RE: Myers-Briggs personality types (Full Version)

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KatyLied -> RE: Myers-Briggs personality types (3/3/2007 7:48:38 PM)


INFP here...anyone know the secret handshake?

Talk to justheather

SusanofO -> RE: Myers-Briggs personality types (3/3/2007 8:24:31 PM)

cloudboy is an INFP, too (he told me).

INFJ brag: INFJ's strengths include their intellectual prowess, their personal idealism, and their gentle and caring concern for humanity. Few people appreciate the rich, inner life of the INFJ, and how steeped it is in imaginative, creative ideas and concepts. INFJ's can easily spend and entire day dreaming and envisioning.
INFJ's are not given to rocking the boat, but when their goals and ideals are on the line, they can "take-on the best of them", and win. They're not all talk: They deliver the goods.  

INFJ flaws: They have a tendency to become severely depressed when their ideals go unfulfilled, or others fail to support their cause...they will begin to distort reality and bury themselves in despair, thinking: "Nobody gives a damn. What a fool I was to have thought otherwise."

They can also overpersonalize events that may not even concern them. Once an INFJ has taken on an issue or situation, a simple issue can escalate into a major disaster; they seem to believe it becomes their total responsibilty, and they now have an obligation to "make things right." Anything from an unhappy colleague, to the needs of a Third World Country, can be translated into a personal failure, giving way to self-depracation.   

They can also have a propensity for making the simple complex, and making mountains out of molehills. A disagreement over a company's new lunch-room regulations can quickly evolve from a simple dispute over rules, into a crusade for ending world-wide hunger. Others are mystified as they watch this happen, and it can become impossible to reason with the INFJ.

*From the book Type Talk At Work by Janet M. Thusen (I don't have a  book on the M-B test and personal relationships, but thought this might help the other INFJs out there a little, or those who are their partners).

- Susan

ExSteelAgain -> RE: Myers-Briggs personality types (3/3/2007 8:35:07 PM)



cloudboy is an INFP, too (he told me).

- Susan

He must be a hell of a guy then. MySweetSubmissive said earlier in the thread she is, too. So there are two Doms and two subs in the group so far. Interesting.

SusanofO -> RE: Myers-Briggs personality types (3/3/2007 8:44:36 PM)

He is. I lke INFP's. I think they have good hearts, generally (you included, of course, from what I see).

Under the description in my M-B book, it says they make life Kinder and Gentler. How could that ever be bad?

Wait. Don't answer that, you whip-wielding man, hehe[;)] [:D]

INFP description: "Whether leading or following, INFPs work best and are most productive when the effort reflects some ideal or service. Work performed for the sake of work, and meaninglesss routine, can render this type listless, and even rebellious."

"The INFP's everyday life-style is easy-going, adaptable, and perceiving. Intellectually astute and competent. All of which makes for a reserved, yet warm and gracious type, who is frequently comfortable to "live and let live". It is only in the domain of their own values that the INFP can become somewhat controlling. It is necessary that they find personal meaning in their work to be motivated. They may have much more intense reactions to events than is communicated. They do a good job of blending productivity and compassion, and engender fierce loyalty among any subordinates. If the atmosphere becomes too negative or toxic, they can becomes restless, and fall into the avoidance-patterns typical of the F types."

*sorry it's from a book related to offices and cubicles, but its the only one I've got at home. It's from the same book mentioned before.

- Susan 

ExSteelAgain -> RE: Myers-Briggs personality types (3/3/2007 8:53:31 PM)

Maybe it is the power of suggestion or something, but, I swear, I read the description and famous examples of INFP'ers and I did feel a connection.

SusanofO -> RE: Myers-Briggs personality types (3/3/2007 8:58:51 PM)

Yeah. When I read my M-B descriptor for the first time (it was not the one above, but in another book at an office after I did it for work one time), everything made sense to me, and some things that I'd always felt weird about clicked into place for me.

- Susan 

KnightofMists -> RE: Myers-Briggs personality types (3/3/2007 9:08:34 PM)

well I am profiled as an INTJ.....

No big surprize... have taken the test more than a few times over the years... and I am always in this group.

szobras -> RE: Myers-Briggs personality types (3/3/2007 9:08:50 PM)

INFJ ~ Admittidly, I am quite a private person for the most part, and prefer it that way.
"Speaking to the world wide web".lol

FirmhandKY -> RE: Myers-Briggs personality types (3/3/2007 9:10:31 PM)


I've done the MB thing several times, but I think there is another test and personality scheme that is more accurate and takes into account a better continum:  The Enneagram test.

Detailed breakdown and discussion of the 9 main Enneagram types.

A free online test.

I'm a Type 8: The Chief.

General comments

The Powerful, Dominating Type: Self-Confident, Decisive, Aggressive, and Combative

Basic Fear: Of being harmed or controlled by others
Basic Desire: To protect themselves, to be in control of their own life and destiny

The Eight with a Seven-Wing: "The Maverick"

The Eight with a Nine-Wing: "The Bear"

Potential Neuroses: Antisocial and Sadistic Personality Disorders

Key Motivations: Want to be self-reliant, to prove their strength and resist weakness, to be important in their world, to dominate the environment, and to stay in control of their situation.

