every year.

      Jared Diamond discusses this extensively in Guns, Germs, and Steel.



      "There is a fine line between clever and stupid"
      David St. Hubbins "This Is Spinal Tap"

      "Every so often you let a word or phrase out and you want to catch it and bring it back. You cant do that, it is gone, gone forever." J. Danforth Quayle

      (in reply to Nosathro)
      Profile   Post #: 91
      RE: "300" The Movie - 3/12/2007 10:09:44 AM   

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      Saw the movie the other day. Was filled with alot of Gorean paraells for Gorean fans. Although from a historical point of view it did not truely depict how long the Spartans held the pass. And yes some of the mystical Persian elements I personally could have done without. Throw in the bad animal elements to distract from the movie. The movie as a whole was entertaining from my point of view. Espescially the Oracle...need to hit pause and rewind for us Men. Enough blood and guts flying all over to be entertaining there also. And just enough sex and political entrigue to keep the story going without bogging it down. Overall I would not rate it the best, but it definately was alot better than Alexander, but not up to the level of Troy. I would also rate it just below Heaven and Earth, but not too far due to the Gorean element. The grainy epic way the film was shot I personally did not feel that it added any to the story line. And yes I will buy it when it comes out, after its been discounted of course.

      (in reply to DomKen)
      Profile   Post #: 92
      RE: "300" The Movie - 3/12/2007 10:12:34 AM   

      Posts: 10297
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      Hi Nos, if you make the rhino really angry and point it in the
      general direction of the enemy, they would most likely either
      scatter, be trampled to death or gored.  I want one of these
      for White Sale days at major department stores!


      ORIGINAL: Nosathro
       I am still trying to figure out how you could use a Rhino as a battle weapon, the Elephants were not used at this time period. 


      "Beware, the woods at night, beware the lunar light.
      So in this gray haze we'll be meating again, and on that
      great day, I will tease you all the same."

      (in reply to Nosathro)
      Profile   Post #: 93
      RE: "300" The Movie - 3/12/2007 11:48:47 AM   

      Posts: 3319
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      From: Orange County, California
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      Greetings Master Nosathro,

      this girl muchly enjoyed the film...after all, it was filled with 300 Gorean, sorry Spartan Men, who made her belly burn.  Though not quite historically accurate, enough so that she enjoyed it. 

      well wishes,
      fairer than she

      Boy..I did really miss that aspect.  I was so focused on the historical aspect of this movie I really did not see that, YES it would be a good Gor Movie, with the film tech they have why don't they try another Gor movie or a John Carter of Mars I don't know.   King Leonidas is a highly principaled man, who goes against everything he is to uphold as King.  The Spartan Senate that is full with old men more interested in living under any conditions and it seems the only young Senator, Theron is paid off by Xerxes.  The Religous Leaders the same.  He gets 300 men to follow him, and even they have a feeling they have two chances of winning, None and Next to it.  But They go for the Honor and defend their Homes.

      Hi Nos, if you make the rhino really angry and point it in the
      general direction of the enemy, they would most likely either
      scatter, be trampled to death or gored.  I want one of these
      for White Sale days at major department stores!  

      I done a little research Rhinos have poor eyesight.  You do not want to get one mad..but they strike at moving objects.  They would run wild and not in a straight line.  Like in the movie stand still and nothing will happen.  Still there is no account of them being used.
      I have seen on HBO a making of the film and yes the actors who played the Spartans trained in groups that help build the cohereive element so need in that style of fighting and it came out in the movie.  Some from my Renaissence group think the movie would make a good training film for our Pike Line.


      "The love of a slave girl is the deepest and most profound love that any woman can give a man. Love makes a woman a man's slave, and the wholeness of that love requires that she be, in truth, his slave." Magicians of Gor, page 31

      (in reply to Vendaval)
      Profile   Post #: 94
      RE: "300" The Movie - 3/12/2007 11:50:36 AM   

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      ORIGINAL: Sinergy

      Jared Diamond discusses this extensively in Guns, Germs, and Steel.