Expanded Profile


Self-assertive, self-confident, and strong: have learned to stand up for what they need and want. A resourceful, "can do" attitude and passionate inner drive. Decisive, authoritative, and commanding: the natural leader others look up to. Take initiative, make things happen: champion people, provider, protective, and honorable, carrying others with their strength.

At Their Best: Become self-restrained and magnanimous, merciful and forbearing, mastering self through their self-surrender to a higher authority. Courageous, willing to put self in serious jeopardy to achieve their vision and have a lasting influence. May achieve true heroism and historical greatness.

I think if you put much effort into reading about Enneagrams, you'll leave Myers-Briggs behind as primitive.


SusanofO -> RE: Myers-Briggs personality types (3/3/2007 9:23:16 PM)

I took the Enneagram. On it, I am a "9" (The "Peacemaker"). We are (supposedly) basically content to live life the way it is, and only really dire circumstances will "light a fire" to get us riled to change a situation, because we don't want to "make waves." But, we are supposedly also excellent negotiators (true), and will step in to try to solve a dis-agreement, if only because our aspirin supply is getting low, he.[:D]

Under ideal conditions, I've read, a 9  becomes more like a 3 ("The Motivator"), and under adverse conditions, a 9 becomes more like a 6 ("The Skeptic"). I do think the Enneagram is interesting. The 1's ("Reformers") usually make me a little nervous, though (sorry 1's). 

I like all the types (of course I do. I am a 9), but I always thought the 7's ("Enthusiasts") were expecially interesting, because they want to "experience it all" and do things like bungee-jump for fun, just to see what it's like. I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of bdsm folk were 7's.  

My God. Let's hope I never suffer such a fate as to turn into a: "shattered, dependent, schizoid, catatonic shell, with multiple personalities possible", as was written could happen to a 9 who is really suffering a very bad turn of events. I do like the descriptions of what a type is like under ideal, average and terrible circumstances, though, on the Enneagram Institute Page listed.

Interesting that Abraham  Lincoln and Joseph Campbell were also 9's.

- Susan

sublizzie -> RE: Myers-Briggs personality types (3/3/2007 9:27:26 PM)

Thank you for posting a link to the enneagrams test. Turns out I'm a 2, which doesn't surprise me after reading about it. Looks like I have some new challenges to tackle.

DefiantFlower -> RE: Myers-Briggs personality types (3/3/2007 9:38:04 PM)

Well it seems we ENFP's are rare indeed lol. And from what I know, this has a HUGE effect on my approach to BDSM...appreciating the more emotional/mental and sensual aspects.

Edited to add that I scored as a 7 (The Enthusiast) and 2 (The Helper) on the Enneagram. 

mewmew -> RE: Myers-Briggs personality types (3/3/2007 9:44:37 PM)

"What's yer Myers-Briggs type?" is like the "What's yer sign?" of the 21st century. ;)

I'm ENFP...we're the flakey-perky-butterfly-scatterbrains of the MB types. Come on, I can't be the only one!

Edit: LOL...of course the other one would turn up while I post.

FirmhandKY -> RE: Myers-Briggs personality types (3/3/2007 9:47:24 PM)


ORIGINAL: sublizzie

Thank you for posting a link to the enneagrams test. Turns out I'm a 2, which doesn't surprise me after reading about it. Looks like I have some new challenges to tackle.

You're welcome.  [:D]

One of the things I like about the Enneagrams is that it gives both the "good side" and the "dark side" of a personality type, and reasons that the same person can have a negative and a positive impact on others.

A type 2 doesn't need "a lot of work".  They just need someone that really loves them.

So ... I'd say any "work" you had to do, would be more along the lines of conducting a careful search, lizzie.


Hime -> RE: Myers-Briggs personality types (3/3/2007 9:47:33 PM)

On the Enneagram I scored a "Tie" between Type 3 (the achiever) and Type 8 (the challenger). 

Both tests have been very accurate in deciphering my personality.

~ xoxo

Evanesce -> RE: Myers-Briggs personality types (3/3/2007 9:49:22 PM)

I've taken this test many times, and it always comes out the same:  INTJ

yesiwill2007 -> RE: Myers-Briggs personality types (3/3/2007 9:51:07 PM)

I'm an INTP/INFP (with about a 51/49 T/F split, depending on my mood the day of the test)

On the whole, the INFP description fits me very well, outside of business situations, where the "T" can dominate.

(I guess it's no surprise that i'm mostly submissive... but with some latent gentle-dom fantasies that i've never explored)

I came out as a pretty solid 2 on the enneagram, which is also consistent. (And i'm a first-time poster, to boot)

DefiantFlower -> RE: Myers-Briggs personality types (3/3/2007 9:56:49 PM)

lol...I would not say I'm flakey. But the rest is pretty much right  [;)]

mewmew -> RE: Myers-Briggs personality types (3/3/2007 10:02:47 PM)

Teehee...did I mention we're also prone to hyperbole? ;D I's just SO entertaining to make light of ENFP stereotypes.

mythi -> RE: Myers-Briggs personality types (3/3/2007 10:03:10 PM)

INTJ as well, although I've always felt that the alternate name "Contingency Planner" fit me better than "Mastermind".  [;)] 

Either way it fits me tho... I analyze and overthink everything; naturally see subtle, underlying patterns; and automatically systemize and organize chaos into order whether you want me to or not...aka Monk moments. lol

INTJ... "It's a blessing...and a curse."

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