      Oooo, the Mister has been eyeing that book for a few months now. Is it worth buying?


      (in reply to Sinergy)
      Profile   Post #: 95
      RE: "300" The Movie - 3/12/2007 4:37:38 PM   

      Posts: 9383
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      ORIGINAL: Vendaval

      Hi Nos, if you make the rhino really angry and point it in the
      general direction of the enemy, they would most likely either
      scatter, be trampled to death or gored.  I want one of these
      for White Sale days at major department stores!


      ORIGINAL: Nosathro
       I am still trying to figure out how you could use a Rhino as a battle weapon, the Elephants were not used at this time period. 

      If you make a rhino really angry it will attack you.

      One quick and easy way to make a rhino angry is to get within charging distance.



      "There is a fine line between clever and stupid"
      David St. Hubbins "This Is Spinal Tap"

      "Every so often you let a word or phrase out and you want to catch it and bring it back. You cant do that, it is gone, gone forever." J. Danforth Quayle

      (in reply to Vendaval)
      Profile   Post #: 96
      RE: "300" The Movie - 3/12/2007 4:38:43 PM   

      Posts: 9383
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      ORIGINAL: StellaByStarlite


      ORIGINAL: Sinergy

      Jared Diamond discusses this extensively in Guns, Germs, and Steel.


      Oooo, the Mister has been eyeing that book for a few months now. Is it worth buying?


      I am currently reading The Third Chimpanzee.  His work is awe inspiring.

      My favorite so far was Collapse, and a close second is Why Is Sex Fun?

      Run, dont walk, and buy him a copy :)



      "There is a fine line between clever and stupid"
      David St. Hubbins "This Is Spinal Tap"

      "Every so often you let a word or phrase out and you want to catch it and bring it back. You cant do that, it is gone, gone forever." J. Danforth Quayle

      (in reply to StellaByStarlite)
      Profile   Post #: 97
      RE: "300" The Movie - 3/13/2007 2:48:27 AM   

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      It was a righteous, gory romp, graphic and heroic and mythical – as it intended to be. Unapologetic romanticism.

      I agree that it got too preachy but I didn’t read it as West versus East propaganda, just lame motivations. As much as the Battle of Thermopylae halted the Persian invasion of Europe, I find it hard to believe the Spartans did it for the cause of freedom and reason over tyranny and superstition. Reason was a somewhat later ideal espoused by those “boy loving Athenians”. Spartans were as expansionist and superstitious as any bronze-age culture. Their motivation was to protect their land and families. There was no need to give them any more incentive than that.     Z.


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      (in reply to Sinergy)
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      RE: "300" The Movie - 3/13/2007 4:31:23 AM   

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      "'300' a multi-pronged box-office triumph"

      By SANDY COHEN, AP Entertainment Writer
      Mon Mar 12, 10:04 PM ET
      "An ancient battle. A little-known director. An R rating. No major movie stars. 
      These are the unlikely ingredients of the weekend's top-grossing film, "300." It earned almost $71 million, making it the best March movie opening in history.";_ylt=Ag9nQmdp9baZOw4vu5bIA.MwFxkF

      (Edited for formatting)

      < Message edited by Vendaval -- 3/13/2007 4:32:40 AM >


      "Beware, the woods at night, beware the lunar light.
      So in this gray haze we'll be meating again, and on that
      great day, I will tease you all the same."

      (in reply to Zensee)
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      RE: "300" The Movie - 3/15/2007 11:19:35 AM   

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      My advisor and I were talking about it and he told me that in a few clips he's seen there are some blond, nice looking, leather wearing but no weapon carrying or armor wearing men in the back ground.

      Then he asked me: "Do you think those are supposed to be helots as boytoys for the Spartans?"

      I started laughing so hard.


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